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النتائج 1 - 10 من 25
Development of a method for rapid evaluation of the color of flour and pasta made from wheat of different species
Вечерська, Л. А | Голік, О. В | Реліна, Л. І | Буряк, Л. І | Шелякіна, Т. А
Purpose. Develop a simplified method for estimating the color of flour and pasta using Adobe Photo Shop® software. Methods. The research material was grain of varieties and selection lines of wheat species Triticum durum, T. dicoccum, T. timopheevii bred in the Рlant Production Institute nd. a. V. Ya. Yuryev and samples of the National Center for Genetic Resources of Plants of Ukraine, 2018–2020 harvest. Batch of flour and pieces of dough were scanned using EPSON Scanner 010 F. Color was evaluated using Adobe PhotoShop®. The level of carotenoids was determined by spectrophotometric method. Results. Visual assessments of flour and pasta color, presented by different researchers, differ significantly (up to 2–3 points on a 9-point scale). At the same time, the use of the developed method of express color evaluation of flour and pasta samples in Adobe PhotoShop® with the color evaluation system L*a*b*, used in modern reflectometers, allows to obtain data in numerical value and provides high accuracy. In the case of the developed method, correlations were established between the content of carotenoids and the index b* of flour (r = 0.41 / ≤ 0.05) and pasta (r = 0.60 / p ≤ 0.001) and allowed to select the best in flour color selection lines 10-56, 10-65, 14-153, sample T. durum var. falcatomelanopus, in pasta color – lines 10-56, 10-65, 11-29, 12-3. Conclusions. The developed method provides high accuracy and can be used to evaluate the color of pasta and wheat flour, simplifies the evaluation of test samples, standardizes the parameters of agricultural products and avoids subjective judgment. The established weak correlation between the carotenoid content and the b* value of flour indicates the effect on the color of flour not only orange but also yellow and red pigments, and the average correlation between the carotenoid content and the b* value of pasta indicates the influence of the products of polyphenols oxidation reactions of wheat grain. The best in color flour and pasta lines were selected for breeding work to increase the content of carotenoid pigments in grain.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Агрономічна оцінка стійкості італійських сортів твердої пшениці до фузаріозу колоса та скринінг удосконалених за допомогою MAS ліній, відібраних за ознакою стійкості до фузаріозу колоса
Г. Бентівенга | М. Камеріні | А. Белoччі | М. Форнара | С. Меллоні | А. Спіна | Ф. Каранта | К. Аммар
Для оцінки стійкості до фузаріозу колоса в 2009 році 41 сорт твердої та м’якої пшениці, переважно з Італії, пройшов сортовипробування у CIMMYT (Міжнародний центр поліпшення кукурудзи та пшениці). Крім того, виконано оцінку впливу одного з основних QTL стійкості до фузаріозу колоса (Qfhs.ndsu-3BS QTL), вперше виявленого у китайського сорту пшениці м’якої ‘Sumai 3’, на хромосомі 3В, у 125 удосконалених ліній пшениці твердої BC4F6, отриманих шляхом схрещування з вихідним сортом пшениці м’якої ‘Sumai 3’ (68 ліній з ‘Sumai 3’ QTL та 57 ліній без цього QTL), були досліджені в однакових умовах штучного зараження. Для обох груп ділянки заражували під час цвітіння суспензією односпорових культур F. graminearum, підтримуючи вологість до 100%, щоб сприяти розвитку захворювання за допомогою системи дрібнодисперсного зволоження. Через тридцять днів після зараження підрахували кількість колосків, інфікованих F. graminearum, на колосі десяти рослин на кожній ділянці; пошкодження виразили показником зараження фузаріозом (кількість випадків ураження ступінь ураження / 100, де ступінь ураження = кількість інфікованих колосків / загальна кількість випадків ураження 100 та кількість інфікованого колосся / загальна кількість колосся 100). В обох випадках пізнє цвітіння було ключовим чинником, здатним обмежити ураженість хворобою. Попередні дані стосовно впливу Qfhs.ndsu-3BS QTL не виявили відмінності між двома групами вдосконалених ліній.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Ecological testing of winter wheat varieties bred at the Institute of Irrigated Farming of the Ukrainian National Academy of Agrarian Sciences in Turkey
Усик, Л. О | Базалій, Г. Г | Колесникова, Н. Д
Purpose. Study of winter wheat varieties that were bred at the Institute of Irrigated Farming NAAS through ecological testing in Turkey. Test procedures both in Ukraine and Turkey meet the requirements of the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV). Methods. Field, laboratory ones: structural analysis, quality analysis, statistical analysis. Results. The Exporter Unions Seed and Research Company (ITAS) during 2011–2013 tested winter wheat varieties bred at the Institute of Irrigates Farming (IIF) NAAS at four areas of the Central Plateau of Turkey comparing them with local varieties registered in this country. According to the results of these tests the Exporter Unions Seed and Research Company identified Kohana variety as candidate for the state registration in Turkey. Conclusions. The realisation of the innovative product in Ukraine and entitlement to use intellectual property due to licensing agreements is expected. The Institute of Irrigated Farming NAAS continues to create new varieties of winter wheat which can be transferred to other countries for testing for the purpose of introduction and further expansion.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Ecological testing of winter wheat varieties bred at the Institute of Irrigated Farming of the Ukrainian National Academy of Agrarian Sciences in Turkey
