结果 1-10 的 2,279
Evaluation of gluten contamination in gluten-free products in the Republic of Moldova
Siminiuc, Rodica | Țurcanu, Dinu
Celiac disease (CD) is an autoimmune condition, triggered by gluten ingestion, which affects the small intestine, destroying the villi. It is considered that in recent years CD has undergone a real "metamorphosis" due to the constant increase in diagnosed cases. The only treatment available for BC is to stick to a gluten-free diet throughout your life. Adherence to a GFD requires strict elimination of gluten-containing products, as patients with CD are very sensitive to the toxic effect of gluten. The purpose of the research is to evaluate whether the products marketed on the territory of the Republic of Moldova, labeled as gluten-free products, are safe for people with celiac disease, from the perspective of their gluten content. The identification of gluten in GF products sold in supermarkets in the capital was done using the GlutenToxPro gluten detection kit for food, beverages, and work surfaces (AOAC-RI). Research has shown that both gluten-free products imported with the Crossed Grain logo and those just labeled gluten-free (both imported and local), pose no risk to people with gluten-related disorders: the gluten content of all samples was up to 20 ppm. Local, non-packaged GF products (developed and made available to consumers by the supermarkets concerned) pose an increased risk of contamination.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Рhytораthоgеniс miсrоbiоtе оf sеа buсkthоrn аnd imрасt оn storage
Sandulachi, Elisaveta | Netreba, Natalia | Macari, Artur | Sandu, Iuliana | Boestean, Olga | Dianu, Irina
Sеа buсkthоrn (Hiррорhае rhаmnоidеs L.) hаs соnsidеrаblе роtеntiаl fоr thе аgri-fооd, рhаrmасеutiсаl аnd соsmеtiс industriеs. This аrtiсlе рrеsеnts аn intеrnаtiоnаl аnd ехреrimеntаl rеsеаrсh соnduсtеd оn рlаntаtiоns in Dubаsаri distriсt, Роhrеbеа villаgе in thе Rерubliс оf Mоldоvа оf thе miсrоbiоtа whiсh is аblе tо аttасk sеа buсkthоrn рlаntаtiоns аnd rеduсе thе hаrvеst. This rеsеаrсh inсludеs сhаngеs in thе microbiota that is able to attack sea buckthorn plants to reduce the harvest and shelf life of the berries. Infоrmаtiоn оn роtеntiаl disеаsеs оf sеа buсkthоrn рlаntаtiоns, thе саusаtivе аgеnt аnd rесоmmеndаtiоns tо rеduсе this risk аrе inсludеd in thе аrtiсlе. Thе infоrmаtiоn рrеsеntеd is imроrtаnt fоr thе dеvеlорmеnt оf sеа buсkthоrn рlаnt сultivаtiоn strаtеgiеs аnd disеаsе mаnаgеmеnt аlsо fоr imрrоving thе quаlity аnd рrеsеrvаtiоn оf роst-hаrvеst fruit.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Regarding the characteristics of the wind in northern region districts of the Republic of Moldova
Mangos, Octavian | Rachier, Vasile | Sobor, Ion | Cazac, Vadim
The study is focused on three districts in the northern region of the Republic of Moldova - Briceni, Edinet and Ocnita. The maps were calculated and presented in terms of average annual wind speed and wind power density at a height of 100 m above ground level, wind rose and Weibull wind speed distribution. In the calculations performed for the three analyzed districts it was found that the average annual wind speed is between 6.84 and 7.35 m / s, and the wind power density - between 450 and 593 W / m2. The highest annual average speed equal to 7.35 m / s was identified in Ocnita district. At the same time, having the maps of the wind speed and the power density, the convenient locations for the construction of the wind farms can be selected. For each district involved in the study, a location with a pronounced wind potential was identified, recommended for the location of any wind farms.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Perspectives for the use of biomass generated by some Miscanthus genotypes in the production of densified solid biofuels
Daraduda, Nicolae | Marian, Grigore
Miscanthus is a Poaceae family perennial crop of C4 bioenergy characterized by the multilateral use potential, including the production of biofuels. The paper aimed to study the opportunity to use the biomass generated by two Miscanthus genotypes: Miscanthus × giganteus and Miscanthus sinensis in the production of densified solid biofuels. We quantified the biomass generated by crops that were 5 years old, harvested from both genotypes after the vegetation period, the year 2020. Samples were taken from the experimental lots of the Alexandru Ciubotaru National Botanical Garden (Institute) from the Republic of Moldova in autumn, immediately after the initial onset of senescence and in spring of the following year, before the start of the growing season. The results showed that the above-ground biomass generated by both Miscanthus genotypes harvested in spring had had significantly higher quality characteristics compared to the biomass harvested in autumn. Virtually all qualitative indices of the Miscanthus × giganteus biomass harvested in spring comply with the requirements of the ENPlus international standards for densified solid biofuels. The Miscanthus sinensis biomass, both, had lower indices than the Miscanthus × giganteus biomass from both qualitative and quantitative points of view and the former can be used as a filler in various mixtures of raw material for the production of solid biofuels.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Spectral and chromatographic characterisation of the yellow food dye from safflower
Savcenco, Alexandra
Recently, an increasingly trend of public concern for the food safety is observed. Use of additives in food industry growing steadily. Present study deals with separation and identification of compounds from Yellow Food Dye from Safflower (YFDS). Spectral and chromatographic characteristics of YFDS were obtained and discussed. Dry powders and solutions of YFDS were examined using Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC), UV-Vis spectroscopy and reversed-phase HPLC. TLC was carried out in three systems I (HCl 0.1 M), II (aqua 50%, ethanol 45%, citric acid 5%) and III (water, butan-1-ol, acetic acid). Spectral determinations in the range of 200 to 600 nm were carried out at various pH values. HPLC method was carried out by the gradient elution technique. Chromatographic method showed that it is impossible to separate and to identify the components of the YFDS by paper chromatography. UV-Vis Spectra demonstrated that the most successful interval for the practical use of YFDS is in the pH range of pH = 4...5, since in this range the coloration activity of dyes is maximal. HPLC method demonstrated that YFDS-compounds corresponds to the composition of dry Safflower petals, which confirms its high biological activity. Powdered yellow pigment from Safflower petals is containing natural chalcones and can be successfully used in the dairy producing.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Biomass pretreatment as a key process in bioethanol productions: a review
Oyegoke, Toyese | Tongshuwar, Geoffrey T. | Oguche, John E.
