结果 31-40 的 170
Anthropogenic impact on agricultural land in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Zhyrgalova, Alima | Zhildikbayeva, Aizhan
The purpose of the article is to consider the features of the anthropogenic impact on agricultural land in the Republic of Kazakhstan (RK). The article deals with the current problem of agricultural land degradation, and desertification in Kazakhstan, where one of the causes is the anthropogenic activities of the population and the aridity of the country's climate. Most of the territory of Kazakhstan is located in conditions highly vulnerable to anthropogenic desertification when in combination with natural factors of desertification the ecological situation is sharply deteriorating. Another cause of land degradation is urbanization and intensive degradation of desert habitats — unsystematic road network, regulation of river flows, illegal cutting of saxaul for firewood for sale. As a result of urbanization and intensive agricultural development of the foothill strip in the south and east of the country, the natural vegetation cover is highly disturbed. Roads, pipelines, and power lines, which are being laid at an increasing rate, have a great impact on the fauna. The area of land occupied by mining enterprises is steadily growing. In the last 10 years, the areas of oil and gas extraction, development of uranium ores, etc. in Western Kazakhstan, the Eastern Caspian Sea region, the Betpakdala desert, etc. have been sharply increasing. As a result of insufficiently thought-out land management from water erosion 5.6 million hectares of arable land was affected and grain yield was reduced by 20–30%. Degradation of agricultural lands, including pastures, is 30–50% and higher % in 9 of 14 regions of Kazakhstan. The use of the existing model of agricultural development of raw materials leads to inefficient economic development and constantly increasing pressure on ecosystems. The soil in Kazakhstan is very vulnerable, as it is comprehensively affected by various anthropogenic factors that lead to the constant deterioration of its quality. Soils near the Aral Sea and the Caspian Sea are subjected to the most intensive degradation, as wind erosion is widespread there.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Agribusiness development and insurance as a factor of Georgia’s economic growth
Mosiashvili, Valeri | Bibiluri, Ani
Georgia is a small state, stretched between two seas, which has always aroused constant interest in the world due to its geopolitical position. Many called it Iberia or Iveria, and often called Gurjistan. At the crossroads of Europe and Asia, this small oasis attracted many conquerors not only because of its importance, but also because of its culture, historical buildings and fruitful lands. Georgia is a sunny and fertile country, where everything blooms and pleases. Our ancestors from ancient times engaged in agriculture, cattle breeding and had an active connection with the land. According to historical sources, Georgia is more than four thousand years old, and the Georgian alphabet and writing are unique to the whole world. Since the fourth century, Christianity has been our state religion, but the country unites representatives of many cultural ethnic groups and religious beliefs. A completely different historical page began after the collapse of the Soviet Union, when Georgia found itself alone in the face of new challenges and realities. Although we do not have oil and gas ores, which allows the state to develop rapidly, in other areas we may well take a leading position. For example, it is possible to develop the tourism sector at a high level, since the country is distinguished by its historical monuments, some of which are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. However, a small state like Georgia can focus on agriculture and succeed. For rural welfare, there is the Rural Development Agency, which coordinates projects with the Ministry of Environment and Agriculture of Georgia and assists enterprises interested in this area. Since 2014, the Agricultural Insurance scheme has been operating, the purpose of which is to promote the development of the insurance market in the agricultural sector, promote agricultural activities, save income and reduce risks for those involved in this activity. Our topic is about the development of agribusiness and insurance, which is one of the key factors in Georgia's economic growth.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Land consolidation urgency ranking for the villages of the Brzyska Commune [Poland]
Przemysław, Leń | Wójcik-Leń, Justyna | Maciąg, Michał | Maciąg, Klaudia
The present spatial arrangement of rural areas in south-eastern Poland stems from socio-economic conditions that originated, for instance, at the time of annexations and Socialist rule. Adverse phenomena in the structure of rural areas, such as fragmentation of land, inhibit the development of farmsteads and lead to ineffective use of the agricultural area, increased financial expenditure and limited options for using the latest technological developments. The land consolidation procedure provides a comprehensive solution to the problem. The procedure, inscribed in the sustainable development of rural areas, aims at optimising the spatial parameters of farmsteads, creating a functional network of roads and reclaiming land, and constructing land improvement structures. Due to limited financial and human resources, consolidation projects cover relatively small areas that are disproportionate to considerable needs. Therefore, determining land consolidation urgency is essential in the context of delimiting priority areas. This paper presents a ranking for the urgency of land consolidation in the villages of the Brzyska Commune, in the district of Jasło, Sub-Carpathian Voivodeship. The villages were analysed in detail for the presence of 15 features directly affecting the spatial structure quality of the study area. The calculated values were standardised, and afterwards, using zero unitarisation, priorities were set for the analysed villages in terms of their requirement for land consolidation.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]The potential of renewable energy on agricultural land
Puziene, Ruta | Anikeniene, Asta
