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النتائج 81 - 90 من 124
The Effect of Environmental Conditions on the Prevalence of Chicken Eimeriosis in the RA Armavir and Ararat Marzes
Hakobyan, A.R. | Grigoryan, V.V. | Yeribekyan, S.V. | Grigoryan, L.H.
One of the current issues of small poultry farms is the prevalence of Eimeriosis infection (especially in floor housing conditions). The research activities were conducted throughout 2021-2022 years in the small rural poultry farms of some communities at the RA Armavir and Ararat marzes. Eimeria infection of chickens was identified on the basis of the results of laboratory tests performed throughout the year. Two species of Eimeria were detected: Eimeria acervulina and Eimeria tenella. Infected samples made up 36% of the overall examined ones. Heat and humidity are among the factors of external environment contributing to the Eimeria propagation. During the year, one or two outbreaks of epidemic nature of invasion may be recorded. The intensity of invasion in Armavir and Ararat marzes was 33 % and 39 %, respectively. Weather conditions favor the preservation and sporulation of Eimeria oocysts in the outdoor environment, leading to spring outbreaks of infection. During the research, as a result of the monitoring carried out in the permanently insecure areas against the disease, high indicators of the extensity and intensity of the invasion were recorded from the beginning of April until the first ten days of June. Lack of precipitation in the summer contributed to a sharp decline in the extensity and intensity of the invasion. And in the long and warm autumn, due to heat and humidity, a certain increase in the mentioned indices was registered, which, anyhow, did not lead to autumn outbreaks of the invasion.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]The Effect of Breeding Factors on the Fertility of Saanen Goat Breed and the Live Weight of Newborn Yeanlings
Navasardyan, D.S. | Grigoryan, H.G. | Marmaryan, Yu.G. | Badalyan, M.V.
Reproduction of farm animals is one of the main indicators determining their biological and economic value. Highly efficient reproduction promotes the increase of livestock number and improvement of animal breeding technique. The reproductive qualities of goats depend on genetic factors and environmental conditions: age, fatness, live weight of queens, feeding level before mating and during pregnancy, daylight hours, etc. A goal has been set to study the fertility of goats and the live weight of newborn Saanen goats, bred in the goat farm of Krashen village, in the Shirak region. To analyze the goat fertility, 40 queens were taken into consideration depending on their lactation age, among which 47.5% were first-born, 5.0 % - second-born, 45.0 % were the third lambing and one doe was the fourth lambing. The studies were carried out on the queens of 2-4 years. In our opinion, it is this age, that is optimal for characterizing the queens in terms of fertility, since the first mating of goats is carried out at the age of 10 months, provided that the live weight of the young is 70-75 % of the mother's weight, but not less than 30-32 kg. Such a new approach to the technological solution makes it possible to obtain one lamb more from each queen during economic use than with conventional technology. The data obtained can be used in breeding farms for the production and sale of young animals, and the development of goat breeding in the republic.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Development and Justification of a Self-Regulating System for Adjusting the Angle of Rotary Tiller Blade with a Vertical Rotation Axis
Tarverdyan, A.P. | Altunyan, A.V. | Grigoryan, A.S.
Thearticle considers theproblem of providingconstant or almost constant values of the blade cutting angles during one rotation of the tiller rotor with a vertical rotation axis. Analytical expressions were obtained by analyzing the trajectory of the tiller knife/blade, which enable to determine the change of the blade cutting angles at a constant location and to fine the patterns of this change in the ranges of (0...π) and (π...2π). The derived expressions and conclusions make it possible to adjust the location angle of the knife, using a pattern, in case of which the cutting angles of the knife will remain unchanged during one rotation of the rotor. This circumstance is important from the prospect of ensuring a uniform working mode of the rotary tiller.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Brucellosis Prevalence in Livestock of Tavush and Kotayk Marzes of Armenia and Assessment of Diagnostic Algorithm
Danelyan, H.M. | Arner, R.J.
Brucellosis is a common bacterial zoonosis caused by Brucella spp., which are facultative intracellular gram-negative cocco-bacilli, causing disease in cattle, small ruminants, and humans. The occurrence of brucellosis is widespread across a wide geographical area as well as endemic throughout the Caucasus region. The Ministry of Agriculture of Armenia has adopted a diagnostic algorithm consisting of screening samples with the Rose Bengal Test (RBT) followed by confirmation with the complement fixation test (CFT). This study determined the feasibility of the algorithm and diagnostics in Armenia. Sampling and testing were conducted in two marzes of Armenia with disparate brucellosis prevalence. The screening was performed in 2020 at regional laboratories, followed by retesting at the reference laboratory with RBT and confirmation by CFT. Results indicated that RBT testing was reproducible between laboratories, although positive rates in CFT testing were slightly higher. Brucellosis incidence in cattle was not geographically dependent, while sheep incidence was affected by location. The addition of CFT to the diagnostic algorithm improves the results.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Evaluation of Service, Perinatal Period and Milk Productivity of Fleckvieh Breed Cows in the Vamaks LLC Farm of the RA Syunik Region
Giloyan, G.H. | Kasumyan, N.A.
