结果 1171-1180 的 1,253
Thank you of the legendary members of the SOBER, 2004
Schuh, G. Edward
Extração e comercialização de folhagens ornamentais da Mata Atlântica: o caso da verdes (Rumohra adiantiformis) no RS
Ribas, Rafael Perez(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul ,Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais CEDEPLAR) | Miguel, Lovois de Andrade(Institut National Agronomique Paris Grignon ,Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Programa de Pós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento Rural Departamento de Ciências Econômicas)
Este trabalho restitui os resultados de uma pesquisa sobre a comercialização de samambaia-preta (Rumohra adiantiformis (G. Forst) Ching), também conhecida como verdes, que é extraída na região da Encosta Atlântica do Rio Grande do Sul. Além de ser considerada uma das maiores regiões produtoras desta folhagem no Brasil, um número significativo de agricultores familiares desta região tem na extração desta espécie sua principal fonte de renda. Os resultados deste estudo permitem perceber a existência de uma remuneração bastante diferenciada entre os diferentes agentes envolvidos, salientando o predomínio de relações de cunho comercial precárias e informais, e a inexistência de representação e organização dos atores envolvidos. Tal situação pode ser imputada, em grande parte, ao caráter ilegal e clandestino desta atividade, tendo em vista a legislação ambiental vigente no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. | This work shows the results of research on the leather fern (Rumohra adiantiformis (G. Forst.) Ching) trade that it's extracted at the Atlantic Slope region of Rio Grande do Sul. Besides being considered one of the greatest fern producing regions of Brazil, a significant number of local family farmers have in the extraction of this species their main income source. The results of this study allowed us to verify the existence of a very differentiated compensation in different agents involved, emphasizing the predominance of precarious and informal commercial relations, and the inexistence of representation and organization of the involved players. This situation is a consequence of the illegal and clandestine character of this activity, in view of the effective environmental legislation in Rio Grande do Sul State.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Análise de eficiência das empresas agrícolas do pólo Petrolina/Juazeiro utilizando a fronteira paramétrica Translog
Barros, Emanoel de Souza(Universidade Federal de Pernambuco PIMES ,CAPES ,Université-Pantheon-Sorbonne-Paris I) | Costa, Ecio de Farias(University of Georgia ,UFPE PIMES Departamento de Economia,CNPq) | Sampaio, Yony(UFPE PIMES Departamento de Economia,CNPq ,University of California)
A irrigação iniciada no final da década de sessenta foi a principal responsável pelo marcante desenvolvimento ocorrido no pólo Petrolina/Juazeiro. Com a irrigação chegaram empresas agrícolas para a região, antes voltadas para outras atividades, como a pecuária extensiva. Supõe-se, então, que a moderna tecnologia usada na irrigação, combinada com a utilização de insumos, permite um nível de produção próximo ou sobre a fronteira de produção. Estudos preliminares constataram haver marcada heterogeneidade entre as empresas, em que pese o uso de pacotes tecnológicos semelhantes e a fruticultura, hoje, ser a atividade predominante. Portanto, este trabalho visa analisar a eficiência técnica das empresas agrícolas do pólo utilizando o modelo de função Translog para obter uma fronteira eficiente. A análise dos resultados mostra que o modelo apresenta escores de eficiência significantes. A análise comparativa entre os principais perímetros revela que a maior parte das firmas eficientes estão localizadas nos perímetros de Nilo Coelho e Maniçoba ou são externas aos perímetros. | The irrigation programs started in the late 60's were chiefly responsible for the impressive development occurred in the Petrolina/Juazeiro areas. Along with irrigation, came some agricultural enterprises that had been previously dedicated to other economic activities such as extensive cattle production. The main hypothesis of this study is that modern technology used in irrigation, combined with input usage, allow for a production level near or at the production frontier. Preliminary studies concluded that there is heterogeneity among enterprises, where similar technological packages are used and fruit production is the dominant production. Therefore, this study analyzes technical efficiency of agricultural enterprises in the studied area using a Translog function model to attain an efficient frontier. Results show that the model has significant efficiency scores. The comparative analysis among main irrigation areas shows that most of the efficient firms are located in the government delimited irrigation areas of Nilo Coelho and Maniçoba or outside delimited irrigation areas.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Dinâmica da agricultura e desenvolvimento no Rio Grande do Sul
