

结果 1-10 的 15

Variation of tree diameters along road edges: the case of Karacabey linden forest in Bursa, Turkey


Abdullah Emin Akay | İnanç Taş | Burhan Gencal

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Assessing land use change and moving sand transport in the western Hodna basin (central Algerian steppe ecosystems)


Saifi Merdas | Nouar Boulghobra | Tewfik Mostephaoui | Mohamed Belhamra | Haroun Fadlaoui1

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Geology and woods of a new fossil forest from the Early Miocene of Gökçeada (Turkey)


Yıldırım Güngör | Ünal Akkemik | Cem Kasapçı | Ece Başaran

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Visual assessment of rural landscape with different characters


Esra Özhancı | Hasan Yılmaz

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Estimating diameter at breast height (DBH) from diameter at stump height (DST) in triple mixed stands in the region of Artvin in Turkey


Abdurrahman Şahin | Aydın Kahriman | Aşkın Göktürk

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

A research on job satisfaction levels of employees in the furniture industry: A case of Istanbul, Turkey


Derya Sevim Korkut | Tarık Gedik | Feriha Çağan

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Biomass factors used to calculate carbon storage of Turkish forests


Doğanay Tolunay

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Essential wood oil of Cupressus sempervirens varieties (horizontalis and pyramidalis)


Mualla Balaban Uçar | Güneş Uçar | Hasan Özdemir

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Development planning approach for children with orthopaedic disabilities; example of Eymir Lake (Ankara)


Sima Pouya | Öner Demirel

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden