[ 发表于: Research for Rural Development ]

结果 1-7 的 7

Improving citrus production in Surinam through control of citrus tristeza and citrus exocortis viruses


Klas, J.E. (Agricultural Experiment Station, Paramaribo (Suriname))

CAGRIS-Library Services Unit, Research Division, Central Experiment Station, Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Marine - Trinidad and Tobago

Indexing for citrus virus diseases in Guyana - a brief review


Muller, G.J. (Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute, Georgetown (Guyana))

CAGRIS-Library Services Unit, Research Division, Central Experiment Station, Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Marine - Trinidad and Tobago

Phytosanitation in St. Lucia


St Hill, T. (St. Lucia Banana Growers' Association, Castries (St. Lucia))

CAGRIS-Library Services Unit, Research Division, Central Experiment Station, Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Marine - Trinidad and Tobago

Improved citrus production through improved phytosanitation in Belize


Garcia, F.P. (Citrus Growers' Association, Dangria (Belize))

CAGRIS-Library Services Unit, Research Division, Central Experiment Station, Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Marine - Trinidad and Tobago

Citrus sanitary conditions in Martinique: a possibility for a regional bank of germplasm


Mademba-Sy, F. (Institut de Recherches sur les Fruits et Agrumes, Fort-de-France, Martinique)

CAGRIS-Library Services Unit, Research Division, Central Experiment Station, Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Marine - Trinidad and Tobago

Producing disease-free citrus plants: the Corsican experience


Vanniere, H. (Institut de Recherches sur les Fruits et Agrumes, San Nicolao (France))

CAGRIS-Library Services Unit, Research Division, Central Experiment Station, Ministry of Agriculture, Land and Marine - Trinidad and Tobago

Cassava in the third millennium: modern production, processing, use, and marketing systems


Álvarez, Elizabeth | Bellotti, Anthony C. | Calvert, Lee A. | Arias V., Bernardo | Cadavid López, Luis Fernando | Pineda López, Benjamín | Llano Rodríguez, Germán Alberto | Cuervo Ibáñez, Maritza | Ospina, B. | Ceballos, H.

International Livestock Research Institute - Kenya