结果 201-210 的 281
The Effect of Long Term Moderate Exercise on Depressive / Anxiety-Like Behavior in Rats with Acute REM Sleep Deprivation
Leyla Şahin
Sleep is a physiological process that influenced by internal and external factors and brain is as active as waking in certain periods. REM sleep is demonstrated in the literature that provides psychological relaxation due to more frequent occurrence of psychiatric disorders in sleep deprivation and causes depression / anxiety-like situations. There are studies in the literature indicate that physical exercise may be useful on depressive / anxiety. However, the duration and physical severity of the physical exercise and sleep deprivation affects the results. For this reason, we investigated the effect of long-term exercise on depression / anxiety behavior on acute REM sleep deprived rats. Rats were divided into control (C), exercise (E), REM sleep deprivation (SD) and exercise + REM sleep deprivation (E + SD) (n = 7). For developing REM sleep deprivation, rats were kept in a sleep deprivation tank during a 48-hour period. Exercise was performed with treadmill for 15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes for 4 weeks. Depressive / anxiety behaviors were assessed with open field and elevated plus maze tests. It has been shown that the sleep deprivation group takes less distance in the open field test. It was observed that in the elevated plus maze test, the rats in the sleep deprivation group spent less time on the open-arm compared to the other groups, and the number of entries and exits in this group also decreased. Behavioral test findings show that depressive / anxiety-like effects of sleep deprivation are reduced by moderate treadmill exercise.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Kilis İli İçme Sularının Koliform Bakteri Yönünden İncelenmesi
Ayşenur Özşavlı | Figen Şahin | Mehtap Sadak | Kıvılcım Çaktü Güler
Bu çalışmada, Kilis ili halka açık 6 farklı içme suyu kaynaklarında fekal kirlilik araştırılmıştır. Mevsimsel (Ekim, Ocak, Nisan ve Temmuz) olarak alınan örneklerde En Muhtemel Sayı yöntemi ile total koliform varlığı test edilmiştir. İçme suyu olarak kullanılan bu kaynaklarda tespit edilen toplam koliform sayısı 3-1100
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Fındık Kırma Prosesinde Pnömatik Tasarım Optimizasyonu
Faruk Güner | Mükrimin Şevket Güney
Türkiye, dünya fındık üretiminin 2/3’lük kısmını elinde tutan ülke olduğundan fındık önemli bir ihracat unsuru haline gelmektedir. Dünyada farklı kıtalarda üretim yapılmasına karşın iklim ve arazi koşullarının uygunluğu, yöreye özgü türler ve uzun yıllardır yapılan fındık tarımı, bu üretim potansiyelini pazara sunmaktadır. Fındık arazilerinin bakımı, tarımın makineleşmesi gibi konuların paralelinde fındığın işleme koşullarının geliştirilmesi de endüstriyel ürün pazarının artması açısından önem taşımaktadır. Endüstriyel tesislerde katma değeri yüksek fındık ve fındık türevi ürünlerin işlenebilmesi için, depolamadan paketlemeye bütün adımların verimliliği üst düzeye taşınmalıdır. Bu kalite ve verimin sağlanması için gerekli geliştirmeler, üretimin ilk adımı olan fındık kabuğunun kırılması ve içinin kabuktan ayrılması prosesinde ele alınarak maliyetlerin de azaltılması sağlanabilir. İlk yatırım, bakım onarım gideri kalemlerinin yanında vurgun oranını azaltacak sistemler geliştirilmesi olumlu sonuçlar açığa çıkaracaktır. Bu çalışmada, mevcut fındık kırma sistemleri incelenmiş, avantaj ve dezavantajları değerlendirilmiş, maliyet ve ürün kalitesi olarak mevcut kırma sistemlerinin önüne geçebilecek, pnömatik bir kırma sistemini önerilmiştir. Önerilen sisteme ait katı model ortaya konulmuştur.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Antioxidant Activities of Heracleum platytaenium extracts and Essential Oil
Tunay Karan | Nusret Genc
Heracleum platytaenium Boiss. has been used in traditional medicine. Antioxidant effect of essential oil as well as extracts of H. platytaenium was investigated. The essential oil was acquired by hydro distillation using a Clevenger type apparatus and GC-MS was used to analyze the essential oil compounds. Antioxidant capacity including ABTS+•, DPPH• scavenging and reducing power activity tests were carried out for essential oil and extracts. Moreover, total phenolic and total flavonoid contents were investigated. n-Octyl acetate (36.5%), apiole (24.9%), and elemicin (20.8%) were the chief products of essential oil. The essential oil and extracts exhibited from weak to moderate activity. The total phenol varied from 19.01 to 130.99 mg GAE/g extract and total flavonoid was fluctuated from 2.0 to 118.4 mg QE/g extract. The most DPPH• scavenging effect was observed in EtOAc extract (IC50 = 24.09 mg ml –1). The ABTS•+ scavenging effect of EtOAc extract was better than synthetic antioxidants BHA, BHT and Trolox.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Changes in Some Soil Chemical and Biological Properties on the Growing Season of Sesame in Çukurova Region
Şahin Cenkseven | Burak Koçak | Nacide Kızıldağ | Hüsniye Aka Sağlıker | Cengiz Darıcı
In present study, some soil characteristics of Sesamum indicum L. (Sesame) and its adjacent blank field (control) were compared in a growing season as pre (PreC and PreS) and post (PostC and PostS) harvest in Adana, Turkey. Soil macro (C, N, P and K) and micronutrients (Cu, Zn, Mn and Fe), carbon (Cmin) and nitrogen mineralizations and soil aerobic bacteria and fungi counts were determined in before and after harvest soils. Soils were humidified at 80% of their field capacity and then monitored for 45 days at 28 °C to determine soil carbon (Cmin) and nitrogen (Nmin) mineralization. Generally, macro and micronutrients (Cu, Zn, Mn and Fe) were higher in control than sesame field except phosphorus (P2O5) and there were found significant differences between them before and after harvest. Aerobic bacteria and fungi populations were decreased after harvest while fungi populations were increased in sesame soils compared to control. Soil CO2-C evolution was higher in sesame field than control. Rates of carbon mineralization was in order as following PostC < PreC < PostS< PreS. Rate of Nmin was significantly higher in sesame soils before harvest but it was lower after harvest compared to control. Carbon mineralization rates in sesame grown soils were significantly decreased and it was in order as following PostC < PreC < PostS < PreS. Decrease in soil carbon mineralization after harvest can be explained with decrease in soil microbial populations in short term.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Effects of Different Seed Coating Ratios of an Organic Acid Mixture on Yield and Quality of Bread Wheat
Hatun Barut | Sait Aykanat | Ali Alpaslan Ezici | Uğur Sevilmiş
This research was conducted during 2016-2017 awheat growing season to investigate the effects of different rates of seed coating of an organic acid mixture (citric acid, glutamate, and proline) on yield and quality of wheat. The field experiments were established in Dogankent and Haciali locations of Eastern Mediterranean Agricultural Research Institute in Turkey. Study was carried out with randomised complete block design with 4 replications and Ceyhan-99 bread wheat variety was used as seed material. Before seeding, wheat seeds were coated with organic acid mixture product (0.75% citric acid, 0.25% glutamate, 0.25% proline, 2% Zn and 96.75 water), in three different doses (500 ml ton-1, 1 l ton-1, 1.5 l ton-1) to compare with control (uncoated). There were statistically significant differences at 5% level in 1000 grain weight and grain yield values in Dogankent location and 1000 grain weight, grain yield and number of spikes in Hacialilocation. Highest yield values were obtained from 500 ml t-1 application dose for both locations. With 500 ml t-1 application dose at Dogankent location, grain yield was 11.9 t ha-1 which was 8.97% higher over control. In Hacali location, 500 ml t-1 application dose was increased yield by 15.96% compared to control which resulted with 10.5 t ha-1 grain yield. No statistically significant difference was observed in quality characteristics (protein, gluten, hardiness and sedimentation) in trials.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Ordu Ekolojik Şartlarında Farklı Nane (Mentha sp.) Türlerinin Tarımsal Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi
Meryem Yeşil | Emel Karaca Öner | Mehmet Muharrem Özcan
Bazı nane türlerinin (Mentha piperita, Menta spicata ve Mentha longifolia) tarımsal özelliklerini belirlemek amacıyla yapılan bu çalışma, 2016-2017 yıllarında Ordu Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi deneme alanında, “Şansa Bağlı Parseller Deneme Planına” göre üç tekrarlamalı olarak yürütülmüştür. Araştırmada bitki boyu, taze herba verimi, drog herba verimi, taze yaprak verimi ve drog yaprak verimi, uçucu yağ verimi ve uçucu yağ oranı gibi özellikler incelenmiştir. Araştırmanın birinci yılında M. piperita ve M. spicata’da iki, M. longifolia’ da dört biçim; araştırmanın ikinci yılında M. piperita’ da bir, M. spicata’da iki, M. longifolia’ da dört biçim yapılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre, bitki boyu bakımından türler arasında sadece ilk yıl birinci biçimde fark belirlenmiştir. Araştırmanın birinci yılında Mentha piperita’da toplam taze herba verimi 2.442,73 kg/da, toplam drog herba verimi 585,70 kg/da, toplam taze yaprak verimi 1.120,67 kg/da, toplam drog yaprak verimi 266,87 kg/da, toplam uçucu yağ verimi 6,40 lt/da olarak tespit edilmiştir. İkinci yıl ise Mentha spicata türü toplam taze herba verimi (920,37 kg/da), toplam drog herba verimi (247,93 kg/da), toplam taze yaprak verimi (502,5 kg/da) ve toplam drog yaprak verimi (149,93 kg/da) bakımından öne çıkmıştır. M. longifolia türü toplam uçucu yağ verimi bakımından 2017 araştırma yılında 3,47 lt/da ile diğer türlerin önüne geçmiş, toplam uçucu yağ oranı yönünden ise her iki araştırma yılında da (3,48 lt/da ve 3,19 lt/da) ilk sırada yer almıştır.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]The Relationships Between Egg Production, Age and The Hatching Traits of Pheasants
Ahmet Uçar | Musa Sarıca
Pheasant rearing is rated in three main categories: show and hobby, public interest, and stocking for game birds and edible purposes. The goal of this pheasant breeding station is to put stocking for game birds in their natural habitat, mainly in the Karadeniz region. Contribution to the issues related to incubation in this station and determination of effective reproduction age by setting production period. The aim of this study is to determine how significant performance criteria like egg production, fertility, hatchability and embryonic mortality are, depending on age and on seasonal changes. Our research has been carried out at the Gelemen Pheasant Breeding Station in Samsun. The pheasant breeds that are used on the farm are made up of 114 male and 800 female pheasants (1♂:7♀), of Hungarian and Caucasian genotypes. During the egg-laying period, which lasts for 16 weeks from the end of March (at the age of 45 weeks) to the middle of July (at the age of 60 weeks), egg production was recorded daily and evaluated once a week, and incubation yield was recorded nine times in total. Differences between weeks of age, in terms of egg production, egg and chick weights, fertility rate, incubation yield and embryonic mortality, have been found to be statistically significant. However, hatchability has been found to be statistically insignificant.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Deficit Irrigation Effects on Cabbage (Brassicaceae Oleracea var. capitata L. Grandslam F1) Yield in Unheated Greenhouse Condition
Hakan Büyükcangaz
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of deficit irrigation on yield for cabbage grown under unheated greenhouse condition. The research was carried out at the Agricultural Research Station of Yenişehir High School of Uludağ University in Bursa, Turkey, in 2008. In the study, water was applied to cabbage as 1.00, 0.75, 0.50, 0.25 and 0.00% (as control) of evaporation from a Class A Pan corresponding to 2 day irrigation frequency. Irrigation water applied ranged from 70 to 520 mm and water consumption ranged from 90 to 548 mm. The effect of irrigation water level on the yield, head height, head diameter, head weight and dry matter were found to be significant. The highest yield was 72.8 t ha-1. Crop yield response factor for cabbage (ky) was found as 1.036. The highest values of water use efficiency (WUE) and irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) for 2008 year of K2cp treatment was calculated to be 0.143 kg m-3 and 0.137 kg m-3, respectively. K2cp application (75%) can be recommended as the most effective irrigation level for the cabbage to which drip irrigation is applied under scarce and unheated greenhouse conditions.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Endangered Lilium Species of Turkey
Sevim Demir | Fisun Gürsel Çelikel
Turkey, which is among the major gene centers of the world and has a special place in plant genetic diversity. However, many plant genetic resources, including geophytes, are under genetic erosion because of the environmental and other problems and therefore face with the danger of extinction. Lilium ciliatum is endemic to North East Anatolia. IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Natural Resources) Red List Category of this species is Endangered (EN). Lilium ciliatum naturally grown in Zigana pass, Bayburt, Trabzon, Bulancak, Giresun and Gümüşhane is endangered and major threats of L. ciliatum are road construction and human disturbance related to ecotourism and recreation. It was reported that Lilium carniolicum naturally grown in Turkey is endangered although it isn’t in the IUCN Red List. Distribution areas of L. carniolicum are Trabzon, Rize, Artvin and it is also endemic to North East Anatolia. These species have high potential for use as ornamental plants with their colorful big flowers. In addition, the bulbs of these species are also used in the cosmetic industry and medicine. These are the main properties that increase the importance of L. ciliatum and L. carniolicum species. Therefore it is very important to protect the habitats of these species, ensure the continuity of their generations. The disappearance of these endemic species from our country means to disappear from the world. This review has been given in order to give some information about the endangered Lilium species of Turkey and conservation actions on these species in Turkey flora and take attention to the issue.
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