[ 发表于: Research for Rural Development ]

结果 71-80 的 85

Sustainable land management through market oriented commodity development: Case studies from Ethiopia


Gebremedhin, Berhanu | Woldewahid, G. | Dessalegn, Yigsaw | Gebey, T. | Teka, W.

International Livestock Research Institute - Kenya

GIS based gap analysis as a tool for biodiversity conservation optimisation: the IITA cowpea collection


Rysavy, A. | Dumet, D. | Sonder, Kai | Sauerborn, J.

International Livestock Research Institute - Kenya

How does traditional harvesting of young leaves for vegetable use affect seed yields of cowpea variety mixtures in Eastern Uganda?


Okonya, J. | Omadi, R | Polreich, S | Maass, Brigitte L.

International Livestock Research Institute - Kenya

Fluid milk and butter production and marketing systems in Fogera District, Amhara Region, Ethiopia


Anteneh, B. | Tegegne, Azage | Beyene, F. | Gebremedhin, Berhanu

International Livestock Research Institute - Kenya

Improving milk yield with Canavalia brasiliensis


Martens, Siriwan D. | Lascano Aguilar, Carlos Eduardo | Ávila Vargas, P. | Franco, T. | Hincapié Carvajal, Belisario | Peters, Michael

International Livestock Research Institute - Kenya

Environmental and economic assessment of bioethanol production from Musa spp. waste


Graefe, Sophie | Muñoz Borja, Luis Armando | Solís, H. | Mata, R | González M, A.

International Livestock Research Institute - Kenya