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The state and main directions of onion crop breeding of FSBSI FSVC
L. V. Krivenkov | A. F. Agafonov | V. V. Logunova | T. M. Seredin
The article presents information about the research directions, the results of work and achievements in the selection of onion crops in the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Scientific Vegetable Center". Brief historical information is given about the work of the outstanding scientists who headed the laboratory – V.V. Ordynsky, A.D. Plinka, I. I. Yershov, A.F. Agafonov. At present, new varieties and hybrids of onion crops of domestic selection that meet all the requirements are required for industrial production.The FSBSI FSVC is working on studying the breeding material of onion crops and identifying promising ones with a complex of economically valuable characteristics for creating fundamentally new, competitive varieties and hybrids for various zones of the Russian Federation. Selection of individual types of bows is carried out: onions – for early maturation, consistently high yield, high dry matter content (17-22%), keeping quality, resistance to peronosporosis, cervical and bacterial rot, with a different rate of reaction to the length of the day, for winter and spring crops, in sowing culture – with a cold method of storing sowing, good keeping quality; perennial onions – winter hardiness, high productivity of green mass, high content of biologically active substances and high resistance to diseases; winter garlic – winter hardiness, yield, resistance to fusarium and bacteriosis, keeping quality during storage; spring garlic – high yield of large cloves, high shelf life; shallots –ultra-fast ripeness, high productivity, keeping quality during storage. The results of the long-term work of the FSVC were 140 varieties of 16 types of onion crops of various uses. Modern varieties of onion for industrial cultivation were created and submitted to the State Variety Testing in 2020: F1 Drakon, AFBAK.
Show more [+] Less [-]Morphometric trait manifestation in inbred lines of monogerm beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.)
L. N. Timakova | M. A. Dolgopolova
Relevance. Inbreeding is the most widespread method of obtaining starting breeding material and plays a central role in heterosis breeding programs of most crops. Beetroot inbred lines possessing economically valuable characteristics require constant maintenance via self-pollination. However, self-pollination leads to depression of a number of traits. Thorough theoretical studies and practical developments are needed to preserve valuable beetroot lines. We aimed to study the root and leaf rosette variability resulting from beetroot self-pollination. We also investigated the inheritance of monogermity in beetroots.Materials and methods. Experimental work was carried out at the All-Russian Research Institute of Vegetable Growing – branch of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Scientific Vegetable Center" (FSBSI FSVC), 2011-202], Moscow Region. The object of the study was inbred beetroot lines originated from beetroots of foreign selection. The research data were obtained via field observations and measurements.Results. It has been experimentally shown that the constant signs of self-pollinated beet lines of 1 year of life are the position and height of the leaf rosette. Stabilization and maintenance of separate fertility at a high level is carried out by selection. A negative correlation was noted between the signs of the degree of separateness and the height of the leaf rosette of the plant, the proportion of the neck of the root crop in its diameter, the mass of the root crop and the proportion of the root crop in the biomass of the plant in the offspring of the fourth generation of the inbreeding. The decrease in the productivity of the seed plant occurs at the beginning of the process of creating self-pollinated lines – in the first generation.
Show more [+] Less [-]New source material for the creation of perspective varieties of melon
M. S. Kornilova | V. A. Suslova | L. N. Verbitskaya
Relevance. The creation of varieties with a complex of economically valuable traits, resistant to biotic and abiotic environmental factors, is the main direction in melon breeding. The market for vegetables and melons and gourds is very dynamic, the demands for varieties are constantly changing, therefore, it is necessary to introduce new varieties with high taste and commercial qualities, as well as capable of producing high yields in a changing climate. The aim of the work is to produce a new melon starting material for use in the breeding process.Materials and methods. At the Bikovskaya cucurbits breeding experimental station – branch of the Federal state budgetary scientific institution "Federal scientific vegetable center", research was carried out from 2018 to 2020. The object of research is samples from the collection of VIR, foreign and domestic selection, hybrid combinations obtained as a result of intervarietal hybridization. Collection samples of melon were studied in the nursery of the source material: 84 samples from the VIR collection, 26 samples of domestic and foreign selection were studied.Results. As a result of the research, samples of melon with economically valuable traits were identified that meet the requirements of selection. Paired crosses with zoned varieties of local selection were carried out with them. As a result of hybridization, hybrid combinations F1 were obtained, from which the best ones were selected for further breeding work. The obtained collection samples and hybrid combinations were evaluated in terms of taste, yield, resistance to environmental abiofactors, dry matter content, large-fruited, attractive color of the fruit and pulp As a result received a new source material for the selection of new varieties and hybrids of melons with valuable economic traits. The resulting hybrid combinations of F1 melon were tested against an infectious background. Hybrid combinations with the best performance will be further studied in a breeding nursery.
