结果 791-800 的 3,314
ffect of Extraction Methods on Bioactive Compounds of Plant Origin
Erinç Koçak | Fikret Pazır
The use of bioactive compounds has been maintaining its significance from nutritional aspects. Due to the increasing demand for them in potential markets, researchers struggle to create new sources and improve their methods. Plant materials possess plenty and a diverse range of these compounds. However, their availability strongly depends on the extraction techniques in addition to the sampling methods and the applicability of the method to the specific parts of the plant. Thus, it is crucial to develop a common, precise way which will enable to extract all the active components regardless of their origin and their location in the plant material. Besides, the new method ought to have the highest economic value in comparison to the present applications which means that the efficiency of the extraction should be acceptable on industrial scale as well. Even though numerous methods have been improved so far, it seems to be unlikely to achieve a standardized solution with high valorization for the extraction of bioactive compounds from plants until now. This review aims to discuss the novel extraction methods in addition to the conventional techniques focusing on the critical parameters such as the cost, time, yield, feasibility and eco-friendliness of the process.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Obezitede Tat Duyusunun Etkisi: Yağ Algısı
Elif Esra Öztürk-Duran | Derya Dikmen
Son yıllarda yaşam tarzında meydana gelen değişiklikler yeme davranışını da beraberinde etkilemektedir. Değişen yaşam koşullarıyla beraber duyusal çekiciliği fazla olan hazır besinlerin tüketimi büyük oranda artış göstermektedir. Hazır besinlerdeki duyusal istek artışının temel sebeplerinden biri besinlerin içermiş olduğu yağ miktarı olarak gösterilmektedir. Yağ içeriği fazla olan besinlerin tüketiminin artmasıyla; ağızda yağ asidi eşik değerinde artışlar meydana gelmekte, yağ algısına karşı duyarsızlaşma ve sonunda da aşırı besin tüketimine bağlı olarak obeziteye sebep olmaktadır. Her ne kadar beş temel tat arasında yer almasa da yağ algısı-duyusu, yağ tadı olarak tanımlanmaya başlamış olup, iştah kontrolü ve besin seçimi mekanizmaları üzerinde etkilidir. Çağımız global sorunu olan obezitenin önlenmesi ve tedavisinde yağ algısının önemi gittikçe artmaktadır. Bu derleme yağ algısı ve obezite üzerine etkisini incelemek amacıyla planlanmıştır.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Blood biochemical changes in common carp (Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758) fed different levels of copper sulphate and zeolite
Arzu Aydın Uncumusaoğlu
In this study, copper toxicity, was investigated after the addition of zeolite to the diet of common carps (Cyprinus carpio). The experiment included four groups with three replicates each. The 4 group feeds were [CuSO4; CuSO4 + Zeolite; Zeolite, and the control without CuSO4 or Zeolite with three replicates each. Fishes were kept in 80 L glass aquariums with 10 fishes with a mean weight of 60.6 ± 0.2 g. At the end of each period, a necropsy was performed on fishes from each treatment, and gross clinical signs were recorded. We found significant changes in the blood parameters of the common carps with or without different levels of zeolite and copper. Changes in cholesterol (CHOL), triglyceride (TG), low density lipoprotein (LDL), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), calcium (Ca2+), phosphorus (P+), sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), chloride (Cl-), magnesium (Mg2+), and ferrous (Fe+2) were also significant. Our results suggest that zeolite can be used in fish feeds at a rate of 40 mg/l to mitigate the toxic effects of copper.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]The Effects of Age and Number of Grafted Larvae on Some Physical Characteristics of Queen Bees and Acceptance Rate of Queen Bee Cell
Samet Okuyan | Ethem Akyol
This study was carried out to determine the effects of age and number of grafted larvae on acceptance rates, body weight, body length, head width and length, thorax width and length, and wing width and length of queen bees. One breeding and eleven starter hives were used for rearing queen bees. Totally, 495 one, two, and three-day-old larvae were grafted into starter hives comprising 30, 45, and 60 and 414 larvae were accepted; thus, generally, the acceptance rate was calculated as 83%. The best acceptance rate was calculated in three-day-old larvae group as 85.15%. There were found a statistically significant effect of the number of grafted larvae on body length and head width of queen. However, there were any effects on weight, head length, thorax width, thorax length, wing width, wing length, and acceptance rate of larvae. Age of grafted larvae did not have a statistically significant effect on head width, head length, wing width and acceptance rate of larvae. On the other hand, age of grafted larvae had a statistically significant effect on queen weight, body length, thorax width and length, and wing length of queen. If bee breeders wish to improve their stock, they should graft one-day-old larvae for rearing better queen bees.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Turmeric (Curcuma Longa): An Underutilized Phytogenic Additive in Poultry Nutrition
Olumuyiwa Joseph Olarotimi
The aim of this review paper is to explore the available information from research findings on the use of Turmeric (Curcuma longa) as a reliable phytogenic antibiotic for poultry production in the tropics especially in Nigeria and other countries. A wide range of phytogenic additives has found a growing interest in fortification of poultry diets. Supplementation of natural alternatives to antibiotic growth promoters in order to maintain both birds’ performance and health in the tropics will be a welcome development. Turmeric has reportedly been widely supplemented in poultry diets as natural alternative antibiotics in several studies with outstanding performances. The nutritional, medicinal, haematological and phyto-toxicological effects of turmeric were reviewed in this paper. Hence, turmeric supplementation at recommended inclusion rate in poultry feeds without posing any deleterious effects to the birds’ performances as well as the consumers of the products, and ultimately, leading to better profitability on the part of the farmers, will be a nutritional breakthrough for the farmers in the tropics.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Farklı Oranlarda Keçiboynuzu Unu İçeren Pestillerin Bazı Fiziksel, Kimyasal ve Duyusal Özelliklerinin Belirlenmesi
Emine Nakilcioğlu Taş | Büşra Çakaloğlu | Semih Ötleş
Pestil; Türkiye’ de genellikle kış aylarında tüketilmek üzere, dut, üzüm, kayısı, erik gibi birçok meyveden elde edilebilen vitamin ve mineral içeriği yüksek bir gıdadır. Yapılan bu çalışmada pestilin üretiminde kullanılan buğday nişastasının farklı oranlarda keçiboynuzu unu ile ikame edilmesi sonucunda elde edilen geleneksel ürünün protein içeriği ve dolayısıyla fonksiyonelliğinin artırılması amaçlanmaktadır. Bunun için dut ve hurma pestilleri, %25-%50-%75 oranlarında keçiboynuzu unu ile ikame edilerek üretilmiştir. Pestillerin kimyasal kompozisyonları (nem, kül, yağ, protein, toplam karbonhidrat), enerji değerleri, kalınlık değerleri, pH, titrasyon asitliği, HMF içerikleri, renk özellikleri (L*, a*, b*), mineral içerikleri (Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Na, Zn, P) ve duyusal analizleri gerçekleştirilerek ürünlerin besinsel özellikleri ortaya konulmuştur ve analiz sonuçları tek yönlü varyans analizinden yararlanılarak istatiksel açıdan değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışmanın sonucunda keçiboynuzu unu ile ikame edilen pestillerin makro besin ögelerinde belirgin bir artış meydana geldiği ve dolayısıyla ürünün besleyici değerinin arttığı tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca %25 oranında keçiboynuzu unu ikameli dut ve hurma pestillerinin duyusal açıdan renk, görünüş ve tat-koku özellikleri değerlendirildiğinde en çok beğenilen pestil örneği olduğu belirlenmiştir.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Effects of Disbudding, Re-Cutting and Wounding in Grafted Grapevine Sapling Production
Rüstem Cangi | Gözde Öncel Deveci
In this study, the effects of re-cutting, wounding and disbudding over the base of dormant rootstock cuttings on the grafting success, final take and grapevine sapling quality in grafted grapevine sapling production were investigated. Five different treatments were experimented in this study as of T-1 (in which the base of the rootstock was cut and two distal buds from the base were disbud (standard application); T-2 (in which the base of the rootstock was not cut but two distal buds were disbud); T-3 (in which only the base of the rootstock was cut); T-4 (in which the base of the rootstock was cut and three buds were disbud) and T-5 (in which the base of the rootstock was crashed with a hammer and two distal buds were disbud). Scions of Royal cultivar were grafted on 5BB,1613 Couderc and 140 Ruggeri rootstocks by omega grafting machine. Grafted cuttings were planted and grown in plastic pots in a greenhouse. The callusing development and rooting performance of grafted cuttings, the final take of the first grade of the sapling and sapling itself, final take of potted grafted saplings, fresh and dry matter weight of shoot and root were evaluated. The existence of bud on base of rootstock and re-cutting of the base affected graft success positively. Re-cutting of 140 Ru rootstock of the base positively affected callusing and root development. Graft success ratios ranged from 71% (140 Ru, T-3) to 100% (1613C, T-2). Total final take ratios varied between 25% (140 Ru, T-3) and 90% (5BB, T-3) and the final take of the first grade ranged from 2.5% (140 Ru, T-2) to 37% (1613C, T-2,3,4). The existence of bud on the base portion of rootstock had a positive effect on final take and sapling quality parameters. As a result, existence of bud on the base of rootstock positively affected the graft success, shoot and root quality. Re-cutting of the base of the 140 Ru had a positive effect on graft success and final take ratios. In order to reduce the labour costs, there is no need to cut the base portion of 1613 C and 5BB rootstocks.