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النتائج 1 - 6 من 6
Improving the technology of baking buns with rice flour by combining microwave heating and traditional modes | Совершенствование технологии выпечки булочных изделий с рисовой мукой путем комбинирования СВЧ-нагрева и традиционных режимов
Sheveleva, T.L.
To give bakery products functional properties, it is advisable to enrich them in rice flour, which is rich in vitamins B1, B2, PP, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and other minerals, and also contains less fat than wheat flour. However, the moisture-retaining capacity of rice flour is high, so baking in the traditional way requires a lot of energy and time. At the State Agrarian University of the Northern Trans-Urals (Tyumen, Russia) there was developed the recipe and improved the technology of production of bakery products containing rice flour. In the recipe of the Russian round loaf 10 or 15% of 1st grade wheat flour was replaced with rice flour. Baking of dough pieces weighing 220 g by the traditional (convective) method was carried out in an electric baking oven for 20 min at t 220 deg. C. A combined method was also used: a combination of microwave heating for 25, 30 or 20 s followed by baking in an electric oven (5 min, t 220 deg. C). Physicochemical and organoleptic indicators of the quality of finished products are determined. It has been established that the optimal content of rice flour in the recipe of bakery products is 10% of the flour weight. An original recipe of bakery products of increased nutritional and biological value has been developed. The production technology of bakery products with rice flour has been improved; it provides for a combination of microwave heating for 30 s and convective baking in an electric oven at a temperature of 220 deg. C within 5 min. This reduces the total duration of baking 2.5 times, ensures the formation of both a porous crumb structure and a colored thin-walled crust on the surface of the products. The development is recognized as promising for introduction into production. | Для придания хлебобулочным изделиям функциональных свойств целесообразно обогащать их рисовой мукой, которая богата витаминами В1, В2, РР, кальцием, магнием, фосфором и другими минеральными веществами, а также содержит меньше жира, чем пшеничная мука. Однако влагоудерживающая способность рисовой муки высокая, поэтому выпечка традиционным способом требует больших затрат энергии и времени. В Государственном аграрном университете Северного Зауралья (г. Тюмень, Россия) разрабатывали рецептуру и совершенствовали технологию производства булочных изделий, содержащих рисовую муку. В рецептуре булки русской круглой 10 или 15% муки пшеничной 1-го сорта заменяли на рисовую муку. Выпечку тестовых заготовок массой 220 г традиционным (конвективным) способом проводили в хлебопекарной электропечи в течение 20 мин при t 220 град. С. Применяли также комбинированный способ: сочетание СВЧ-нагрева в течение 25, 30 или 20 с с последующим допеканием в электропечи (5 мин, t 220 град. С). Определены физико-химические и органолептические показатели качества готовых изделий. Установлено, что оптимальное содержание рисовой муки в рецептуре булочных изделий составляет 10% от массы муки. Разработана оригинальная рецептура булочных изделий повышенной пищевой и биологической ценности. Усовершенствована технология производства булочных изделий с рисовой мукой; она предусматривает комбинирование СВЧ-нагрева в течение 30 с и конвективной выпечки в электропечи при температуре 220 град. в течение 5 мин. Это сокращает общую продолжительность выпечки в 2,5 раза, обеспечивает формирование как пористой структуры мякиша, так и окрашенной тонкостенной корочки на поверхности изделий. Разработка признана перспективной для внедрения в производство.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Comprehensive assessment of the quality of two-component flour enriched with PUFA | Комплексная оценка качества двухкомпонентной муки, обогащенной ПНЖК
Kolomiets, S.N. | Meleshkina, E.P. | Bundina, O.I. | Gerasina, A.Yu. | Zhil'tsova, N.S. | Kirillova, E.V.
Obtaining composite flour is a promising method to overcome a deficit of valuable nutrients in bakery products. The All-Russian Research Institute of Grain and Products of its Processing created balanced grain-based food products to eliminate the deficiency of PUFAs in the diet of the people of Russia. To increase the nutritional and biological value of products made of first grade wheat baking flour, wheat-flax flour (WFF) and wheat almond flour (WAF) were obtained. The binary mixtures consisted of 93% wheat and 7% either linseeds, or almond kernels, respectively. A comprehensive assessment of two types of two-component flour in terms of physicochemical, biochemical parameters, rheological properties of the dough, trial laboratory baking and organoleptic bread evaluation showed the following results: in WAF the gluten amount remained at the same level as in the first grade wheat flour sample, and in WFF it decreased by 3.7%. At the same time, no significant changes in the gluten quality were observed. WFF and WAF were characterized by a high content of fat and protein. The WAF water absorption capacity was decreased by 2.4%, while this WFF index remained at the same level as in the wheat flour sample. Trial laboratory baking of bread from the studied samples was also carried out. An analysis of baked bread showed high results in terms of volumetric yield and bread porosity. A total organoleptic evaluation was high and reached to 9.5–10.0 points. The quality of the crumb was rated at 4.5–5.0 points. It is concluded about a possibility of using two-component flour to enrich the diet of the population in vitamins, minerals, poly- and monounsaturated fatty acids, as well as to expand the range of bread, bakery products and the production of specialized dietetic and health foods. | Получение композитной муки – перспективный способ восполнения дефицита ценных пищевых компонентов в хлебобулочных изделиях. Во Всероссийском НИИ зерна и продуктов его переработки проведены исследования по созданию сбалансированных продуктов питания на зерновой основе для нивелирования дефицита ПНЖК в рационе питания населения России. С целью повышения пищевой и биологической ценности изделий из пшеничной хлебопекарной муки 1-го сорта были получены пшенично-льняная мука (ПЛМ) и пшенично-миндальная мука (ПММ). Бинарные смеси состояли из 93% зерна пшеницы и 7% семян льна или ядер миндаля соответственно. Проведенная комплексная оценка двух видов двухкомпонентной муки по физико-химическим, биохимическим показателям, реологическим свойствам теста, пробной лабораторной выпечке и органолептической оценке хлеба показала следующие результаты: в ПММ количество клейковины осталось на том же уровне, как и в образце муки пшеничной 1-го сорта, а в ПЛМ оно снизилось на 3,7%. При этом значительных изменений качества клейковины не наблюдалось. ПЛМ и ПММ характеризовались повышенным содержанием жира и белка. Водопоглотительная способность ПММ уменьшилась на 2,4%, а ПЛМ – осталась на том же уровне, что и в образце пшеничной муки. Также была проведена пробная лабораторная выпечка хлеба из исследуемых образцов. Анализ выпеченного хлеба показал высокие результаты по показателям объемного выхода и пористости хлеба. Суммарная органолептическая оценка была высокой и составила 9,5–10,0 баллов. Качество мякиша было оценено в 4,5–5,0 баллов. Сделан вывод о возможности использования двухкомпонентной муки для обогащения рациона питания населения витаминами, минеральными веществами, поли- и мононенасыщенными жирными кислотами, а также расширения ассортимента хлеба, хлебобулочных изделий и производства специализированных изделий диетического питания.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Analysis of nucleotide sequences of the <i>GT47</i> glycosyltransferase gene in rye cultivars differing in the content of water-soluble pentosans in grain
E. A. Zaikina | R. R. Kayumova | A. R. Kuluev | R. R. Ismagilov | B. R. Kuluev
Rye (Secale cereale L.) is the most important crop in Russia, its grain quality depends on the content of water-soluble pentosans. The grain of rye cultivars with high content of water-soluble pentosans has good baking properties, but low fodder qualities. Methods of marker-assisted selection for this trait in rye remain undeveloped. For Triticeae, the content of pentosans in grain may be associated with the GT47 glycosyltransferase genes, but the genes of this family have not been identified in rye. The aim of this study was amplification, sequencing, and search for single nucleotide substitutions or other mutations in the GT47 gene in various rye cultivars differing in the content of water-soluble pentosans in their grain and the viscosity of their aqueous extract. DNA from rye leaves was isolated by the standard CTAB method. Based on the nucleotide sequences of the bread wheat and barley GT47 genes, universal primers were selected, then a fragment of the open reading frames of the studied gene was amplified, and the nucleotide sequences were determined by automatic capillary sequencing.The population cultivars of rye, ‘Chulpan 7’ and ‘Podarok’, and F1 hybrids ‘KVS Aviator’, ‘KVS Magnifico’ and ‘KVS Eterno’ were analyzed. The highest content of pentosans and the highest kinematic viscosity of the aqueous extract were found in cv. ‘Chulpan 7’. The lowest values of these indicators were shown by the hybrid cv. ‘KVS Aviator’. The analysis of the nucleotide sequences of the GT47 gene revealed the presence of single-nucleotide substitutions in seven loci, in which the studied rye cultivars differed. Of these, the high-pentosan cv. ‘Chulpan 7’ and the low-pentosan cv, ‘KVS Aviator’ differed in three nucleotide substitutions: 159 (G/A), 204 (C/T), and 327 (G/A). It is suggested that these SNPs can be used for genotyping rye cultivars for the content of water-soluble pentosans in grain.