
结果 1-10 的 71

Effects of shade level and microenvironment on vegetative growth, physiological and biochemical characteristics of transplanted cucumber (Cucumis sativus)


Wael M. Semida | Mohamed S. Ammar | Nevein A. El-Sawah

Agriculture and Environmental Science Academy - India

Spatial distribution of solid waste disposal sites in Allahabad city, Uttar Pradesh, India using GIS approach


Nitin Kamboj | Neeraj Pandey

Agriculture and Environmental Science Academy - India

Evaluation of antagonistic activities of Bacillus spp. against certain bacteria of medical importance


Kartikey Kumar Gupta | Deepanshu Rana

Agriculture and Environmental Science Academy - India

A review on sewage sludge (Biosolids) a resource for sustainable agriculture


Vinod Kumar | A.K. Chopra | Ajendra Kumar

Agriculture and Environmental Science Academy - India

Interaction effect of seedling age and different doses of GA3 on growth and yield of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)


Rumpa Sarker | Sasthi Pada Ray | Juthika Paul | Awfiqua Nusrat | Sharmila Rani Mallick

Agriculture and Environmental Science Academy - India

Impacts of coal mine water and Damodar River water irrigation on soil and maize (Zea mays L.) in a coalfield area of Damodar Valley, India


Mukesh Kumar Mahato | Abhay Kumar Singh | Gurdeep Singh | Lalan Prasad Mishra

Agriculture and Environmental Science Academy - India

Assessing fat and aquaculture feed recyclable from chicken wastes of poultry slaughterhouse in Bojnoord, North Khorasan Province, Iran


Hosein Alidadi | Elham Rahmanpour Salmani | Mohammad Reza Hamidi

Agriculture and Environmental Science Academy - India

Intestinal enzyme activities, Carcass biochemical composition and growth performance evaluation of Cirrhinus mrigala fed on heat processed soybean (Glycine max) supplemented diets


Anita Bhatnagar | Neelam Rajharia | Oshin Dhillon

Agriculture and Environmental Science Academy - India

Physiological parameters and yield differ in rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars with variable water management systems


U.K. Sarker | M.R. Uddin | M.A.R. Sarkar | M.A. Salam | A.K. Hasan

Agriculture and Environmental Science Academy - India

Growth response of mahagony seedling (Swietenia macrophylla King.) to addition of coconut shell charcoal and compost on ex-sand mining site of West Java Province in Indonesia


Basuki Wasis | Angga Andika

Agriculture and Environmental Science Academy - India