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Assessment of maximum cross-sectional area and volume of the canine biceps brachii – brachialis muscles
Veksins, A., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia) | Kozinda, O., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia)
The biceps brachii - brachialis muscles has attachment on the medial coronoid process (MCP) and proximal radius. It is considered that medial coronoid disease (MCD) can be caused by biceps brachii – brachialis muscle generated force to MCP. Computed tomography data from 31 dogs were analysed. The aim of this study was to compare biceps brachii – brachialis muscle volume and maximum cross-sectional area (mCSA) between clinically normal dogs to dogs with a MCD. Results showed that in dogs with MCD, biceps brachii - brachialis muscle volume and mCSA is smaller than in clinically normal dogs and therefore the generated muscle force cannot be considered as the main or accompanying cause of a MCD.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Small scale poultry farmers’ choice of adaption strategies to climate change in Ogun State, Nigeria
Adepoju, A.O., University of Ibadan, Oyo State (Nigeria) | Osunbor, P.P., University of Ibadan, Oyo State (Nigeria)
Climate risks constitute an enormous challenge to poultry production and have affected the livelihoods of the people who depend on them. Thus, farmers have adopted various strategies that can help them cope with the adverse effects of climate change. The aim of this study is to examine the factors influencing small scale poultry farmers’ choice of adaptation strategies to climate change. Data used for this study were obtained from 121 representative farmers selected through a two-stage random sampling procedure. Descriptive Statistics, Likert Scale and the Multinomial Logit Model were the tools used for analysis. Results showed that the mean age and household size of the respondents were 45 years and 5 persons respectively, while the average number of birds per farmer stood at 583 birds. Majority of the respondents had a moderate perception of the impacts of climate change on poultry farming and chose management adaptation strategies in their fight against climate change. Econometric analysis showed that the age, gender and educational status of farmers, number of birds, household size, poultry experience, access to cooperative societies, poultry housing system, access to credit, access to extension services and farm size were the factors influencing farmers’ choice of climate change adaptation strategies in the study area. Therefore, policy should focus on awareness creation on management adaptation strategies through enhancing education and extension services as well as access of poultry farmers to credit facilities to indirectly insure farmers against climate change impacts.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Correlates of human capital expenditure among rural households in Nigeria
Obayelu, A.O., University of Ibadan, Oyo State (Nigeria) | Ojo, A., University of Ibadan, Oyo State (Nigeria) | Oladoyin, O., University of Ibadan, Oyo State (Nigeria)
Human capital development is increasingly gaining policy relevance especially with the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This study examined the correlates of human capital expenditure in rural Nigeria. General Household Survey dataset collected by the National Bureau of Statistics was used for this study. Descriptive statistical tools, principal components analysis and the Heckman selection model were used to analyse relevant data. The study found majority of the households were maleheaded, with an average size of 7 people. In terms of access to education, 62.1% of the surveyed households had access to education and spent an average of NGN 12,570.56 on education. The age of household head, access to loans, marital status and household size were the correlates of human capital expenditure in rural Nigeria. Also, school fees and registration accounted for 41.2% of households’ expenditure on education. The study found paucity of funds, low priority placed on education and low interest were the main constraints to human capital expenditure. The study recommended the design and implementation of pro-poor educational interventions especially for children from rural households. Also, there is the need for government, multilateral organisations and financial institutions to position rural households for financial inclusion.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Rural livelihood strategies and household food security of farmers surrounding Derba Cement Factory, Oromia Region, Ethiopia
Tesema, D., Jimma Univ. (Ethiopia) | Berhanu, A., Addis Ababa Univ. (Ethiopia)
This study examined the livelihood strategies and food security situation of rural households around Derba Cement Factory by taking a randomly selected sample of 215 heads of farm households from three rural kebeles. A mixed research approach was employed to triangulate concurrently collected data through household survey, key informant interviews and focus group discussions. Informed by the sustainable rural livelihood framework, descriptive statistics were used to describe rural households’ livelihood strategies and challenges they faced while inferential statistics was employed to explain households’ food security situations with different livelihood combinations. While mixed farming was found to be the mainstay of the household economy, small-scale irrigation and extracting forest products were also used as supplementary economic activities. More than a half of the respondents (52.5%) reported at least one non-farm activity. Land shortage was identified as a major constraint to expand crop production and this was further aggravated by the activities (e.g. querying leading to displacement) of the Derba Cement Factory. This further affected household labour allocation and natural resources utilization. The result of household food (in) security access scale indicated that 59% of the respondents have experienced food access insecurity in 2016. However, respondents who combined agriculture and non-farm activities appeared relatively more food secure than those engaged in agriculture alone or in non-farm activity only. Overall, households with multiple livelihood strategies had diverse food entitlements to maintain sustainable food consumption. Yet, necessity induced diversification was found to affect food access security of households. This calls for inclusive policies and strategies that integrate rural non-farm activities to subsistence farming in order to assure sustainable livelihood in rural communities.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Cassava productivity for eradicating hunger and poverty in rural areas of Indonesia
Widodo, Y., Indonesian Legume and Tuber Crops Research Inst. (ILETRI), Malang |(Indonesia)
Population of Indonesian around 265,015,300 people, so they need a huge amount of food. Rice is the most important food staple, but it is still imported around 500,000 t to stabilize the price in Indonesia. However, the country’s import of wheat is approximately is greater than 10,000,000 t. Hunger reduction and poverty eradication are the top priorities under SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). Production of food based on cereals and grains was inert. Thus to meet the global claims root-crops, particularly cassava, has the potential to be explored. Cassava originated from tropical Latin America; it was distributed to Asia and Africa after Columbus discovered America in the 15th century. Early distribution of cassava was only across the longitude; recently its distribution is athwart the latitude. Literature review as well as arena reflection were used to gather information to meet the methodology in this research. Increasing productivity to meet the demand of food, feed, and other industrial needs with prosperous communities is considered an endless charity which requires a solid global cooperation. Price fluctuation was a factor affecting cassava progress; however, it was neglected by the government.
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