结果 41-50 的 425
Barriers to Climate Change Adaptation of Wheat Producing Farmers; the Case of Çorum Province-Türkiye
Güngör Karakaş
Global climate change, the effect of which has been increasingly felt in the last ten years, has made itself felt more in many regions in Turkey, especially in 2020 and 2021, and a serious temperature increase, floods and forest fires have been seen. Climate change affects the most vulnerable agricultural production. Since the adaptation of farmers to climate change is important in terms of food prices and sustainability of agricultural production, it is important to identify the barriers to adaptation of farmers to climate change. The aim of this research is to investigate the barriers to the adaptation to climate change of wheat producing farmers in Çorum province, where wheat is produced on 37% of the total agricultural land. In order to achieve this aim, 424 farmers were interviewed and their climate change 'understanding', 'perceptions', 'attitudes' and climate change adaptation 'barriers' were examined. As a result of the research, it has been determined that the farmers perceive climate change as "drying of water resources" and “increase in drought”, and they have an attitude that "we should strive together to adapt to the changing climate" rather than an individual struggle. In addition to these, it has been determined that “climate change is perceived as a serious problem” by the farmers and as a result of all these, the lack of “access to water resources” is the most important obstacle in adapting to climate change. In order to accelerate the adaptation of farmers to climate change, to protect them against the negative effects of climate change and to make local adaptation strategic plans, politicians, non-governmental organizations, public, private sector, universities, national and international organizations have important duties.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Evaluating Veal Consumption Hedonism of Consumers by Mediating Effect Model with Risk Factor
Yavuz Topcu
In recent years, climate change and Covid-19 pandemic have dramatically caused some attitude variation on consumers’ food consumption preferences. By measuring the impacts on their behaviors of these changes, using as a policy tool is of a great importance. This research was conducted to analyze the total effect of sensory quality and mediating effect with natural risk factor on veal consumption hedonism of consumers in Erzurum province under climate change and Covid-19 epidemic. The main data of the study was consisted of primary data obtained from 385 household in 2021. The data were used in basic effect model to measure the sensory quality effect on consumption hedonism, and then in mediating effect model to determine indirect effects of risk factor playing linking role. The results of the study indicated that sensory quality being of high total effect on consumers’ veal consumption hedonism in basic effect model explained 64% of total variance. On the other hand, it was determined that sensory quality’s direct effect on consumption hedonism in mediating effect model with risk factor was lower, but the risk factor’s indirect effect was meaningful, and had a higher explanation rate than that in basic effect model. In order to be able to increase consumption hedonism, human diets should include consumption based on alternative meat and protein sources of vegetable origin instead of veal consumption. Hygiene decisions minimizing Covid-19 infection risk, moreover, at production and marketing stages of alternative meats should be taken and implemented.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Nanotechnology-Based Antimicrobial Surface-Coating Technologies and Their Potential Applications
Gökhan Gurur Gökmen | Duygu Kışla
Nanotechnology has a wide study field including organic and/or inorganic particles smaller than 100 nanometers and all kinds of technological studies developed using these particles. In the production of nanoparticles, top-down approaches in which macro-sized materials were reduced to nano-sizes and bottom-up approaches in which atoms / molecules were increased to nano-sizes by different chemical reactions, are used. Currently, nanoparticles produced by top-down approaches might be used in many industries such as food industry, water treatment systems, cosmetics, and medicine. Microorganisms that tend to move, adhere, and colonize a solid surface, cause the formation of microbial biofilm on these surfaces. Microbial biofilms show high resistance to traditional antimicrobial applications in industrial environments especially where food is processed, water piping systems, biological tissues and medical implants. Therefore, the requirement has emerged to make not only the surfaces in direct contact with people, but also the surfaces in contact with food, to be resistant to microorganisms by different antimicrobial coating techniques. In this review, it is aimed to give information about the production methods of nanomaterials, different antimicrobial surface-coating techniques, the mechanism of antimicrobial nanoparticles on microorganisms and potential applications of antimicrobial surfaces.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]The Effect of Indole Acetic Acid on Forage Soybean under Drought Stress
