结果 11-20 的 112
Amélioration génétique caprine à Lubumbashi (RDC): 3. Analyse de la croissance de chevreaux hybrides F1 Boer x race locale | Goat breeding in Lubumbashi (DRC): 3. Hybrid kids growth analysis F1 Boer X local breed
Kalenga, H.K. | Vandenput, Sandrina | Antoine-Moussiaux, Nicolas | Moula, Nassim | Kashala, J.C.K. | Farnir, Frédéric | Leroy, Pascal
peer reviewed | La productivité des chevreaux hybrides F1 en élevage extensif à Lubumbashi a été estimée à partir des taux de mortalité et des performances de croissance, en comparaison avec celle des chevreaux Boers «purs» et des chevreaux locaux. Le taux de mortalité pré-sevrage (0-90 jours) observé pour les chevreaux locaux, Boers et hybrides était respectivement de 14,65 % (17/116) (voir partie 2: analyse de la croissance des chevreaux locaux), 16,1 % (10/62) et 8,98 % (15/167) dans l’ensemble pour les deux sexes. Les performances de croissance des Boers étaient de 2,40 ±0,31 kg à la naissance; 6,80±0,84 kg à 1 mois; 14,2±1,59 kg à 3 mois; 17,9±1,15 kg à 6 mois et, 24,7±1,39 kg à 9 mois. La variance de poids moyen était plus élevée à 3 mois, ensuite à 9 mois. Les gains moyens quotidiens étaient respectivement de 143 g/j (0-1 mois); 123 g/j (1-3 mois); 41,1 g/j (3-6 mois) et 75,5 g/j (6-9 mois). Les performances de croissance des chevreaux hybrides étaient de 2,18 ± 0,46 kg à la naissance; 5,10±1,22 kg à 1 mois; 9,17±1,94 kg à 3 mois; 14,2±2,64 kg à 6 mois et, 21,6±2,59 kg à 9 mois. La variance de poids moyen était plus élevée à 3 mois, ensuite à 9 mois. Les gains moyens quotidiens étaient respectivement de 94,1 g/j (0-1 mois); 65,7 g/j (1-3 mois); 56,5 g/j (3-6 mois); 83,9 g/j (6-9 mois). Le gain moyen quotidien était plus élevé en saison sèche avant sevrage; après le sevrage les chevreaux nés en saison de pluies ont eu un gain moyen quotidien plus élevé que ceux nés en saison sèche. Ainsi, l’introduction de sang Boer doit s’accompagner préalablement d’une amélioration des conditions d’élevage.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Greenhouse gas emissions from livestock production in rural area of Algeria, the case of Chemini (Kabylie)
Moula, Nassim | Salhi, A. | Touazi, L. | Philippe, François-Xavier
peer reviewed | The Algerian agricultural sector faces the challenge to meet the food needs of its population despite low agricultural capacity, resulting in increasing pressure on natural resources. This paper aims to inventory the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions related to livestock sector in the rural area of Chemini (province of Bejaia), taking into account the emissions due to enteric fermentation, in the form of methane, and manure management, in the form of methane and nitrous oxide. Emissions intensity, expressed in CO2- equivalents (CO2-eq) per kg of edible protein, was included in the study. Ruminants contribute to 94% of livestock GHG emissions and to 53% of protein production, with a large share due to cattle. The main part of emissions is related to enteric fermentation. High-producing cattle present the lowest emission intensity of the ruminant category with 24 kg CO2-eq per kg protein. Chickens produce 2.7% of livestock related emissions but provide 47% of animal protein. It results in low emission intensities whereas important difference is noticed between backyard and industrialized systems (around 21 versus 1 kg CO2-eq per kg protein, respectively). Improvement of animal performance should contribute to mitigate the environmental impact of livestock production in Algeria.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Effect of complementation of Setaria palidefusca and Imperata cylindrica with Adenodolichos rhomboideus, Stylosanthes guianensis or Leucaena leucocephala on growth of local goat at Lubumbashi
Tshibangu Muamba, Innocent | Kiatoko Mangueye, Honoré | Hornick, Jean-Luc
peer reviewed | Hays of graminaceous species (I. cylindrica and S. palidefusca) of low quality (30g/kg dry matter (DM) Crude Protein (CP) was offered to 16 goats (8 males, 8 females), alone or with one of three tropical leguminous plants (153g/kg, 104g/kg and 305,6g/kg DM respectively). The supplementation increased total DM, energy and CP intakes and consequently allowed the weight of the goats to increase. The fodder of L. leucocephala gave the best results, while that of S. guianensis gave the lowest. Fodder of A. rhomboideus is a potential nitrogen-source supplement for poor fodder in the dry season for ruminants.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Agriculture in the rural-urban continuum: a CGIAR research perspective
Drechsel, Pay | Keraita, Bernard N.