Л. О. Усик | Г. Г. Базалій | Н. Д. Колесникова
Purpose. Study of winter wheat varieties that were bred at the Institute of Irrigated Farming NAAS through ecological testing in Turkey. Test procedures both in Ukraine and Turkey meet the requirements of the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV). Methods. Field, laboratory ones: structural analysis, quality analysis, statistical analysis. Results. The Exporter Unions Seed and Research Company (ITAS) during 2011–2013 tested winter wheat varieties bred at the Institute of Irrigates Farming (IIF) NAAS at four areas of the Central Plateau of Turkey comparing them with local varieties registered in this country. According to the results of these tests the Exporter Unions Seed and Research Company identified Kohana variety as candidate for the state registration in Turkey. Conclusions. The realisation of the innovative product in Ukraine and entitlement to use intellectual property due to licensing agreements is expected. The Institute of Irrigated Farming NAAS continues to create new varieties of winter wheat which can be transferred to other countries for testing for the purpose of introduction and further expansion.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Triticale: agroecological and economic value, ongoing state at the cases of Eurasian, North- and South American and Australian areas
Тарасюк, C. І
State and prospects of growing for Triticale crop at the territory of leading states of the world are highlighted across space and time. Observing the trend of changes in planting acreage and the product yield of wheat and rye hybrids, their popularity in agrarian and industrial fields of a whole range of countries in Asia, Northern and Southern America, Australia, a Ukrainian manufacturer is invited to consider and reasonably assess this crop and thus list in the composition of planted acreage the national nowadays varieties of triticale as an essential or strategic system component.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]High-protein variety of soft winter wheat Natalka
О. Л. Уліч | В. М. Лисікова | М. М. Корхова | С. С. Коляденко
Results of studying morphoagrobiological characteristics and properties of new high-protein variety of soft winter wheat Natalka are presented. It is determined that this variety successfully combines high natural productivity potential with genetically inherited the highest grain quality and positive reaction of protein accumulation. It can be classified as superstrong wheats by qualitative properties. It belongs to intensive varieties, has higher winter and drought hardiness. This variety is characterized by wide agroecological plasticity. To realize genetic potential of productivity and qualitative properties variety sowings should be placed after the best forecrops with high soil fertility creation, implementation of intensive technologies and sowing at the end of optimal time for appropriate agroclimatic zones.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Agrobiological particularities of the new variety of soft winter wheat Nyva Kyivschyny
В. С. Хахула | Л. І. Уліч | М. І. Загинайло | З. С. Шпак | Н. В. Курочка
Results of studying morphoagrobiological characteristics and properties of a new variety ofsoftwinterwheat Nyva Kyivschyny are presented. It is determined that it has high genetic productivity potential, belongs to intensive variety type of universal use, is characterized by high winter and drought hardiness. This variety realizes its natural potential in a greater degree in case of growing after the best forecrop, at high soil fertility, with intensive agrotechnologies implementation and sowing at the end of the optimal time for appropriate agroclimatic zones.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Myronivs’ka 808 to celebrate triumphal y jubilee in production and selection
Коломієць, Л. А | Власенко, В. А | Кочмарський, В. С | Кириленко, В. В
Unique features of Myronivs’ka 808 variety have provided its triumph in agricultural production in the former Soviet Union and other countries. Myronivs’ka 808 has become one of the most popular varieties in terms of sown areas (in 1971 over 9.5 million hectares) in the world production. Up to now the variety has been cultivated in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan. Myronivs’ka 808 variety gained leadership in the global selection process as a source of high grain quality, high productivity, general adaptability and plasticity. Using germplasm of this variety enabled to develop over 400 wheat varieties including 350 winter varieties and 60 spring varieties.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Influence of varietal qualities of winter annual wheat on dynamics of sowing campaigs and processing behaviour of grain in storage
Ящук, Н. О
Dynamics of technological and sowing indexes of grain of wheat winter-annual kinds of Natsionalna, Stolichna, Artemis in the course of long-term storage is studied. It is positioned that the best sowing indexes throughout all shelf-life the kind of Stolichna, and technological had a kind of Natsionalna. The optimum shelf-life of grain of investigated kinds has compounded six months.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Vernalization requirement of winter bread wheat modern varieties (Tritikum aestivum L.)
Булавка, Н. В | Голик, Л. М
The study of vernalization requierement of winter bread wheat 87 modem varieties from Ukraine and Russia showed significant domination - 81.6% - of varieties with short vernalization requierement (30-40 days). Vernalization requierement differences among varieties from different climatic zones were revealed.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]