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Mosquitex, a new tool for capturing Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti (Linnaeus, 1762) (Diptera: Culicidae)
Cyro Guimarães | Thiago Dutra Dias | Simone Pereira Alves | Igor Luiz Souza da Cruz | Marise Maleck
The species Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti (Linnaeus, 1762) (Diptera: Culicidae) is of great importance for human health, as it is responsible for the transmission of viruses that can cause dengue, chikungunya, zika and urban yellow fever. The proposal of this study is to test the efficiency of a new trap model in capturing and trapping Ae. aegypti based on favoring the insect's ecology. This trap model was analyzed regarding the attractiveness for egg-laying, and the trapping of larvae and consequently the adults. The tests were carried out using white traps (original version) and black traps (adapted from the original), both in field and laboratory conditions. In the field, the black traps showed 100% effectiveness compared to white traps, showing more positive results for the attractiveness of Ae. aegypti mosquito and adult imprisonment. According to the results for this trap model, from both test in the field and in the laboratory, it was concluded that this new product is effective in capturing Ae. aegypti and it guarantees mosquito trapping safety, also low-cost production, practicality, logistics and possibility of its use by the local population. After the validation and effectiveness of the trap “drinking-fountain like”, the definitive trap called Mosquitex was developed, which is brand new for this mosquito, with patent registration INPI - BR2020190112226 - 2019, and with the possibility of assisting in the control and monitoring of Ae. aegypti in urban areas.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Avaliação da Presença de Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus) e Aedes albopictus (Skuse) no Município de Vassouras, RJ, Brasil
Renata Fraga Pinheiro | Simone Pereira Alves | Alexandre Araujo Oliveira | Cleber Barreto Espindola | Marise Maleck
Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar a presença das formas imaturas de Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus) e Aedes albopictus (Skuse) no Município de Vassouras, RJ, Brasil. O levantamento foi realizado no período de junho de 2008 a maio de 2010, em sete pontos pré-determinados do município, com coletas semanais utilizando como metodologia de captura de larvas armadilhas de pneus contendo infusão de capim. Os resultados mostraram positividade de Ae. aegypti e Ae. albopictus em todos os pontos analisados e preferencialmente nos meses dezembro, janeiro e março. Evaluating the Presence of Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus) and Aedes albopictus (Skuse) in Vassouras City, RJ, Brazil Abstract. This study aimed to verify the presence of immature forms of Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus) and Aedes albopictus (Skuse) in the Vassouras City, RJ, Brazil. The survey was conducted from June 2008 to May 2010 in seven pre-determined points of the city, with weekly collections using a capturing larval methodology of the traps tires containing grass infusion. The results showed positive for Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus at all points analyzed and preferably in the months December, January and March.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Incidência das Formas Imaturas de Aedes albopictus (Skuse) e Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus) no Município de Miguel Pereira, RJ, Brasil
Paulo Roberto Barbosa | William Rodrigues | Marise Cabral
