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Use of geospatial analysis methods in land management and cadastre
Myslyva, T., Belarusian State Agricultural Academy, Gorki, Mogilev reg. (Belarus) | Sheluto, B., Belarusian State Agricultural Academy, Gorki, Mogilev reg. (Belarus) | Kutsaeva, O., Belarusian State Agricultural Academy, Gorki, Mogilev reg. (Belarus) | Naskova, S., Belarusian State Agricultural Academy, Gorki, Mogilev reg. (Belarus)
The possibilities of using the geospatial analysis methods for visualizing land monitoring data and modelling the spatial distribution of the main agrochemical soil indicators are discussed in the article. The research was conducted within the limits of land use of RUP “Uchkhoz BGSHA” (Republic of Belarus, Mogilev region, Goretsky district). The total area of the surveyed territory was 3187.0 hectares. The geospatial analysis of the spatial distribution of humus, mobile phosphorus, mobile potassium and pHKCl was carried out using the Geostatistical Analyst module of the ArcGIS software. Semivariograms were used as the main tool for studying the structure of the spatial distribution of agrochemical indicators. The exponential function was identified as the best variogram model, the type of the circle was standard, the type and the number of sectors was 4 with a displacement of 450, and the lag was 200 metres. The interpolation accuracy was determined from the mean error (ME), mean square error (RMSE) and standard error (RMSS). The universal kriging method was used to perform the forecast and visualize the spatial distribution of agrochemical indicators. The multivariate analysis was performed using the functionality of the Raster Calculator tool, Principal Component analysis and Maximum Likelihood Classification. The search and determination of areas of sites with the most optimal agrochemical indicators were carried out by the multifactor analysis in the GIS environment. Calculation of the area of each circuit within the limits of working parcels was carried out using the utility "Zone Statistics".
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Research of the reliability of georeferential spatial dataset (GDR10LT) of the Republic of Lithuania
Gudritiene, D., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania);Kaunas Forestry and Environmental Engineering Univ. of Applied Sciences (Lithuania) | Abalikstiene, E., Kaunas Forestry and Environmental Engineering Univ. of Applied Sciences (Lithuania)
The systemized and methodically arranged according to the principles of geographic information systems set of the most important objects of Lithuanian territory’s geodetic base and topographic databases (GDR10LT) is collected and kept in data storage and covers the whole territory of Lithuania. The purpose of the georeferential base GDR10LT at the scale 1:10 000 is to collect, keep, use, renew and provide data to users. The literature analysis shows that the majority of authors presented studies about data composition and application but they did not analyse their reliability. The aim of the research was to revise the chosen territory of the georeferential base map by the field method and to determine the discrepancies between the situation in the area and in the map as well as the reasons of such discrepancies. It was necessary to verify the data reliability and outdated map information due to changes of the situation. The field research was conducted in three different areas, and the data was processed using tools provided by www.zis.lt. Statistical data analysis was performed using Microsoft Excel software. The object of the research was information depicted in georeferential base map (GDR10LT) of the chosen territories. The following research methods were used: literature analysis, analysis of cartography material, collation of field data, statistical data processing, and interviews. The conclusion can be made that GDR10LT data are reliable; two mistakes were found in the plot of 6407.5 hectares: a navigational obstacle and 800 metres of asphalt cover were not marked. Other determined discrepancies covered the territory of 17.46 hectares. The outdated map information was found. The marking of settlements generally were mismatched because of many new buildings in the area that were not mapped. Therefore GDR10LT should be updated more often in accordance with ORT10LT data.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Legitimation of "special value" as a tool of legal protection of lands: the case of Ukraine
Ievsiukov, T., National Univ. of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev (Ukraine)
The main factors that influence the rational land use, conservation and protection of land resources are global ecological and food security, world's population growth, climate change, land acquisition by large world agricultural corporations etc. In this process a priority of attention is protection of the important agricultural lands (in Ukraine, these lands are called especially valuable lands - EVL). Besides, lands with highly productive soils, areas with undisturbed ecosystems, territories with objects of cultural heritage, natural therapeutic resources are a part of EVL. This paper focuses on new approaches to the legal protection of EVL in Ukraine. The special value of these lands in Ukraine is legalized and is means of their legal protection (Art. 150 of the Land Code of Ukraine). The main idea of this paper – studying of problems of legal protection of EVL and development of new approaches to their protection. These approaches will be based on introduction of economic regulators at withdrawal of EVL or change their intended use for needs that don't correspond to nature protection value. The reseach is based on case study method and statistical method. Approaches for cartographic modeling for assessment and mapping of EVL are offered. Results of this reseach are an obtaining of practical experience in the field of protection of EVL in Ukraine, development of suggestions for improving of an organizational and legal mechanism the use of EVL through their registration, monitoring, evaluation, development of their State Register. These measures can increase competitiveness of EVL, prevent Land-Grabbing and provide sustainable development of the rural territory.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Changes of land users in interwar Lithuania
Valciukiene, J., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania) | Atkoceviciene, V., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania) | Sudoniene, V., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania)
The article presents the analysis of the change of land users in the Republic of Lithuania during the period between 1919 and 1940. The main factor affecting the relationship of land and its use was the political changes in the country, whereas economic and social aspects had less influence. During the period between 1919 and 1939 the land reform of independent Lithuania not only strengthened the country's agriculture, but also laid the foundations for the entire nation-state, it was one of the most significant achievements of independence, a real agrarian revolution, which intensified the land use. The main goal of the land reform was to alienate and distribute the state land and the land of large estates to peasants and to complete distribution of village land into individual farmsteads. Landlords were left inalienable 80 hectares (later 150 ha) of land area. The land from the State Land Fund was distributed to volunteers and new settlers (the landless) peasants up to 8-10 ha, to estate workers and rural craftsmen – up to 1.5-2 ha, as well as to poor peasants, state enterprises, farms and forestries, etc.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]The current situation analysis and ecological farming in the Aukštadvaris regional park
Ivaviciute, G., Aleksandras Stulginskis Univ., Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania);Kaunas Forestry and Environmental Engineering Univ. of Applied Sciences (Lithuania);Klaipeda State Univ. of Applied Sciences (Lithuania)
The analysis of the current situation of Aukštadvaris Regional Park and ecological farming (RP), which is in southeastern Lithuania, is presented in the article. The Paluknys subdistrict was chosen for the comparison of the use of ecological farming in the regional park. Ecological farming is relevant to protected areas. The aim of the study was to perform the analysis of farms applying organic farming measures as well as the analysis of the change of their areas in Aukštadvaris regional park (RP). Comparative, analytical as well as statistical and logical analysis methods were used for the investigation. The object of the investigation - the farms of Aukštadvaris Regional Park. The study was carried out to determine how many farms, forming the territory of the regional parks, are managed according to the principles of organic farming. The change of the abovementioned farming area for 2011-2013 is analysed as well. Paluknys subdistrict, not incorporated into the territory of regional parks, was chosen for the comparative analysis. The analysis of the 2011-2013 period showed that the number of organic farms increased by 1.5 times in Aukštadvaris RP over the period of 2011-2013, and the area has increased by 187.36 ha. The percentage calculations revealed that in 2013 the area of farms applying organic farming measures in Aukštadvaris RP made up 18.89 per cent of the total area declared, the number of farms - 6.61 per cent.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]The impact of the efficiency of administration of territorial planning processes on the development of territories: Case study of Pagėgiai Municipality, Lithuania
MickeviciusMickevičius, Mindaugas, Mindaugas | ValciukieneValčiukienė, Jolanta, Jolanta | JuknelieneJuknelienė, Daiva, Daiva
Recently, the opinion has been expressed that the phasing of the processes of preparation of territorial planning documents, depending on the institution that administers it, hinders the processes of preparation of territorial planning documents by established procedural actions. The aim of the article is to evaluate the impact of the efficiency of the administration of territorial planning processes on the development of territories. The object of the research is the complex and special territorial planning documents prepared in the territory of Pagėgiai municipality. Pagėgiai municipality was chosen because the preparation of planning documents in the municipality has slowed down recently, therefore it is important to assess the efficiency of administration of the prepared territorial planning document processes, possible impact on further territorial development, and provide recommendations to ensure more efficient and faster territorial development. During the research, it was established that during the period between the years 2010–2020 only 1 state-level territorial planning document was registered in the territory of Pagėgiai municipality (i.e. 0.69% of those registered in the Republic of Lithuania and 14.29% in Tauragė County). 7 (i.e. 0.52% of those registered in the Republic of Lithuania and 18.42% of those registered in Tauragė County) were registered in the municipality at the municipal level. Territorial planning documents were registered at the local level (i.e. 0.22% of those registered in the Republic of Lithuania and 5.4% in Tauragė County). The analysis of the processes of the prepared planning documents and the interviews of experts revealed that the planning procedures performed by the administering authorities are inefficient: not all the administering authorities consistently carry out the assigned procedures, delay or evaluating the planned decisions within the legal deadline. According to experts, the reason for the inefficient performance of procedures is the lack of human resources in the administering institutions or their inadequate competence. As a result, the improperly performed procedures of territorial planning documents have a negative impact on the planned territory, slow down its development, or the most suitable possible development direction of the planned territory has not been assessed. After performing a multi-criteria analysis of the prepared territorial planning documents, it was established that in the period under review, the most effective document of complex territorial planning was prepared in the territory of Pagėgiai municipality — “Adjustment of the detailed plan of the prepared territory in Vilniaus st. 16 A, Pagėgiai”. The rating indicator was 0.0806. The document of complex territorial planning “Adjustment of Pagėgiai city comprehensive plan” stood out with the lowest efficiency, the rating indicator was — 0.0676.
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