结果 321-330 的 394
The Effect of Addition of Orange and Lemon Peel Essential Oils and Mixtures to Breeder Quail Rations on Performance, Egg Quality and Hatch Parameters
Behlül Sevim | Seyit Ahmet Gökmen | Barışcan Curabay | Yusuf Cufadar | Yılmaz Bahtiyarca
The aim of this study was to determine the effects of adding orange peel (PKY), lemon peel essential oils (LKY) and PKY+LKY (respectively 300, 300, 150+150 mg/kg) to laying quail diets on performance, egg internal and external quality parameters and hatchability parameters. The eight-week trial was conducted in 20 subgroups, with 4 treatment groups and 5 replications for each treatment, and a total of 120 Japanese quails at 10 weeks of age were randomly distributed, with 6 quails (4 females, 2 males) in each subgroup. Feed intake with the addition of LKY to the diet, egg production and egg mass with the addition of PKY + LKY decreased significantly compared to the control group, and the eggshell breaking resistance with the addition of LKY and PKY + LKY increased significantly compared to the control group. However, the addition of LKY, PKY and PKY+LKY to the diet did not affect hatchability and reproduction parameters. According to these results, the addition of 300 mg/kg PKY and 300 mg/kg (150+150) PKY+LKY to breeder quail diets had an effect on the increase of eggshell qualityi, although the performance was adversely affected.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Spor Atı Nal Çakım Uygulama Değerlendirme Ölçeği
Ali Ekber Ün | Kamil Sağlam | Halil Selçuk Biricik
Atlara doğru çakım uygulaması; at refahı ve performansında önemli bir yere sahiptir. At refahı ve performansının olumlu yönde yürütülebilmesi için atçılık ekip çalışmasından ve bilgisinden geçmektedir. Canlı ile yapılan binicilik sporunda atlarla sürekli iç içe olan ilgilenen ekip içerisinde at sahibi, antrenör, binici, bakıcı ve veteriner hekimler tarafından yapılması ve kontrol edilmesi gereken standartları bilmesi ve uygulaması gerekmektedir. Bu nedenle, Türkiye’de ticari rekreasyon işletmeleri olan binicilik kulüp tesislerinde bulunan spor atlarına nalbantlar tarafından nal çakım uygulaması belli zaman aralığında yapılmaktadır. Nalbantların spor atlarına nal çakım uygulamasını sağlıklı ve doğru bir şekilde uygulayıp uygulanmadığının standartlığını sağlayabilmek maksadı ile at sahibi, antrenör, binici, bakıcı ve veteriner hekimlerine spor atı nal çakım değerlendirme ölçeğiyle birlikte akademik çalışmalara katkı sağlamaktır.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Determining the Factors Affecting 305-Day Milk Yield of Dairy Cows with Regression Tree
Serdar Genç | Mehmet Mendes
The purpose of this study was to determine the factors affecting the 305-day milk yield of dairy cattle by using Regression Tree Analysis (RTA). The data set of this study consisted of 8 different cattle breeds grown in Turkey. Breed (B), Province (P), Lactation Length (LL), Service Period (SP), Dry Period (DP), Parity (PR), Calving Year (CY), Calving Age (CA) and Calving Month (CM) were used to predict the 305-day milk yield. Results of RTM showed that the usage of this method might be appropriate for determining the important factors that would be able to affect the 305-day milk yield (R2=71.3%). It was seen that the most important factors affecting the 305-day milk yield were the Breed, Lactation Length, Province, and Parity. Therefore, those selected factors were more efficient than the others in predicting the 305-day milk yield. RTA results also indicated that the lowest milk yield was estimated for Jersey, Jersey Crossbred, and Yerli Kara. Among the highest 305-day milk yield cows, the milk yield estimates of the cows in the second, third, fourth, fifth, and the sixth parities were found significantly higher than that of the cows in the first and seventh parities.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Comparison of Heavy Metal Levels of Organic and Conventional Milk and Milk Products in Turkey
Mansur Seymen Seğmenoğlu | Emine Baydan
This study aimed to determine and compare aluminum (Al), arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), and lead (Pb) levels in conventional and organic milk, white cheese, and butter samples which are sold in the markets of Turkey. Within the scope of the study, totally 72 samples (36 for organic, and 36 for conventional) were collected, and analyzed between March 2010 and February 2011. After the samples were burned by microwave burning, element measurements were performed on atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS) device. As a result of the study, on the 49 samples (29 conventional, 20 organic) of the 72 collected product, element levels were determined above the limit of detection (LOD) (0.02 ppm). Pb and Al were the most common elements above the LOD. However, milk samples with a Pb level above the LOD still remained below the limit reported by the Turkish Food Codex Regulation for Contaminants. Since Turkish Food Codex Regulation does not have legal limits for Al, As, Cd and Pb for dairy products (cheese and butter), it was accepted as safe in terms of Al, As, Cd and Pb according to food limits in Turkish Food Codex and ADI values of FAO / WHO.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Determination of in Vitro Antioxidant Enzyme Capacity and Oxidative Stress Levels in Mazı Meşesi (Quercus infectoria)
İlter Demirhan | Büşra Çitil | Mehmet Özyurt | Meltem Güngör | Erkan Öner | Ergül Belge Kurutaş
South East Anatolia Region has a large genetic plant diversity due to its physical and different climatic charesteristics. These plants are potential sources of antioxidants that prevent oxidative stress caused by oxygen and photons. In recent years, it has become important to study the antioxidant capacity of many molecules found naturally in foods and biological systems. The reason for this is that it is believed that when the consumption of food rich in antioxidants is increased, the risk of developing different degenerative diseases will be reduced. In this study, it was aimed to measure the antoxidant capacity of Quercus infectoria, G.olivier gal seeds grown in Southeastern Anatolia. Q. infectoria gal seeds from Sanlıurfa province were used in our study. Q. infectoria gal seeds were extracted with water, ethanol and methanol and then antioxidant enzyme activities (catalase and superoxide dismutase) and malondialdehyde levels, which are indicators of oxidative stress were determined by spectrophotometric methods. It was found that the antioxidant capacity (catalase and superoxide dismutase activities) of extracts obtained from ethanol and methanol were higher and their malondialdehyde levels were statistically lower than those obtained from water. However, it was determined that there was no statistically significant difference between the antioxidant capacity and malondialdehyde levels of the extracts obtained from methanol compared to the extracts obtained from ethanol. It has been concluded that Q. infectoria gal seed has a effective antioxidant effect. In addition, it was observed that extracts obtained from ethanol and methanol have higher antioxidant capacity than extracts obtained from water.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Technical Efficiency of Sweet Potato Production: A Stochastic Frontier Analysis
Godfrey C. Onuwa | Solomon T. Folorunsho | Ganiyu Binuyo | Mercy Emefiene | Onyekwere P. Ifenkwe
The level of yield among sweet potato farmers is on a decline; low output and yield differences was observed, indicating the existence of inefficiency in production systems and variations in input utilization. Efficiency in resource use must be sustained in order to improve productivity and maximize farm output. This study therefore analyzed the technical efficiency of sweet potato production. Multi-stage sampling techniques were adopted in selecting 94 respondents for this study. Data collected was analyzed using descriptive statistics and stochastic frontier production function. The socioeconomic variables of the respondents affected their farm efficiency and level of farm output. The estimated ratio of the L/R test was 0.579; indicating a goodness of fit of the frontier model and thus a rejection of the null hypothesis. The coefficients of sweet potato seeds (vines) (0.362) and labour (0.439) were positive and statistically significant at 5% level of probability, while the coefficients of farm size (-1.333), fertilizer (-0.452) and herbicides (-0.766) were negative but statistically significant at 5% level of probability. The inefficiency model revealed that the coefficient of farm capital (-0.172), education (-2.281), access to credit (-0.472), farming experience (-0.639), extension contact (-0.733) and membership of cooperatives (-0.396) were negative and statistically significant at 5% level of probability. The mean technical efficiency was 0.62 (62%) implying that the sweet potato farmers in the study area were not producing at optimal capacity. The constraints identified significantly affected sweet potato production in the study area. Subsidizing input costs; sensitizing farmers on appropriate farming practices, cooperative formation and efficiency in resource utilization; improving access to agricultural inputs, technology, farm capital, credit and extension services, market linkages, farm labour supply and the development of indigenous technologies in sweet potato production are strongly recommended.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Analysis of Accessibility to Family Health Centers in Antalya Using GIS
Orhun Soydan
Family health centers in Turkey started to be implemented for the first time in Düzce in 2004 years within the scope of Law No. 5258. While determining the physical conditions of the places where family health centers are built, the first item in the regulation is that the building should be easily accessible. This situation shows the importance of the subject in terms of accessibility. While determining the features of the places where FHCs will be made, environmental characteristics are also taken into consideration. Environmental features are effective in determining the FHCs location in different ways. These impacts are divided into two groups: the physical features that pavements, roads and parks can include, and the social, cultural and institutional features of neighborhoods that include local social ties and collective activities. From this point of view, the importance of the location of family health centers relative to roads and houses is understood. The aim of this study is to examine the accessibility of Family Health Centers in Konyaaltı, Antalya, on a neighborhood basis using Geographic Information Systems. Konyaaltı has 21 Family Health Centers. As a result of the analyses, it was determined that most of the neighborhoods had problems in terms of accessibility, while a very few of them did not experience problems in terms of accessibility. In terms of the total number of buildings, the ratio of buildings that are 500 meters walking distance from any family health center by using highways is 35.56%. With these rates, 3,634 of the 10,2018 buildings remain within the limits of the regulation. Finally; suggestions were made to increase accessibility to these areas.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Effectiveness of Boron Formulations against Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato in Tomato Seeds
Ayşegül Gür | Kubilay Kurtulus Bastas | Şaban Kordali | Ferah Yılmaz
Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato, the bacterial agent for tomato speck disease, can cause serious epidemics with high leaf moisture, mild temperatures, and cultural practices allowing bacterial dissemination among host plants. Boron is an essential micro-nutrient for plant growth and health in agricultural production. In this study, the effectiveness of 14 different Boron compounds at 5 different doses (1, 5, 10, 20 and 40 mM) against P. s. pv. tomato at a concentration of 108 CFU ml-1 in vitro was evaluated and the most successful 4 different Boron compounds (Ammonium tetrafluoroborate, Sodium tetrafluoroborate, Zinc borate and Disodium octaborate tetrahydrate) were coated with 5 mM doses infected cv. H2274 tomato seeds to determine bacterial populations and seed emergence rates in the seeds. Among the 14 different Boron compounds used in the experiments, Disodium octaborate tetrahydrate was the most successful active ingredient 92% ratio in inhibiting P. s. pv. tomato populations in tomato seeds, while 39% success was achieved with sodium tetrafluoroborate applications. According to the results of the research, it is thought that some Boron compounds can be an economical, effective and environmentally friendly chemical in reducing P. s. pv. tomato in tomato seeds within the scope of good agricultural practices.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Determination of Antioxidant Capacities of Mistletoe (Viscum album ssp. austriacum) Leaf and Bud Extracts
Fatma Ergün
In this study, it was determined that total phenolic and flavonoid substance amounts and antioxidant capacity of methanol extracts obtained from leaves (Y) and buds (T) of mistletoe (V. album ssp. Austriacum) collected from Northeast Anatolian Yellow Pine forests (Pinus sylvestris L). The amount of total phenolic substance was determined as 19.55 ±4.68 mg GAE/g in Y and 16.88 ±2.77 mg GAE/g in T, while amount of total flavonoid substance 17.56 ±2.53 mg QE/g in Y and 17.17 ±3.29 mg QE/g in T. IC50 values were calculated as 476.26 ±22.54 μg/mL in Y and 778.57±25.61 μg/mL in T. In addition, the reducing antioxidant powers of Fe3+-Fe2+ were calculated as 303.00 ±1.73 μg AAE/mL in Y and 307.01±1.05 μg AAE/mL in T, equivalent to ascorbic acid. As a result, it was seen that mistletoe which is considered harmful for yellow pines, has antioxidant properties. It has been concluded that the evaluation of mistletoe collected during the struggle with mistletoe as a natural antioxidant source may contribute economically.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Analysis of Poverty Status of Ebonyi State Farming Households
Ogechi Cordelia Nwahia | Benjamin Ahmed | Edwin Onyeabor | Stanley Balogun
Poverty is a major menace in Nigeria. Therefore, the research centered on the analysis of poverty status of farming households in Ebonyi State. Multi stage and simple random sampling techniques were used to select 450 respondents for the study. Primary data were collected using electronic data capturing instrument containing the questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive statistics, Foster, Greer and Thorbeecke (FGT), and Logit regression model. The result from the study shows that 54% of the farming households in Ebonyi state were poor while 46% of them were not poor. The result further reveals that household size, dependency ratio, sex, monthly household expenditure, and farm size were the significant factors that influenced poverty status of Ebonyi state farming households. Therefore, government at the federal, state and local levels should consider socioeconomic characteristics of the farming households in the design and implementation of any poverty driven projects in order to improve their standard of living. Also, government at the various level, should consider embarking on programs to address the youth unemployment and aged members of the Nigerian society for these will reduce the dependency burden which have continued to increase the poverty level in farming households in Ebonyi state.
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