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Analysis of nucleotide sequences of the <i>GT47</i> glycosyltransferase gene in rye cultivars differing in the content of water-soluble pentosans in grain
E. A. Zaikina | R. R. Kayumova | A. R. Kuluev | R. R. Ismagilov | B. R. Kuluev
Rye (Secale cereale L.) is the most important crop in Russia, its grain quality depends on the content of water-soluble pentosans. The grain of rye cultivars with high content of water-soluble pentosans has good baking properties, but low fodder qualities. Methods of marker-assisted selection for this trait in rye remain undeveloped. For Triticeae, the content of pentosans in grain may be associated with the GT47 glycosyltransferase genes, but the genes of this family have not been identified in rye. The aim of this study was amplification, sequencing, and search for single nucleotide substitutions or other mutations in the GT47 gene in various rye cultivars differing in the content of water-soluble pentosans in their grain and the viscosity of their aqueous extract. DNA from rye leaves was isolated by the standard CTAB method. Based on the nucleotide sequences of the bread wheat and barley GT47 genes, universal primers were selected, then a fragment of the open reading frames of the studied gene was amplified, and the nucleotide sequences were determined by automatic capillary sequencing.The population cultivars of rye, ‘Chulpan 7’ and ‘Podarok’, and F1 hybrids ‘KVS Aviator’, ‘KVS Magnifico’ and ‘KVS Eterno’ were analyzed. The highest content of pentosans and the highest kinematic viscosity of the aqueous extract were found in cv. ‘Chulpan 7’. The lowest values of these indicators were shown by the hybrid cv. ‘KVS Aviator’. The analysis of the nucleotide sequences of the GT47 gene revealed the presence of single-nucleotide substitutions in seven loci, in which the studied rye cultivars differed. Of these, the high-pentosan cv. ‘Chulpan 7’ and the low-pentosan cv, ‘KVS Aviator’ differed in three nucleotide substitutions: 159 (G/A), 204 (C/T), and 327 (G/A). It is suggested that these SNPs can be used for genotyping rye cultivars for the content of water-soluble pentosans in grain.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Influence of fertilizers and crop rotations with perennial herbs on the productivity and quality of spring wheat | Влияние удобрений и севооборотов с многолетними травами на продуктивность и качество яровой пшеницы
Gladysheva, O.V. | Svirina, V.A. | Chernogaev, V.G.
The influence of crop rotations and fertilization systems on increasing soil fertility and spring wheat performance has been studied in a long-term stationary two-factor experiment. The plot is located on dark gray forest heavy loamy soil in the central part of the Non-Chernozem zone of Russia. Data for 2015-2017 were compared with ones at the experiment beginning (1992). The experiment included: factor A – fertilization system; factor B – crop rotation. According to the experimental design, following fertilizers were used on half the area of the plots: for cereal crops and corn - nitrophoska (NPK)90, in black fallow - N45(RK)90 +30 t/ha of cattle manure, for feed grasses - N60( РК)90 + N60 after the 1st mowing, for feed legumes and grasses – N45(РК)90 + N45 after the 1st mowing. In crop rotations, wheat and barley straw and herbal green matter were used as fertilizer, and white mustard was used as green manure. Compared were 6 crop rotation variants, differing in the share of perennial feed crops. Barley – oats – black fallow – winter wheat – maize for silage – spring wheat is considered as the control crop rotation. Data for 3 rotations of the studied crop rotations were analyzed. The high efficiency of applying mineral fertilizers at a rate of (NРК)90 with simultaneously introduction of grasses and perennial herbs in the crop rotation was revealed. This ensured the humus reserve restoration, increasing the performance of spring wheat and crop rotation in general. The maximum spring wheat yield was 4.18 t/ha on average for three rotations. This is by 12.1% or 0.45 t/ha more than in the control crop rotation. The optimal fertilizer rate - (NPK)90 - and the best crop rotation were identified. It is recommended to cultivate in the first 3 fields barley with grass-legume-mix - legume herbs of the 1st year of use - legume herbs of the 2nd year of use. In the same crop rotation, wheat of highest quality was obtained. It had gluten content of 30.9%, which is 6.1 percentage points higher than in