Benedito Silva Neto | Telmo Rudi Frantz
O papel fundamental desempenhado pelas atividades econômicas não-agrícolas no desenvolvimento rural brasileiro tem sido evidenciado por vários estudos. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a hipótese de que uma parte importante das atividades não-agrícolas presentes no meio rural da maioria dos municípios do Rio Grande do Sul foi originada pela demanda de bens e serviços da própria população destes municípios. Uma análise da formação dos municípios ao longo da história do Rio Grande do Sul indicou que a densidade demográfica, assim como o nível e a distribuição da renda dos agricultores são variáveis importantes para explicar o seu desenvolvimento. A partir destas constatações elaborou-se um modelo matemático analítico que permitisse explicitar as relações destas variáveis (população rural, nível e distribuição da renda) com a demanda de bens e serviços locais. Os resultados obtidos no trabalho, especialmente as implicações formais dos modelos formulados, indicam que a manutenção da população no campo, a ampliação da renda dos agricultores e a promoção de uma melhor distribuição desta renda, podem ser elementos importantes de uma política de estímulo a atividades nãoagrícolas no meio rural, o que, no entanto, não exclui a necessidade de medidas específicas de apoio à criação de atividades não-agrícolas como, por exemplo, crédito, assistência técnica e capacitação de recursos humanos.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Relative intensity of bilateral trade flows, regional integration, and trade performance: the case of Brazil, 1984-1998
Silva Valquiria da | Anefalos Lilian C. | R. Filho José Carlos G. dos
The objective of this research is to identify the component of trade that results specifically from bilateral relations and evaluate how the creation of trading blocs affects trade relations between countries. The trirapport coefficient of the relative intensity of bilateral agricultural sector trade flows between Brazil and other countries from 1984 and 1998 is used in the evaluation. In general, the results show that relative trade intensity between Brazil and its non-MERCOSUL trade partners fell after their entry into regional trade agreements (extra-bloc effect). The intra-bloc effect (trade expansion) is reflected by changes in trade intensity between Brazil and the other MERCOSUL members and changes in trade intensity between NAFTA members Mexico, Canada, and the United States.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Use of crops and livestock futures contracts in portfolios: an analysis of feasibility
Mattos, Fabio L.(Master in Applied Economics) | Ferreira Filho, Joaquim Bento de Souza(Universidade de São Paulo Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiróz)
According to Portfolio Theory, by combining assets that show a correlation inferior to one (1) among their individual returns, it becomes possible to create portfolios that reduce risk without damaging expected return. Crop and livestock futures contracts and company stocks show such a characteristic, which signals potential benefits when forming portfolios combining these two types of assets. This investment strategy is not often utilized in Brazil. The purpose of our research was to assess whether such an asset combination is actually advantageous to those creating investment portfolios in the Brazilian market. Our evaluation used instruments of analysis developed by Markowitz in Portfolio Theory and data about the return from crop and livestock futures contracts and stocks. The data was gathered from the Brazilian Futures and Commodities Exchange (BM&F) and Brazils National Association of Open Market Institutions (ANDIMA) between July 1994 and December 1998. The results of this work showed that the combination of these two types of assets in investment portfolios can be an interesting portfolio management alternative.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]The effects of non-agricultural activities on income distribution in rural Brazil
Neder, Henrique D.(Universidade Federal de Uberlândia)