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Determination of Factors Effective on the Organization of Dairy Cattle Farms: A Case Study of Van Province of Tuşba District
İbrahim Yıldırım | Mustafa Terin | Kenan Çiftçi | Melike Ceylan | Bekir İlban
The study aims at estimating the effect of producers’ socio-economic characteristics and the farm structure on the probability of becoming a member of an agricultural organization. For this aim Ordered Probit Model was applied. The data of 2010 production period was collected from 66 dairy cattle farms through questionnaires based on stratified random sampling method. While 74.2% of producers were not a member to any organization, the remaining 18.2 and 7.6% were members of one and more than one organizations, respectively. The result of study showed that the variables of experience, education level, milk yields, milking machine existence, and record keeping rate increased the probability of becoming a member to any agricultural organization. Government financial, technical and educational supports towards increasing the number of cattle farms, with high educated and experienced labor and high productivity levels, which are associated in an agricultural organization, could promote the willingness of producers in the region in participating of agricultural organizations as a member.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Organic Milk Versus Conventional Milk As Functional Milk
Zehra Selcuk | Habip Muruz
Chronic diseases progress slowly and generally cause symptoms in middle age onward. It is widely known that there is a close link between diets and chronic diseases in human. Foods which have specific target functions and preventive impacts on human health as well as their basic nutritional effects are defined as functional foods. These foods may decrease risk for chronic diseases due to having health preventive impacts on human health. Milk is an useful baverage for during childhood and adolescence because of its macro and micro nutrients. Milk composition is affected by mainly genetic, nutrition, season, lactation stage etc. Therefore, there are some differences in milk components between organic and conventional milk because of especially heredities of herds and nutrition. Seasonal variations in pasture, amount of grains and forages (fresh or conserved) cause changes in milk fatty acid composition of organic and conventional milk. Furthermore, organic production regulations limit the use of starch-based concentrates and supplements; therefore, some nutrients’ concentrations (protein, thiamine, vitamin B1 and B2, I etc) in organic milk may be expected to be lower than those of conventional milk. In this paper, organic and conventional milk components have been reviewed in term of functional milk.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Maclura pomifera (Osage Orange) Meyve Özütünden Elektroeğirme Yöntemiyle Üretilen Membranların Karakterizasyonu
Rifat Battaloğlu | Emine Müge Pekacar
Bu çalışmada yaygın nanolif elde etme yöntemi olan elektroeğirme yöntemi ile Maclura pomifera meyve özütü kullanılarak kitosan-etilendiamin tatraasetik asit/polivinilalkol (CS-EDTA/PVA) polimerleri ile nanolif sentezlenmiştir. Elde edilen nanoliflerin yapısı ve çapları taramalı elektron mikroskopu (SEM) kullanılarak görüntülenmiştir. Kimyasal bağlanma özellikleri ise Fourier Dönüşümlü Kızılötesi Spektroskopisi (FT-IR) ile belirlenmiştir. Nanolifin sıcaklığa bağlı kütle değişimi Termogravimetrik Analiz (TGA) analizi ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışmanın son aşamasında ise özüt ve nanolifin toplam fenolik madde içerikleri belirlenmiştir. Nanolife ait toplam fenolik madde içeriklerinin zamana bağlı olarak değişimleri incelenmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlar Maclura pomifera yüklü nanolifin oluştuğunu göstermiştir. Bu nanolifin sıcaklığa dayanıklı bir yapısı olduğunu ortaya çıkmıştır. Ayrıca fenolik bileşiklerin özütten az miktarda nanolife geçtiği ancak nanolif oluştuktan sonra toplam fenolik madde miktarlarında önemli bir değişiklik olmadığı belirlenmiştir.
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