[ 发表于: Thai Forest Ecological Research Journal ]


结果 1-1 的 1

Co-benefits efficiency of forest plantation management of Forest Industry Organization Upper Northern Region: A case study in Maekammee and Wangchin plantation | ประสิทธิภาพของผลประโยชน์ร่วมในการจัดการสวนป่าขององค์การอุตสาหกรรมป่าไม้ภาคเหนือบน: กรณีศึกษาสวนป่าขุนแม่คำมีและสวนป่าวังชิ้น


Teeka Yothapakdee(Maejo University. Phrae Campus, Phrae (Thailand). Program in Economics) E-mail:teeka@phrae.mju.ac.th | Lamthai Asanog(Maejo University. Phrae Campus, Phrae (Thailand). Program in Agroforestry) | Torlarp Kamyo(Maejo University. Phrae Campus, Phrae (Thailand). Program in Agroforestry) | Bunyawat Thungsie(Forest Industry Organization, Bangkok (Thailand). Forest Industry Organization Upper Northern Region, Lampang Province) | Piya Ritthiya(Forest Industry Organization, Bangkok (Thailand). Forest Industry Organization Upper Northern Region, Lampang Province) | Chaiyot Sothitaphai(Forest Industry Organization, Bangkok (Thailand). Forest Industry Organization Upper Northern Region, Lampang Province) | Suratchai Inwiset(Forest Industry Organization, Bangkok (Thailand). Forest Industry Organization Upper Northern Region, Lampang Province)

Thai National AGRIS Centre, Kasetsart University - Thailand