The need for electricity and its extraction without stimulating climate warming processes are currently more relevant than ever. Using wind energy to generate electricity is one of the most promising methods. When designing wind energy parks, it is necessary to choose a suitable place for their installation. This study examined the suitability of plots for the construction of these structures in the areas of abandoned land in non-urbanized and non-urbanized areas. In the course of the research, various limitations were examined, the territory was analysed using geoinformation systems. Modelling of the selected territory has been carried out, areas suitable for the installation of wind energy plants have been identified. It was established that the total area of land that can be used for the installation of wind energy plants is small and the criterion of abandoned land is not the indicator on the basis of which it can be stated that the territory is suitable for the construction of wind energy plants.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Assessing the impact of wartime conditions on the land surveying industry in Ukraine: Adaptation, challenges, and recovery strategies
Martyn, Andrii | Kolosa, Liudmyla
This article examines the impact of the Russian Federation’s full-scale aggression in Ukraine on the market of land surveying and topographic-geodetic services. The study found that the market for land surveying services decreased by 60–70% due to restrictions in the functioning of the land cadastral system, the introduction of the permit procedure for field geodetic works, and the adaptation of procedures for granting land to citizens during wartime conditions. Technological limitations, such as the use of GNSS networks at the beginning of the war, also played a role in the decline of the industry. The article highlights the prospective needs for land surveying work for post-war reconstruction, including accounting for war damage and mapping affected territories, spatial planning for affected communities, infrastructure restoration, and land reclamation in areas where hostilities took place. The article provides insights into the challenges and opportunities faced by the land surveying industry in Ukraine during wartime conditions and emphasizes the importance of adopting appropriate strategies for recovery and growth. It is shown that despite the war, the development of the industry depends on further digitalization, improvement of the cadastral system, gradual liberalization of access to cadastral geodata, the introduction of special rules for regulating the activities of the surveyor in the territories where hostilities were fought.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]The structure of geodesic monitoring improvement by horizontal and vertical displacements by applying combination of methods
Vynohradenko, Serhii | Makieieva, Liudmyla | Ryasnyanska, Alona | Kriauciunaite-Neklejonoviene, Vilma | Balevicius, Giedrius
The purpose of the article is to present a combined approach that connects several methods and algorithms to increase the effectiveness of the geodetic network measurement structure for determining horizontal and vertical displacements of engineering objects. Determining the deformation of commercial objects and objects of practical value allows to assess their technical condition. In case of critical changes at such objects, appropriate planning of protection, reconstruction and modernization works is also provided and the negative impact of the environment and weather conditions is indicated. Regardless of the methods used, the measurement of movements and deformations of structures is always preceded by an analysis of the prevailing conditions, as well as a network of geodetic measurement determination and control. These analyses are carried out taking into account manufacturability, economy, and safe use of objects, human safety and environmental protection. The target function was defined, which in this case was chosen as the entropy of the geodesic observation network through the measurement of the parameters vector with true values. Analysing the structure of the control and measurement network and improving its efficiency by the number of necessary observations becomes important for determining reliable changes occurring at the object and the ability to conduct the necessary measurements in the shortest possible time. At the same time, the improved network structure should ensure the redundancy of observations made to match the geodetic network with the modified methods. The optimal number of observations in the geodetic network depended on the observation structure informativeness. During the research, it was noticed that the use of a combined approach will allow selecting only those observations that are the most informative. This will reduce the measurement time without reducing the accuracy of the received movements. The obtained results of the numerical analysis showed the performance of the offered solution for increasing the efficiency of the geodetic network structure formation. It also allows faster and more economical performance of engineering structures geodetic measurements.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Advantages of using QGIS to solve spatial planning tasks
Hoptsii, Dmytro | Siedov, Arkadii | Anopriienko, Tetiana | Khainus, Dmytro | Yaremko, Denys
The article discusses the prospects and advantages of using QGIS for solving spatial planning tasks. Attention is focused on the strengths of QGIS compared to other geographic information system software and the programme’s potential to eliminate the monopoly position in the market by well-known geographic information system software manufacturers. Even though QGIS is open-source software, this software product is generally not inferior to expensive geographic information system software. At the same time, the advantages of QGIS include cross-platform, rich functionality, the ability to use different geographic information databases, and the ability to connect and integrate various plug-ins into the programme. Particular attention should be paid to the ability to independently write plug-ins for solving specific highly specialised tasks in the Python programming language and their quick integration into the QGIS software environment. Examples of QGIS software for solving specific spatial planning problems are given. The possibilities of using QGIS in solving the issues of settlement planning, territory management, land management and environmental monitoring are considered. The conducted research gives grounds to recommend QGIS for wide application by developers of project documentation, as well as by executive authorities and local self-government bodies for analysing cartographic and project materials in making management decisions. This approach will help create a competitive environment among developers of urban planning and land management documentation. After all, today, many specialists cannot afford expensive commercial licenses of well-known geographic information system software developers. And any legislative requirements that oblige them to use them in practice lead to monopolisation of the market for these services by individual enterprises. At the same time, it has been proven that using the open-source geographic information system software QGIS will not lead to a deterioration in the quality of project documentation. The programme can ensure the proper quality, accuracy and interoperability of design and mapping materials created with its help and solve a wide range of tasks in spatial planning.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Immovable property taxation policy in Latvia
Vesperis, Vladislavs | Jankava, Anda
After the restoration of independence, Latvia took a path towards a market economy and private land ownership and which mentioned wide land privatization process and building an immovable property cadastre to collect information on immovable properties. Transition to private land ownership meant that immovable property taxation will start to tax privately owned assets not assets rented from the state, a model similar to other market economies. Initially, there were two laws on the taxation of the property – The law on land tax and the Law on Property Taxation to tax commercial assets and unfinished construction objects which were adopted in December of 1990 even before the starting of land reform and privatization. In 1997 new Law on immovable property tax was approved by the Latvian Parliament and it is still in force with numerous amendments which due to the rapid development of the immovable property sector have been approved until today. Before the global economic-financial crisis in 2008 prices of immovable property were increasing rapidly followed by contraction during the global economic crisis. Immovable property tax is often considered as taxing accumulated wealth however it may have distortions and disproportionate impact on those owners who did not contribute to immovable property value growth. Therefore, the aim of this research is to evaluate the development of the immovable property taxation system development in Latvia and to compare it with the systems of neighbouring countries. Therefore, to achieve this aim following objectives were set: to analyse legislative acts regulating immovable property taxation in Latvia, and practices of other countries and to draw research conclusions.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Using analytical hierarchy process to determine intra-field heterogeneity zones upon implementation of precision farming
Myslyva, Tamara | Nadtochyj, Petr | Kutsayeva, Alesia | Kаzhekа, Alesia
The study aimed to develop a methodology for determining zones of intra-field heterogeneity for precision farming. In this study, we took into account the Belarussian national land use system which provides for the absence of private ownership of agricultural land. The spatial distribution of intra-field heterogeneity zones within the land use area of 7549.49 thousand hectares was identified using the analytical hierarchy process (AHP). The algorithm for determining zones of spatial heterogeneity provides for: (1) the selection of indicators and their ranking; (2) developing a pairwise comparison matrix, (3) estimating relative weights and (4) assessing matrix consistency. It is recommended to use data from agrochemical soil studies which are conducted centrally every 4 years for each agricultural enterprise as input parameters. These data include the humus content in the soil, the content of available phosphorus and potassium, soil pH, and the content of B, Cu, Zn, Ca, and Mg. The data should be carefully examined using spatial statistics tools to provide a more accurate delineation of the management-zones boundaries. The developed technique makes it possible to determine fertile and marginal areas within each field and differentiate the use of fertilizers, taking into account the presence of intra-field heterogeneity. This will reduce the total cost of purchasing and applying phosphorus fertilizers by 34 $·haE−1 and potash fertilizers by 9 $·haE−1 due to the redistribution of the fertilizer dose calculated for the planned yield, taking into account the identified site-specific management zones. At the same time, the level of chemical pressure per hectare of arable land will decrease by 6.7% without loss of crops productivity.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Modelling residential property values in Bida using geographic information system
Yunusa, Dauda | Jibrin Katun, Mohammed | Hauwa L., Etsu-Ndagi | Nwoye Isreal, Izuchukwu
Many studies have unveiled the importance of variation in residential property values overtime, but failed to cover different types of residential property value and location. The aim of this research is therefore to model residential property rental value in Bida from 2015 to 2020 with the aid of Geographic Information System (GIS). The study focused on the rental values of the residential property and rental value variation across space. Data collected for this paper includes residential rental values and geographic coordinates from 196 residential properties in the study area, comprising 101 one-bedroom, 80 two-bedroom and 15 three-bedroom apartments. Inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) interpolation tool of ArcGIS was employed in analysing the data. It was found out that the core areas of the town commands lower rental values while the southern part of the town commands higher rental values. It was also found out that one bedroom apartment is the most dominant residential rental property followed by the two bedroom apartments and three bedroom apartments respectively. Geospatial database was produced for each model in a bid to ascertain the level of changes with time. The benefits associated with the application of GIS technology were established by this research and recommends its application to other property values modelling.
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