结果 361-370 的 394
Anti-helminthic Activity of Consolida orientalis (Gay) Schröd. on Caenorhabditis elegans Nematodes and Determination of Possible Active Ingredients
Hulya Ozpinar
Helminthiasis is an important parasitic disease, many of which are zoonotic, particularly common in developing countries and, in countries with hot and humid climates. Intestinal parasites can cause significant manifestations at all levels of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as anemia and growth retardation. This study aims to demonstrate the anti-helminthic effect of Consolida orientalis on Caenorhabditis elegans, which is a helminth model, and introduce new chemotherapeutic candidate substances with anti-helminthic effect to the literature by identifying possible active ingredients with GC-MS analysis. In our study, flower, leaf, stem and aerial part plant extracts of Consolida orientalis were used at 40 mg/mL, 20 mg/mL, 10 mg/mL, 5 mg/mL, 2.5 mg/mL, 1.25 mg/mL concentrations. In addition, possible active ingredients found in plant extracts were determined by GC-MS analysis. As a result of the study, it was determined that the aerial part, leaf and stem extract of the first four concentrates (40 mg/mL, 20 mg/mL, 10 mg/mL, 5 mg/mL) of Consolida orientalis were more effective than pyrantel pamoate at a concentration of 5 mg/mL. According to our study findings, chemotherapeutics such as Dihidrocarvone and 2(3H)-Benzoxazolone with new antihelmintic-antiparasitic activity are thought to contribute to further research.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Impact of Nitrogen Levels and Planting Density on the Growth and Yield of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench)
Funda Yoldaş | Şafak Ceylan | İbrahim Duman | Ömer Lütfü Elmacı | Eftal Düzyaman
The study was carried out to the effects of different plant densities and nitrogen levels on okra yield and plant development. Field trials were conducted in two locations, the training fields of the Ege University, Ödemiş Research and Training area, and Ege University Faculty of Agriculture, Menemen Research and Training Farm. The field layout was a split-plot design with 3 replicates, where main plots consisted of nitrogen applications and sub-plots of plant densities. Fertilizer was applied in the form of Triple Superphosphate, Potassium Sulfate, Urea and Ammonium Nitrate. Five different nitrogen levels (F1: 0, F2: 40, F3: 80; F4: 120 and F5: 160 kg N ha-1) and two different rows spacing (PD1: 15 cm×70 cm and PD2: 25 cm×70 cm) have been tested. Yield and yield components, plant height at flowering, height of the first fruits, the number of leaves, the number of branches, the number of days from sowing to first flowering, the number of days from sowing to first harvest, plant height, foliation status, total yield, yield of plant, average fruit weight, fruit length, fruit diameter have been noted in the field experiments. Total yield ranged from 5923.8 to 12888.9 kg ha-1 at the Ödemiş location, while it was 3363.3-5009.2 kg ha-1 at the Menemen location. In conclusion, the highest yield is taken from F2 in both plant densities in Ödemiş. In Menemen, the highest yield is taken from the dose of F3 (80 kg Nha-1) and F4 (120 kg Nha-1).
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Growth Performance Indeces of Grey Mullet Populations in Köyceğiz-Dalyan Lagoon Ecosystem (Turkey)
Ekrem Buhan
As it is common in tropical and temperate zones, mullet species constitute the most important fish species caught along the coast and estuaries of Turkey. In terms of ecology, tourism and and fish productivity (52 kg/ha), Koycegiz-Dalyan Lagoon Ecosystem (KDLES) is the most important lagoon, with a 5500 ha surface area, is the Mediterranean Coast of Turkey. In the dalyan (barrier fish trap) systems; approximately 225 tons (80-405 tons) of mullets are caught to obtain 5 tons of dried fish eggs per year. Seventy percent of fish production in the lagoon is composed of mullets. The mullet samples were collected monthly between October 1992 and September 1994 from eight stations (one of them is a marine station) by trammel nets. The ages were determined using by scales anda ge composition varied form 0 to 6 ages. Species composition of 1159 sampled individuals were proportionally determined as Mugil cephalus 45%, Liza aurata 35%, Liza saliens 14%, Liza ramada 12%, Chelon labrasus 6%. The growth performance indices calculated from von Bertalanffy growth parameters using by all individuals for the M. cephalus, L. aurata, L. saliens, L. ramada and C. labrasus were determined as 2.957, 2.866, 2.692 and 2.719, respectively. The highest growth performance index was calculated for M. cephalus. The growth performance indeces of mullet species in Köyceğiz-Dalyan Lagoon Ecosystem were found around the world averages.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Buğday Depolamasında Modern Açık Yığın Depolama Ünitesi (MAYDÜ) Kullanımı
