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Evaluation of health and ruminal variables during adaptation to grain-based diets in beef cattle.
Leedle J.A.Z. | Coe M.L. | Frey R.A.
Health and ruminal variables were intensively measured during adaptation to grain-based diets in 6 beef cattle with fistulated rumens. The cows had been maintained on prairie grass hay-supplemented diets, and were converted to a grain-based finishing ration by feeding each successive diet (diets 1-4, respectively) for a period of 7 days. Each cow was evaluated and samples were obtained 3 times each day for the first 5 days that each diet was fed. Health variables monitored were rectal temperature, pulse, respiratory and rumen motility rates, fecal consistency, demeanor, blood pH, and blood glucose and L(+) lactate concentrations. Ruminal variables monitored were pH and glucose, DL-lactate, and volatile fatty acid concentrations of rumen contents. Data were analyzed by use of a multivariate ANOVA. We determined that most of the health variables were within reference rang limits throughout the adaptation period; however, analysis of pulse and respiratory rates indicated that diets 2 and 4 were stressful. Although blood pH continually decreased during feeding of the 4 diets (7.38 to 7.30), blood L(+) lactate and glucose concentrations had large increases only within diet 4. The pH of ruminal contents decreased progressively from 6.8 to 5.3. Rumen glucose concentration was low (< 1 micromole/ml), except with diet 4 in which values were 8 times higher than for other diets. By the end of the study, the ruminal contents of all animals were acidic (pH < 5.5), and, on the basis of higher than background amounts of ruminal glucose and DL-lactate, it was determined that rumen microbial equilibrium had not yet been achieved. Analysis of results of this study suggested that ruminal imbalance could be evaluated by monitoring pulse and respiratory rates, blood pH, and blood glucose concentrations. Assessment of the rumen alone could be accomplished by monitoring the variables of rumen pH, rumen glucose, and DL-lactate concentrations.
Show more [+] Less [-]Evaluation of urine and serum metabolites in Miniature Schnauzers with calcium oxalate urolithiasis.
Lulich J.P. | Osborne C.A. | Nagode L.A. | Polzin D.J. | Parke M.L.
To evaluate underlying causes of calcium oxalate urolithiasis, 24-hour excretion of urine metabolites was measured in 6 Miniature Schnauzers that formed calcium oxalate (CaOx) uroliths during periods when they were fed a standard diet and during periods when food was withheld. Serum concentrations of parathyroid hormone and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D also were evaluated. Serum calcium concentrations were normal in all 6 affected Miniature Schnauzers; however, during diet consumption, mean 24-hour urinary excretion of calcium was significantly (P = 0.025) higher than calcium excretion when food was withheld. In 1 dog, urinary calcium excretion was lower during the period of food consumption, compared with the period when food was withheld. Compared with clinically normal Beagles, Miniature Schnauzers that formed CaOx uroliths excreted significantly greater quantities of calcium when food was consumed (P = 0.0004) and when food was withheld (P = 0.001). Miniature Schnauzers that formed CaOx uroliths excreted significantly less oxalate than clinically normal Beagles during fed (P = 0.028) and nonfed (P = 0.004) conditions. Affected Miniature Schnauzers also excreted abnormally high quantities of uric acid. Excretion of citrate was not different between Miniature Schnauzers with CaOx urolithiasis and clinically normal Beagles. In 5 of 6 Miniature Schnauzers with CaOx urolithiasis, concentrations of serum parathyroid hormone were similar to values from age- and gender-matched Miniature Schnauzers without uroliths. The concentration of serum parathyroid hormone in 1 dog was > 4 times the mean concentration of clinically normal Miniature Schnauzers. Mean serum concentrations of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D in Miniature Schnauzers with calcium oxalate urolithiasis were similar to concentrations of clinically normal Miniature Schnauzers.
Show more [+] Less [-]Pharmacokinectic properties of theophylline given intravenously and orally to ruminating calves.
Langston V.C. | Koritz G.D. | Davis L.E. | Neff Davis C.
The disposition of theophylline in healthy ruminating calves was best described by a first-order 2-compartment open pharamacokinetic model. The drug had a mean elimination half-life of 6.4 hours and a mean distribution half-life of 22 minutes. Total body clearance averaged 91 ml/kg/h. The mean values for the pharmacokinetic volume of the central compartment, pharmacokinetic volume of distribution during the terminal phase, and volume of distribution at steady state were 0.502, 0.870, and 0.815 L/kg, respectively. Theophylline was readily absorbed after oral administration to the ruminating calf, with a mean fraction of 0.93 absorbed. The plasma concentrations after oral dosing peaked in approximately 5 to 6 hours, with a mean absorption half-life of 3.7 hours. A flip-flop model (rate constant of input is much smaller than the rate constant of output) of drug absorption was not found because the elimination process roughly paralleled that of the study concerning IV administration. In a multiple-dose trial that used a dosage regimen based on single-dose pharmacokinetic values, clinically normal calves responded as predicted. However, diseased calves had higher than expected plasma concentrations after being given multiple oral doses of theophylline at 28 mg/kg once daily. Overt signs of toxicosis were not seen, but this aspect of the drug was not formally investigated. Theophylline can be used as an ancillary therapeutic agent to treat bovine respiratory disease, but not without risk. The suggested oral dose of theophylline at 28 mg/kg of body weight once daily should be tailored to each case. Twice daily oral dosing at 20 mg/kg should reduce the plasma peak:trough ratio and provide plasma concentrations more cnsistently within the human therapeutic range of 10 to 20 micrograms/ml. Even then, therapeutic drug monitoring should be done.
Show more [+] Less [-]Preliminary studies of the development of Anaplasma marginale in salivary glands of adult, feeding Dermacentor andersoni ticks.
Kocan K.M. | Wickwire K.B. | Ewing S.A. | Hair J.A. | Barron S.J.
On each day of feeding on susceptible calves, salivary glands obtained from groups of adult ticks that transmitted Anaplasma marginale were examined for A marginale colonies by use of light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. On day 8 of feeding, salivary glands were examined, using fluorescein-labeled antibody and methyl green-pyronine stain. Use of fluorescein-labeled antibody consistently revealed small numbers of fluorescent foci in salivary gland acinar cells obtained from ticks that had fed for 8 days. Colonies of A marginale were seen by transmission electron microscopy only in salivary gland acini of male ticks; these colonies could not be identified, using light microscopy, in companion 1-micron plastic sections stained with Mallory stain. Methyl green-pyronine stain, used commonly to detect theilerial parasites in tick salivary glands, did not differentiate A marginale from cytoplasmic inclusions normally found in salivary gland acinar cells.
Show more [+] Less [-]Pathological evaluation of renal changes induced by multiple nephropathogenic facotrs in SPF chickens
Kang, K.I. | Hahn, T.W. | Han, J.H. (Kangwon National University, Chuncheon (Korea Republic). Department of Veterinary Medicine) | Mo, I.P. | Kwon, Y.K. | Kang, M.S. (National Veterinary Research and Quarantine, Anyang (Korea Republic).)
Renal failure is one of the main causes of economic impacts in the poultry industry and complex syndrome with different severity of clinical signs caused by multiple nephropathogenic factors such as infectious bronchitis viral infection and excess salt and calcium in diet. To evaluate the correlation between severity of renal failure and the causative nephropathogenic factors, one-day-old specific patogen free chicks were treated with either single causative factor or multiple causative factors described as above. Each group was designed as control for non-treated control, IB for infectious bronchitis virus (IB virus) infectio, IBHNa for IB virus infection with high diet salt, IBHCa for IB virus infectio with high diet calcium, IBHNC for IB virus infection with high diet salt and calcium, HNa for high diet salt, HCa for high diet calcium and HNC for high diet salt and calcium. Chickens were inoculated with IB virus at 1-day-old and remained on their respective diets until 21 day of age. The high dietary salt feeding groups such as IBHNa, IBHNC, HNa, HNC increased water intake, watery diarrhea, general subcutaneous edema and the high dietary calcium feeding groups such as IBHCa and IBHNC showed severe visceral gout. Two more than treated groups caused high mortality in comparison with the single treated groups. In virus exposure significantly increased urate deposition and lymphocytic interstitial nephritis. Espcecially urate deposition dramatically increased when excess diet calcium was combined together. In excess diet salt treated groups enlarged edematous kidneys were observed and hypertrophy of glomeruli were showed. These results suggest that IB virus enhanced the incidence and severity on chicken renal failure clearly related to the quantity of salt and calcium.
Show more [+] Less [-]Pathological evaluation of renal changes induced by myltiple nephropathogenic factors in SPF chickens
Kang, K.I. | Hahn, T.W. | Han, J.H. (Kangwon National University, Chuncheon (Korea Republic). Department of Veterinary Medicine) | Mo, I.P. | Kwon, Y.K. | Kang, M.S. (National Veterinary Research and Quarantine, Anyang (Korea Republic).)