Thirsty and hungry cities are posing significant challenges for the urban-rural interface ranging from food security to inter-sectoral water allocation. Not only is the supply of resources to urban centres a growing challenge in low-income countries, but even more is the urban return flow, as investments in waste management and sanitation, ie the ‘ultimate food waste’, are not able to keep pace with population growth. And where polluted water is used in irrigation to feed the cities, food safety is becoming a crucial component of food security. Most affected by resource competition and pollution are the urban and peri-urban farming systems which are often driven by the informal sector. Urban waste is not only a challenge but also offers opportunities. It is in this interface between agriculture and sanitation where the CGIAR operates through its research programme on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE), addressing both the challenges and opportunities of urbanisation: by exploring novel perspectives and solutions to respond to changing population dynamics, resource demands, centralised water and nutrient flows, and ecosystem services under pressure.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]The effect of planting density on potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) minituber number, weight and multiplication rate
Dimante, I., State Priekuli Plant Breeding Inst., Priekuli, Priekuli parish, Priekuli Municipality (Latvia) | Gaile, Z., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
The study was aimed to investigate the effect of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) in vitro plantlets planting density under greenhouse conditions on obtained minitubers number per unit area, multiplication rate and their weight distribution. Three cultivars of different maturity (‘Monta’ – early maturity, ‘Prelma’ – medium early and ‘Mandaga’ – medium late maturity) were used for the study. In vitro plantlets were planted in a greenhouse of State Priekuli Plant Breeding Institute, Latvia in 2014 at four planting densities (PDs) 63 plants per square m, 95 plants per square m, 142 plants per m2 and 184 plants per square m respectively. Fertilized peat was used as a substratum. Significant effect of planting density (p is less than 0.001) and cultivar (p is less than 0.01) was found on analyzed yield parameters. Increased planting densities resulted in increased minitubers number per square m (from 272 minutubers mE-2 at PD 63 plants mE-2 to 414 minutubers mE-2 at PD 184 plants mE-2), decreased multiplication rate (4.3 to 2.7 minitubers per planted plant) and mean fresh weight of minitubers (from 20.26. g to 12.11 g). The highest increase of minitubers number per m2 was observed within size (weight) range 3 to 5 g. Minitubers number per m2 increase within bigger size ranges (5 to 10 g, 10 to 20 g) was less pronounced. Slight insignificant (p=0.330) decrease of minitubers number is greater than 20 g was observed in relation of planting density increase (112 minitubers mE-2 at PD 95 plants mE-2 to 84 minitubers mE-2 at PD 184 plants mE-2).
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Divided harvesting method. The impact of agricultural technology on the yield of energy hay
Bender, A., Estonian Crop Research Inst., Jogeva, Jogeva parish (Estonia) | Tamm, S., Estonian Crop Research Inst., Jogeva, Jogeva parish (Estonia)
In Estonia, the most promising perennial grass used as raw material for production of heat energy is reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea L.). Nordic countries (Finland, Sweden) implement a technology including single harvest of the above-ground biomass from frozen soil early in spring. This technology cannot be used in Estonia as the ground does not freeze to the extent of bearing harvesting machines every year. Harvesting in spring is virtually impossible as herbage lodges excessively under the snow weight. A divided harvesting method of reed canarygrass was tested in field trials in 2010–2013 at the Estonian Crop Research Institute. Herbages were cut in July at the height of 60–65 cm, mass was dried as hay, stubble hay was left to grow and was harvested next spring before the growth started but soil had become dry. The effect of seeding rate, row spacing and nitrogen fertilizer on the dry matter yield of reed canarygrass was investigated. The amount of produced heat by trial variants was calculated. The variant with narrow spacing (15 cm), seeding rate of 8 kg haE-1 and usage of fertilizer N70 in the beginning of growth and N70 kg haE-1 after the first cut was giving the best results. Two cuts of this variant yielded on average 8.12 t haE-1 per year, of which the stubble hay, harvested in spring and with better combustion properties, made 64%. Energetic value of the yield was 138 GJ haE-1 per year.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Testing sapropel (Gyttja) as soil amendment: assessment of plant germination and early seedling development
Vincevica-Gaile, Z., University of Latvia, Riga (Latvia) | Stapkevica, M., University of Latvia, Riga (Latvia) | Stankevica, K., University of Latvia, Riga (Latvia) | Burlakovs, J., University of Latvia, Riga (Latvia)
Sapropel or gyttja are the terms that relate to specific water body sediments containing a high level of organic matter formed from the remains of water biota mixed with mineral components. One of the most promising utilisation ways of sapropel is agriculture and forestry where this natural material can be used as soil amendment to enrich soil fertility, neutralise acidity, improve water capacity and reduce phytoavailablity of excess of metallic elements. The aim of this study was to perform plant germination and early seedling tests using various sapropel samples and to reveal response of plant development depending on the type of sapropel to be used as soil amendment. Pure natural sapropel and sapropel/sand substrate of such types as peaty, organic-sandy, cyanobacteria, green algae and carbonatic sapropel, derived from four lakes of eastern Latvia, were tested. Seeds of cucumber Cucumis sativus and tomato Solanum lycopersicum as dicotyledons and perennial rye-grass Lolium perenne as monocotyledon were chosen for the experiment. Seed germination and early seedling tests were performed in PHYTOTESTKIT plates. Seeds were germinated in thermostat at a temperature of 26 °C for 7 days but early seedling development was achieved after 23- 30 days (depending on plant species) under daylight conditions at a temperature of 20 °C. Developed radicles and hypocotyls were measured, shoots and roots were weighed. The obtained results showed a distinctive effect of applied sapropel type on the development of plants depending on species and substrate – substrate containing pure natural sapropel is effective for cucumber and perennial rye-grass, but not for tomato.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]The body condition score and live weight influence on predicted nitrogen excretion with urine