Show more [+] Less [-]Research of tomatoes Solanum lycopersicum L. originating from different climatic-geographical regions and identification of metabolites by tandem mass spectrometry
O. A. Chunikhina | M. P. Razgonova | A. M. Zakharenko | K. S. Golokhvast
Relevance. A number of scientific studies confirm that consumption of fruits and vegetables can reduce the risk of certain chronic diseases, such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases, for example, consumption of fresh tomatoes and tomato products is inversely proportional to the development of certain types of cancer. Tomato Solanum lycopersicum L. contains a large number of polyphenolic complexes, which are biologically active compounds. In this article, the authors have attempted for the first time to present the complete metabolomic composition of Solanum lycopersicum extracts.Materials and methods: As an object of research, authors used the extracts of Solanum lycopersicum L., from the collection of the Federal Research Center N.I. Vavilov All-Russian Institute of Plant Genetic Resources, grown and collected at the Far Eastern Experiment Station Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution in September 2020 (varieties: k-5351 Ont77 13, Canada; k-3149 Rehovoth, Israel; 2698 Ukraine). High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) in combination with a BRUKER DALTONIKS ion trap (tandem mass spectrometry) was used to identify target analytes in extracts obtained by the maceration method.Discussion: The results of initial studies revealed the presence of 36 biologically active compounds, of which 22 were identified for the first time in Solanum lycopersicum L. These are Apigenin, Luteolin, Kaempferol, Taxifolin, Myricetin, Coutaric acid, Caffeoylmalic acid, Caftaric acid, Dicaffeoylquinic acid, coumarins Fraxetin, and Fraxetin-7-O-beta-glucuronide, Pelargonidin, Salvianolic acid D, Rosmanol, Colnelenic acid, Ethyl rosemary, lignan Medioresinol-O-hexoside, Squalene, etc. The findings will help to intensify future research into the development and production of various functional food products containing targeted extracts of Solanum lycopersicum L.
Show more [+] Less [-]Prospects for the use of a multi-tier narrow-stack installation in the selection of European radish
S. M. Sirota | E. V. Pinchuk | E. G. Kozar | L. V. Bespalko | V. A. Stepanov
Relevance. Growing European radishes in protected soil on hydroponics provides year-round fresh vitamin production. For the autumn-winter turnover shade-tolerant varieties with a short growing season are necessary. For the spring-summer turnover, the resistance of the variety to high temperatures and premature stem formation is of particular importance. Selection of targeted radish varieties is an energy-consuming process, which can be optimized by using an open-type multi-tier narrow-stack hydroponics installation with a different combination of limiting factors for tiers (light, heat).Methods and results. In Federal Scientific Vegetable Center radish varieties were tested in different conditions. The informativeness of the tiers on the installation as backgrounds for selection for adaptability and specificity is determined. It was found that the assessment and selection of productivity and large-fruited is effectively carried out on 1-2 tiers; for resistance to premature stem formation – on 1 tier; for shade tolerance, early ripening, with a stable manifestation of the marketable mass of the root crop – on 4-5 tiers. Radish varieties were selected as the starting material for the suitability for hydroponic cultivation of intensive type and highly adaptive. The uniqueness of the use of a multi-level narrow column hydroponics for the purpose of radish breeding is shown.
