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In vitro evaluation of the knot-holding capacity and security, weight, and volume of forwarder knots tied with size-3 polyglactin 910 suture exposed to air, balanced electrolyte solution, or equine abdominal fat
McGlinchey, Leah | Munsterman, Amelia S. | Coleridge, Matthew O. D. | Rosanowski, Sarah M. | Farag, Ramsis | Hanson, R Reid
OBJECTIVE To evaluate the effect of exposure to a balanced electrolyte solution (BES), or equine abdominal fat on the knot-holding capacity (KHC), relative knot security (RKS), weight, and volume of forwarder knots versus surgeon's knots. SAMPLE 315 knots tied and tested in vitro. PROCEDURES United States Pharmacopeia size-3 polyglactin 910 suture exposed to air (dry [control]), equine abdominal fat (fat-exposed), or BES (BES-exposed) was used to tie forwarder knots with 2, 3, and 4 throws and surgeon's knots with 5, 6, 7, and 8 throws. A universal materials testing machine was used to test the tensile strength of suture and knots to failure, and the KHC, RKS, weight, and volume of knots were determined. RESULTS Forwarder knots had significantly higher KHC and RKS and lower volume, compared with surgeons’ knots. Forwarder knots tied with fat-exposed suture had greater weight, but not volume, than did forwarder knots tied with dry or BES-exposed suture with the same number of throws. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Results indicated that forwarder knots were superior to surgeon's knots when configured as start knots intended for continuous lines of suture. Exposure to media did not negatively affect mechanical or physical properties of forwarder knots and may improve specific biomechanical functions, including KHC and RKS.
Show more [+] Less [-]In vitro evaluation of anatomic landmarks for the placement of suture to achieve effective arytenoid cartilage abduction by means of unilateral cricoarytenoid lateralization in dogs
Objective- To evaluate anatomic landmarks to define the ideal suture placement location to achieve appropriate and consistent arytenoid cartilage abduction via unilateral cricoarytenoid lateralization (UCL) in dogs. Sample- 6 cadaveric canine larynges. Procedures- Laryngeal airway resistance (LAR) was determined for each specimen before (baseline) and after suture placements with the epiglottis open and closed. To achieve UCL, suture was placed through the cricoid cartilage just caudal to the cricoarytenoid articulation (suture placement position [SPP] 1), one-fourth of the distance caudally between the cricoarytenoid and cricothyroid articulations (SPP 2), and three-fourths of the distance caudally between the cricoarytenoid and cricothyroid articulations (SPP 3). The LAR was again calculated after tensioning of each suture separately. Results- With a closed epiglottis, median LAR was 30.0, 20.4, 11.4, and 3.3 cm H2O/L/s at baseline and SPPs 1, 2, and 3, respectively. After UCL at SPP 1, LAR with the epiglottis closed was not significantly different from that at baseline. With an open epiglottis, median LAR was 2.0, 0.4, 0.2, and 0.0 cm H(2)O/L/s at baseline and SPPs 1, 2, and 3, respectively. After UCL at SPPs 1, 2, or 3, LAR with an open epiglottis was significantly lower than that at baseline. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance- Results indicated that placement of suture through the cricoid cartilage at the caudal border of the cricoarytenoid articulation was appropriate to sufficiently reduce LAR without increasing the risk of aspiration pneumonia through overabduction of the arytenoid cartilage.
Show more [+] Less [-]A transducer for measuring force on surgical sutures
The objective of this study was to validate, both in vitro and in an ex vivo model, a technique for the measurement of forces exerted on surgical sutures. For this purpose, a stainless steel E-type buckle force transducer was designed and constructed. A strain gauge was mounted on the central beam of the transducer to measure transducer deformation. The transducer was tested and calibrated on a single strand of surgical suture during cyclic loading. Further validation was performed using a previously published cadaveric model of laryngoplasty in the horse. Linear regression of transducer output with actual force during calibration tests resulted in mean R2 values of 1.00, 0.99, and 0.99 for rising slope, falling slope, and overall slope, respectively. The R2 was not less than 0.96 across an average of 75 cycles per test. The difference between rising slope and falling slope was 4%. Over 45 846 samples, the predicted force from transducer output showed a mean error of 4%. In vitro validation produced an adjusted R2 of 0.99 when the force on the suture was regressed against translaryngeal pressure in a mixed-effects model. E-type buckle force transducers showed a highly linear output over a physiological force range when applied to surgical suture in vitro and in an ex vivo model of laryngoplasty. With appropriate calibration and short-term in vivo implantation, these transducers may advance our knowledge of the mechanisms of success and failure of techniques, such as laryngoplasty, that use structural suture implants.
Show more [+] Less [-]Laparoscopic-assisted enterostomy tube placement and full-thickness biopsy of the jejunum with serosal patching in dogs
Rawlings, Clarence A. | Howerth, Elizabeth W. | Bement, Shannon | Canalis, Chanda
Objective-To develop laparoscopic-assisted techniques for enterostomy feeding tube placement and full-thickness biopsy of the jejunum in dogs. Animals-15 healthy dogs. Procedure-Dogs were anesthetized, and positive pressure ventilation was provided. A trocar cannula for the laparoscope was inserted on the ventral midline caudal to the umbilicus. For enterostomy tube placement, a second trocar cannula was placed lateral to the right rectus abdominis muscle, and a Babcock forceps was used to grasp the duodenum and elevate it to the incision made for the cannula. The duodenum was sutured to the abdominal wall, and a feeding tube was inserted. For jejunal biopsy, a third trocar cannula was placed lateral to the left rectus abdominis muscle. A portion of jejunum was elevated to the incision for the second or third cannula, and a full-thickness biopsy specimen was obtained. A second specimen was obtained from another portion of jejunum, and retention sutures for the 2 biopsy sites were tied so that serosal surfaces of the biopsy sites were apposed to each other. Dogs were euthanatized 30 days after surgery. Results-The enterostomy tube was properly positioned and functional in all 8 dogs that underwent laparoscopic-assisted enterostomy tube placement, and sufficient samples for histologic examination were obtained from all 7 dogs that underwent laparoscopic-assisted jejunal biopsy. None of the dogs had any identifiable problems after surgery. Conclusion and Clinical Relevance-Results suggest that in dogs, laparoscopic-assisted procedures for enterostomy tube placement and jejunal biopsy are an acceptable alternative to procedures performed during a laparotomy.
Show more [+] Less [-]Clinical and pathologic effects of spiral and total ring prostheses applied to the cervical and thoracic portions of the trachea of dogs
Fingland, R.B. | Weisbrode, S.E. | DeHoff, W.D.
This study compared the short-term clinical and pathologic effects of spiral and total ring prostheses, applied to the cervical and thoracic portions of the trachea of dogs via a combined intercostal thoracotomy and ventral cervical midline approach. The effect of intraluminal placement of synthetic monofilament nonabsorbable suture also was evaluated. Eleven small-breed dogs were randomly allotted to 3 groups. Group 1 (n = 3) were controls that had been treated by sham operation, group 2 (n = 4) had polypropylene spiral prostheses applied to the cervical and thoracic portions of the trachea, and group 3 (n = 3) had total ring prostheses applied to the cervical and thoracic portions of the trachea. All dogs were euthanatized and necropsied 8 weeks after surgery. Clinical complications were minimal and limited to mild, short-term lameness and coughing. Three and 6 weeks after surgery, radiographs were within normal limits in all dogs. Tracheoscopy confirmed maintenance of tracheal lumen diameter and integrity of the mucosal epithelium in all dogs. Gross and microscopic postmortem findings were similar in groups 2 and 3. Mild adhesions were present between prostheses and adjacent structures. Similar adhesions were present where prostheses had been applied and subsequently removed in group-1 dogs. Histopathologic abnormalities included mild to moderate adventitial and periprosthetic fibrosis and mild adventitial inflammation associated with polypropylene spiral prostheses and total ring prostheses. The majority (70%) of intratracheal sutures evaluated were covered by microscopically normal ciliated mucosal epithelium by 8 weeks after surgery. Polypropylene spiral prostheses and total ring prostheses applied to the cervical and thoracic portions of the trachea of dogs in the manner described appear to be tolerated well and produce a minimal tissue response over the study period.
Show more [+] Less [-]Cleaning with a wet sterile gauze significantly reduces contamination of sutures, instruments, and surgical gloves in an ex-vivo pelvic flexure enterotomy model in horses
Giusto, G. | Tramuta, C. | Caramello, V. | Comino, F. | Nebbia, P. | Robino, P. | Singer, E. | Grego, E. | Gandini, M.
The objective of this study was to investigate whether cleaning surgical materials used to close pelvic flexure enterotomies with a wet sterile gauze will reduce contamination and whether the use of a full thickness appositional suture pattern (F) or a partial thickness inverting (or Cushing) suture pattern (C) would make a difference in the level of contamination. Large colon specimens were assigned to group F or C and divided into subgroups N and G. In group G, a wet sterile gauze was passed over the suture material, another over the instruments, and another over the gloves. In group N, no treatment was applied. The bacterial concentration was measured by optical density (OD) at 24 h. The OD of subgroup CG was lower than that of subgroup CN (P = 0.019). The OD of subgroup FG was lower than that of subgroup FN (P = 0.02). The OD of subgroups CG, CN, FG, and FN was lower than that of the negative control (P < 0.003, P < 0.001, P < 0.001, and P < 0.00). The use of a sterile wet gauze significantly reduced contamination of suture materials. A partial thickness inverting suture pattern did not produce less contamination than a full thickness appositional suture pattern.
Show more [+] Less [-]In vitro mechanical evaluation of equine laryngeal tie-forward constructs prepared with different suture materials and placement patterns
Santos, Marcos P. | Gutierrez-Nibeyro, Santiago D. | Horn, Gavin P. | Hicke, Joshua D. | Stewart, Matthew C. | Schaeffer, David J.
