أجريس - النظام الدولي للعلوم الزراعية والتكنولوجيا

Trace organic contamination in the Americas: an overview of the US National Status and Trends and the International 'Mussel Watch' programmes


Sericano, J.L. | Wade, T.L. | Jackson, T.J. | Brooks, J.M. | Tripp, B.W. | Farrington, J.W. | Mee, L.D. | Readmann, J.W. | Villeneuve, J.P. | Goldberg, E.D. (Geochemical and Environmental Research Group, College of Geosciences and Maritime Studies, Texas AandM University, College Station, TX 77845 (USA))

المعلومات البيبليوغرافية
Marine Pollution Bulletin (United Kingdom)
المجلد 31 الإصدار 4/12
ترقيم الصفحات
pp. 214-225
مواضيع أخرى
Compose organochlore; Hidrocarburos aromaticos; Sustancias toxicas; Region marine; America del norte; Polucion del agua; Polychlorure de biphenyle; Ocean pacifique; Compuesto organico del cloro; America central; Hydrocarbure halogene; Golfo de mexico; America del sur; Amerique du sud; Ocean atlantique; Amerique centrale; Cotes; Enquete; Amerique du nord
13 ref. Selected papers from the International Conference on Marine Pollution and Ecotoxicology, Hongkong, January 1995

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