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Silva, Charlley de Freitas | Medeiros, Erika Valente de | Santana, Marthony Dornelas | Araújo, Maysa Bezerra de | Martins Filho, Argemiro Pereira | Moura, Mácio Farias de
ABSTRACT Maize is an important cereal and it is widely consumed in the world, both as food for humans and animals. Nitrogen (N) is a nutrient required in large quantities by maize, but unfortunately, soils are limited in meeting this need. Nodulating legumes can serve as a source of Nitrogen, because they are symbiotically associated with bacteria capable of fixing atmospheric N. Another important source of this nutrient is cattle manure, which is widely used in agriculture. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of using legumes and cattle manure on the production as well as the microbial and biochemical quality of the soil used for maize cultivation. The experiment was conducted using a randomized complete block design, in a sub-subdivided plot scheme [(2x4) +2], two leguminous plants (pigeon pea and macassar bean), four doses of cattle manure (0, 20, 40 and 60 t ha-1) and two controls; one with mineral fertilization and the other cultivated without the use of fertilizers. Treatment using a manure dose of 60t ha-1 and pigeon pea legume, recorded higher dry mass production per plant. The increase in manure doses was directly proportional to the length and weight of the cobs for the two legumes. The enzymatic activities were affected by the different doses and legumes, with greater results being recorded at the 60 t ha-1 dose with the macassar legume. The use of legumes with manure improved maize production as well as the microbiological and biochemical quality of soils. | RESUMO O milho é um importante cereal muito utilizado no mundo, tanto como alimentação para humanos como para animais. O nitrogênio (N) é um nutriente requerido em grande quantidade pelo milho, e os solos são limitantes em atender essa necessidade. As leguminosas nodulantes podem ser utilizadas como fonte de Nitrogênio, por formarem associações simbióticas com bactérias capazes de fixar N atmosférico, outra importante fonte desse nutriente é o esterco bovino, utilizado largamente na agricultura. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o efeito do uso de leguminosas e esterco bovino na produção e qualidade microbiana e bioquímica do solo cultivado com milho. O experimento foi conduzido em delineamento de blocos ao acaso, em esquema de parcela sub-subdividida [(2x4) +2], sendo duas leguminosas (feijão guandu anão e feijão macassar), quatro doses de esterco bovino (0, 20, 40 e 60 t ha-1), mais dois tratamentos controle um com adubação mineral e outro sem o emprego de adubos. O tratamento utilizando a dose 60 t ha-1 de esterco com a leguminosa Guandu anão apresentou maior produção de massa seca por planta. O aumento das doses de esterco foi diretamente proporcional ao comprimento e peso das espigas para as duas leguminosas. As atividades enzimáticas responderam às diferentes doses e leguminosas, com maiores resultados na dose de 60 t ha-1 com a leguminosa macassar. O uso de leguminosa com esterco melhorou a produção de milho e a qualidade microbiológica e bioquímica dos solos.
ABSTRACT Biochar is a solid material formed during biomass thermochemical decomposition processes. This organic compound has particular properties that may cause effects on soils depending on its feedstock and processing conditions. Thus, the characteristics and purpose of use of this material must be recognized prior to its use. Two types of biochar, derived from different wood sources, were compared, one from caatinga biome species and another from cashew trees. Two species from caatinga biome were used, jurema-preta (Mimosa tenuiflora Willd. Poir.), and marmeleiro (Croton sonderianus Müll. Arg.). This study aimed to identify the best biochar material regionally available to increase water-holding capacity in the soil, based on laboratory tests and microstructural porosity evaluation. Biochar from Caatinga wood demonstrated an improved water-holding capacity if compared to cashew wood biochar. The particle diameters of 2 and 4 mm showed the highest levels, which were 2,268 g.g-1 for caatinga wood and 0.574 g.g-1 for cashew wood biochars, respectively. While the smaller quantities of macropores and a larger number of micropores (smaller radius) could explain the higher water-holding capacity for biochar from caatinga wood, the thick lignified cell walls of biochar from cashew wood support the idea of a hydrophobic effect contributing to water lower holding capacity. | RESUMO Biocarvão é o material sólido formado durante a decomposição termoquímica da biomassa. Suas propriedades e efeitos no solo variam amplamente com o material de origem e condições de precessamento. Desta forma, é reconhecida a importância de sua caracterização e desempenho para o que se propõe, antes do uso. Foram comparados dois tipos de biochar, de acordo com o material de origem, espécies do bioma Caatinga, Jurema-Preta (Mimosa tenuiflora (Willd.) Poir. associada com Marmeleiro (Croton sonderianus Müll.) Arg. e lenha de cajueiro (Annacardium occidentale L.). O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar biocarvão com melhor desempenho de promover o aumento da capacidade de retenção de água no solo, com base em evidências de laboratório e avaliação de porosidade microestructural. O biocarvão oriundo das espécies da Caatinga demonstrou maior capacidade de retenção de água quando comparado com o biocarvão de lenha de cajueiro, para todos os diâmetros avaliados. Com relação ao tamanho de partículas, níveis maiores de retenção de água foram observados aos 2 mm e 4 mm, 2,268 g g-1 para o biocarvão de madeira das espécies da Caatinga e 0,574 g g-1 para o biocarvão de madeira de cajueiro, respectivamente. Menores quantidades de macroporos e maior número de microporos (raio menor) foram observados no biocarvão de madeira das espécies da Caatinga, provavelmente relacionado à mais alta capacidade de retenção de água, enquanto densamente lignificadas, as paredes celulares de madeira de cajueiro, sustenta a ideia de que um efeito hidrofóbico pode contribuir para sua menor capacidade de retenção hídrica.