Renal failure is one of the main causes of economic impacts in the poultry industry and complex syndrome with different severity of clinical signs caused by multiple nephropathogenic factors such as infectious bronchitis viral infection and excess salt and calcium in diet. To evaluate the correlation between severity of renal failure and the causative nephropathogenic factors, one-day-old specific pathogen free chickens were treated with either single causative factor or multiple causative factors described as above. Each group was designed as control for non-treated control, IB for infectious bronchitis virus (IB virus) infection, IBHNa for IB virus infection with high diet salt, IBHCa for IB virus infection with high diet calcium, IBHNC for IB virus infection with high diet salt and calcium, HNa for high diet salt, HCa for high diet calcium and HNC for high diet salt and calcium. Chickens were inoculated with IB virus at 1-day-old and remained on their respective diets until 21 day of age. Plasma Na+, Cl-, BUN, creatinine, calcium and uric acid values were examined. The results obtained were as follows; IB virus and high dietary calcium combined treatment showed elevated plasma uric acid. BUN and creatinine values were not characteristic on chicken renal failure. But plasma uric acid values were increased according to renal lesion. Hypercalcemia and hyperuicemia did not induce urate deposition and mineralization in the kidney.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effect of different energy and protein levels on the egg production of rural poultry
Rehman, A. | Bhatti, B.M. (Poultry Research Inst., Rawalpindi (Pakistan))
A study was conducted to determine the effect of different nutrients i.e. metabolizable energy (ME) and crude protein (CP) content of ration on the egg production and egg weight of rural layers. For the purpose six different experimental rations containing 2700, 2900 kcal/kg ME and 14, 16, 18 percent CP were offered to the birds. The results indicated that egg number increased with proportional adversely affected as the CP of the ration was increased weight of the layers was proportionally increased with ration at constant ME level, while increase in ME level egg weight. increase in ME, while it was at constant ME level. The egg increase in CP content of the did not significantly affect the egg weight.
Show more [+] Less [-]Determination of lactose and xylose malabsorption in preruminant diarrheic calves
Nappert, G. | Hamilton, D. | Petrie, L. | Naylor, J.M.
Эффективность применения органической формы селена Сел-плекс в кормлении быков-производителей
Karpenya, M.M. | Goryachev, I.I. | Korban, N.G., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was analyzed the efficiency of application of organic form of selenium Sel-plex in feeding of producer bulls. In course of the study there was showed the dynamics of live weight and average daily weight gain of producer bulls; blood indexes of analimals by the end of the experiment; sperm quality of experimental bulls. As a result of research it was established, that application of organic form of selenium Sel-plex in feeding of breeding bulls during the summer and winter periods in a dose of 0,4 mg/kg of dry matter of a ration promoted the increasing of daily average live weight gain on 6,4-8,1%, improvement of morphological and biochemical blood structure, increasing of indices of natural resistance on 0,5-6,1% and sperm production quality - on 7,3-28,0%.
Show more [+] Less [-]Естественная резистентность высокопродуктивных коров при введении в рацион нетрадиционных кормовых средств
Nadarinskaya, M.A. | Zayats, V.N. | Golushko, O.G. | Kvetkovskaya, A.V., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus) | Makarova, N.L., National Academy of Sciences (Belarus). Institute for Problems of Natural Resources Use and Ecology
In the conditions of the Republic of Belarus there was analyzed the efficiency of administration of nonconventional feed materials in diets of highly productive cows and its influence of indexes of natural resistance at different physiological stages of animals. In the process of studying of adaptation processes of highly productive cows at different stages of lactation it was determined that feeding with nonconventional melanoidin-humic additives at different physiological periods rendered a positive influence of highly productive cows, promoted the increasing of natural resistance of animals and improvement of immuno-humoral blood indexes. Administration of an additive Ehkolin in a ration of highly productive cows with stimulation for increasing milk flow in a dose of 100 ml per head promoted the increasing of blood serum bactericidal activity on 5,2%, beta-lysine activity - on 7,2%. Feeding of animals at a basic lactation period with 50 ml of preparation Ehkolin-2 provided the maximum increasing of lysozyme activity of blood serum (on 6,2%) and beta-lysine activity of blood serum (on 12,7%), and also promoted the activation of leukocytopoiesis. Addition of Ehkolin-3 in ration structure of dry cows in a dose of 750 ml increased the indexes of lysozyme activity of blood serum on 7-8,6%, bactericidal activity of blood serum - on 2,2-3,6% and beta-lysine activity of blood serum - on 2,2-3,6%.
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