Show more [+] Less [-]Productivity and quality of onions when using mineral fertilizers, biocompost and growth regulators
V. A. Borisov | A. A. Kolomiets | I. Yu. Vasyuchkov | A. R. Bebris
Relevance. Onion is one of the most important vegetable crops of the borscht group, in the NonChernozem zone it is cultivated mainly through sowing, but modern technologies of cultivation of new varieties and hybrids of intensive type, drip irrigation, new types of mineral and organic fertilizers and plant growth regulators allow to obtain a high yield of onions (50 – 70 t/ha) in an annual crop in conditions of fertile alluvial soils and dramatically increase the profitability of production. Onions grown from seeds, as a rule, respond poorly to the use of large doses of mineral tuks due to the increased concentration of soil solution and a decrease in the density of standing plants.Material and methods. Research in 2014-2020 were carried out on the experimental field of the Department of Agriculture and Agrochemistry of VNIIO – a branch of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution of the Federal Scientific Research Center on the alluvial meadow soil of the central part of the Moskvoretskaya floodplain (Ramenskiy district, MO). The experiments were carried out in 3 replicates, with a systematic distribution of replicates. As the main mineral fertilizer, nitroammophoska was used, containing 16% of ae. nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. As organic fertilizers, we used biocompost of cattle, horse and chicken manure from TONEKS LLC, a domestic manufacturer of agrochemically and agronomically valuable bioorganic products of the BIUD family.Results. These studies made it possible to find out that biocompost from cattle manure, horse and chicken manure in balanced doses with mineral fertilizers for nitrogen, as well as growth regulators Zircon and Argolan, can significantly increase the yield of annual onions to 58.8-66.4 t/ha while increasing the standard of bulbs without reducing the biochemical quality indicators. The most effective were chicken manure (16% increase), Argolan (21% increase) and Zircon (10-21% increase in the yield of different hybrids).
Show more [+] Less [-]Results of testing the new variety of carrots in the conditions of the Rostov region
L. А. Yusupova
Relevance. ICarrots are known all over the world. It contains a large amount of carotene-provitamin A and a lot of useful substances – vitamin C, sugar pectin’s, potassium, and essential oils. This valuable crop is grown all over the world and in different weather and climatic conditions. When growing carrots, it is necessary to carefully select varieties and hybrids that will give a high commercial yield, as well as are resistant to biotic and abiotic factors.Materials and methods. The research was conducted in 2018-2019 in the fields of the Biryuchekut vegetable breeding experimental station of the branch of the Federal Scientific Vegetable Center in open ground conditions. The object of research was the varieties of carrots.Results. While breeding work on the Biryuchekutsky vegetable breeding experimental station a new variety of carrot Aksinya was obtained. In 2018, it was included in the station variety test. The new promising variety has an earlier maturation period on average 10 days earlier than the standards, a conical, blunt-edged form of orange-colored root crops with high taste qualities. The yield is at the level of 45 t / ha. It has excellent preservation during winter storage, resistance to diseases, as well as the ability to grow in arid and hot climates on heavy soils, while maintaining a high marketability of 72-76%.
Show more [+] Less [-]Influence of different light sources on the production process of tomato in intensive photoculture
T. E. Kuleshova | O. R. Udalova | I. T. Balashova | L. M. Anikina | P. Yu. Kononchuk | G. V. Mirskaya | G. G. Panova
Introduction. The development of ideas about the influence of the light environment - the radiation spectrum, intensity and duration of exposure, on the physiology of plants, serves as the basis for the creation of effective light sources for protected ground.Purpose. Comparative test of the influence of a light environment with different spectral composition on the productivity and quality of tomatoes in conditions of intensive photo culture.Methods. Investigations were made under controlled conditions of intensive photoculture when growing dwarf tomatoes of the variety Natasha selections of the “Federal Scientific Vegetable Center” on thin-layer soil analogs with the supply of a nutrient solution to the plant roots through a slit capillary in vegetative light installations developed at the ARI. The light sources were high-pressure sodium lamps and LED lamps SD1, SD2, and SD3 with different emission spectra. Results. Tomatoes of the Natasha variety, illuminated during development with HPS lamps, formed almost the same yield with an average fruit weight of 42.5 kg/m2 per layer per year. Natasha tomato grown under LED lamps showed a tendency to lower productivity by 29% under SD1 and by 8% under SD2 and higher by 19% under underSD3 compared to that under HPS lamps. A comparative assessment of the biochemical composition of tomato fruits indicates their high quality under all tested light sources.Conclusion. Cultivation of dwarf tomato varieties on thin-layer soil analogs showed the best results in terms of productivity with good quality plant products under LED lamps SD3 with a radiation spectrum close to sunlight.
