结果 371-380 的 3,344
Effect of Irrigation Regime On Yield and Water Productivity of Maize (Zea Mays) in the Lake Tana Basin, North West Ethiopia
Amare Tsige Genet | Dires Tewabe | Atalktie Abebe | Alebachew Enyew | Mulugeta Worku
Proper scheduling gave water to the crop at the right time in the right quantity to optimize production and minimize adverse environmental impact. Therefore, the objective of this study is to quantify the effects of irrigation regimes on yield and yield components of Maize in the Lake Tana basin during 2016-2018. CROPWAT 8.0 model was used to determine the crop water requirement. Almost all parameters were adopted the default value of CROPWAT 8.0. Field data including; field capacity (FC), permanent wilting point (PWP), initial soil moisture depletion (%), available water holding capacity (mm/meter), infiltration rates (mm/day), and local climate data were determined in the study area. The treatments were arranged in factorial combinations with five irrigation depths (50, 75, 100, 125 and 150% of ETc) and two irrigation intervals (14 and 21 days) laid out in a randomized complete block design with three replications. The result was analyzed using SAS 9 software and significant treatment means separated using least significant difference at 5%. The result showed that the interaction of irrigation depth and irrigation frequency has no significant effect on the average grain yield and water use efficiency of maize. At koga, the highest grain yield (7.3 t ha-1) and water use efficiency (0.9 kg m-3) obtained from 100% ETc. while, at Ribb the highest grain yield (10.97 t ha-1) and water use efficiency (1.9 kg m-3) obtained from 21 days irrigation interval. Therefore, for Koga and similar agro ecologies maize can irrigated with 562 mm net irrigation depth and 21-day irrigation interval and at Rib and similar agro ecologies maize can irrigated with 446.8 mm net irrigation depth and 21- days irrigation interval.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Yogurt as Probiotic: Comparative Effect on Growth Performance of Broiler Japanese Quail (Coturnix Japonica)
Md. Amir Hossain | Jannatul Mawa Momu
Yogurt is a natural source of gut-friendly bacteria. It has a considerable body of evidence that supports the significant positive effects of yogurt as probiotics on quail production performance and health. Yogurt containing bacteria can improve quail economic indexes and resistance to pathogens. With this objective, 240 growing Japanese quails were randomly distributed into three groups A1 (control), A2 (Yogurt), and A3 (Protexin) (4 replicates/treatment of 20 birds) to investigate the effect of yogurt as a probiotic source. Birds were allowed to be fed ad libitum with a commercial quail ration. Yogurt and Protexin were mixed at the rate of 5 ml/L (5ml into 1 lt. water) and 1g/L (1gm into 1 lt. water) in A2 and A3, respectively. Six (6) weeks of investigation showed a significantly higher result in yogurt than in the other two groups. Body weight had a significant difference between the control and protexin groups. Body weight gain (g) was significantly heavier in A2 at the finisher phase. No significant effect was observed in feed intake, but FCR (Feed Conversion Ratio) was significantly lower in A2, but no significant effect was noticed between A1 and A3. The mortality percentage was higher in the control group (2.66%) and lowest in yogurt (1.03%). Carcass characteristics were significantly heavier in A2 than A1 and A3. Non-carcass characteristics illustrated significant differences among the three groups, but a non-significant difference was observed in head weight. The gross return per bird was higher in A2 (12.05 BDT), whereas it was 6.55 BDT and 7.08 BDT for A1 and A3. With those observations, it can be concluded that yogurt successfully enhanced overall broiler performance and gross return of Japanese quail.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]The Effect of Simple Extraction Method on Measurement Performance in Monitoring the Fatty Acid Profile of White Cheese with FTIR Spectrometer
Hülya Yaman
During cheese ripening many biochemical reactions occur, including hydrolysis of fat, lactose metabolism, and protein breakdown. The aim of this study is to compare the direct measurement method from cheese with simple extraction methods in determining the hydrolysis of fats by FTIR spectroscopy. For this purpose, white cheese samples were produced, ripened for 60 days and analysed at 20-day intervals. The content of fatty acids was determined by gas chromatography, while its estimation was performed using Partial Least Squares Regression (PLSR). As a result, the PLSR performance obtained from fat extract samples by FTIR spectroscopy was shown higher values than the performance obtained from the direct measurement from cheese. It has been shown that simple extraction methods provide higher performance in FTIR spectroscopic measurements made from cheese.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Free Radical Scavenging and Antinociceptive Activities of the Aqueous Extract from Matricaria chamomilla L. Flowers.
Chahrazed Kaoudone | Fatima Benchikh | Cherif Abdennour | Hassiba Benabdallah | Walid Mamache | Smain Amira
Background: Matricaria chamomilla L. (M. chamomilla) is a famous medicinal plant distributed worldwide. It is widely used in traditional medicine to treat all kinds of diseases, including infections, neuropsychiatric, respiratory, gastrointestinal, and liver disorders. It is also used as a sedative, antispasmodic, antiseptic, and antiemetic. Our aims in this study was thus to quantify the phenolic, flavonoids contents in the flower of this plant, and also to evaluate the in vitro antioxidant potential and the in vivo analgesic activity. Methods: The total phenolic and flavonoid contents of the plant aqueous extract (MCAqE) were estimated using the Folin–Ciocalteu and AlCl3 colorimetric methods, respectively. However, DPPH method was used to evaluate the in vitro antioxidant activity. Analgesic activity was tested by acetic acid induced writhing model in mice. Results: Quantitative determination of total polyphenols and flavonoids revealed that this extract contained 158.41±1.6 mg gallic acid equivalent/g of dry extract and 37.06±0.56 mg quercetin equivalent/g of dry extract, respectively. The antioxidant activity of the plant extract was important (IC50=3.08±0.25 mg/mL). MCAqE extract, at 400 mg/kg, showed analgesic activity (39.60±8.70%) against acetic acid induced pain in mice while the standard reference drug Diclofenac sodium exhibited 90.44±2.80% activity at 10 mg/kg dose.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Heavy Metal Toxicity in Plants: An Overview on Tolerance Mechanisms and Management Strategies
İlkay Yavaş | Shafaqat Ali | Zohaib Abbas | Saddam Hussain
Heavy metals are one of the factors that pollute the environment and significantly affect soil fertility, plant physiology, development, and productivity. The tolerance of plants to toxicity depends on the species and tissue, element type, and duration of exposure to stress. Some special signal molecules such as nitric oxide (NO), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), beneficial ions, hyperaccumulating plants, stress hormones, nanoparticles, organic compounds, and microbial applications can be recommended to alleviate the stress effects caused by toxic heavy metals in plants. Induction of other promising techniques like seed priming, active involvement of plant growth regulator, use of osmoprotectants, successful plant microbes’ crosstalk and recent utilization of nanoparticles are worth using strategies in mitigation of heavy metal stress in plants. These practices effectively regulate the activities of antioxidant enzymes for the alleviation of stress in plants, creditably improving the plant tolerance via preserving cell homeostasis and amending the adversative effects of heavy metal stress in plants. These inventive strategies offer an enriched understanding of how to boost crop productivity under heavy metal stress in order to decrease the risk to global food security.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]The Determinants of Agricultural Output Growth in Ethiopia
Gudina Goda Korsa | Jiffara Abdissa Labata
The purpose of this paper is to look into the determinants of agricultural output growth in Ethiopia. Along with this general objective, this study intends to look at the trend of total factor productivity growth in the agricultural sector and its contribution to agricultural output growth. Using autoregressive distributed lag model bounds testing, this research estimates the long-run and short-run cointegration between agricultural output growth and the total factor productivity. In this study, Augmented Dickey-Fuller and Phillip-Perron unit root tests were used to find out the order of integration of the variables. The selected econometric model goes through all the diagnostic tests and confirms the absence of heteroscedasticity, serial correlation, and normality. The finding of this study indicates that total factor productivity, agricultural land, agricultural machinery, and fertilizer all have a significant and positive effect on the growth of agricultural output. According to the findings of this study, total factor productivity is the primary driver of agricultural output growth. Therefore, as it has played a strong role in developed countries' agriculture, total factor productivity has the potential to be a game-changer in terms of sustainable agricultural growth. Taking into account the findings of this study, we strongly recommend that the government of Ethiopia should devise policies in the agricultural sector that could enhance the level of total factor productivity.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]The Effect of Drying Temperatures on Effective Diffusion-Activation Energy, Quality and Drying Kinetics of Rosehip Fruit of “Star” Type
Burcu Aksüt | Hakan Polatcı
Rosehip fruit, which is widely and naturally grown in many European countries as well as in Rosehip fruit, which is widely used in Turkey as well as in European countries and grows naturally, is a very rich species in terms of vitamin C value. Due to its benefits to human health, its consumption is increasing and its use in different forms is becoming widespread. In this study, the colour, effective diffusion-activation energy, phytochemical properties and thin-layer drying patterns of rosehip fruit of the ‘Yıldız’ variety were investigated after drying in a convective dryer at different temperatures (40, 50, 60 and 70°C). In the study, it was determined that 70°C temperature was statistically more suitable in terms of measured and calculated colour values. It has been determined that the effective diffusion value is affected by the drying temperature and the increase in temperature also increases the effective diffusion value. It has been determined that the effective diffusion value varies between 1.35×10-7-5.92×10-6 m2/sec. The activation energy value of dried rosehip samples was calculated as 69,41 kJ/mol. When the chemical analysis values were examined, when the SÇKM, total phenolic, total antioxidant substance and vitamin C values were evaluated together, it was found that the most appropriate drying temperature was 70°C statistically. Among all drying models, Midilli-Küçük and Yağcıoğlu models (R2: 0.9999) estimated the drying data best.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]The Effect of Semen Dilution on the Number of Spermatozoa Entering the Spermatheca of the Queen Honey Bee (Apis mellifera L.)