A presença de Aedes albopictus (Skuse) em área urbana representa um risco potencial do inter-relacionamento dessa espécie de mosquito com a população. Este estudo teve como objetivo identificar as formas imaturas de Ae. albopictus encontradas nos depósitos e imóveis do município de Miguel Pereira. O estudo foi realizado no período de 12 meses, ano de 2007, em 27 locais do município de Miguel Pereira, Estado do Rio de Janeiro. As larvas encontradas foram identificadas em laboratório e a análise dos dados foi calculada pelos índices de infestação predial e índice de Breteau. Os tipos de imóveis positivos foram residências (79,44% do total); terrenos baldios (2,56%); comércios (2,56%) e outros tipos de imóveis (15,04%) para Ae. albopictus, e residências (72,72% do total); comércios (6,06%); terrenos baldios (3,03%); e outros tipos de imóveis (18,18%) para Aedes aegypti (L.). Das 3731 larvas, 3562 (95,5%) eram de Ae. albopictus e 169 (4,5%) de Ae. aegypti. O mosquito Ae. albopictus mostrou-se mais presente nos criadouros que Ae. aegypti. A média do índice de infestação predial (IFP) e índice de Breteau (IB) para Ae. albopictus foi 1,0 e 1,9 e para Ae. aegypti de 0,1 e 0,1, respectivamente. As formas imaturas mais abundantemente encontradas no Município de Miguel Pereira no ano de 2007 foram de Ae. albopictus podendo futuramente se tornar um problema de saúde pública. Incidence of Aedes albopictus (Skuse) Immature Form in Miguel Pereira, RJ, Brazil. Abstract. The presence of Aedes albopictus (Skuse) in urban areas represents a potential risk of inter-relationship of this species of mosquito with the population. This study aimed to evaluate the presence of the Ae. albopictus immature forms in deposits and building at Miguel Pereira city, Rio de Janeiro State. The study was carried in the last 12 months, 2007, in 27 locations in Miguel Pereira city. The larvae were identified in laboratory and data analysis was calculated by indicators of building infestation index and the Breteau index. The positive buildings were: residential (79.44% of total); waste land (2.56%), shopping (2.56%) and other types of buildings (15.04%) to Ae. albopictus, and homes (72.72% of total), shopping (6.06%); waste land (3.03%) and other types of buildings (18.18%) to Ae. aegypti (L.). The larvae (3731) collected, 3562 (95.5%) were Ae. albopictus and 169 (4.5%) were Ae. aegypti. The Ae. albopictus are more present in breeding that Ae. aegypti. The average rate of building infestation index (IFP) and Breteau index (IB) for Ae. albopictus was 1.0 and 1.9 and for Ae. aegypti was 0.1 and 0.1, respectively. The Ae. albopictus immature larvae forms were more abundantly found in the Miguel Pereira city in 2007; in future it may become a public health problem.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Avaliação da Presença de Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus) e Aedes albopictus (Skuse) no Município de Vassouras, RJ, Brasil
Renata Pinheiro | Simone Alves | Alexandre Oliveira | Cleber Espindola | Marise Maleck
Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar a presença das formas imaturas de Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus) e Aedes albopictus (Skuse) no Município de Vassouras, RJ, Brasil. O levantamento foi realizado no período de junho de 2008 a maio de 2010, em sete pontos pré-determinados do município, com coletas semanais utilizando como metodologia de captura de larvas armadilhas de pneus contendo infusão de capim. Os resultados mostraram positividade de Ae. aegypti e Ae. albopictus em todos os pontos analisados e preferencialmente nos meses dezembro, janeiro e março. Evaluating the Presence of Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus) and Aedes albopictus (Skuse) in Vassouras City, RJ, Brazil Abstract. This study aimed to verify the presence of immature forms of Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus) and Aedes albopictus (Skuse) in the Vassouras City, RJ, Brazil. The survey was conducted from June 2008 to May 2010 in seven pre-determined points of the city, with weekly collections using a capturing larval methodology of the traps tires containing grass infusion. The results showed positive for Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus at all points analyzed and preferably in the months December, January and March.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Ovitrampas para Avaliação da Presença de Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus) e Aedes albopictus (Skuse) no Município de Vassouras, Estado do Rio de Janeiro
Alexandre Oliveira | Marise Maleck
Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus) e Aedes albopictus (Skuse) são vetores de diversas arboviroses entre elas a febre amarela urbana e a dengue, sendo a última um dos maiores problemas no mundo em cidades que possuem clima quente e úmido. Diante dos consecutivos casos de dengue em Vassouras-RJ foi importante averiguar a presença e comportamento do vetor nas diversas épocas do ano e sua predominância no município. Neste estudo observou-se a presença de Ae. aegypti em 10,44% e Ae. albopictus em 89,56% dos 364 ovos que se tornaram viáveis, e sendo o bairro Matadouro, ponto 4, local com maior presença destes culicídeos. Estes dados mostraram que Ae. albopictus está cada vez mais presente na área urbana. Ovitraps for evaluating the presence of Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus) and Aedes albopictus (Skuse) in Vassouras City, State of Rio de Janeiro Abstract. Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus) and Aedes albopictus (Skuse) are vectors of many arboviruses including urban yellow fever and dengue, the latter being one of the biggest problems in the world in cities that have hot and humid climate. Having the consecutive cases of dengue in Vassouras, RJ it was important to ascertain the presence and behavior of the vector in different seasons of year and their predominance in the city. In this study we observed the presence of 10.44% Ae. aegypti and 89.56% Ae. albopictus of the 364 viable eggs and being the Matadouro neighborhood (point 4), the local with the largest presence of these culicids. These data showed that Ae. albopictus is ever more present in urban areas.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Controle de Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti (Linnaeus, 1762) e Culex (Culex) quinquefasciatus Say, 1823 através de formulados contendo Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis em temperaturas controladas
João Zequi | Jose Lopes | Fernando Santos
Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti (Linnaeus) e Culex (Culex) quinquefasciatus Say são importantes vetores de patógenos em áreas urbanas. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar diferentes formulados comerciais contendo Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis de Barjac, no controle de Ae. aegypti e Cx. quinquefasciatus, verificando sua eficiência perante a potencia declarada. Testou-se os produtos Aquabac® XT 1200 UTI/mg, Teknar® 3000AAU/mg e Vectobac® AS 1200 UTI/mg, formulados líquidos, e os sólidos Vectobac® WDG 3000 UTI/mg, Vectobac® T 2200 UTI/mg e o formulado experimental Biouel 500 UTI/mg. Todos os produtos foram testados a temperatura de 25±2°C e os líquidos também a 15±2°C, 35±2°C e temperatura ambiente (25,37 a 28,73ºC). Os testes foram realizados utilizando-se 25 larvas no início do 4º estádio, em 150 mL de água destilada, com leitura de mortalidade 24 horas após exposição. Resultados foram analisados através de Probit calculando-se a CL50. A 25±2°C, os produtos Vectobac WDG e Vectobac T foram os mais eficientes para Ae. aegypti, com CL50 respectivamente de 0,10 (0,08 – 0,11) mg/L e 0,10 (0,09 – 0,11 mg/L). Para Cx. quinquefasciatus, os mais eficientes foram Vectobac WDG, Vectobac AS, Biouel e Vectobac T. Tomando como referência a potencia declarada dos produtos, o Biouel teve, proporcionalmente, melhor desempenho para as duas espécies. Nas temperaturas de 15±2°C, 35±2°C e na temperatura ambiente (25,37 a 28,37°C), Vectobac AS foi o mais eficiente para as duas espécies de Culicidae testadas. Na temperatura ambiente a 35±2°C, necessitou-se de menor concentração dos produtos para controle de Cx. quinquefasciatus em relação à Ae. aegypti. Control of Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti and Culex (Culex) quinquefasciatus Through Formulated Containing Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis at Controlled Temperatures Abstract. Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti (Linnaeus) and Culex (Culex) quinquefasciatus Say are important pathogen vectors in urban environments. This study was designed to evaluate commercial formulations containing Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis de Barjac for the control of Ae. aegypti and Cx. quinquefasciatus and to assess their efficiency as compared to manufacturers´ claims. The tested products were the liquid formulation of Aquabac® XT 1200 ITU/mg, Teknar® 3000AAU/mg, and Vectobac® AS 1200 ITU/mg, and the solid products Vectobac® WDG 3000 ITU/mg, Vectobac® Tablet 2200 ITU/mg, and the trial formulation of Biouel 500 ITU/mg. All products were tested at 25±2°C temperature and the liquid formulations were also tested at 15±2°C, 35±2°C, and at room temperature (25.37 to 28.73ºC). The experiments were conducted with 25 larvae at the early 4th stage, in 150 mL of distilled water; the dead larvae were counted 24 hours after product application. Results were analyzed using Probit to calculate CL50. The 25±2°C temperature, Vectobac WDG, and Vectobac Tablet were the most efficient in controlling Ae. aegypti, with CL50 of 0.10 (0.08 – 0.11) mg/L and 0.10 (0.09 – 0.11 mg/L), respectively. The most efficient products for Cx. quinquefasciatus were Vectobac WDG, Vectobac AS, Biouel, and Vectobac T. When the potency claimed by manufacturers was compared to our laboratory results, Biouel had the best performance for both species. Vectobac AS was the most efficient for both species of Culicidae tested at 15±2°C, 35±2°C and at room temperature (25.37 to 28.37°C). Lower product concentrations were required at 35±2°C room temperature to control Cx. quinquefasciatus than for Ae. aegypti.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Controle de Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti (Linnaeus, 1762) e Culex (Culex) quinquefasciatus Say, 1823 através de formulados contendo Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis em temperaturas controladas
João Zequi | Jose Lopes | Fernando Santos
Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti (Linnaeus) e Culex (Culex) quinquefasciatus Say são importantes vetores de patógenos em áreas urbanas. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar diferentes formulados comerciais contendo Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis de Barjac, no controle de Ae. aegypti e Cx. quinquefasciatus, verificando sua eficiência perante a potencia declarada. Testou-se os produtos Aquabac® XT 1200 UTI/mg, Teknar® 3000AAU/mg e Vectobac® AS 1200 UTI/mg, formulados líquidos, e os sólidos Vectobac® WDG 3000 UTI/mg, Vectobac® T 2200 UTI/mg e o formulado experimental Biouel 500 UTI/mg. Todos os produtos foram testados a temperatura de 25±2°C e os líquidos também a 15±2°C, 35±2°C e temperatura ambiente (25,37 a 28,73ºC). Os testes foram realizados utilizando-se 25 larvas no início do 4º estádio, em 150 mL de água destilada, com leitura de mortalidade 24 horas após exposição. Resultados foram analisados através de Probit calculando-se a CL50. A 25±2°C, os produtos Vectobac WDG e Vectobac T foram os mais eficientes para Ae. aegypti, com CL50 respectivamente de 0,10 (0,08 – 0,11) mg/L e 0,10 (0,09 – 0,11 mg/L). Para Cx. quinquefasciatus, os mais eficientes foram Vectobac WDG, Vectobac AS, Biouel e Vectobac T. Tomando como referência a potencia declarada dos produtos, o Biouel teve, proporcionalmente, melhor desempenho para as duas espécies. Nas temperaturas de 15±2°C, 35±2°C e na temperatura ambiente (25,37 a 28,37°C), Vectobac AS foi o mais eficiente para as duas espécies de Culicidae testadas. Na temperatura ambiente a 35±2°C, necessitou-se de menor concentração dos produtos para controle de Cx. quinquefasciatus em relação à Ae. aegypti. Control of Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti and Culex (Culex) quinquefasciatus Through Formulated Containing Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis at Controlled Temperatures Abstract. Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti (Linnaeus) and Culex (Culex) quinquefasciatus Say are important pathogen vectors in urban environments. This study was designed to evaluate commercial formulations containing Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis de Barjac for the control of Ae. aegypti and Cx. quinquefasciatus and to assess their efficiency as compared to manufacturers´ claims. The tested products were the liquid formulation of Aquabac® XT 1200 ITU/mg, Teknar® 3000AAU/mg, and Vectobac® AS 1200 ITU/mg, and the solid products Vectobac® WDG 3000 ITU/mg, Vectobac® Tablet 2200 ITU/mg, and the trial formulation of Biouel 500 ITU/mg. All products were tested at 25±2°C temperature and the liquid formulations were also tested at 15±2°C, 35±2°C, and at room temperature (25.37 to 