Souza, Wilson José Oliveira de | Rozane, Danilo Eduardo | Souza, Henrique Antunes de | Natale, William | Santos, Paulo André Fernandes dos
ABSTRACT The study was conducted in irrigated commercial orchards of ‘Paluma’ and ‘Pedro Sato’ guavas, which were mapped with a Garmin GPS unit (Cx60). Sixty five sampling points were marked on a 21 x 21 m sampling grid. Gravimetric humidity and soil penetration resistance (SPR) were evaluated with the help of an automated penetrometer rod with a type 3 cone at a 45º angle (maximum SPR 15,100 kPa). Data with non-normal distribution were analyzed by geostatistics and interpolation by ordinary kriging. SPR values were higher where machine traffic occurs than on the lines where the crop is planted. There was spatial variability of the SPR among the layers evaluated, with the layer between 0.10-0.20 m, on the line of the machine traffic, presenting a higher SPR (>4000 kPa). | RESUMO O estudo foi conduzido em pomares comerciais de goiabeiras ‘Paluma’ e ‘Pedro Sato’, irrigados, que foram mapeados com GPS de navegação Garmin (Cx60). Houve a demarcação de 65 pontos de amostragem, demarcados em grade amostral de 21 x 21 m, sendo avaliadas a umidade gravimétrica e a resistência do solo à penetração (RSP), com auxílio de um penetrômetro automatizado, haste com cone tipo 3 com ângulo de 45º (RSP máximo de 15.100kPa). Os dados com distribuição não normal foram analisados por geoestatística e interpolação por krigagem ordinária. Os valores de RSP, onde ocorre o tráfego de máquinas, foi maior do que o avaliado na linha de plantio da cultura. Houve variabilidade espacial da RSP entre as camadas avaliadas, sendo que a camada entre 0,10-0,20 m, na linha do tráfego de máquinas, apresentou a maior RSP (>4000kPa).
Ribeiro, Maycon Diego | Azevedo, Carlos Alberto de | Santos, Delfran Batista dos | Szekut, Flavio Daniel | Klein, Márcio Roberto | Reis, Claudia Facini
ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to apply optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) techniques to identify and assess dripper clogging of an irrigation system. Three dripper models (Taldrip, Streamline, and Tiran) underwent 1200 hours of irrigation with three types of effluents: treated domestic wastewater, water with a high calcium content, and urban water supply. Samples of the material adhered to the inside of drippers were analyzed by means of the smear method aiming at their biological identification. Other samples were taken to obtain SEM images. The presence of algae, bacteria, and biological components of biofilm was observed in drippers operating with wastewater and water with calcium, this latter in a low number. The formation of biofilm and chemical precipitates of calcium were observed in SEM images, leading to emitter clogging. Optical microscopy and SEM analyses allowed identifying the degree of fouling by biofilm and chemical precipitates in dripper clogging. | RESUMO O objetivo da pesquisa foi aplicar as técnicas de microscopia óptica e Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV) para identificar e avaliar os causadores da obstrução dos gotejadores de irrigação localizada. Três modelos de gotejadores (Taldrip, Streamline e Tiran) foram submetidos a 1200 horas de irrigação com três tipos de efluentes: água residuária de esgoto doméstico tratado água com elevado teor de cálcio e água de abastecimento urbano. Amostras do material aderida no interior dos gotejadores foram analisadas pelo método de esfregaço para fazer a identificação biológica, outras amostras foram retiradas para realizar as imagens com MEV. Foi possível verificar a presença de algas, bactérias e componentes biológicos do biofilme, tanto nos gotejadores operando com água residuária, quanto naqueles que operavam com água com cálcio, esta última em menor quantidade. Nas imagens com MEV foi possível verificar a formação de biofilme que causou a obstrução dos emissores e também os precipitados químicos de cálcio. A análise por MEV e microscopia óptica permitiu identificar o grau de incrustação por biofilme e precipitados químicos na obstrução de gotejadores.
