
结果 1-10 的 76

A review on maize-finger millet relay cropping in hills of Nepal: Prospects and constraints


Dipika Parajulee | Sangam Panta

Agriculture and Environmental Science Academy - India

High yield and pest resistant genotypes of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) for cultivation in Umudike, Southeastern, Nigeria


J. I. Ulasi | R.S. Okim | E.U. Rivers

Agriculture and Environmental Science Academy - India

Effect of foliar spray of micronutrients and hormones on cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis L.)


M. Rahman | M.K. Shahadat | M.H. Rashid | F.A. Nasim

Agriculture and Environmental Science Academy - India

Effect of different fertilizer doses on the production of Chaite-5 paddy variety in Dhanusha District, Nepal


Bhushan Adhikari | Abichal Poudel | Karuna Kafle | Santosh K. Yadav | Rashil Gelal | Biplov Oli

Agriculture and Environmental Science Academy - India

Livelihood pattern and food security of tribal people in a selected area of Bangladesh


Mou Chhanda Saha | Mohammad Ataur Rahman | A.S.M. Golam Hafeez | Tanjima Akter

Agriculture and Environmental Science Academy - India

Changes in growth parameters and forage quantity and quality of corn harvested at different developmental stages


Suleyman CAGIR | Yakup Onur KOCA

Agriculture and Environmental Science Academy - India

Enhancement of climate-resilient livelihoods in coastal agricultural communities with an emphasis on women


Nirmal Chandra Roy | Md. Atick Chowdhury | Kazi Rabeya Akther

Agriculture and Environmental Science Academy - India

Taxonomic diversity of weed flora in pulse crops growing field at south-western part of Bangladesh


Md. Shahriar Kobir | Suchana Paul | Pradip Hajong | Md. Harun-Or-Rashid | Md. Hafijur Rahman

Agriculture and Environmental Science Academy - India

A review on use of agrochemical in agriculture and need of organic farming in Nepal


Susan Makaju | Kabita Kurunju

Agriculture and Environmental Science Academy - India

Binamorich-2: A new high yielding Chilli variety of Bangladesh


Md. Nazmul Hasan Mehedi | Md. Rafiqul Islam | Md. Shamsul Alam | Sadia Tasmin

Agriculture and Environmental Science Academy - India