结果 1131-1140 的 2,007
Experimental research of ozone using in grain drying
Lauva, A. | Palabinskis, J.
Decrease of the consumption of energy resources is possible if grain is actively dry at low air temperatures, which also has a more favourable effect on a single grain. By using the new low-temperature technologies in grain drying, the same effect can be reached as by using grain dryers with high air heating temperatures. One of such technologies could be active drying of the grain layer at low air temperatures in ozone medium. Laboratory experiments show that the carried out moisture from grain is more efficient is active drying is performed using ozonized air. The presence of ozone in grain active drying process increases the amount of carried out moisture. Ozone when decaying to ordinary oxygen creates additional energy, which can be efficiently used in grain drying. As a result, grain drying is accelerated and energy consumption is decreased. Laboratory experiments prove the effectiveness of the presence of ozone in grain active drying process.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]The pollutant spread and stream self-purification modelling with differential equations
Purvinis, O. | Sidlauskas, V. | Sukys, P.
The paper analyses possibilities to model the concentration of DIN - a harmful pollutant from the eutrophication point of view-contained in the stream and self-purification processes of the stream. During the studies the data of a small right affluent of the river Musa (administrative district of Birzai) was used. The data comprised results of natural observations about the changes in DIN concentrations during the vegetation period and cold period of the year. The model of pollution dispersion through the stream is a parabolic differential equation with partial derivates, initial as well as boundary conditions. Constant DIN pollution in a stream stretch containing constant hydrological parameters and adequate environment conditions is proportional to the concentration of pollutants inflow. Further from the pollution source the constant pollution is exponentially decreasing. At the distance expressed by x (m) from the initial pollution concentration c0 measuring place, DIN concentration is expressed by C(x) = c0eE-0.00017x in the cold season of the year and by in C(x) = c0eE-0.00031x during the vegetation period. The stream polluted in the result of agricultural activity, further flowing through forest-covered area is significantly purified already at a 1.5 km stretch. Relatively, DIN concentration decreases about 3.8 times a day during the vegetation period and about 2.7 times a day during the cold season of the year.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Effect of grown plants on drainage water quality
Miseviciene, S.
In 1999-2003, the investigations were carried out in Juodkiskis study object of Water Management Institute of Lithuanian University of Agriculture. Study scheme is composed of three treatments: treatment I -slurry applied, treatment II - mineral fertilizers applied; treatment III - no fertilization. Test field is drained, drain spacing is 15 m; draining depth is 1.2 m. During the crop rotation the following plants were grown: spring wheat with undercrop, red clover (1st year of use), red clover (2nd year of use), sugar beet, and spring rape. The objective of studies was to determine the effect of cultivated crops on drainage water quality. As the study results have show, N total concentrations contained in drainage water increased due to higher fertilization rates and inorganic nitrogen accumulated in the soil. Neither fertilization nor amount of mobile phosphorous contained in the soil made any effect on Ptotal concentrations in drainage water. In arable land, Ntotal concentrations contained in drainage water were 2.3 times higher than those in drainage water of the field, where red clover was grown. Ptotal concentrations were higher in the field with red clover. According to the rates determined in Lithuania, drainage water is not polluted with phosphorus, while average annual Ntotal concentrations exceeded the maximum allowable (MAC) when spring wheat with undercrop and sugar beet was grown.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Assessing public perception of urban landscape with use of photographic method
Zigmunde, D.
The study looks at a non - traditional way of perception and assessment of urban landscape, using the photographic method. Advantages and disadvantages of this method have been explained. As an example, a complicated urban area with different landscapes types, including historical, aesthetical, functional and emotional aspects, has been studied. The territory in the existing functional zones was mapped. Typical or representative views of each functional zone were photographed. Out of 590 slides, 25 were chosen and presented on a wall in an auditorium. For each slide, six questions were asked, which represented a public perception of landscapes from the standpoint of Environmental Psychology. These were: the aesthetical value, harmony, order and sense of locality, variety of forms and diversity, secrecy, safety. The results show differences of perception between men and women, younger and older people, and locals and visitors. Most of the respondents were Latvian, and for that reason cultural and mentality aspect was one of the most important the results of this study. Almost everybody chose slides with harmonized, safe and greener space, which are the main features of the historical Latvian country yard.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Development of agricultural information system in Lithuania
Raupeliene, A. | Perkumiene, D.
Analysis of statistical reports provided by the Statistical Department of Lithuania shows that a rapidly increasing number of agricultural enterprises are using computers for the preparation of documents and processing of accounts, and the internet for sourcing information and sending correspondence to business partners and other institutions. There is also a steady increase in the number of a-services, such as transference of payments, which are available via the internet. To identify the needs of agricultural specialists and rural citizens for e-services, a survey of available on-line services and potentially necessary e-services was carried out in August 2004. On the basis of these responses, the e-services of most importance to agricultural institutions and rural citizens now and in the near future were identified. These results also could be useful for other newly-joined EU countries of central and Eastern Europe.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Documentary and institutional system (framework) of European Union Cohesion Fund
Abolina, I.
The research work of current paper is dedicated to the problems that appear in resource attraction processes of the Cohesion Fund (CF) in Latvia. Latvia has an access to branches of financing covered by CF - transport and environment. These branches require harmonized legislation. Successful administrating is assured by effective institutional system. The weaknesses of CF management system in Latvia are figured out so rendering ideas to the reader to be studied further.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]The real exchange rate and competitiveness in Latvia
Freimane, R.
The main aim of the paper is to analyse influence of the real exchange rate on competitiveness of Latvia. Using fundamental equilibrium exchange rate methodology the equilibrium real exchange rate for Latvia is estimated. According the model's results the real exchange rate was overvalued almost during all the reporting period and therefore it could be used as one of the factors influencing competitiveness of Latvia.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Changes of legal and social family relationships in Lithuanian rural areas
Perkumiene, D. | Raupeliene, A.
Family relations have always played and still play an important role in the system of social relations. The family is a primary social cell; if executes the fundamental functions of prolongation of relation, upbringing of young generation, and mutual moral and material support of family members. One of the main stages of family creation from both legal and social points of view is contracting a marriage. The form of entering into a marriage and the definition of family legal relations have been changing in the run of history depending on the culture, church and state relationship, and general philosophy of the particular period of time. The Old Testament of Holy Writ gives information about the marriage. In the ancient times marriage and family were more of a religious institution managed by the church, but as marriage is the roof of every legal establishment - family, relations, church, and state - it attracted a wider mass attention. The social and legal relations and aspects of Lithuanian rural family setting and its existence of different periods were really original and interesting. Researching the conception and development of the legal and social family relations and comparing them to the modern law, essential differences can be observed, but at the same similarities, which have not changed till our times, can be found. At all times the prevailing family model in Lithuania was the traditional family model and the main differences in comparison to the modern family model are the forms of marriage registration and its stability. This family model was predominant in the rural areas of late XIX century Lithuania.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Society, social capital and social nets
Igaune, E.
The scientific article is prepared using monographic research method. The most important works by several scientists are examined. The author analyses guidelines for strengthening of civil society within Decree of 2005 by the Cabinet of Latvia; previous research on social capital in scientists' works is considered and indicators regarding economics of Latvia are characterized; formal and informal social networks and their norms are cleared. Importance of civil society is suggested by the Cabinet Decree No. 98 Guidelines of Strengthening Policy for Civil Society in 2005. The guidelines and directions for strengthening of civil society for the ten years describe actuality of this program. This theme is less researched in Latvia. Civil society promotes democracy, increases and mobilizes social capital, coordinating collaboration of citizens for common benefit. Civil society in Latvia is in its initial position. The concept of social capital by different foreign scientists and Latvian specialists is analysed in this article. American scientist R. Putnam (1995) has written about social capital that human capital regards individuals but social capital regards relationships among individuals as well as social networks and exchange norms. Another researcher F. Fukuyama (1995) analyses social capital by comparison of economical development of different peoples and nations. Research by several scientists on indicators of social capital and their use in economics of Latvia are analysed in the work. The author concludes that social capital of Latvia has tendency to develop, and social networks and their expansion is little explored in Latvia.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Influence of hydrolysed oats insoluble fraction on dough quality
Gramatina, I. | Kreicbergs, V.
The major wheat flour constituent, which determines the dough quality, is gluten. Oatmeal has higher biological value due to amino acid composition and content if compared to other cereals, but the technological properties of proteins are not as good as the ones of wheat flour. Oat products can be used in bread making although the increased amount of additives shows negative influence on bread texture, elasticity, volume, taste, and flavour. The method is developed for hydrolysed oatmeal separation in soluble and insoluble fractions, thus extending the oatmeal application possibilities. The aim of the current research was the investigation of influence of hydrolysed oats insoluble fraction on wheat dough rheological properties. The obtained results proved that in case hydrolysed oats insoluble fraction additive was used, water adsorption was increased by 63.8%-66.4% and dough stability time was changed from 4.8 to 10.0 min. The negative influence on dough development time and dough softening degree was observed. The farinograpgh quality index was within acceptable limits (less than 120 FU), if the oat additive of 10% and 15% was used. It is possible to obtain dough with better rheological properties if the hydrolysed oats insoluble fraction additive is 15% from flour mass.
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