结果 1-6 的 6
Determination of Seasonal Changes on Lipid Content and Fatty Acids of Nemipterus randalli (Russell, 1986) from Mersin Bay
Mısra Bakan | Nahit Soner Börekçi | Deniz Ayas
In this study, the seasonal changes on lipid content and fatty acid levels of Nemipterus randalli from the Mersin Bay have been determined. Total lipid levels were found as 3.17%, 2.12%, 0.63%, and 0.72% in spring, summer, autumn and winter seasons, respectively. The fatty acid composition of this species is composed of 30 fatty acids. Major fatty acids are palmitic acid (C16:0) and stearic acid (C18:0) from saturated fatty acids (SFAs) oleic acid (C18:1n9c) and 11-docosenoic acid (ceteloic; C22:1n11) from monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA; C20: 5n3), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA; C22: 6n3) from polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). The highest level of palmitic acid was detected in the winter season, and the palmitic acid level varied between 15.41% and 20.72% (77.79-433.30 mg/100g). The highest level of stearic acid was determined in the spring season, and its levels varied between 14.75% and 19.14%, and its levels were also determined as 77.95-483.91 mg/100g. Oleic acid from the monounsaturated fatty acids varied between 5.46% and 7.98%, and its levels were found to be 31.98-224.38 mg/100g. Ceteloic acid varied between 5.73% and 7.80%, and its levels were determined to be 33.01-161.11 mg/100g. The EPA levels from the polyunsaturated fatty acids ranged from 4.34 to 5.34%, and its levels were found to be 19.30-137.50 mg/100g. The highest levels of DHA were detected in autumn, its levels varied between 21.09% and 23.00%, and its levels have also been detected as 102.30-604.25 mg/100g. The highest levels of Σn3, Σn6 and Σn9 were found in the spring season. The levels of Σn3, Σn6 and Σn9 varied between 26.73-27.19% (122.89-751.59 mg/100g), 4.19-4.79% (18.63-134.68 mg/100g) and 5.95-9.79% (35.22-247.15 mg/100g), respectively. AI and TI values in N. randalli were found at 0.28-0.36% and 0.33-0.36%, respectively.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Interaction of Pectin with Food Components
Mehmet Koç | Feyza Elmas
Pectin is a polysaccharide found naturally in the cell walls of plants. Pectin is included in the formulation of many foods due to its functional properties. The interaction of pectin with other ingredients in foods is very important because it affects the appearance, texture and emulsion stability of the final product. With the structural arrangements provided by pectin, different hardness confectionery products, reduced fat absorption products, acidified milk beverages etc. can be produced. In this review, the pectin interactions with protein, sugar, starch and other food components and their technological applications; interactions of lipids with pectin in the body for human health; fruit and vegetable canned process with calcium interaction is mentioned.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Determination of Seasonal Changes in the Fat and Fatty Acid Profiles of Saurida lessepsianus (Russell, Golani and Tikochinski, 2015) Caught from Mersin Bay
Mısra Bakan | Elif Ayşe Erdoğan Eliuz | Deniz Ayas
In this study, seasonal changes in the lipid and fatty acid profiles of S. lessepsianus caught from the Mersin Bay were investigated. The total lipid levels of S. lessepsianus were found to be 2.94%, 7.19%, 2.45%, 0.83%, in spring, summer, autumn and winter season, respectively. Major fatty acids in S. lessepsianus were palmitic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid, palmitoleic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) in all seasons. The highest values of palmitic, palmitoleic and EPA were determined as 22.97%, 3.80% and 4.22% in spring, respectively. The highest values of stearic and oleic acid were determined as 15.93% and 7.84% in autumn, respectively. The highest value of DHA were also determined as 31.91% in winter season. The EPA level from polyunsaturated fatty acids was found in the range of 2.54-4.22% (23.09-195.62 mg/100g). The highest level of DHA were observed in the winter season and its levels changed in the range of 19.83-31.81% and was calculated as 201.29-1301.73 mg/100g. In addition, the highest level of the Σn3, Σn6, and Σn9 were calculated in the summer season as 1516.39, 114.88, 399.77 mg/100g, respectively. This report showed that fat and fatty acid profiles of S. lessepsianus are quite influenced by seasonal factors.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]The Effects of Different Storage Temperatures and Durations on Peroxide Values of Fish Feed Ingredients
Aysun Kop | Kutsal Gamsız | Ali Yıldırım Korkut | Hülya Sayğı
The growth of fish in intensive fish farming is carried out completely by the feeds supplied from externally. Different ingredients are used in feed production. The nutritional content of these ingredients is checked when purchased or brought to the factory. These ingredients are then stored until feed production. Storage duration and storage temperatures directly affect the freshness criteria of feed ingredient materials. Especially when high-energy ingredients with high levels of fat are stored in poor storage conditions, the fats in the ingredients are oxidized, therefore the peroxide number increases and the ingredient becomes bitter. Oxidation not only destroys the lipids in fish feeds but also vitamins. Slow growth, poor feed evaluation, color darkening, lethargy and deaths have been reported in fish fed with diets that are oxidized and inadequate in vitamin E. In this study, oxidation levels of fish feed ingredients were determined due to different storage conditions. Generally, the number of peroxides increased due to the increase in storage time and temperature, depending on the type of raw materials and oil content.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Gıda Sistemlerinde Yenilebilir Filmler ve Kaplamalar
Semra Bozkurt | Özgül Altay | Mehmet Koç | Figen Kaymak Ertekin
Sentetik ambalajların çevre üzerindeki olumsuz etkilerinin azaltılması ve gıdaların doğal yollarla korunmasına yönelik tüketici taleplerinin artması bu alanda alternatif yöntemlerin araştırılmasına öncülük etmiştir. Ambalaj teknolojisindeki yeniliklerden biri olan yenilebilir film ve kaplamalar, nem, gaz, yağ ve aroma geçişine karşı bariyer işlevi görerek gıdaların raf ömrünü uzatmak ve kalitesini iyileştirmek amacıyla kullanılmaktadır. Gıdaların yüzeyine ince bir tabaka şeklinde uygulanan veya ambalaj materyali olarak kullanılabilen yenilenebilir film ve kaplamaların üretiminde protein, polisakkarit ve lipid gibi farklı biyopolimerler kullanılmaktadır. Bu biyopolimerlere ek olarak yenilebilir film ve kaplamaların mekanik ve fonksiyonel özelliklerini geliştirmek amacıyla plastikleştirici madde, emülsifiyerler, antioksidan ve antimikrobiyal maddelerden de yararlanılabilmektedir. Filmlerin yapılma tekniği, kullanılan kaplama materyali tipi, kullanılan plastikleştirici madde cinsi ve konsantrasyonu, film hazırlama aşamasında yapılan kurutma işlemi ve çevresel faktörler (sıcaklık, bağıl nem, basınç) yenilebilir film veya kaplamaların fiziksel ve mekanik özelliklerini etkileyen önemli faktörlerdir. Bu derleme makalede yenilebilir film ve kaplamalar için kullanılan film materyalleri, film hazırlama yöntemleri, filmlerin yapısını etkileyen çevresel ve yapısal faktörler bir arada derlenmiş, bu faktörlerin filmlerin kalite özellikleri üzerindeki etkileri değerlendirilmiştir. Aynı zamanda yenilebilir filmlerin gıdalarda kullanım alanları da değerlendirilmiştir.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Yumurtlamanın Son Dönemindeki Yumurtacı Tavukların Rasyonlarına Bor (Ortoborik Asit) İlavesinin Bazı Yumurta Sarısı Parametreleri Üzerine Etkisi
Hacer Kaya | Muhlis Macit
Yumurtacı tavuk rasyonlarına farklı seviyelerde Bor (orthoborik asit) ilavesinin bazı önemli yumurta sarısı parametreleri üzerine etkisini tespit etmek amacıyla yürütülen çalışmada, 62 haftalık 288 adet Lohman yumurtacı ticari hibrit 12 hafta boyunca 0, 50, 75 ve 150 mg/kg seviyelerde B içeren dört farklı rasyonla yemlenmişlerdir. Araştırma 18 tekerrürlü olarak yürütülmüş ve her bir tekerrürde 4 adet tavuk bulundurulmuştur. Araştırma boyunca 16 saat aydınlatma programı uygulanmış, yem ve su ad-libitum olarak verilmiştir. Yumurta sarısı lipid bileşenlerinden polarlipid, hidrokarbon+kolesterol esteri ve serbest yağ asidi oranları muameleden etkilenmemiştir. Toplam lipid içerisindeki triaçilgliserol oranı azalırken; total kolesterol, diaçilgliserol oranları ve yumurta sarısı lipid peroksidasyon düzeyleri artmıştır. Rasyona Bor (B) ilavesi yumurta sarısı protein profilinde, farklı moleküler ağırlıktaki proteinleri farklı seviyelerde etkilemiştir. Sonuç olarak, yumurtlamanın son döneminde bulunan tavukların rasyonlarına değişik miktarlarda B ilavesi yumurta sarısı lipid bileşimi ve protein miktarı ile lipid peroksidasyonunu önemli derecede etkilemiştir. Sonuç olarak, yumurtacı tavuk rasyonlarına farklı seviyelerde B ilavesinin bazı yumurta sarısı parametreleri üzerine etkisini açıklığa kavuşturmak için gelecekte konu ile ilgili daha fazla araştırma yapılması gerektiği kanaatine varılmıştır.
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