OBJECTIVE To compare the mechanical properties of laryngeal tie-forward (LTF) constructs prepared with different suture materials and suture placement patterns during single load to failure testing. SAMPLE Larynges harvested from 50 horse cadavers and 5 intact horse cadavers. PROCEDURES In vitro LTF constructs were created by a standard technique with polyester sutures, a standard technique with polyethylene sutures, a modified technique with metallic implants and polyester sutures, a modified technique with metallic implants and polyethylene sutures, or a modified tie-off technique with polyester sutures (10 of each type of construct). Mechanical properties including maximal load (N) at failure and failure mode were compared among constructs. Also, maximal loads at failure of the in vitro LTF constructs were compared with the loads exerted on the sutures tightened to achieve rostral laryngeal advancement in intact cadavers. RESULTS Constructs prepared by a standard technique with polyethylene sutures had a significantly higher pull out strength than those prepared by a modified technique with metallic implants and either polyester or polyethylene sutures. For constructs prepared by a standard technique with polyethylene sutures or similarly placed polyester sutures, maximal load at failure did not differ but the failure mode did differ significantly. The load to failure for all in vitro constructs was higher than the maximal load measured during a range of motion test in intact horse cadavers. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Results suggested that LTF procedures can be performed in live horses with any of the suture materials and techniques tested.
Show more [+] Less [-]The treatment of lower extremity defects with severe proliferative tissue using an adjustable horizontal mattress suture in a Tosa dog
Heo, S.Y., Chonbuk University, Jeonju, Republic of Korea | Kim, N.S., Chonbuk University, Jeonju, Republic of Korea
A 2-year-old male Tosa was admitted for treatment of a non-healing wound on the right forelimb. Skin tests were unremarkable; however, the lesion contained severe proliferative tissue. Surgical treatment was conducted due to the extensive skin defect and granulation tissue present. Following removal of the proliferative tissue, the wound was closed using the adjustable horizontal mattress suture method with multiple punctate relaxing incisions. The proliferative tissue healed completely after the surgical treatment. This technique can be considered an alternative treatment for the proliferative tissue when conditions require a skin graft or flap after surgical treatment.
Show more [+] Less [-]Evaluation of a novel suture material for closure of intestinal anastomoses in canine cadavers
Hansen, Lane A. | Monnet, Eric L.
Objective: To compare leakage and maximum intraluminal pressures for a novel suture material with pressures for comparable suture material when used in closure of intestinal anastomoses in canine cadavers. Sample: Healthy intestines from cadavers of dogs euthanized for reasons unrelated to the study. Procedures: 18 anastomoses were performed on intestinal sections within 72 hours after dogs were euthanized and intestinal samples collected. Anastomoses were performed with a simple continuous suture pattern. Leakage and maximum intraluminal pressures were measured and recorded for 6 control segments and 18 anastomosed sections. A barbed glycomer 631 suture (size 4–0 United States Pharmacopeia [USP]) was compared with glycomer 631 sutures (sizes 3–0 and 4–0 USP). Results for leakage and maximum intraluminal pressures were compared via an ANOVA. Results: The barbed glycomer 631 suture material leaked at a significantly higher pressure than did the comparable glycomer 631 suture materials. Maximum intraluminal pressures were not significantly different among the suture materials. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance: Barbed glycomer 631 4–0 USP suture material was as effective as glycomer 631 suture materials and may be a safe alternative for use in closure of enterectomies in dogs.
Show more [+] Less [-]Use of a high-molecular-weight carboxymethylcellulose in a tissue protective solution for prevention of postoperative abdominal adhesions in ponies
Murphy, David J. | Peck, Lynn S. | Detrisac, Carol J. | Widenhouse, Christopher W. | Goldberg, Eugene P.
Objective-To evaluate efficacy and safety of IP administration of high-molecular-weight carboxymethylcellulose (HMW CMC) for the prevention of postoperative intra-abdominal adhesions in ponies. Animals-10 ponies. Procedure-A 1% solution of HMW CMC was instilled intra-abdominally prior to surgery in 5 ponies, whereas 5 control ponies did not receive HMW CMC. Postoperative adhesions were induced by use of a bowel-abrasion method comprising laparotomy, typhlotomy, and abrasion of jejunal serosa at multiple sites with placement of 3 sutures at each site. Day of surgery was day 0. After surgery, ponies were monitored, and hematologic, serum biochemical, and peritoneal fluid analyses were performed on days 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, and 10. On day 10, ponies were euthanatized. Intra-abdominal adhesions were recorded, and tissue samples were collected for histologic examination. Results-A significantly greater number of adhesions, number of multiple adhesions, and mean incidence of adhesions were identified in control ponies, compared with CMC-treated ponies. Mean peritoneal fluid WBC count on day 7 and serum fibrinogen concentrations on days 5 and 7 were significantly higher in control ponies, compared with CMC-treated ponies. Results of serum biochemical analyses did not differ significantly between the 2 groups. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-Intra-abdominal use of 1% HMW CMC during surgery was effective for preventing postoperative adhesions in ponies. Use of HMW CMC did not have detrimental effects on wound healing, intra-abdominal defenses, or patient health. A 1% solution of HMW CMC may be used routinely during abdominal surgery of horses for prevention of postoperative adhesions.
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