结果 1-10 的 16
Current state and prospects for use of land resources in Republic of Belarus
Kolmykov, A., Belarusian State Agricultural Academy, Gorki, Mogilev reg. (Belarus) | Avdeev, A., Belarusian State Agricultural Academy, Gorki, Mogilev reg. (Belarus)
All land of the Republic of Belarus can be classified by categories (7 categories), types of lands (14 types), land users, forms of ownership and types of rights to land plots. The total area of land in the Republic of Belarus is 20760 thousand hectares, including agricultural land occupies 9103.0 thousand hectares (43.8%) of the total area of the republic; settlements, horticultural associations, dacha cooperatives – 849.0 thousand hectares (4.1%); industry, transport, communications, energy, defence and other purposes – 622.2 thousand hectares (3.0%); environmental, health, recreational, historical and cultural purposes – 868.7 thousand hectares (4.2%); forest fund – 8656.4 thousand hectares (41.7%); water fund – 37.3 thousand hectares (0.2%); reserve land – 623.4 thousand hectares (3.0%). The basis of the land resources used in the agro-industrial complex of the republic is arable land, meadows and land under permanent crops, which in general occupy 8387.1 thousand hectares, or 40.4% of the total area of land. The state owns 20683.6 thousand hectares (99.63%) of land, private property – 76.4 thousand hectares (0.37%) of the total area of all lands of the republic. In terms of environmental stability, the territory of the republic belongs to medium-stable territories, the coefficient of environmental stability is 0.63, and in terms of the degree of anthropogenic load – to territories with a relatively low anthropogenic load, the coefficient of anthropogenic load is 2.79.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Application of mathematical-cartographic modelling in optimising the structure of the regional landfill of solid non-hazardous waste of the Lutsk management cluster [Ukraine]
Korol, P., Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National Univ., Lutsk (Ukraine) | Petrovych, O., National Univ. of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev (Ukraine) | Pavlyshyn, V., Rivne Research and Design Inst. of Land Management, SE, Lutsk (Ukraine). Volyn Branch
Ukraine is one of the countries where the problem of waste management is particularly acute and deteriorating every year. The Regional Waste Management Plan in Volyn region by 2030 envisages a reduction in the total amount of landfilled waste from 97.68% to 30%, and the number of sites for their disposal – up to 4–8 regional landfills per region. Ecological-economic mechanism of solid non-hazardous waste (SNHW) management is based on a harmonious combination of environmental constraints with the economic attractiveness of regional landfills and involves working with geographically defined objects based on the use of methods of processing geospatial information, one of which is mathematical-cartographic modelling. Thus, the main purpose of this work is to substantiate the possibilities of applying the method of mathematical-cartographic modelling in the design of the system of regional landfills of SNHW in the Volyn region. In order to address the issue of placement of SNHW management facilities, the territory of the region is divided into four management clusters. The division of the territory took into account the composition, properties, methods of solid waste collection, logistics, load on waste processing complexes, volumes of waste generated, spatial planning, etc. Three probable options for the location of regional landfills have been developed for the Lutsk SNHW cluster. The results of the study can be used in the development and adjustment of regional plans, waste management programs, as well as in the work of the executive bodies of the united territorial communities.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Investigation of the change of wooded areas in forest land in Raudone eldership
Puziene, R., Vytautas Magnus Univ., Kaunas (Lithuania)
Under the conditions of a global reduction in forest areas and climate change, it is important to preserve as many tree-covered areas as possible and understand change trends. The article purpose – aims at identifying forest area change trends of 19th –20th c. in the current forest land of the eldership Raudonė. In the research, historical topographic maps compiled during different periods, and 2019 data from the forest registry are used. The research method of a comparative analysis is employed. The change in forest areas was analysed, and forest areas that remained unchanged for 200 years were identified. The comparison of current forest areas reflected in the cadastral data and forest areas of the considered period allowed identifying the tendency of assigning land the purpose of forest land. During the research, the period with largest forest areas was determined to be the 19th c., and with the smallest – 1st half of the 20th c. During the Soviet period, forests areas were increasing, but did not achieve the same level as in the 19th c.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Impact of technological changes in land management and geodesy on land surveying higher education in Ukraine
Martyn, A., National Univ. of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev (Ukraine) | Hunko, L., National Univ. of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev (Ukraine) | Moroz, Yu., National Univ. of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev (Ukraine)