Solid wastes like lignocellulosic materials have proven to be of immense benefit to the production of bioethanol and have given a headway towards the deviation from the traditional use of fossil fuel which is has been a long-time primary source of fuel and energy globally. The transformation of lignocellulosic wastes into bioethanol is of importance to the environment. The recalcitrant nature of this substance, owing to the presence of lignin which serves as a deterrent, making it hard to access cellulose and hemicellulose, which are later converted to bioethanol, has raised much concern for researchers. Various strategies for feed preparation for overcoming this problem have been identified by researchers in the literature, including chemical, physical, and physiochemical approaches with enzymes. This review aims to bring together recent advances made by researchers in different pretreatment methods in optimizing the production of bioethanol. The advantages, disadvantages and the specific conditions for these pretreatment methods are also discussed in this review. Embedded in this review is also a report of the usage of some of these feed preparation strategies and the amount of bioethanol that was obtained by each process using different feedstock.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]The effect of reducing the quantity of salt on the quality and acceptability of grissini
Suhodol, Natalia | Covaliov, Eugenia | Deseatnicova, Olga | Chirsanova, Aurica | Resitca, Vladislav | Capcanari, Tatiana | Boiștean, Alina
The article proposes the technology of obtaining grissini type salt-free bakery products. Research has been carried out on reducing the salt content and replacing the water with fermentation products as kefir, whey, and sour borscht, in order to reduce the effect of the lack of salt on the product quality. The results showed that the complete exclusion of salt from the recipe had a negative effect on the dough stability, physicochemical properties and organoleptic characteristics of the baked products. Partial or total omission of salt resulted in higher dough rise ability and lower moisture content in the final product. Grissini made according to the classic recipe with salt, registered high appearance and sensory properties, while reducing the salt content results in products with a less pronounced crust and taste. The use of kefir, whey and sour borscht as water substitutes in the recipe contributed to the improvement of the chromatic parameters, as well as the physicochemical indicators of the baked grissini. However, consumers appreciated less the samples with the addition of kefir and whey. These samples being distinguished by a specific taste and smell, in some extent unusual for panelists. At the same time, grissini based on sour borscht were highly appreciated. According to the results, the sample with sour borscht without added salt recorded similar characteristics to the control sample, but in order to align it with national standards in terms of physicochemical indicators, the dough fermentation period needs to be revised.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]The influence of microorganisms on beer quality
Sclifos, Aliona | Scutaru, Iurie
The paper investigated the influence of microorganisms on the quality of Oettinger and Timișoreana beer, in the context of improving the manufacturing methodology of the finished product. Two types of yeast were used for fermentation: Oettinger and SAB-5. At the end of the fermentation process, the microbiological sample was selected to determine the anaerobic bacteria harmful to the beer. Various methods of seeding and sampling were analyzed, such as seeding on several types of media: Wort, Endo and NBB-A, media used to determine the types of microorganisms present at each stage of production. As the level of free amino acids (FAN) is a significant indicator of the completion of the fermentation process, the influence of FAN on the dissociation of yeast and diacetyl content was also analyzed. Subsequently, at the end of the fermentation process, microbiological growths were determined.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Technological innovations as drivers of retail 4.0 – how RFID could improve returnable bottle logistics in the German beverage industry
Bührdel, Stan Lukas | Siegfried, Patrick
This research paper discusses how RFID technology could improve current deposit bottle logistic processes in food retailing and which obstacles impede successful implementations. Research Methodology include desk research: Library, EBSCOhost, wiso.net, Google Scholar, Scientific Journals, Statista, SpringerLink. Implementation of RFID is potentially beneficial, but same obstacles remain outlook. To validate the conclusion further studying and practical proof of concept are necessary. Contributions: supply chain management, return logistics, food retail, beverage industry.
显示更多 [+] 显示较少 [-]Possibility and necessity of tartaric acid production in the Republic of Moldova
Reșitca, Vladislav | Balanuță, Anatol | Scutaru, Iurie | Covaci, Ecaterina | Sclifos, Aliona | Patraș, Antoanela | Borta, Ana-Maria
The wine industry has been and remains a source of natural- tartaric acid. The tartaric acid can be obtained from such wastes as grape marcs, yeast, vinasse and wine stone. But the use of these wastes was limited in the Republic of Moldova by the production of tartaric acid lime (calcium tartrate) and wine stone, which were shipped to Ukraine and Armenia where the finished product is obtained. Currently, tartaric acid is used in considerable quantities in the winemaking and food industry, being a quite expensive imported product. The Department of Oenology and Chemistry has developed a complete technological scheme for the use of wine wastes to obtain the finished product – tartaric acid. The realization of the proposed tartaric acid production in the Republic of Moldova is important for the country's economy and it does not require large investments. Wineries can also help to organize tartaric acid production by providing calcium tartrate, wine stone, pressed or dried yeast, and other ingredients.
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