Can Burak Şişman | Ayşen Köktaş Keskin
Günümüzde artan nüfusun beslenme ihtiyacı birim alandan alınan ürün miktarının yani verimin arttırılması ile mümkündür. Ancak en az verim ve üretimin arttırılması kadar elde edilen ürünlerin uygun şekilde değerlendirilmesi ve tüketime sunuluncaya kadar depolanması da önemli bir konudur. Depolamadaki amaç, ürünün özelliklerini ve tazeliğini korumaktır. Ancak uygun koşullar sağlanmadan yapılan depolamalar büyük miktarda kalitatif ve kantitatif kayıplara neden olmaktadır. Bu kayıplar ürüne uygun depolama koşulları ve depo yönetimiyle azaltılabilir. Bu çalışmada Toprak Mahsulleri Ofisi Hayrabolu Şube Müdürlüğü Bölgesinde önemli bir üretim payına sahip olan buğdayın depolanmasında MAYDÜ kullanımının depolama koşulları ve ürün kalitesi üzerine etkileri incelenmiştir. Çalışma sonuçlarına göre MAYDÜ’ de depolamaya etki eden etmenler ve buğday kalite özellikleri değerlendirildiğinde bu depoların kısa süreli depolamalar da kullanılması tavsiye edilebilir.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Total Phenolics, Antioxidative and Antimicrobial Activities of Some Edible Ascomycota Collected from Niğde
Şükrü Canpolat | Ilgaz Akata | Yasemin İşlek | Elif Canpolat | Cemil İşlek
Mushrooms have been used as food and medicinal purposes for centuries. In this study, some edible Ascomycota were collected in 2018 and 2019 from Niğde, Turkey. Molecular identifications of the samples were performed afterward. PCR products were sent for sequence analysis after ITS fragments were amplified with suitable primers concerning DNA isolation of samples. The obtained data were compared with the Genbank database for samples’ determination. The mushroom samples were determined to be Terfezia claveryi Chatin and Morchella esculenta (L.) Pers. Samples were extracted by ethanol and methanol to determine antimicrobial activity using the disc diffusion method. Antimicrobial zones against microorganisms were measured. Then DPPH radical scavenging effects and total phenolic content of T. claveryi and M. esculenta mushroom samples were studied. The highest antimicrobial activity was observed in ethanol extracts of M. esculenta. When the DPPH radical scavenging activities are taken into account, the activity is increased depending on the concentration. The highest DPPH scavenging activity was found in the extract of M. esculenta with 40.86%. It was determined that the total phenolic substances in methanol extracts of mushroom samples varies between 533.28 ± 1,15-537.34 ±2.20 μg GAE / mg extract.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Avrupa’da Üniversite Düzeyinde Önoloji Eğitiminin Yapısı ve Türkiye ile Karşılaştırılması
Öznur Cumhur | Aysu Altaş
Türkiye, sahip olduğu klimatolojik özellikler sayesinde üzüm yetiştirilmesine uygun bir ülkedir. Türkiye’nin verimli topraklarında bol miktarda üzüm üretilmesine ve bağ alanı bakımından dünyanın önde gelen ülkelerinden biri olmasına rağmen üretilen üzümlerin ancak %11 kadarının şarap üretiminde değerlendirildiği bilinmektedir. Türkiye’de şarap sektörünün her aşamasında karşılaşılan zorlukların, kısaca şarap bilimi olarak tanımlanan önoloji eğitimine de yansıdığı ve şarap konusunda kalifiye eleman yetiştirilen okulların sayıca az olduğu görülmektedir. Oysaki Türkiye’nin bağ alanı ve üzüm üretim miktarı açısından en yakın rakiplerinin yer aldığı Avrupa kıtasında durum oldukça farklıdır. Söz konusu ülkelerde önoloji eğitimi büyük önem arz etmekte ve önoloji eğitimini tamamlayanlara önolog unvanı verilmektedir. İçerik analizi yöntemiyle hazırlanan bu çalışmanın amacı, Avrupa’da verilen önoloji eğitimi ile Türkiye’de verilen önolojiye yönelik eğitimi mukayese ederek Türkiye’deki önoloji eğitimi için bazı öneriler ortaya koymaktır. Yapılan çalışma neticesinde; Türkiye’de önoloji eğitiminin, farklı pek çok gerekçe ile ihmal edilmiş bir eğitim alanı olduğu, lisans, yüksek lisans ve doktora düzeylerinde önoloji eğitimi verilmediği, önlisans düzeyinde ise sadece bir devlet üniversitesinde şarap üretim teknolojisi eğitimi verildiği sonuçlarına ulaşılmıştır. Çalışmanın alanyazına, sonraki araştırmacılara, şarap sektörüne ve özellikle şarapla ilgili eğitim veren kurumlara katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Bazı Tescilli Nohut Çeşitlerinin Elek Analiz Değerleri