The article shows that the rapid technological changes in the field of topographic, geodetic and cadastral activities that have occurred in recent decades, significantly affect the nature and content of work to be performed by future engineers in the field of geodesy and land surveying. The directions of adaptation of the content of geodetic and land surveying education to the needs of the national and world market of engineering services are considered. Global navigation satellite system (GNSS), laser 3D-scanning and operational mapping using unmanned aerial vehicles will have a decisive impact on the development of the industry in the near future. Paper maps are being replaced by multimedia devices that display dynamic map content tailored to a specific consumer. During the study, the student must get acquainted with all the most advanced technologies that will determine the future of the industry in the medium term to be ready for their practical application. A modern university lecture should be designed so that the student can hear only what he or she cannot find on the Internet. The aim of the article is to try to comprehensively generalize and analyse global trends and prospects for the development of topographic and geodetic, cadastral, registration and evaluation activities, as well as to determine on this basis the adaptation of geodetic and land management education to the needs of national and global engineering services.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]The conceptual framework for protection of the biological diversity of Ukraine’s rural areas
Stoiko. N, Lviv National Agrarian Univ. (Ukraine) | Kostyshin, A., Lviv National Agrarian Univ. (Ukraine) | Kryshenyk, N., Law and Engineering Company “Roksalˮ, LLC, Boryslav, Lviv Oblast (Ukraine)
Loss of the territory biological diversity is one of the most serious challenges for sustainable development of Ukraine. Solution of that problem is the essential constituent of the national ecological policy, which is focused on introduction of the ecosystem approach in all spheres of social and economic development, including protection of biological diversity. The goal of the article is to study some aspects of protection of the biological diversity of rural areas by means of ecosystem renaturalization by transforming degraded and marginal arable lands into forests, grassland and wetlands. The research proposes an organizational mechanism of increase and expansion of the territories with natural lands, which includes planning of land use, landscape and ecological zoning, territorial organization, evaluation of ecosystem benefits, land users’ motivation. The researchers stress on the necessity to create ecological networks and agroforestry. Such structural organization of rural area supports a balanced combination of the “human-land-ecosystem” system due to protecting the main ecosystem functions, i.e., provision of regulating and habitat services. While determining the directions of use of the land plots with degraded and marginal arable lands, the obligatory condition is to justify the benefits from those ecosystem services. To regulate the environmental land relations, it is recommended to introduce conservation easement.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Residential real estate price modelling through the method of the geographically weighted regression: Gomel city case study [Belarus]
Zhukovskaya, N., Belarusian State Univ., Minsk (Belarus) | Popko, O., Belarusian State Univ., Minsk (Belarus)
One of the most challenging tasks in modelling of house pricing is to take into account the location factors. Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) as a local regression model is an extremely effective instrument for spatial data analysis. The aim of the study is to model the relationships between a residential real estate price (per sq.m) and both building and location characteristics for Gomel using GWR. The data of the Belarus’ National Cadastral Agency on real estate transactions (apartments) in Gomel in 2019 are used as initial. The global Moran I index has been used to estimate a spatial autocorrelation of the dependent variable (price per square meter of residential real estate). Several factors having the impact on the apartment sale prices have been determined. Independent variables having been used in analysis can be divided into building characteristics and spatial characteristics. The building characteristics section includes the number of rooms within the property, property area (square meters), building age, number of floors in the building, floor of the property. The spatial characteristics group contains proximity to city centre, recreation areas, supermarkets, bus stops, healthcare and educational facilities. A regression model of housing price in Gomel has been developed. Mapping variable regression coefficients allows exploring spatial features of the impact of the different explanatory variables on the property price. Geographically weighted regression modelling has revealed the pricing peculiarities inherent for certain areas of the city.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Methodology for determining site-specific management zones upon implementation of precision farming in Belarus
Myslyva, T., Belarusian State Agricultural Academy, Gorki, Mogilev reg. (Belarus) | Kutsayeva, A., Belarusian State Agricultural Academy, Gorki, Mogilev reg. (Belarus) | Kаzhekа, A., Belarusian State Agricultural Academy, Gorki, Mogilev reg. (Belarus)
The aim of the study was to develop a methodology for determining homogeneous territorial zones for precision farming. In this study we took into account the national land use system which provides for the absence of private ownership of agricultural land. The algorithm for determining management-zones provides for: establishing zones of spatial heterogeneity; determining the presence of clusters and emissions; modelling the spatial distribution of soil quality indicators. It is recommended to use data from agrochemical soil studies which are conducted centrally every 4 years for each agricultural enterprise as input parameters. These data include: the humus content in the soil, the content of available phosphorus and potassium and soil pH. The data should be carefully examined using spatial statistics tools to provide a more accurate delineation of the management-zones boundaries. The developed technique makes it possible to determine fertile and marginal areas within each individual field and differentiate the use of fertilizers, taking into account the presence of intra-field heterogeneity. This will save from 2.5 to 21.8 kg P haE−1 and from 0.9 to 26.7 kg K haE−1 due to the redistribution of the fertilizer dose calculated for the planned yield, taking into account the identified site-specific management zones. The differentiated use of mineral fertilizers will increase the profitability of growing winter cereals by 2.2%, sugar beets by 1.3%, rapeseed by 1.1%, and malting barley by 0.8%.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Evaluation of recreational territories: a case study of Biržai town of the Republic of Lithuania