Petrovska, S., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Jonkus, D., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
The purpose of research was to analyze dairy cows (Bos taurus) milk productivity according to the calving body condition score (BCS) and to predict the nitrogen output with urine according to BCS and live weight. The research was carried out at the Research and Study farm ‘Vecauce’ of Latvia University of Agriculture. Data were collected from 55 dairy cows during October 2013 to October 2014. Dairy cows were from different breeds (Holstein Black and White, red breed cows with Holstein blood more than 40% and crossbreeds) and different lactations. Cows were grouped in two groups for the estimation of BCS effect on the analyzed traits: BCS is less than or equal to 2.5 and BCS is greater than or equal to 2.6. BCS was estimated at calving and in monthly recording control days. Nadir value of BCS is greater than or equal to 2.6 group was 2.64 ± 0.06 points on the third control day, but 2.46 ± 0.08 points of BCS is less than or equal to 2.5 on the second control day. Calving live weight of BCS is less than or equal to 2.5 and BCS is greater than or equal to 2.6 groups were 613.8 ± 13.3 kg and 651.1 ± 11.4 kg. The highest milk yield was observed in BCS is greater than or equal to 2.6 group until the third control day, the highest fat content was observed in this group, but the highest protein content was in BCS is less than or equal to 2.5 group. Milk urea content was not significantly affected by calving BCS, but milk urea content of BCS is greater than or equal to 2.5 group ranged from 23.2 ± 1.86 to 30.9 ± 1.98 mg dLE-1, and from 20.6 ± 1.53 to 30.2 ± 2.27 mg dLE-1 in BCS is greater than or equal to 2.6 group. A significantly higher urinary nitrogen output was observed from BCS is greater than or equal to 2.6 group on the second control day – 237.8 ± 8.1 g dayE-1 (p is less than 0.05).
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Technological properties of pea and buckwheat flours and their blends
Beitane, I., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Krumina-Zemture, G., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Sabovics, M., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
Pea and buckwheat flours are gluten free and have high nutritional value; therefore they are advisable for frequent consumption. The addition of pea and buckwheat flours to products changes their nutritional value and technological properties significantly. The aim of the research was to investigate the starch content, colour and rheological properties of pea and buckwheat flours and their blends. Results showed that pea flour had a higher content of starch than wheat and buckwheat flours, pea-buckwheat flour blends and formed the largest part of dry matter. The peak, holding, final, breakdown and setback viscosities of buckwheat flour, in turn, were significantly higher than those of wheat (control) and pea flours. Buckwheat flour provided higher peak, holding, final, breakdown and setback viscosities and lower starch gelatinization temperature in flour blends. The highest lightness was demonstrated by the control sample, whereas the lowest by the buckwheat flour which had the highest redness value a* comparing with other flours and blends. Pea flour showed significantly higher yellowness b* in comparison with other samples, with the exception of flour blend with 60%PF + 40%BF. Colour values could be changed significantly by blending buckwheat and pea flours. It is possible to increase L* and b* values of buckwheat flour with pea flour and a* value of pea flour with buckwheat flour in flour blends. Results of farinograph showed that buckwheat flour was characterized by a long development time; high stability and high farinograph quality number (FQN), whereas pea flour and pea-buckwheat flour blends had short development time, low stability and low FQN.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Rheological properties of whole grain wheat, rye and hull-less barley flour blends for pasta production
Kalnina, S., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Rakcejeva, T., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Kunkulberga, D., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
Whole grain flour can be considered as a good candidate for pasta fortification due to the health benefits. Literature reports pasta dough fortification with non-traditional ingredients and cereals. Therefore, the purpose of the current research was to investigate rheological properties of whole grain flour blends for pasta production. Flour blends were made from wheat flour (type 405) in a combination with other flours (whole grain wheat, rye or hull-less barley flour) in various proportions (from 10% to 50%). Wheat flour type 405 was used as a control. Rheological properties of dough were analysed using Farinograph AT (Brabender, GmbH and Co.KG., Germany) and starch gelatinization properties of flour starch using Amylograph-E (Brabender GmbH and Co.KG., Germany); moisture content of flour samples (AACC 44-15A from 2000). The results of present research demonstrate that rheological properties of dough decrease if the amount of whole grain flour in blend increases. It was concluded that water absorption and dough development time of dough with whole grain flour blends addition is less than the parameters of control wheat flour (type 405). However, a higher starch gelatinization was obtained for flour blends with whole wheat grain flour, comparing to blends with whole rye and hull-less barley grain flour, which mainly could be explained with a higher gluten content of whole wheat grain flour.
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