Show more [+] Less [-]Results of studying green crops of the Apiaceae family as genetic resources for vertical farming using natural immunomodulators
I. T. Balashova | V. A. Kharchenko | Ju. P. Shevchenko | N. E. Mashcenco
Relevance. New technologies Plenty-type in greenhouse vegetable production is wide spread in some countries of Europe, America, South-East Asia and support with main investors of these countries. Project “Vertical farming” was started in FSBSI “Federal Scientific Vegetable Center” at 2010. The goal of our study is the results of the testing plants Apiaceae family at multy circle hydroponic installation using the natural regulators from glycosides class.Materials and methods. Objects of study: plants Apiaceae family – Coriandrum sativum L. (variety Jubilar), Anethum graveolens L. (variety Rusich), Apium graveolens L. (variety Aeliksir); flavonoid glycoside linarozid from plants Linaria vulgaris Mill. L., steroid glycoside moldstim from seeds Capsicum annuum L.. Methods of study: seed treatment with 0,001% water solutions of glycosides, cultivation of plants Apiaceae family at the multi circle hydroponic construction.Results. First experiment by cultivation of plants Apiaceae family at multi circle hydroponic construction was successful and show, that plants Apiaceae family can cultivate at vertical installations Plenty-type. Reaction on the seed treatment with water solutions of glycosides is depended on the species of plants. Seed treatment with glycosides increased height of plants and weight of leaves of Coriandrum sativum L. Anethum graveolens L. increased germination of seeds after seed treatment with water solution of linarozide. Apium graveolens L. increased germination of seeds, height of plants and weight of leaves after seed treatment with water solutions of glycosides. But water solution of moldstim was more effective in 2020, and water solution of linarozide was more effective in 2021.
Show more [+] Less [-]Identification of pathogenic fungi in garlic bulbs during storage and in the root zone during plant growth
M. A. Filyushin | O. A. Danilova | T. M. Seredin
Relevance and methods. Losses of agricultural crops are associated not only with the development of diseases during the growing season, but also during post-harvest storage. Garlic is a popular vegetable and aromatic crop in world. Significant losses in garlic yield during cultivation and storage are associated with fungal pathogens, the most harmful of which are representatives of the genus Fusarium. In the Moscow region, the defeat of garlic by Fusarium occurs annually, but with varying intensity. At the Federal Scientific Vegetable Center (FSVC), it was shown that rot and wilting of garlic plants is caused by a complex of pathogenic fungi, including mainly different species of Fusarium. At the same time, the ratio of Fusarium species in the pathogenic complex changes from year to year, new Fusarium species and their races are registered. The aim of this study was to identify fungal phytopathogens causing dry rot of garlic cloves during post-harvest storage. To carry out the work, garlic bulbs of cultivars Dubkovsky and Strelets were taken from the FSVC storage.Results. As a result of visual examination, cloves with symptoms of dry rot were identified. The diseased cloves tissues were plated on potato dextrose agar to obtain fungal colonies. Analysis of the morphological and cultural characteristics of fungal isolates, as well as the nucleotide sequences of four DNA regions (ITS spacers, genes EF1α, RPB1, and RPB2) showed that the causative agent of dry rot of garlic cloves is the pathogenic fungus Fusarium proliferatum. In addition, in the field, identification was carried out based on the analysis of the sequences of spacers ITS and the EF1αgene of phytopathogenic fungi inhabiting the root zone of garlic plants. As a result, two species of fungi of the genus Fusarium (F. proliferatum and F. oxysporum f. sp. cepae), as well as the species Rhizoctonia solani, Volutella rosea, and Ceratobasidium sp. were found in the root zone of garlic cultivars.
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