the control plot. It has been established that mineral fertilizer application helps to increase soil fertility, the yield of spring wheat and to improve grain baking qualities. | В длительном стационарном опыте изучали влияние севооборотов и систем удобрения на повышение плодородия почв и продуктивности яровой пшеницы. Участок заложен на темно-серой лесной тяжелосуглинистой почвы в центральной части Нечерноземной зоны России. Данные за 2015-2017 гг. сравнивали с исходными (за 1992 г.). Двухфакторный опыт включал: фактор А – система удобрения и фактор В – севообороты. Согласно схеме опыта, на половине площади делянок применяли удобрения: под зерновые и кукурузу – (NРК)90 в форме нитрофоски, в черном пару – N45(РК)90 +30 т/га подстилочного навоза КРС, под злаковые травы – N60(РК)90 + N60 после 1-го укоса, под бобово-злаковые травы – N45(РК)90 + N45 после 1-го укоса. В севооборотах солому пшеницы, ячменя, зеленую массу трав использовали на удобрение, пожнивную горчицу белую – на сидерат. Сравнивали 6 вариантов севооборотов, различающихся по насыщению многолетними бобово-злаковыми травами. Контрольным считали севооборот "ячмень – овес – черный пар – озимая пшеница – кукуруза на силос – яровая пшеница". Анализировали данные за 3 ротации изучаемых севооборотов. Выявлена высокая эффективность внесения минеральных удобрений в дозе (NРК)90 в сочетании с наличием в севообороте злаковых и многолетних трав. Это обеспечило воспроизводство гумуса, повышение продуктивности яровой пшеницы и севооборота в целом. Максимальная урожайность яровой пшеницы составила 4,18 т/га в среднем за три ротации. Это больше, чем в контрольном варианте, на 12,1% или 0,45 т/га. Выявлена оптимальная норма удобрения - (NРК)90 - и лучший севооборот, где в первых 3 полях выращивают ячмень с бобово-злаковой смесью трав – бобовые травы 1-го года пользования - бобовые травы 2-го года пользования. В этом же севообороте получено наиболее качественное зерно с содержанием клейковины 30,9%, что на 6,1 п.п. больше, чем в контроле. Установлено, что внесение минеральных удобрений способствует повышению плодородия почвы, урожайности яровой пшеницы и улучшению хлебопекарных качеств зерна.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]Production of Xylanase from Local Coastal soil Isolate of Trichoderma spp. And study Effect of Xylanase on Arabic Bread Characteristics
Samaher Ali Sakkour
In this study, four species belonging to the genus Trichoderma were isolated from the surrounding areas’ soils of sixteen Tishreen dam. According to morphological and colonies’ features they were characterized as Trichoderma harzianum; T.viride; T.asperellum and T.longibrachiatum. Ability of isolates to produce Xylanase was detected on xylan agar medium by measuring the diameter of hydrolysis halo. Enzyme efficacy was measured by using the DNS detection method. Enzyme efficacy of the four isolates were 208.4, 118.9, 70.23, 20.6 U.ml-1 respectively. The optimal conditions for xylanase production were determined by using the Response Surface Methodology (RSM). These conditions were: temperature 31.1 C°, pH 7.3, incubation time 128.4 hours, concentration of Prosopis juliflora pods 5.8%, enzyme activity 228.3 U.ml-1 for T. harzianum isolate; and pH 6.6, P. juliflora pods 4.6%, sucrose 0.4%, yeast extract 0.4%, xylanase activity 122.9 U. ml-1 for T.viride isolate. In addition, the xylanase enzyme produced by T. harzianum isolate was characterized. The optimum temperature for the enzyme's activity was 50C° at pH (5.5), and the ideal pH for its work was (5). It was found that the Cobalt ion Co2+ adding caused an increase in the activity of xylanase by as much as (123, 120%) (1mM, 5mM) respectively, while mercury caused almost inactivation of the enzyme. Xylanase enzyme showed high affinity towards different types of xylan substrates. the highest activity of xylanase was (208.4 U.ml-1) towards birchwood xylan. Moreover, the enzyme maintained its activity when stored in the refrigerator (4C°) for three months without a significant decrease in its effectiveness. Furthermore, the xylanase has been purified according to three steps: dialysis, precipitation with ammonium sulfate (85%), and then ion exchange using DEAE Sephadex A-50. The enzymatic yield and purification times were (95.97, 45.7, 34.67 %); (1.123, 1.285, 2.49) respectively. The molecular weight of the enzyme’s protein reached 24 kDa by using SDS-PAGE. The effect of adding each of the xylanase that produced by the local isolate T. harzianum and the commercial xylanase on the rheological and sensory properties of both bran bread and Arabic bread was made by using the following concentrations (20,40,60,80,100,120 ppm). The addition of xylanase led to an improvement in the sensory properties of bran bread as well as Arabic bread. The concentration of 80 ppm of both enzymes achieved the best sensory acceptance, while the increase in the enzyme concentration didn’t cause an increase in the acceptance rate beside the decrease in the hardness of bread associated with an increase in moisture content. While the concentration of 100 ppm achieved the best sensory acceptance of Arabic bread of both enzymes.
اظهر المزيد [+] اقل [-]