Hamdi Özaktan
Ülkemizde nohut hem yaş hem de kuru olarak farklı süreçlerden geçerek tüketilmektedir. Tüketimde tercihen iri taneli nohutlar tercih edilirken 6 mm elek altı genellikle tercih edilmemektedir. Deneme, 2018 ve 2019 yılı vejetasyon süresince Erciyes Üniversitesi Tarımsal Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi, merkez deneme arazilerinde, kimyevi ve organik kökenli gübre girdisi kullanılmadan tesadüf bloklar deneme desenine göre üç tekerrürlü olarak yürütülmüştür. Denemede ülkemizde 1991-2013 yılları arasında tescil edilmiş 27 adet nohut çeşidi kullanılmıştır. Bu bağlamda araştırmada Kayseri ekolojik koşullarında herhangi bir gübre girdisi olmadan elde edilen 27 adet nohut tanelerinin 9 mm, 8 mm, 7 mm ve 6 mm elek üstü ile 6mm elek altı değerlerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Sonuç olarak her iki yılda da çeşitlerin ortalama değerleri yönünden 8 mm elek üstü değer birinci yıl %41,21 ikinci yıl %35,41 en yüksek olurken, ikinci olarak 7 mm elek üstü değerleri olmuştur.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]In-vitro antioxidant and oxidant properties of Centaurea rigida
Eylem Kına | İmran Uysal | Falah Saleh Mohammed | Muhittin Doğan | Mustafa Sevindik
Many different natural materials are used in complementary medicine. Among natural products, herbal materials are used quite a lot. Centaurea rigida Willd. was used as material in this study. The antioxidant and oxidant potential of the plant was determined. The aerial parts of the plant sample were extracted with ethanol in a soxhlet device. Antioxidant and oxidant potentials were measured with Rel Assay kits. As a result of the studies, the total antioxidant value of the plant was determined as 3.522±0.166, the total oxidant value as 15.424±0.281 and the oxidative stress index as 0.440±0.020. It was determined that the plant has antioxidant potential, but its oxidant values are high. As a result, it was determined that C. rigida could be used as a natural antioxidant source.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Hydro-Physical Properties of Soils under Different Land Uses in Northeastern Nigeria
Ibraheem Alhassan | Muhammad Saddiq Askira
Evaluation of soil hydro-physical properties is very important in agriculture and for sustainable management of the land resources. This investigation was conducted to assess some hydro-physical properties of soils in different land use types (LUT) selected (i.e., dry upper land (UD), lowland (LL) and residential area (RA)) at 0-15cm and 15-30cm depths in Bade Local Government Area of Northeastern, Nigeria. Soils were randomly sampled at four points in each LUT and analyzed according to standard soil analysis procedures. Results of the analyses of variance showed that LL had recorded significantly higher clay content, larger soil porosities and high-water retention properties than the other LUT. Soil structural stability index (SSI) and organic carbon (OC) were below optimal range and statistically not different across the land uses. The results also indicated non-significant differences in the hydro-physical properties within the sampling depths. The coefficient of variation (CV) revealed that, slight variation (CV
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Antioxidant and Oxidant status of medicinal plant Echium italicum collected from different regions
İmran Uysal | Falah Saleh Mohammed | Ali Erdem Şabik | Eylem Kına | Mustafa Sevindik
It is known that plants have been used by humans for a very long time in the treatment of diseases. A wide variety of plant species grown in different regions have been very successful in the treatment of many diseases. In this study, Echium italicum L. plant collected from different regions was used as material. The plant was extracted with ethanol in a soxhlet device. Then, antioxidant and oxidant levels of the plant extract were determined using Rel Assay kits. As a result of the analysis, the TAS values of the plant were determined 5.442±0.240 (Gaziantep), 4.896±0.081 (Hakkari) and 6.056±0.139 (Mersin), TOS values were 21.372±0.747 (Gaziantep), 12.255±0.341 (Hakkari) and 19.107±0.438 (Mersin), OSI values were 0.395±0.027 (Gaziantep), 0.250±0.005 (Hakkari), and 0.316±0.005 (Mersin). It was observed that antioxidant and oxidant values changed as the regions where the plant was collected changed. In addition, it was determined that E. italicum could be a natural antioxidant source.
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