结果 41-50 的 425
Using the Remote Sensing Method to Simulate the Land Change in the Year 2030
Burcu Degerli | Mehmet Çetin
This is study is based with the support of RS-GIS technology on the land use of Samsun Center, as well as the coastal districts of Ilkadım,Atakum,Bafra Plain, through the processing and interpretation of satellite images in the summer months of 2000,2010,2020. Spatial and temporal variability properties of LU/LC were determined using MLC algorithm, controlled classification approach. The predictive values of the LU/LC change that will occur in 2030, calculated with the MLP‑ANN model based on Machine Learning algorithms and mapped with the QGIS 3.16 program. To determine the accuracy coefficient of the model, 2020 LU/LC simulation performed using the transition potential matrix of 2000 and 2010 LU/LC data. The results of simulation were compared the data of land use land cover with the 2020 to evaluate the accuracy of the simulation model. The model of MLP‑ANN provided an accuracy of 72% based on the kappa fit index. According to MLP‑ANN model 2030 results were an increase of 73.33 km² in built up areas, an increase of 56.89 km² in bare areas, and a decrease of 129.66 km² in green areas. It provided a reference basis for future Samsun urban to rural coastline LU planning and management and LU structure optimization.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Effects of Forage Legumes Sowing in the Fallow Year on Silage Yield and Quality Characteristics of Subsequent Cereals
Musa Saylan | Süleyman Avcı
In this study, the effect of P. arvense-H. vulgare mixture and V. pannonica grown in the fallow year on silage yield and quality of subsequent cereals were investigated in the arid condition of Eskişehir, Turkey. The fresh weight of P. arvense-H. vulgare mixture with 2750 kg/da was found two-fold high than V. pannonica. P. arvense-H. vulgare mixture significantly increased the fresh and dry hay weights of cereals except for H. vulgare cv. İnce. In addition, the highest grain yield was obtained by growing Triticosecale cv. Karma in P. arvense-H. vulgare mixture plots. Due to the high pH and low dry matter content of triticale samples, the Fleig scores were very low, which is a quality indicator in silage. ADF and NDF ratios were the highest in A. sativa cv. Checato as a negative quality factor. Top-dressing of nitrogen had a positive effect on the crude protein ratio. It was concluded that production of quality roughage can be sustainably increased by growing P. arvense-H. vulgare mixture in barren areas in the fallow year and followed by sowed cvs. Karma, Müfitbey, and Checato in the cereal growing season.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Opportunities and Status of Wheat Row Planting in Smallholder Farmers in Elfeta District Oromia Regional State Ethiopia
Dajane Ajema Sima | Habtamu Fekadu Etefa
To enhance wheat yield, adoption and management practices have become a major concern of agricultural extension activities and low produce of wheat is partly due to poor agronomic practices in Ethiopia. Compared to broadcasting system, row planting gives better yield with quality of the seed at harvesting period. The study was conducted to assess the opportunities and status of wheat row planting by farmers. This study was used descriptive research design and employed both quantitative and qualitative approaches. Primary data were collected from 141_sample households which were selected randomly. Additional information was obtained from focus group discussion and key informant interview. The data has been analyzed by using simple descriptive statistics such as mean, percentage and standard deviation. Moreover, inferential statistics like chi-square and t-test were used. The result shows that, education level, family size, farmers experience, seeding rate per hectare, yield per hectare, fertilizer rate per hectare and income of household were positive association with wheat row planting in the study area. Also, non-adopter farmers was not use the existing opportunity such as off-farm income generating activities, contact with extension agents, credit use, membership in cooperatives and improved seed in the study area. Moreover, more than half of smallholders not adopt the wheat row planting system; meaning, still they use broadcasting system of Planting in their farms. Therefore, the study concludes that, Policies and strategies that focus on farmers’ education, implementation of well-established extension package are helpful so as to achieve wider adoption of row planting technology of smallholder farmer in the study area.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Determination of Chemical and Microbiological Quality in Commercial Tahini Halva Samples
Zeynep Kilci | Ramazan Ulku Çetin
40 samples of tahini halva from 5 different firms, in 4 distinct varieties—plain, hazelnut, carob, and vanilla—were gathered for this study from producers in the provinces of Balikesir and Bursa as well as from commercial markets. Samples were taken from two different lot numbers for each company. As a result of the analyzes made on the tahini halva samples, it was determined that the total amount of sesame oil varied between 24.67-38.87%, the total amount of tahini ranged between 59.34-69.7%, the total moisture amount was between 0.1-0.9%, the total ash amount was 0.089-3.16%, and the total salt amount was between 0.001-0.024%; as a result of microbiological cultivations in which the presence of yeast and mold were analyzed, an average of 10 cfu/g in plain tahini halva samples, an average of 90 cfu/g in hazelnut tahini halva samples, an average of 45 cfu/g in carob tahini halva samples, and an average of 25 cfu/g in vanilla tahini halva samples were determined. All samples of tahini halva were found to be free of contamination with Salmonella spp., Staphylococcus aureus or Escherichia coli. When all of these findings were taken into consideration, it was found that one of the sampled firms did not produce in accordance with the Turkish Food Codex Communique on Tahini Halva (2015/28) in terms of total sesame oil (%) and ash content (%) of two companies. Combined, the findings of the chemical and microbiological analyses indicate that 85% of the samples were prepared in line with the TFC.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Tatlı Sorgum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench var. saccharatum)’da Farklı Azot ve Potasyum Seviyelerinin Etanol Verimi ve Bazı Verim Özelliklerine Etkisi
Shiva - Sadighfard | Hakan - Geren
Biyoetanol kaynaklarından biri olan tatlı sorgum son yıllarda önemi giderek artmaktadır. İçerdiği yüksek orandaki şeker nedeni ile biyoetanol üretiminde kullanılmaktadır. Bu çalışma, 2013 ve 2014 yılları arasında, Ege Üniversitesi, Ziraat Fakültesi Tarla Bitkileri Bölümü’nün deneme tarlalarında, iki faktörlü tesadüf parselleri deneme desenine göre üç tekerrürlü olarak yürütülmüştür. Denemede farklı azot (0, 50, 100, 150, 200 kg N/ha) ve potasyum (0, 50, 100, 150 kg K2O/ha) seviyelerinin tatlı sorgumda etanol verimi üzerine etkilerini araştırılmıştır. Azotlu gübreler iki eşit dozda uygulanırken, potasyum tek seferde ekimle beraber toprağa karıştırılarak uygulanmıştır. Çalışmada, sap ve özsu verimi, şeker oranı ve teorik etanol verimi gibi özellikler test edilmiştir. Sonuçlar, azot ve potasyum uygulamaların tüm özellikler üzerinde önemli etkilerinin bulunduğunu göstermiştir. Yüksek N ve K uygulamaları, kontrol uygulamasına göre etanol verimini yükseltmiştir. N150-K100 kombinasyonu Akdeniz ekolojik koşullarındaki İzmir’de, tatlı sorgumun etanol verimini yükselten en iyi gübre seviyesi olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Investigation of Supported Producers within the Scope of Policies to Prevent Environmental Destruction Originated by the Agricultural Sector in Türkiye (Case of Cereal Producers in the Seyfe Lake Region)
Hasan Gökhan Doğan | Hüseyin Karaaslan
Environmental destruction is dimensioned as one of the most important issues that the whole world is dealing with in the third millennium. For this reason, various policy instruments are developed and put into practice, both internationally and nationally. Although these policies cover all production and consumption areas, they also come to the forefront in terms of the agricultural sector due to their strategic importance. Environmental Agricultural Land Protection Program (ÇATAK), which came into effect in 2006, has been implemented in order to prevent environmental damage in the agricultural sector in Türkiye. In this framework, the production practices of grain producers benefiting from ÇATAK program supports in the Seyfe Lake region of Kırşehir province were examined in environmental terms. For this purpose, 100 producers were drawn into the sample and a survey study was conducted. The obtained data set was made into cross tables, interpreted and suggestions were made. The results were statistically supported by chi-square analysis. Accordingly, although it was determined that the producers did not implement practices that would cause environmental destruction intensively, it was observed that they needed to adopt the right methods from the right sources in the use of fertilizers and pesticides. In addition, it has been determined that the state does not have comprehensive knowledge about the agricultural policy instruments it has implemented. For this reason, it is considered important to implement training-extension activities frequently and dynamically.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]The Opinions of the Sheep Breeders about the National Sheep and Goat Breeding Program under Farmer Condition in Niğde Province