Yasin Kahya | Halit Vasfi Gençer
This study aimed to determine whether the addition of diluent to fresh semen before injection affects the number of spermatozoa entering the spermatheca of the instrumentally inseminated queens. The queens reared by the grafting method were introduced into mating nucs one day before adult emergence. When 7-day old, the queens were allocated into four groups for the following instrumental insemination treatments. The queens in group 1 and group 3 were inseminated with 4 µl and 8 µl fresh semen, respectively (FS - 4 µl and FS - 8 µl). In group 2, the queens were inseminated with 4 µl fresh semen diluted 1-fold with NaCl solution (DS - 8 µl). In group 4, the queens were inseminated with 8 µl fresh semen diluted 1-fold with NaCl solution (DS - 16 µl). Each queen was dissected after the onset of oviposition for counting the number of spermatozoa in the spermatheca. There was not a significant difference in spermatozoa number between queens inseminated with 4 µl FS (2.57 million) and 8 µl DS (2.68 million). The queens inseminated with 16 µl DS (3.51 million) had fewer spermatozoa than the queens inseminated with 8 µl FS (4.46 million). The queens inseminated with 16 µl DS had more spermatozoa (3.51 million) than the queens inseminated with 4 µl FS (2.57 million, and 8 µl DS (2.68 million). The results revealed that the addition of 1-fold diluent to 4 µl fresh semen did not alter the number of spermatozoa. In contrast, adding 1-fold diluent to 8 µl fresh semen adversely affected the number of spermatozoa entering the spermatheca.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Geographical Indication and Quality Perception: The Case of Mersin Province, Türkiye
Mustafa Kan | Aynur Belveren
The aim of this study is to reveal how consumers perceive the Geographical indication (GI) label in Mersin, which has such a rich diversity, and the factors that are effective in this perception. In this context, our main population is 571,485, which is the average number of households in Mersin in 2020, and a survey study was conducted with 260 consumers by using Simple Random Sampling Method Based on Main Audience Ratios in sample selection. As a result of the research, it has been determined that the most important factors in the purchasing behavior of consumers are the price of the product, the certificates of the product and the content of the product. Consumers define quality food as a natural, additive-free and healthy product. While 41.41% of the consumers had heard of the concept of GI, 23.54% of these people stated that they had sufficient knowledge about the subject. On the other hand, 6.79% of the consumers stated that they pay more attention to the GI labels in the products they buy than other consumers. 18.10% of consumers who have knowledge about the GI concept perceive the GI label as a quality indicator. On the other hand, 24.22% of consumers reported that they are willing to overpay for GI registered products. As a result, it can be said that more information should be provided on GI in Mersin, where an important development has been experienced especially after the Law enacted in 2016, and this system will be an important local development tool if the deficiencies in this area are eliminated.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Advantages of Smart Agricultural Technologies to Agricultural Enterprises Management
Kemalettin Ağızan | Zeki Bayramoğlu | Süheyla Ağızan
The aim of this study; By examining the development of technology use in agriculture, making comparisons according to countries and discussing the applicability of 4.0 technology in the agricultural sector, the advantages of these technologies to business economy and management are determined. As a matter of fact, the increase in the world population and the need for more resources accordingly keeps the issue of productivity on the agenda. Technological methods are needed to increase productivity in agricultural production. These technological methods; It is known as green agriculture, precision agriculture, digital agriculture, smart agriculture or agriculture 4.0, and with the development of these technologies, a very comprehensive data acquisition process has started and it has come to the point of making business decisions according to the analysis of the data and the results of these. At this point, the most important issue to be discussed is the applicability and affordability of smart agriculture technology. As a matter of fact, the production factors (land, capital, labor and entrepreneurship) owned by agricultural enterprises in Turkey are limited and insufficient according to European standards. Therefore, the compatibility of the technologies to be used according to the enterprises is extremely important, and strategies should be determined in order to prevent the use of idle technology. In this context, for the first time in the study, the technological development was examined by classifying the application areas of Agriculture 4.0 technology and their hardware features. As a result, predictions and suggestions about the future of Agriculture 4.0 or smart agriculture will be prepared and the smart agriculture policy will be presented to the sector and public institutions.
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