28.73ºC). The experiments were conducted with 25 larvae at the early 4th stage, in 150 mL of distilled water; the dead larvae were counted 24 hours after product application. Results were analyzed using Probit to calculate CL50. The 25±2°C temperature, Vectobac WDG, and Vectobac Tablet were the most efficient in controlling Ae. aegypti, with CL50 of 0.10 (0.08 – 0.11) mg/L and 0.10 (0.09 – 0.11 mg/L), respectively. The most efficient products for Cx. quinquefasciatus were Vectobac WDG, Vectobac AS, Biouel, and Vectobac T. When the potency claimed by manufacturers was compared to our laboratory results, Biouel had the best performance for both species. Vectobac AS was the most efficient for both species of Culicidae tested at 15±2°C, 35±2°C and at room temperature (25.37 to 28.37°C). Lower product concentrations were required at 35±2°C room temperature to control Cx. quinquefasciatus than for Ae. aegypti.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Entomological profile and new registers of the genera Anopheles (Diptera, Culicidae) in a Brazilian rural community of the District of Coxipó do Ouro, Cuiabá, Mato Grosso
Adaiane Catarina Marcondes Jacobina | Jozeilton Dantas Bandeira | Fábio Alexandre Leal dos Santos | Elisangela Santana de Oliveira Dantas | Diniz Pereira Leite-Jr
The order Diptera is constituted of insects that possess numerous varieties of habitats, these winged, commonly called mosquitoes, comprise a monophyletic group. Malaria transmitters in Brazil are represented by mosquitoes of the Anopheles genus, being it principal vector species Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) darlingi Root. Collectings were accomplished in the rural area of Cuiabá in the region of Coxipó do Ouro/MT, and a total 4,773 adult mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles were obtained. The prevailing species in the collectings where An. (Nys.) darlingi with 3,905 (81.8%), considered the vector of major epidemiological expression in the region, followed by Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) argyritarsis (Robineau-Desvoidy) 267 (5.6%) and Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) triannulatus (Neiva & Pinto) 226 (4.7%). This report might be useful to entomological surveillance, demonstrating that the Coxipó do Ouro/MT locality might be elected as an area to be monitored, once the presence of such vector in this type of environment indicates a potential malaria transmission risk for the neighbouring regions in the state of Mato Grosso.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Ovitrampas para Avaliação da Presença de Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus) e Aedes albopictus (Skuse) no Município de Vassouras, Estado do Rio de Janeiro
Alexandre de Araujo Oliveira | Marise Maleck
Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus) e Aedes albopictus (Skuse) são vetores de diversas arboviroses entre elas a febre amarela urbana e a dengue, sendo a última um dos maiores problemas no mundo em cidades que possuem clima quente e úmido. Diante dos consecutivos casos de dengue em Vassouras-RJ foi importante averiguar a presença e comportamento do vetor nas diversas épocas do ano e sua predominância no município. Neste estudo observou-se a presença de Ae. aegypti em 10,44% e Ae. albopictus em 89,56% dos 364 ovos que se tornaram viáveis, e sendo o bairro Matadouro, ponto 4, local com maior presença destes culicídeos. Estes dados mostraram que Ae. albopictus está cada vez mais presente na área urbana. Ovitraps for evaluating the presence of Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus) and Aedes albopictus (Skuse) in Vassouras City, State of Rio de Janeiro Abstract. Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus) and Aedes albopictus (Skuse) are vectors of many arboviruses including urban yellow fever and dengue, the latter being one of the biggest problems in the world in cities that have hot and humid climate. Having the consecutive cases of dengue in Vassouras, RJ it was important to ascertain the presence and behavior of the vector in different seasons of year and their predominance in the city. In this study we observed the presence of 10.44% Ae. aegypti and 89.56% Ae. albopictus of the 364 viable eggs and being the Matadouro neighborhood (point 4), the local with the largest presence of these culicids. These data showed that Ae. albopictus is ever more present in urban areas.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Controle de Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti (Linnaeus, 1762) e Culex (Culex) quinquefasciatus Say, 1823 através de formulados contendo Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis em temperaturas controladas
João Antonio Zequi | Jose Lopes | Fernando Pereira Santos
Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti (Linnaeus) e Culex (Culex) quinquefasciatus Say são importantes vetores de patógenos em áreas urbanas. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar diferentes formulados comerciais contendo Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis de Barjac, no controle de Ae. aegypti e Cx. quinquefasciatus, verificando sua eficiência perante a potencia declarada. Testou-se os produtos Aquabac® XT 1200 UTI/mg, Teknar® 3000AAU/mg e Vectobac® AS 1200 UTI/mg, formulados líquidos, e os sólidos Vectobac® WDG 3000 UTI/mg, Vectobac® T 2200 UTI/mg e o formulado experimental Biouel 500 UTI/mg. Todos os produtos foram testados a temperatura de 25±2°C e os líquidos também a 15±2°C, 35±2°C e temperatura ambiente (25,37 a 28,73ºC). Os testes foram realizados utilizando-se 25 larvas no início do 4º estádio, em 150 mL de água destilada, com leitura de mortalidade 24 horas após exposição. Resultados foram analisados através de Probit calculando-se a CL50. A 25±2°C, os produtos Vectobac WDG e Vectobac T foram os mais eficientes para Ae. aegypti, com CL50 respectivamente de 0,10 (0,08 – 0,11) mg/L e 0,10 (0,09 – 0,11 mg/L). Para Cx. quinquefasciatus, os mais eficientes foram Vectobac WDG, Vectobac AS, Biouel e Vectobac T. Tomando como referência a potencia declarada dos produtos, o Biouel teve, proporcionalmente, melhor desempenho para as duas espécies. Nas temperaturas de 15±2°C, 35±2°C e na temperatura ambiente (25,37 a 28,37°C), Vectobac AS foi o mais eficiente para as duas espécies de Culicidae testadas. Na temperatura ambiente a 35±2°C, necessitou-se de menor concentração dos produtos para controle de Cx. quinquefasciatus em relação à Ae. aegypti. Control of Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti and Culex (Culex) quinquefasciatus Through Formulated Containing Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis at Controlled Temperatures Abstract. Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti (Linnaeus) and Culex (Culex) quinquefasciatus Say are important pathogen vectors in urban environments. This study was designed to evaluate commercial formulations containing Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis de Barjac for the control of Ae. aegypti and Cx. quinquefasciatus and to assess their efficiency as compared to manufacturers´ claims. The tested products were the liquid formulation of Aquabac® XT 1200 ITU/mg, Teknar® 3000AAU/mg, and Vectobac® AS 1200 ITU/mg, and the solid products Vectobac® WDG 3000 ITU/mg, Vectobac® Tablet 2200 ITU/mg, and the trial formulation of Biouel 500 ITU/mg. All products were tested at 25±2°C temperature and the liquid formulations were also tested at 15±2°C, 35±2°C, and at room temperature (25.37 to 28.73ºC). The experiments were conducted with 25 larvae at the early 4th stage, in 150 mL of distilled water; the dead larvae were counted 24 hours after product application. Results were analyzed using Probit to calculate CL50. The 25±2°C temperature, Vectobac WDG, and Vectobac Tablet were the most efficient in controlling Ae. aegypti, with CL50 of 0.10 (0.08 – 0.11) mg/L and 0.10 (0.09 – 0.11 mg/L), respectively. The most efficient products for Cx. quinquefasciatus were Vectobac WDG, Vectobac AS, Biouel, and Vectobac T. When the potency claimed by manufacturers was compared to our laboratory results, Biouel had the best performance for both species. Vectobac AS was the most efficient for both species of Culicidae tested at 15±2°C, 35±2°C and at room temperature (25.37 to 28.37°C). Lower product concentrations were required at 35±2°C room temperature to control Cx. quinquefasciatus than for Ae. aegypti.
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