AGRIS - International System for Agricultural Science and Technology

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Results 1-10 of 108

The state and main directions of onion crop breeding of FSBSI FSVC


L. V. Krivenkov | A. F. Agafonov | V. V. Logunova | T. M. Seredin

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Morphometric trait manifestation in inbred lines of monogerm beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.)


L. N. Timakova | M. A. Dolgopolova

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

New source material for the creation of perspective varieties of melon


M. S. Kornilova | V. A. Suslova | L. N. Verbitskaya

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Research of tomatoes Solanum lycopersicum L. originating from different climatic-geographical regions and identification of metabolites by tandem mass spectrometry


O. A. Chunikhina | M. P. Razgonova | A. M. Zakharenko | K. S. Golokhvast

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Prospects for the use of a multi-tier narrow-stack installation in the selection of European radish


S. M. Sirota | E. V. Pinchuk | E. G. Kozar | L. V. Bespalko | V. A. Stepanov

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Productivity and quality of onions when using mineral fertilizers, biocompost and growth regulators


V. A. Borisov | A. A. Kolomiets | I. Yu. Vasyuchkov | A. R. Bebris

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Results of testing the new variety of carrots in the conditions of the Rostov region


L. А. Yusupova

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Influence of different light sources on the production process of tomato in intensive photoculture


T. E. Kuleshova | O. R. Udalova | I. T. Balashova | L. M. Anikina | P. Yu. Kononchuk | G. V. Mirskaya | G. G. Panova

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Results of studying green crops of the Apiaceae family as genetic resources for vertical farming using natural immunomodulators


I. T. Balashova | V. A. Kharchenko | Ju. P. Shevchenko | N. E. Mashcenco

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Identification of pathogenic fungi in garlic bulbs during storage and in the root zone during plant growth


M. A. Filyushin | O. A. Danilova | T. M. Seredin

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden