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Locating the waste landfill site of Bam City using multi-criteria decision- making modeling in GIS environment
Talebi, Mohammad Sadegh
The location of sanitary landfills is one of the most important environmental issues in cities. If the design of landfills is not appropriate, it will threaten human health. The aim of the current research is to locate waste burial using geographic information system in the city of Bam, this research is applied in terms of its purpose and its method is descriptive-analytical. Based on this, the effective criteria in the location of Bam's landfill were identified, prepared and standardized. Then by digitizing and weighting 8 layers based on the existing standards, including: topography, geology, slope, fault, waterways, communication lines and distance from the city, and importing the mentioned layers into the software environment and forming special burial databases. Waste and implementation of various analytical multi-criteria decision-making models on the existing layers. According to the layers used and the final map obtained, the studied area was classified in the form of four classes: very suitable, suitable, unsuitable and very unsuitable, and it was determined that the most optimal waste burial space is in the southeast of the region, and the least optimal space is in the northwest of the city. There is. The issue of waste management, or beyond that, material cycle management, is one of the main and very important axes of sustainable development today. Therefore, it is necessary to put the necessary infrastructures for the best possible management of urban waste, which has not yet been done and requires proper management and implementation of economic plans.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Feasibility Study and measuring the range of tourism investment areas of West Azerbaijan Province
Taghilo, Ali Akbar | Aftab, Ahmad | Soltani, Naser
New models of development are based on tourism development and utilization from place – Space variations; therefore, identifying the capacity and capabilities of different geographical areas is in the center of development planning for fundraising and investment. In this context, the aim of this study is to investigate the feasibility of investment in the tourism sector with emphasis on Western Azerbaijan province. The research method was descriptive - analytical. Expert choice and GIS software for data analysis has been used. The results show that, about 12.45 percent of tourism areas have international and national range and about 18.68 percent have national and local range. Also, about 17.45 percent of the tourism sector has a range of appropriate local investment. Experts say that effective factors of tourism investment range are different (Thiel index equal to 55/0), and areas which are contiguous with city infrastructure and municipal services have a border range.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]The zoning of Land demolition of Kerman city bounds due to urban - Industrial development (technogenical desertification) by using GIS
Kazeminiya, Abdolreza | Meimandi Parizi, Sedigheh
In the recent decades, the effect of dry climate of Iran is due to expanding desertification in this country. The countryside of Kerman has selected for this survey. For investigating of amount of deserts generation around this city after geometric and radiometric studying، the image of Landsat ETM + 2009 and aerial photos at a scale of 1: 5000, preparing of basic maps of earth and vegetation covers maps. To estimate of the severity level of desertification in Kerman, The indicator of Urban and industrial development based on IMDPA , that including density of roads and mines, amount of green space and changing to pasture and forest land. After that giving score to this parameters did upon its affect for destroying and desertification.Finally, in GIS software, with using analytic functions required based on IMDPA. Land area were classified in terms of desertification. The results show that the effects of desertification land in Kerman city can be classified to three section، critical , medium and low.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]The Survey of the Status of Industries location and Industrial Estates in the Mashhad County
Yasouri, Majid
This study was designed to investigate the state of the industry in the city of Mashhad, location criteria and how it is done. Nyazmany data were collected from administrative apparatus. No action has been produced in layers. Studies show that the industrial units without consideration of the physical environment and the lack of urban space (number of units within the service area) were located. Current status of plants and the need to transmit polluting industries within the urban context. So, check the appropriate areas for new settlements to transfer these units to develop strategies of the main industrial estates and organized industrial activities in the city of Mashhad. Location and description of the complete database design and conceptual modeling has attempted to locate the new town. The results indicate that in ten years time horizon of about two thousand acres of land for expansion needs.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Land Use and Landscape Analysis of Gel Sefid Village in Terms of Environment Using RS and GIS
scandari, saeede | Moradi, Ayoub | Oladi, Jafar
Gel Sefid village is in Mashayekh village in central part of Ardal city of Chahar Mahal and Bakhtiari province. In the research, QuickBird satellite image in Google Earth software was used to introduce the landscape of this village and to recognize the whole human uses and natural spots in the study area. Then the resulting map was transferred to ArcGIS 3.1 software and the area land use map was prepared after necessary processes in the software. In addition to the primary harvested polygons for providing the training samples area, field visit once again was accomplished and all the harvested complications were controlled to estimate the accuracy of the harvested complications. Therefore, all the layers were transferred to GPS and all the harvested complications were controlled by referring to the field. In the next step, to analyze the landscape of the study area, Frag Stats software and NP, CA, PERIM, MNN and SHAPE metrics were used. Results showed that local people have created the different uses in the region during consecutive years. The natural bed of area has been forest that the existence of human-made patches such as village, mining, sand workshops, roads and petrochemical pipes have caused the marginal area to face the critical level of danger and have caused the loss of biodiversity in this region. Therefore, the area preservation with the participation of local people should be the priority of programs to prevent the further damages to the area.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Place Vulnerability Assessment of Ardabil’s Infrastructures Using Passive Defense Approach
Seyedin, Afshar | Amini varaki, Saeed | Rostami, Hussein | Yazdani, Mohamad Hussein
Although Iran has a strategic position in the Middle East and there are threats of neighboring and non-neighboring countries, projects and economic infrastructures have been established without proper defensive considerations and are targets for enemy threats and other offensive actions. The present study is an applied and developmental research that aims to study and scrutinize the vulnerability of infrastructures in Ardabil province from the perspective of passive defense. Moreover, analytic network process (ANP) approach is used in GIS environment with elements of physical and biological environment, accessibility, and infrastructures in order to carry out the research. The results of spatial pattern analysis and vulnerability zoning show that the spatial distribution of infrastructure in Ardabil province is cluster type (non-dispersive) and in terms of vulnerability, 7% of Ardabil province is located in highly vulnerable areas which are themselves among the most densely populated places with high amounts of established infrastructures. This is due to poor physical indicators and lack of sufficient managerial, industrial, and military institutions in these areas of the Ardabil province.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Landfill Site Selection with Regional and Local Screening Method in East of Guilan Province
Omidikhah Deylami, Majid | Monavari, Masuod | Omrani, Ghasem Ali
This study conducted to locate the landfill in the range of studies, in view of the most recent guidelines Environment Protection Organization of Iran as to the citation Article 12 of the law and article 23 executive bylaws Waste management In order to Reducing the damaging effects of environmental Activities, locations and Utilities Related with the Processing and disposal Ordinary wastes, Including all the places of burial and recycling Has been prepared. Using the screening regional method and GIS, the Legal-restricted areas as well as the fit regions for waste disposal at the regional scale reviewed and was specified. Then, fit regions in the local scale with regard the important parameters in this method and the weight of them have been Priorities. Three main natural conditions، land-use and economic factors was interference in this method. Then, based on the population growth rate and the amount of waste produced in a horizon of 20 years the area of land required for landfill in the Study area specified and Lands prone with an area of less than the amount determined is removed from the map of merit and was provision the final suitability maps include appropriate land-landfill by taking all the conditions and criteria of the environment protection organization of Iran was determined prone for landfill the 2770.7 hectares at regional scales and 2105.6 hectares of land at the local scale of the whole range of Studies.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Investigating the Environmental Impacts of Service and Urban Development in Bandar-Abbas City Using Degradation Model and Provide the Management Solutions
Jozi, Seyed Ali | Rezaian, Sahar | Irankhahi, Mehdi | Dabiri, Farahnaz
The purpose of this study is to determine the potential of development in partial of Bandar-Abbas city, using degradation model and analytical capability of GIS. In this regard, firstly the study area was divided into 149 grid cells of 900 hectares (6×6 cm; on map of 1:50000 scale). Then, on the basis of degradation model, destruction coefficients have been calculated in all units of network. Ecological vulnerability has been calculated and classified by using biophysical maps. Then, in the next stage, destruction factors has been determined and calculated also physiological density has been calculated and in final, destruction coefficients have been calculated in all impact units. The results show that 130 units (87.23%) of network; need to be restoration and 18 units (12.07%) require protective actions. In the study area, areas with prone to develop has achieved very small percentage (0.67%). This paper suggested applying environmental educations for beneficiaries and attractive their collaborations, to set environmental management system in industrial factories, and to apply environmental capability evaluation and supervising on implement of state land use plans and EIA to prevent of the destruction.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Determining of Ability Outdoor Recreation in Traditional Section of Mondje in Forests Region of Lordegan Town by multi criteria Evaluation
Mahmoudi, Baytollah | Daneh-kar, Afshin