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Trees and shrubs greenery area changes in Klaipeda County (2002–2022) [Lithuania]
Ivavičiūtė, Giedrė
Greenspaces are an important component of the complex ecosystem. Trees and green spaces are also very important to human well-being as well. It is widely known that trees and green spaces give environmental, social, economic and psychological benefits. For example they affect microclimates to reduce the heat effect, improve air quality. Understanding the relationship between population size and the quality and quantity of green spaces is vital for the sustainability, health and resilience of areas. Analysis of the current situation of the trees and shrubs greenery area in Klaipeda County was accomplished. The study also provides the trees and shrubs greenery area changes analysis in Klaipeda County and in the municipalities of the county. In Klaipeda County the area under trees and shrubs in 2002 was 4,758.14 ha. In 2022 the plantation area amounted to 10,793.50 hectares. From 2002 to 2022 the area of tree and shrub plantations in Klaipeda County increased by 6,035.36 ha or 127 percent. The development of plantation areas has been positively influenced by the creation of an appropriate legislative framework and the implementation of plantation programmes in municipalities.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]The potential of renewable energy on agricultural land
Puziene, Ruta | Anikeniene, Asta
The need for electricity and its extraction without stimulating climate warming processes are currently more relevant than ever. Using wind energy to generate electricity is one of the most promising methods. When designing wind energy parks, it is necessary to choose a suitable place for their installation. This study examined the suitability of plots for the construction of these structures in the areas of abandoned land in non-urbanized and non-urbanized areas. In the course of the research, various limitations were examined, the territory was analysed using geoinformation systems. Modelling of the selected territory has been carried out, areas suitable for the installation of wind energy plants have been identified. It was established that the total area of land that can be used for the installation of wind energy plants is small and the criterion of abandoned land is not the indicator on the basis of which it can be stated that the territory is suitable for the construction of wind energy plants.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Methodological basis of the development of the institutional environment of the land management system
Tretiak, Anton | Hunko, Liudmyla | Hetmanchyk, Ivanna | Zamlynskyi, Serhii
It is substantiated that the institutional concepts of the latest institutional and behavioural economic theory should be placed in the methodological basis of the development of the institutional environment of the land management system. Institutions and institutes are the key to understanding the relationships between all subjects of the economic system of land management, and institutional changes determine the direction of its development and are a defining trend today. The institutional system in the field of land relations, land use and land management is a set of organically interconnected institutions and institutes that are a certain logically complete, integral unity, capable of self-development and self-reproduction, as well as organizations and individuals that act within given institutional restrictions regarding land relations and organization of land use. Firstly, the methodology of institutionalization of land management considers socio-economic systems through holistic development. The principle of the integrity of the socio-economic system research includes an interdisciplinary approach. Secondly, individuals receive characteristics through the prism of the existence of institutions and institutes that condition their behaviour and interaction. Thirdly, institutional changes require not only quantitative, but also qualitative methods of observation, which analyse not the results of changes (for example, indicators of efficiency and growth), but the direction, strategy and the very process of evolution with the clarification of the causes, all stages and forms of transformations.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Analysis of land with self-growing trees in Lithuania
Abalikstiene, Edita | Gudritiene, Daiva | Salkauskiene, Vilma
The research is analysis of forest cadastre plots in Lithuania, which are not on forest land, but are covered with forest. The research was carried out in Dubrava regional division of the Lithuanian State Forest Enterprise. The study covers the forest districts of Ežerelis, Karmėlava, Padauguva, Sitkūnai and Vaišvydava. The main aim of the article is analysis of self-growing forest growth on non-forest land. Data from the Forest Cadastre of Lithuania (non-forest plots covered with forest) were used for the research. In this research were analysed orthophotographic maps of different periods (1995–2023), soil spatial data and other spatial data set. 135 non-forest land plots covered with forest in the Forest Cadastre, with a total area of 146 ha were found after analysing 5 forest districts. Reasons of self-growing is land abandonment, small plots sizes, less productivity of the land and lack of land reclamation.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Land consolidation urgency ranking for the villages of the Brzyska Commune [Poland]
Przemysław, Leń | Wójcik-Leń, Justyna | Maciąg, Michał | Maciąg, Klaudia
The present spatial arrangement of rural areas in south-eastern Poland stems from socio-economic conditions that originated, for instance, at the time of annexations and Socialist rule. Adverse phenomena in the structure of rural areas, such as fragmentation of land, inhibit the development of farmsteads and lead to ineffective use of the agricultural area, increased financial expenditure and limited options for using the latest technological developments. The land consolidation procedure provides a comprehensive solution to the problem. The procedure, inscribed in the sustainable development of rural areas, aims at optimising the spatial parameters of farmsteads, creating a functional network of roads and reclaiming land, and constructing land improvement structures. Due to limited financial and human resources, consolidation projects cover relatively small areas that are disproportionate to considerable needs. Therefore, determining land consolidation urgency is essential in the context of delimiting priority areas. This paper presents a ranking for the urgency of land consolidation in the villages of the Brzyska Commune, in the district of Jasło, Sub-Carpathian Voivodeship. The villages were analysed in detail for the presence of 15 features directly affecting the spatial structure quality of the study area. The calculated values were standardised, and afterwards, using zero unitarisation, priorities were set for the analysed villages in terms of their requirement for land consolidation.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Assessing the impact of wartime conditions on the land surveying industry in Ukraine: Adaptation, challenges, and recovery strategies
Martyn, Andrii | Kolosa, Liudmyla
This article examines the impact of the Russian Federation’s full-scale aggression in Ukraine on the market of land surveying and topographic-geodetic services. The study found that the market for land surveying services decreased by 60–70% due to restrictions in the functioning of the land cadastral system, the introduction of the permit procedure for field geodetic works, and the adaptation of procedures for granting land to citizens during wartime conditions. Technological limitations, such as the use of GNSS networks at the beginning of the war, also played a role in the decline of the industry. The article highlights the prospective needs for land surveying work for post-war reconstruction, including accounting for war damage and mapping affected territories, spatial planning for affected communities, infrastructure restoration, and land reclamation in areas where hostilities took place. The article provides insights into the challenges and opportunities faced by the land surveying industry in Ukraine during wartime conditions and emphasizes the importance of adopting appropriate strategies for recovery and growth. It is shown that despite the war, the development of the industry depends on further digitalization, improvement of the cadastral system, gradual liberalization of access to cadastral geodata, the introduction of special rules for regulating the activities of the surveyor in the territories where hostilities were fought.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Impact of climate changes on agricultural land use in Ukraine
Shevchenko, Oleksandr
Climate change threatens crop yields through changes in temperature, precipitation, and more significant changes in weather conditions. Thus, it is important to monitor the potential impact of changing weather parameters on crop yields in order to adapt to climate change. Ukraine is of particular interest in this regard, as this country is an important player in the world grain market due to its large area of agricultural land. Historical climate data already indicate an increase in temperature in Ukraine, and climate forecasts show a further increase in temperature, especially in the South of Ukraine. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to determine the impact of climate change on agricultural land use in Ukraine. The global trends of climate change, which is one of the most urgent threats with a long-term negative impact on the population, the environment and the economy, have been studied. The impact of global climate change on land resources, agriculture, forestry, water resources, energy, infrastructure, biodiversity, public health, emergency situations is analysed. The article describes the most noticeable manifestations of global climate changes on the territory of Ukraine, researches and summarizes their consequences on agricultural land use. The potential impact of climate change on the yield of major agricultural crops and possible economic losses are analysed. The article summarizes the results of studies of the dynamics of changes in climate indicators (air temperature and precipitation), the main consequences and risks of climate change for the agricultural sector of Ukraine are given.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]The current state, problems and prospects of the use of land resources of Ukraine in conditions of war
Bavrovska, Nataliia
The pre-war state of land resources in most of Ukraine was characterized as strained, and sometimes critical, with a tendency to deteriorate, which significantly complicated the socio-economic development of Ukraine and its regions and negatively affected the landscape and biological diversity, health and living conditions of the population. The article examines topical issues of problems and prospects for the use of land resources of Ukraine in the conditions of martial law and post-war reconstruction. As a result of Russia’s military aggression, Ukraine faced mass shelling, missile strikes, radiation contamination, air pollution, littering of territories, unburied or chaotically buried bodies of the dead, mining and other challenges. This has led to aggravation of economic, environmental and social challenges of food supply both in Ukraine and in the world. In connection with military actions, the land resources of Ukraine are subjected to large-scale destruction, deterioration of the soil quality, degradation processes are intensified, land resources are damaged, owners and land users suffer material losses. Agricultural lands suffered two significant types of damage – mine contamination, both on the frontline and in occupied (or formerly occupied) territories, and direct physical damage, from contamination by mines and unexploded ordnance. As of March 20, 2022, the area of damaged soil cover was 6,582.0 hectares, out of 1,655,845.3 hectares of surveyed arable land. For rational use and protection of land, restoration of soils and improvement of their fertility, preservation of productive, ecological and social functions of soil cover, the following important measures should be implemented: actualization of scientific research on the restoration of degraded soils, in particular in the direction of studying the impact of armed aggression of the Russian Federation on the soil cover of Ukraine; determination of the current state of soil health; improvement of the methodology for determining the amount of damage and losses to land and soil resources caused by armed aggression; development and pilot implementation of rehabilitation technologies for war-damaged soils.
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