Oliveira Neto, Pedro Mouzinho de | Cunha, Márcio Vieira da | Oliveira, Evaristo Jorge de | Santos, Mércia Virginia Ferreira dos | Moura, Janete Gomes de
RESUMO O semiárido representa cerca de 70% da superfície do Nordeste brasileiro e o recurso forrageiro de maior expressão é a Caatinga, cobrindo aproximadamente 54% desta região. Porém, cerca de 40% dessa vegetação encontra-se em sucessão secundária e as áreas em processo de degradação de intensidade baixa a severa, já somam mais de 20 milhões de hectares, reflexo do uso intenso da terra, dentre elas o superpastejo. Objetivou-se avaliar a influência de diferentes doses de fósforo (0, 50 e 100 kg de P2O5 ha-1 ano), em área de Caatinga manipulada, sem pastejo por quatro anos, sobre a dinâmica da vegetação herbácea em diferentes épocas do ano. O experimento foi conduzido na Unidade Acadêmica de Serra Talhada-UFRPE, durante os anos de 2015 a 2016. Foi utilizado delineamento em blocos casualizados, com três blocos e quatro repetições por bloco. A adubação fosfatada em áreas de exclusão ao pastejo promoveu aumento da massa de forragem do estrato herbáceo da Caatinga enriquecida, em todas as épocas de avaliação, com destaque para a época seca de 2016, que obeteve valores acima da média de 7950 kg de MS ha-1. Promoveu aumento da participação do capim-buffel na composição florística, elevando sua participação na área em torno de 74% para a dose máxima de fósforo utilizada. Neste sentido, a adubação fosfatada até 100 kg de P2O5 ha-1 ano, juntamente com a exclusão ao pastejo, pode ajudar na recuperação da Caatinga enriquecida com capim-buffel e otimizar a sua utilização diminuindo a formação de novas áreas de pastejo na Caatinga. | ABSTRACT The semi-arid region accounts for about 70% of the surface area of the Brazilian northeast, and the most important forage resource is the Caatinga, covering approximately 54% of this region. However, about 40% of this vegetation is in secondary succession. The areas in the process of degradation range from low to severe intensity, and total more than 20 million hectares, reflecting the intense use of the land, such as the overgrazing. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of different doses of phosphorus (0, 50 and 100 kg P2O5 ha-1 year-1) on the dynamics of herbaceous vegetation at different times of the year, in a Caatinga area manipulated without grazing for four years. The experiment was conducted at the Serra Talhada-UFRPE Academic Unit during the years 2015 and 2016. We used a randomised block design with three blocks and four replicates per block. Phosphate fertilisation in grazing exclusion areas promoted an increase in forage mass of the enriched Caatinga herbaceous stratum at all evaluation times, especially in the dry season of 2016, which showed values above the average of 7950 kg DM ha-1. In addition, it promoted an increase in the participation of buffelgrass in the floristic composition, increasing its involvement in the area to around 74% at the maximum dose of phosphorus used. Thus, phosphate fertilisation at up to 100 kg of P2O5 ha-1 year-1, together with grazing exclusion, can help to recover the Caatinga enriched with buffelgrass and optimise its use by reducing the formation of new grazing areas in the Caatinga.