The data of the study indicate that the service period of the cows of the 4th-5th lactation is 5-58 days higher than the norm in the “Vamaks” LLC cattle farm of the Syunik region of the RA, and the coefficient of reproductive ability varies in the range of 86.3-98.6 %. Due to sterility, the loss of lactations in the 5th lactation is 16 and the loss of milk quantity is 126 tons. We propose to identify and inseminate (mate) animals with sexual desire in a timely manner, as well as to establish strict veterinary control to monitor and regulate the service period of 4-5 calving cows.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Research of Colibacteriosis in Honey Bees at Aragatsotn Region and Susceptibility of the Detected Pathogen to Antibiotics
Simonyan, J.T. | Simonyan, L.L. | Shahazizyan, N.A. | Voskanyan, H.Y.
The research was carried out in the Ashtarak and Avan communities of the Aragatsotn region of the Republic of Armenia. During the research enterobacteria were found in the samples brought from the Ashtarak community. Salmonella, Escherichia coli, or Proteus diseases were suspected. API 20 E microbial identification test-system was used for identification. As a result of research carried out in 2022, using the above method, Escherichia coli was confirmed in bees in the Ashtarak community of the Aragatsotn region. The susceptibility of the pathogen to antibiotics was also checked and it was found out that the most effective antibiotics are Gentamicyn, Levofloxacin, Streptomycin, and Amoxicillin.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Development of the Second Ingredient of the New Product “Yogrik"
Balayan, E.B. | Araksyants, A.E.
Research in this area aims to develop a milk-protein product similar to ricotta cheese. This product will be the second component of the newly developed twocomponent Yogrik product, a mixture of yogurt and ricotta. Combination of the biological value of yogurt and ricotta will create a balanced amino acid food. Cheeses obtained by acid and thermo-acid coagulation are usually fresh soft cheese varieties made by the coagulation of milk, cream, whey, or their mixtures, by direct chemical acidification, bacterial cultures coagulation, or by a combination of chemical acidification and high-temperature processing. In appearance and production technology, ricotta is between cheese and cottage cheese. But in terms of the softness of the clot and versatility, it is an outstanding product. Ricotta is rich in proteins including albumin and contains about 11 % protein. Whey cheese proteins are in the most easily assimilated state. Combining the biological value of yogurt and ricotta will create a balanced food with amino acid content.
The current work presents the distribution patterns of rare plant species and the mapping results with the help of the R programming language. In addition, it considers the topographical features of the RA mountain meadow zone. Taking the advantages of the R program capacity and the results of environmental studies of the given area, ways of solving several environmental problems related to the preservation of rare plants and biodiversity, depending on meteorological (Tmax, Tmin, RH, V) and soil moisture indicators were developed. The analysis was made with the data of Kajaran (1843 m) and Jermuk (2064 m) hydrometeorological stations, based on which the assessment of moisture availability of rare plant species was conducted, and the most dangerous periods for the development of life and growth of the mentioned plants were revealed. In particular, for plants at an altitude of 1800-2000 m, it was 75-130 days, and for those at the altitude of 2000 m, it was 60-110 days. Geospatial data analysis was performed, which allows to analyze and visualize environmental data through a cartographic representation. The use of comprehensive open source code for land use change assessment, landscape monitoring, ecological trends, and environmental problem identification is considered relevant, as it enables to avoid the use of narrow professional and expensive programs.
A.T., Sargsyan | Kh.G., Khachatryan
Cars have become an integral part of human civilization today. In developed countries, it is not only regarded as the main form of transportation, but also as a basic component of daily life. In spite of the rapid progress in motorization at the beginning of the 21st century, its apparent optimism brought tangible negative consequences as well. The study indicates that due to the sharp increase in the number of vehicles, loads on Yerevan, s roads have increased. The efficiency of transport use has decreased, whereas accidents, traffic jams and kneading have became more frequent. In 3-4 years, a transport collapse is inevitable if appropriate measures are not taken. To improve the traffic management, it is necessary to develop a strategy and implement a set of measures to improve the road network, especially road traffic, by using modern technologies, since expanding the road network is expensive, laborintensive, and not always possible.
The study was conducted on Holstein cows, which were imported from Germany and kept in the “smart” barnyard of the “Pepi Agro” farm at the Armavir Marz of the Republic of Armenia. According to the results, during the first lactation, 5827 kg of milk was yielded, fat and protein contents in milk were 3.82 and 3.27 %, live weight was 535 kg, and milk yield was 10.9 with the average milk flow rate of 2.37 kg/min. According to the 1990 appraisal, these cows exceeded the standards of the Holstein breed in terms of milk yield, fat, and protein content, as well as live weight. However, their milk yield was lower than the mothers bred in Germany by 2933 kg or 50 %. We propose to continue the importation of Holstein cows and their further breeding in “smart” farming conditions in the Republic of Armenia.
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