Badariene, J., Vytautas Magnus Univ., Kaunas (Lithuania);Biržai District Municipality, Biržai (Lithuania) | Gurskiene, V., Vytautas Magnus Univ., Kaunas (Lithuania) | Gurskis, V., Vytautas Magnus Univ., Kaunas (Lithuania)
The need for recreational territories in urban areas has recently become increasingly relevant. In order to create and develop an effective urban green space system, it is necessary to study its main structural components. The aim of the research is to perform the analysis and evaluation of recreational territories of Biržai town. During the research, the territory of Biržai town, green spaces were analysed, the main cadastral data of recreational territories as real estate objects were determined: areas, land use purposes, land use types, special land use conditions and easements. The influence of cadastral indicators in adapting objects to recreation and tourism has been determined. Possibilities of recreational activities in Biržai town were evaluated. Following the SWOT, a generalized analysis of the situation was provided. The performed research revealed that the town of Biržai is dominated by built-up and water-occupied territories. The areas of the territories intended for recreation do not correspond to the areas provided for in the Master plan of Biržai town. The green space system is uneven; the recreational territories do not ensure a full life for the townspeople. The town lacks green spaces adapted to various activities, and the integration of water bodies into the urban living environment is moderate. It is proposed to activate communities in the development of living environment in Biržai.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Geostatistical application for spatial distribution of water supply facilities towards achieving the United Nations’ sustainable development goals
Katun, M.J., The Federal Polytechnic, Bida (Nigeria) | Alhaji, A.A., The Federal Polytechnic, Bida (Nigeria) | Zango, B.M., Baze University, Abuja (Nigeria) | Zainab, K., Niger State Ministry of Environment, Minna (Nigeria)
Geostatistical tools are considered to be very imperative in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), most especially in the distribution of facilities. Studies on the application of geostatistics such as Average Nearest Neighbour (ANN) in the spatial distribution of sustainable water supply facilities are often very rare. This study, therefore, explores the critical importance of the ANN analytical tool of ArcGIS to examine the spatial distribution of public water supply facilities in Lapai, Nigeria. The ANN sets the null hypothesis that there is no difference between the random distribution and the distribution of public water facilities in the study area, where the z-score and p-value results are both measures of statistical significance which explains whether the null hypothesis should be accepted or rejected. The results obtained indicate a similar spatial distribution pattern for all water facilities in the study area, as they are dispersedly distributed from the global view. The method will allow more proactive decision making in the provision of sustainable public water supply facilities to better the wellbeing of urban dwellers.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Methodology of application of modern technologies in land inventory of territorial communities
Koshkalda, I., Kharkiv National Agrarian Univ. named after V.V. Dokuchayev (Ukraine) | Anopriienko,T., Kharkiv National Agrarian Univ. named after V.V. Dokuchayev (Ukraine) | Pilicheva, M., Kharkiv National Univ. of Urban Economy named after O.M. Бекетова (Ukraine) | Maslii, L., Kharkiv National Univ. of Urban Economy named after O.M. Бекетова (Ukraine)
The article defines that the land inventory allows to form land plots of state and communal property, to fill the State Land Cadastre with information about objects and subjects of land relations and to eliminate existing errors. The aim of the article is to improve the procedure of conducting the land inventory in Ukraine, taking into account modern technologies within the current regulatory framework. The methodology of land inventory using modern technologies has been developed, which includes the following components: surveying of the inventory object, topographic and geodetic works, vectorization of its territory using remote sensing data, project works, creation of a consolidated inventory plan, development of technical documentation, its state expertise, adjustment and approval, entering data into the State Land Cadastre. It is established that an effective method of implementation of topographic and geodetic works during updating of the cartographic materials is a combined method, which includes the use of aerial images with simultaneous geodetic surveying of complex areas. The use of geoinformation technologies and remote sensing data is allowed to optimize the duration and frequency of land inventory. In particular, the classification of land should be performed in the attribute tables. Ways to solve problems of protection and rational use of the lands of the inventory object have been developed. They include registration of land plots without cadastral numbers; control of compliance of land and environmental legislation, taking into account the results of land inventory for updating statistical cadastral information and making changes of the State Land Cadastre data.
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