Selina Güngör | Betül Gürer
With this study, for guiding the policies on the protection of native animal genetic resources, the opinions of the sheep breeders about the national sheep and goat breeding program under farmer condition were evaluated within the scope of the purposes and needs of the breeders in Niğde province. The primary data was collected from 108 farms in Nigde Province Center and Bor districts, including 54 farms determined by the stratified sampling method from participated farms in the sheep breeding program and including 54 farms determined by the total population sampling method from not-participated farms in the sheep breeding program. As a result of the study, breeders stated that the main reasons for participating in the project were the ensuring both productivity increase by reducing the number of lamb deaths, and income increase by receiving the support from the project. Breeders stated that the project meets their expectations in a positive way. Approximately two-thirds of the farms not involved in the project were interested in the project, but the farms in this group were not able to participate in the project because they could not meet the project requirements mainly because they made animal production in small family farms by traditional methods. In addition, the study indicated that agricultural support programs to encourage participation in the breeding program were important for breeders. In this context, the support model for reducing costs was selected by breeders as the best criterion in a policy to be implemented for the protection of native animal genetic resources. It is recommended to expand the use of breeding material obtained from the project throughout the country. Besides it is recommended to expand programs in matters related to regular record keeping and animal care, feeding, herd management and health for small family farms.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]The Impact of Urban Green Areas on the Temperature Increase Causing by the Surface Materials and a Future Scenario
Elif Bozdoğan Sert
In recent years, it has gained importance to develop models to determine the contribution of parks to reducing the temperature together with their surroundings. ENVI-met, which is used for this purpose, allows simulations for different conditions/materials with projections over many years. This study aims to determine the temperature levels arising from the surface materials and the projections of long years in the near areas of Cumhuriyet Park in Çukurova District of Adana. The study consists of 3 stages. In the first stage, information about the subject was gathered together. In the second stage, modeling was carried out using ENVI-Met 4.4.5 climatic simulation software in order to determine the temperature levels caused by different materials in the study area. The scenario for the future has been put forward. The data obtained in the third stage of the study were evaluated and suggestions were presented. As a result of the study, it was determined that Cumhuriyet Park, which is one of the important green areas of Çukurova district, contributed significantly to the decrease in the temperature level around it. This contribution is felt more intensely especially in the immediate vicinity of the park. It has been shown that the effect decreases with distance from the park. In the scenario put forward at the end of the 28-year period, it is predicted that the temperature level of the parking area will increase by approximately 2.4°C. This study reveals the importance of the selection of soil materials in preventing the warming of cities because of climate change experienced all over the world. In this context, local administrations attach importance to efforts to increase the quality of urban life; developing strategies in this regard is important for achieving results.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Aronia (Aronia melanocarpa Michx Elliot) Production and Evaluation Methods in the World and Turkey
Ali Şahin | Ümmügülsüm Erdoğan
Cultivation and consumption of berry fruits in the world and in our country is increasing due to reasons such as different ways of evaluation, high income per unit area and health benefits. Aronia, which belongs to the Rosaceae family, is a berry type that can be easily grown in temperate climates and has a high yield per unit area. Aronia is included in healthy nutrition programs due to the antioxidants, phenols, minerals and vitamins it contains. Besides fresh consumption, aronia fruits are also used by drying, processing into products such as fruit juice, vinegar, jam, tea, marmalade.
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