Gizem Aksu
Drought is an important environmental stress that limits crop production in the world. Its importance has increased with global warming and it has become one of the most important factors limiting plant production. Soybean is the more source of obtaining and cheaper protein per unit area. Soybean has a widespread use in livestock because it contains valuable amino acids as well as high protein quality. The aim of this research is to diminish negative effect of drought stress in the forage soybean with indole acetic acid application. The experiment was carried out in the growth chamber according to a randomized block design with 4 doses (0-5-10-20 μM IAA) of indole acetic acid, 2 drought levels (0 and -0.5 MPa PEG-6000) and 3 replicate. Leaf length and width, leaf proportional water content, cell membrane damage and malondialdehyde (MDA) content of the plants were determined. The data were evaluated by analysis of variance using a statistical package program. According to the analysis of variance, all parameters were found to be statistically significant in drought x indole acetic acid interaction. Indole acetic acid applied to the forage soybean plant alleviated the damage caused by drought. For this reason, it is thought that it may be important to ensure less damage to plants grown under stress.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Önemli Bir Arı Ürünü Olan Balın Kalite Parametreleri
Nesibe Özge Toy | Nuray Şahinler
Bir apiterapi ürünü olan bal ise; vitamin ve mineral bakımından zengin, böcekler tarafından bitki üzerinde oluşturulan nektarı toplayarak elde edilen, insan sağlığı açısından büyük önem ihtiva eden maddeleri içeren değerli bir besindir. Farklı bitkilerden elde edilen ballarda farklı renk, tat ve kompozisyonlar gözlenebilmektedir. Türkiye’de en çok tüketilen arı ürünleri arasında yer alan balda hillendirilen gıdaların arasında yer almaktadır. Aynı zamanda bala şeker şurubu, nişasta tağşişi gibi bazı maddelerin katılması ile sahte bal üretimi gerçekleştirilmekte olup, tüketicileri de tehlikeye sokan GDO’lu balların üretiminin de dünya üzerinde artış gösterdiği bildirilmektedir. Bu durum önüne geçmek adına ise Türk Gıda Kodeksi Bal Tebliği’nde balın katkı maddelerinden uzak (gıda katkı maddeleri dahil olmak üzere), doğal bileşiminde bulunmayan organik ve/veya inorganik maddelerden ari olması gerektiği belirtilmiştir. Bal tebliğinde belirtildiği gibi bal üretimi yapabilmek içinde balın bazı kalite kriterleri mevcuttur. Bu kriterler ise balın kimyasal içeriği (fenolik bileşikler, fruktoz / glikoz oranı, rutubeti, kül, ph değeri, Hidroksimetil furfural gibi), balın hammaddesine (yani nektarı) etki eden faktörler, bala ısıl işlem uygulanması sırasındaki sıcaklık değerleri, balın çiğ ve taze olması balın kalite kriterleri olarak belirtilmiştir. Bu çalışmada, balın kimyasal yapısında bulunan bileşiklerin Türk Gıda Kodeksi’ ne göre bulunma oranlarının, ısıl işlem uygulanmasının ve balın nektar yapısının kalite üzerine etkileri derleme olarak hazırlanmıştır.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Biodegradation of Some Pesticides by Enterobacter cloacae; in vitro
Tarık Balkan | Sabriye Belgüzar | Mehmet Kızılarslan | Özlem Yılmaz
The degradation of some pesticides (acetamiprid, boscalid, deltamethrin, kresoxim-methyl, pyraclostrobin and pyridaben) by Enterobacter cloacae (plant growth-promoting bacteria) was investigated in vitro. In this study, firstly the effective substances used initially did not have a negative effect on E. cloacae, and the bacteria showed the same growth as the control group in the nutrient agar medium. Secondly, application doses of pesticides were added to erlenmeyer with nutrient broth, and 1 ml of 1×109 cells/ml of E. cloacae solution was inoculated and incubated in a shaker at room temperature (24°C) for 7 days. After the nutrient broth medium was extracted, pesticides were measured by Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). When the results were compared with the control group, there was no degradation in acetamiprid, but 98.9% in pyraclostrobin, 98.6% in boscalid, 94.1% in kresoxim-methyl, 73.5% in pyridaben and 57.3% in deltamethrin. It is thought that the results of this study and the information obtained on the degradation of boscalid, deltamethrin, kresoxim-methyl, pyraclostrobin and pyridaben will shed light on future studies.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]The Effects of IBA and Paclobutrazol Applications on the Rooting Performance of Blackberry Cuttings