Lopes, Lucas Martins | Nascimento, Josiane Moura do | Santos, Vanderley Borges Dos | Faroni, Lêda Rita Dantonino | Sousa, Adalberto Hipólito de
RESUMO O feijão comum (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) é uma das fontes proteicas mais importantes em todo o mundo. Todavia, o ataque de bruquídeos inviabiliza o armazenamento do produto após a colheita. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a taxa de emergência de Zabrotes subfasciatus (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) em quatro variedades de feijão P. vulgaris (Carioca Pitoco, Enxofre, Gorgutuba Vermelho e Rosinha) cultivadas na Amazônia sul-ocidental (Acre, Brasil). Os grãos de cada variedade foram infestados com 50 adultos não-sexados e após 13 dias do início dos bioensaios, os insetos foram removidos. A progênie adulta obtida nas variedades foi contabilizada e removida em dias alternados, a partir da primeira emergência, até o final do período de emergência (n° de insetos/frasco). A soma da emergência de insetos foi acumulada a partir da emergência inicial e resultou na soma da emergência acumulada (SEa, % dia), calculada por SEa = ∑SEd. Foram constadas diferenças nas taxas de emergência de Z. subfasciatus entre as variedades de feijão, sendo que a variedade Gorgutuba Vermelho apresentou menor taxa de emergência. Embora esta variedade de feijão tenha apresentado menor emergência de adultos, o tempo de desenvolvimento dos insetos não se estendeu nesta variedade, em comparação com as outras variedades. Em geral, a variedade Gorgutuba Vermelho apresentou indícios de fontes resistência a Z. subfasciatus. | ABSTRACT Common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) are one of the most important protein sources worldwide. However, infestation by bruchids compromises the storage of these beans after harvest. The objective of this study was to determine the emergence rate of Zabrotes subfasciatus (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in four P. vulgaris varieties (Carioca Pitoco, Enxofre, Gorgutuba Vermelho, and Rosinha) cultivated in the southwestern Amazon (State of Acre, Brazil). The grains from each variety were infested with 50 non-sexed adult Z. subfasciatus, and the insects were collected 13 days after initiating the bioassays. The adult progeny was collected from each plant variety on alternate days from the beginning to the end of the emergence period, and they were counted (number of insects/jar). The sum of emerged insects per day (SEd) was determined from the beginning of the emergence period, from which the accumulated emergence was calculated (SEa= ΣSEd, % day). There were differences in the emergence rates of Z. subfasciatus among the bean varieties, with the rates being lower in the Gorgutuba Vermelho variety. Although this bean variety had the lowest peak of adult insect emergence, the period of insect development was not of increased length in this variety compared to the other varieties. In general, the Gorgutuba Vermelho variety appears to be resistant to Z. subfasciatus.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]EFFECT OF AQUEOUS EXTRACT OF Prosopis juliflora ON THE CONTROL OF THE MITE Tetranychus bastosi IN PHYSIC NUT
RESUMO O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência, fitotoxicidade e efeito residual do extrato aquoso de folhas de Prosopis juliflora (Sw.) DC. (Fabaceae) para Tetranychus bastosi Tuttle, Baker & Sales (Acari: Tetranychidae) em Jatropha curcas L. (Euphorbiaceae). Para a avaliação da eficiência de controle plantas de pinhão-manso foram infestadas com 30 fêmeas adultas do ácaro e após 12 dias, foram pulverizadas com as concentrações letais (m/v) do extrato (CL50 = 53,45% ou CL90 = 85,35%) e com água destilada (testemunha), correspondendo aos tratamentos. Decorridas 24, 48, 72 e 96 e 120 horas após a aplicação do extrato, duas folhas do terço inferior, médio e superior das plantas foram amostradas e contabilizou-se os ácaros vivos por tratamento. A avaliação do efeito residual foi feita três, 24, 48, 96, 192 e 288 horas após a pulverização. Para avaliação do efeito fitotóxico do extrato foram atribuídas notas de acordo com a intensidade dos sintomas nas plantas. Constatou-se eficiência de controle por todo período avaliado, com média de 81,67% para a CL50 e 73,05% para CL90, sem diferença significativa entre os intervalos de avaliação. O extrato apresentou baixo efeito residual sobre T. bastosi, mas ao final de 12 dias a porcentagem média de redução da oviposição do ácaro foi de 49,21% e 68,86% para a CL50 e CL90, respectivamente. As plantas não apresentaram fitotoxicidade. O extrato de algarobeira apresenta potencial para o controle alternativo de T. bastosi em pinhão-manso em razão de sua eficiência sobre a mortalidade deste ácaro, redução da oviposição de fêmeas e ausência de efeito fitotóxico nas plantas. | ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency, phytotoxicity and residual effect of the aqueous extract of leaves of Prosopis juliflora (Sw.) DC (Fabaceae) for Tetranychus bastosi Tuttle, Baker & Sales (Acari: Tetranychidae) on Jatropha curcas L. (Euphorbiaceae). For the evaluation of the control efficiency, physic nut plants were infested with 30 adult mite females and after 12 days were sprayed with the lethal concentrations (m/v) of the extract (LC50 = 53.45% or CL90 = 85.35%) and with distilled water (control), which corresponded to the treatments. After 24, 48, 72, 96 and 120 hours after application of the extract, two leaves of the lower, middle and upper third of the plants were sampled and the live mites were counted per treatment. The evaluation of the residual effect was done three, 24, 48, 96, 192 and 288 hours after spraying. To evaluate the phytotoxic effect of the extract, scores were given according to the intensity of the symptoms in the plants. Control efficiency was verified throughout the evaluated period, with an average of 81.67% for LC50 and 73.05% for LC90, with no significant difference between the evaluation intervals. The extract had a low residual effect on T. bastosi, but at the end of 12 days the average percentage of oviposition reduction of mite was 49.21% and 68.86% for LC50 and LC90, respectively. The plants did not present phytotoxicity. P. juliflora extract presents potential for the alternative control of T. bastosi in physic nut due to its efficiency on the mortality of this mite, oviposition reduction of females and absence of phytotoxic effect in the plants.
