[ 发表于: Turkish Journal of Agriculture-Food Science and Technology ]

结果 41-50 的 425

Using the Remote Sensing Method to Simulate the Land Change in the Year 2030


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Investigation of Supported Producers within the Scope of Policies to Prevent Environmental Destruction Originated by the Agricultural Sector in Türkiye (Case of Cereal Producers in the Seyfe Lake Region)


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The Opinions of the Sheep Breeders about the National Sheep and Goat Breeding Program under Farmer Condition in Niğde Province


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The Impact of Urban Green Areas on the Temperature Increase Causing by the Surface Materials and a Future Scenario


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Aronia (Aronia melanocarpa Michx Elliot) Production and Evaluation Methods in the World and Turkey


Ali Şahin | Ümmügülsüm Erdoğan

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Cover and Table of Contents


Editoral Editoral

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