The growth of non-agricultural activity since the 1980s has reconfigured the economic and social dynamic in Brazils rural areas. Our paper intends to describe the impact of this growth on income distribution in rural Brazil. We made use of a method of decomposition of two indicators of income distribution applied to1992 and 1999 Brazilian National Household Sample Survey (PNAD) data: the variation coefficient and the Gini index. It was observed that non-agricultural activities have increased the concentration of rural income and that this phenomenon is more prominent in Region I (states of Brazils Northeast and the state of Tocantins) and Region IV (states of São Paulo and Mato Grosso do Sul and the Distrito Federal). It was found that the income concentrating effect of each non-agricultural activity branch (commerce, transformation industry, administration, service) differed by region. In Region I, income from the "Social/Public Administration and Other Activities branch " (a PNAD designation) presents a coefficient of relative concentration greater than a unit, which indicates that income from this activities branch acts to increase the concentration of non-agricultural income in this region. In Region IV, income from industrial activities and from Social/ Public Administration and Other Activities both present coefficients of relative concentration greater than a unit; therefore, both branches act to increase the concentration of income from non-agricultural activities in this region.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Hedging with futures contracts in the Brazilian soybean complex: BM&F vs. CBOT
Silva, Andréia Regina O. da(Federal University of Viçosa) | Aguiar, Danilo R. D.(Federal University of Viçosa) | Lima, João Eustáquio de(Federal University of Viçosa)
This article analyzes the effectiveness of hedging Brazilian soy oil, soy meal, and soybeans in the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) and in the Brazilian Commodities and Futures Exchange (BM&F) to reduce the risk of financial loss due to commodity price fluctuations. The econometric results show that a cross-hedging strategy using the BM&F soybean futures contract is an instrument of low effectiveness for managing soy oil and soy meal price risk. Despite low effectiveness, the estimates demonstrate total advantage for soy meal hedging operations using CBOT soy meal futures contracts rather than cross-hedging using BM&F soybean futures contracts. With some exceptions, the results are also more favorable for hedging soy oil with soy oil futures contracts at the CBOT rather than cross hedging with soybeans at the BM&F. Conversely, Brazilian traders hedging soybeans receive more effective risk protection by trading soybean futures contracts at the BM&F than by trading soybean futures contracts at the CBOT.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Risk analysis of investments in-farm milk cooling tanks
Sant´Anna, Danielle D.(Universidade Federal de Viçosa) | Silva, Carlos Arthur B. da(Universidade Federal de Viçosa) | Gomes, Sebastião T.(Universidade Federal de Viçosa)
A risk analysis for the installation of milk cooling tanks (250, 500 and 1,000 L) on Brazilian rural properties was conducted in this study. The results showed that all investments had a return higher than the annual 12% minimum rate of attractiveness. There was a direct relationship between tank size and investment profitability and an inverse relation between size and risk. The probability of achieving returns lower than the opportunity cost was highest for the smallest tank (42%). In order to make the investment in small cooling tanks more attractive, the dairy industry incentives offered to farmers for supplying cooled milk could be increased. However, this approach might make investments in bulk milk collection by dairy companies infeasible. Thus, a recommendable strategy for a successful modernization of the Brazilian dairy sectors inbound logistics would be to promote an increase in the volume of the milk produced per farm.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Terra, ambiente e herança no alto do Jequitinhonha, Minas Gerais Land, environment, and inheritance in the High Jequitinhonha, Minas Gerais
Flávia Maria Galizoni
No alto Jequitinhonha, nordeste de Minas Gerais, a principal forma de os lavradores adquirirem terra é através da herança, sua própria ou do cônjuge ou, ainda, através da junção das duas. É muito difícil que se adquiram terra por outras vias. Assim, o dono da terra é antes de tudo um herdeiro, e a terra é, principalmente, um patrimônio formado pela família. O objetivo deste artigo foi analisar como posse e uso da terra se compõem com o ambiente e com a família, formando com ambos uma urdidura que passa pelo trabalho, pela herança, pela migração e pelo casamento, fornecendo elementos importantes para compreensão da sociedade rural e das formas de domínio da terra que se estabeleceram naquela região.<br>In the High Jequitinhonha region of northeastern Minas Gerais, Brazil, farmers acquire land principally through inheritance: their own, their spouses, or a combination of the two. The owner of the land is, before anything else, an heir; and the land is primarily a family patrimony. The objective of this article is to add to the understanding of Brazilian rural society and rural forms of land control by analyzing the interaction among land ownership, land use, the environment, and the family, focusing on the effect of this combination on the inheritance process, migration, work, and marriage.
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