The genetic variability within the crop species Ipomoea batatas is broad, hence, in order to support future breeding programs it is of the utmost importance that germplasm banks be created, conserved, and characterized. Therefore, the objective of this work was to rescue and evaluate the genetic divergence in sweet potato accessions collected in traditional communities of Vale do Ribeira Paulista. Sweet potato samples were collected from quilombos, indigenous villages, caiçaras communities, and small farms. The study was conducted between February 2013 and August 2014 in a randomized block design with three replications. Genetic material included 95 collected accessions and two commercial cultivars. Morphological characteristics of the accessions were evaluated and distances in the genetic distance matrix were estimated by means of multi-category variables, the data being subsequently clustered by the Tocher method. Analysis of the relative contribution of each characteristic and phenotypic correlation of descriptors was also performed. Results evidenced wide genetic diversity among the sweet potato accessions collected in Vale do Ribeira, which were not grouped according to the collection point. The descriptors that contributed more than 60% of genetic diversity included: leaf size, general leaf profile, immature leaf color, petiole pigmentation, predominant branch color, branch secondary color, stem length, cortical thickness, predominant periderm color, and periderm color intensity. Correlations between morphological descriptors was observed in 22.26% of the paired traits.
Carolina Cinto de Moraes | Humberto Sampaio de Araújo | Thiago Leandro Factor | Alex Humberto Calori | Luis Felipe Villani Purquerio
New hybrid onions that are more productive are currently being cultivated. Information on growth and nutrient accumulation must thus be updated to assist in the refinement of existing recommendations, enabling the better exploitation of the productive potential of these new genotypes. We determined the growth of plants and the accumulation and export of nutrients of the short-day onion ‘Soberana’ established by direct seeding. The experimental design was a randomized block with four replicates and the treatments were evaluation times. Leaf number, tissue dry weight, nutrient accumulation, and the maximum daily rate of accumulation were evaluated throughout the growing cycle. The order of nutrient accumulation was (g plant-1) K (0.72) > Ca (0.38) > N (0.32) > S (0.14) > P (0.08) > Mg (0.06) and (mg plant-1) Fe (2.26) > Mn (1.43) > Cu (0.93) > Zn (0.91) > B (0.85). Macronutrient demand was highest between 61 and 148 days after sowing (DAS), and micronutrient demand was highest between 70 and 148 DAS.
In Brazil, studies on chickpeas (Cicer arietinum L.) have demonstrated the high productive potential of this crop, especially in the Cerrado areas of Cristalina, GO, and Brasília, DF. Due to dry winter climatic conditions, the North of Minas Gerais may be very suitable for the production of this crop. However, more information on chickpea sowing dates is needed. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to evaluate different chickpea sowing times in two municipalities of Minas Gerais State in Brazil: Montes Claros and Januária. The experiment was carried out in a randomized block design, comprising three sowing dates (12 May, 23 June, and 22 July, 2015), and seven replications. The cultivar used was BRS Aleppo, and the chickpeas were harvested 121 days after sowing. The variables evaluated included plant height, productivity, number of pods with one grain, and number of pods with two grains. The data were submitted to analysis of variance, and joint analysis of the experiments was performed. The highest yields were obtained when chickpeas were sown in May in Montes Claros, with a yield of 5.3 t ha-1. In Januária, chickpeas sown in May and June produced yields greater than 3.0 t ha-1. The plants sown in July, considered late for planting, were harvested during the rainy season, which compromised the quality and yield of the grains. In addition, maximum temperatures above 30ºC were recorded from September onwards in both locations, which also resulted in a reduction in the number of grains per plant. Thus, this sowing season is not recommended in the studied region.
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