Muhammed Rahmetullah Çiğdem | Alperen Donat | Emircan Dinçer | Kenan Yıldız | Osman Nuri Öcalan
Difficulties in adventitious root formation in blackberry (Rubus fructicosus L.) cuttings create a disadvantage for producers. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of different growth regulator applications on the rooting ability of blackberry hardwood cuttings in order to avoid this problem. The experiment was carried out in the polycarbonate greenhouse of Tokat Gaziosmanpaşa University Agricultural Research and Application Center In the experiment, in addition to the control (pure water) group, Indole-3-Butyric Acid (3000 ppm IBA) and different doses of paclobultrazole (500 ppm PBZ1, 1000 ppm PBZ2, 1500 ppm PBZ3) were applied to hardwood cuttings separately and in combination. After the application, the cuttings were planted in perlite medium and left to root for 90 days. At the end of this period, in the cuttings removed; rooting rate, callus formation rate, root number, root length and root diameter parameters were examined. As a result of the study, the highest rooting rate was obtained from the IBA applied cuttings (%42.22), followed by the PBZ1 applied cuttings closest (%33.33). In addition, it was determined that PBZ applications had positive effects on root diameter compared to the control group. The results obtained are important in terms of contributing to the literature and benefiting the enterprises
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Connection of Fisheries Management and Ballast Water Management Contract (Bwm Convention, 2004)
Serpil Yilmaz | Esra Erikçi Bilgin
Although land-based pollution is expressed as the most important pollution factor in the pollution of the seas (80%), the rate of pollution originating from ships (approximately 20%) is not to be underestimated. The fact that marine pollution is caused almost exclusively by ships requires investigation of the measures to be taken against marine pollution from ships and their applicability. As a matter of fact, the most important cause of pollution caused by ships is ballast water, and it has been determined that over 7,000 marine organisms are transported between ports with ballast waters on a global scale every day. Ballast water is used to maintain the balance of the ship on the water when the ships are not loaded. Considering that 90% of international trade is still provided by ships and 3-5 billion tons of ballast water is transported by approximately 85,000 ships every year with world maritime trade, the importance of pollution caused by ballast water becomes apparent. While ballast water is one of the elements that cause the transport of exotic marine and freshwater organisms between all seas of the world and cause pollution, the pollution in question is very effective especially in the aquaculture sector. Therefore, in this article, the connection of ballast water with fisheries management has been examined and solutions have been sought for the problems.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Reproductive Characteristics of the Common Cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis, Linnaeus, 1758) Population Distributed in the Antalya Bay
Olgaç Güven | Mehmet Özbaş
Cuttlefish are members of the cephalopod class, that die en masse following a single breeding season (monocyclic spawning). In line with changes in environmental factors, they spent their lives in coastal areas at a depth range of 0-200 m. Although adults prefer deep areas before breeding season, they migrate to coastal areas again for breeding activity and die as a result of natural factors at the end of the breeding period. Knowledge of the life cycle and especially the reproduction phase of their life is crucial information to be able to sustainably exploit these species. Even though the coastline of Turkey, due to the variations of the environmental conditions, it's known that there are differences in reproductive characteristics among the subpopulations of the species.To determine the reproductive characteristics of the Antalya Bay subpopulation of the species, a total of 516 individuals (247 male and 269 female individuals) were examined. The mantle length of the examined individuals ranged between 45 – 177 mm. By using the morphologic characters 4 stages of sexual maturity could be observed for both sexes. Within the scope of our study, the relationship between height and weight, gonad development status (sexual maturity indices) and the number of eggs in female individuals with biometric characters were determined for the population in the sampling area.
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