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Регуляция воспроизводительной функции быков-производителей
Zhuk, N.F., Brestplempredpriyatie, Brest (Belarus) | Khanchina, A.R., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
The efficiency of influence of iodon on the reproductive function of fullmouthed sire bulls of white-and-black breed was studied in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. There were formed two groups of sire bulls: experimental group with low indices of sperm quality; control one – with high indices. In course of studying the interrelation of thyroid and sexual glands there was established the presence of parallelism in their development and function. In a period of sexual arousal the thyroid gland came into hyperactivity condition. At the same time, the quantity of triiodothyronine increased from 2,23 +/-0,02 to 3,05 +/-0,02 ng/ml, thyroxine - from 38,7 +/-1,02 to 59,8 +/-1,07 ng/ml. For the increasing of the reproductive qualities of sire bulls there was developed a iodine-containing preparation Iodon which should be spread with a medical syringe over a skin along the spine column. Iodon preparation applied in such a way made it possible to reduce the stressful influence more efficiently in comparison with an injection; it was well acquired and promoted the increasing of the reproductive function of sire bulls. The Iodon was developed on a basis of dimethylsulfoxide that promoted the efficient absorption through a skin. The preparation is a homogeneous hyaloid russet liquid with a specific smell, it is produced in bottles of 200 and 400 cm cubic. Iodon preparation realizes medical and preventive action in cases of impairment of sexual glands function against the background of iodine hunger. The preparation does not possess any allergenic properties, shows weak cumulative properties, and is harmless. The sperm quality improvement has been marked in all parameters, sexual reflexes become more stable and vigorous, animal fertility increased
Show more [+] Less [-]Санитарно-гигиеническая характеристика качества воды в районе свиноводческого комплекса
Karas, A.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Results of study of a pollution level of drinking water around a pig-breeding complex and degree of its distribution in Gorodok district of the Republic of Belarus were presented. For carrying out the monitoring of water objects around the pig-breeding complex there was analysed the drinking water in Palminka and Gorodok localities. Water tests were taken once in three months (September, December, March, June), in the morning. Tests of drinking water used on complexes, were taken once a month. Research results showed that drinking water quality on the pig-breeding complex was considerably lower in comparison with the remoted from it water sources. Closeness of the pig-breeding complex lowered the water quality both on the territory of swine complex and on the territory of neighboring objects. Results of the chemical water analysis, organoleptic estimation, and water correspondence to the sanitary-hygienic standard were presented
Show more [+] Less [-]Качество спермы и естественная резистентность быков-производителей при использовании новых премиксов
Karpenya, S.L., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Determination of the influence of new premixes on sperm quality and natural resistance of sire bulls during winter and summer periods was realized in the conditions of the republic of Belarus. Application of the developed vitamin and mineral additive in rations of sire bulls in course of winter and summer periods made it possible to increase their natural resistance, that was proved by the 7,2-8,8% increasing of the bactericidal activity of blood serum indicators, 0,6% increasing of lysozymic activity of blood serum, and 3,3-5,1% increasing of the phagocytic ability of leukocytes. There was determined the possibility to increase sire bull sperm quality during different year periods by means of application of the enhanced doses of vitamins and trace elements. As a result, the ejaculate volume increased on 7,4-2,4%, concentration of male germ cells in ejaculate on - 6,3-7,8%, sperm activity - on 6,7-7,3%, and also there was stated the decrease of spoilage percent of sperm production. Results of the industrial testing have confirmed efficiency of use of the recommended vitamin and mineral additive and calculated on its basis premixes. Its application made it possible to increase the quality of bull of sperm production on 3,6-10,8%
Show more [+] Less [-]Гигиенические аспекты энергосбережения в животноводстве
Medvedskij, V.A. | Gasanov, F.A. | Rubina, M.V. | Mazolo, N.V. | Zhelezko, A.F., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Results of realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus energy estimation of veterinary and hygienic methods of microclimate organization in livestock buildings were presented. As a result of the conducted veterinary and hygienic estimation of conditions of cattle maintenance in premises at cattle breeding farm in Vitebsk region (Belarus) it was found out, that one of the reasons of decreasing in productivity and livability of calves was the unsatisfactory microclimate at livestock buildings. In particular, air temperature in calf houses was marked below standard on 25-29%. Indices of the relative moisture exceeded the standard requirements on the average on 7% and concentration of ammonia - on 19-24%. Natural and artificial light exposure at premises did not correspond to veterinary and hygienic requirements. Research results analysis showed that a principal reason of unsatisfactory microclimate condition was the unsatisfactory system of ventilation, application of artificial prompting of air that involved the exceeding expenses for the electric power. The veterinary and hygienic measures with regard for power economy were characterized. It was stated that the proper use of ventilation, manure removing, feed-supplying and lighting systems made it possible to save up to 30% of power energy
Show more [+] Less [-]Влияние уровня селена на продуктивность хряков-производителей
Poznyak, V.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
Determination of the optimal doses of selenium inclusion into premix structure for breeding boars for the maintenance of their higher producing capacity was realized in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. Selenium lack in boar rations caused the degenerative changes in seminal glands, low male germ cells concentration and lowering of spermatozoon motility, which subsequently decreased their producing efficiency. Research showed, that selenium inclusion in premix KS-1 structure in quantity of 30 mg per 1 kg in comparison with premix in 20 mg dose have improved the yielding productivity of mature boars: the average quantity of male germ cells per one ejaculate increased on 17,2%, the average quantity of born pigs from per one sow increased on 4,8%. The additional profit per one boar was on 6,06% higher than in control experiment
Show more [+] Less [-]Производство молока сорта Экстра в РУП Учхоз БГСХА Могилевской области
Portnoj, A.I., Belarus State Academy of Agriculture, Gorki (Belarus)
Results of estimation of the real possibilities of milk production of extra fine grade in the conditions of the Republican unitary enterprise Educational Farm of Belarus State Academy of Agriculture in Mogilev region (Republic of Belarus) were presented. It was established, that carrying out of some organizational and technological actions for decreasing the level of somatic cells in milk made it possible to lower the level of somatic cells in finished products from 494,72 thousand per cube cm up to 289,15 thousand per cube cm. The obtained data corresponded to requirements of the Standard of the Republic of Belarus (STB 1598 - 2006 Cow milk. Requirements at purchases to the grade milk Extra). The realized experiment was developed on the basis of analytical model of cow commercial herd, constructed on the basis of the analysis of results of evaluation of quality of individual tests. Sales level of extra fine grade milk at the dairy commodity complex Parsino (Republic of Belarus) was 90,6%
Show more [+] Less [-]Состояние перекисного окисления липидов у глубокостельных коров
Postrash, I.Yu. | Soboleva, Yu.G. | Zasinets, S.V., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus) | Postrash, Ya.V., Vitebsk State Medical Univ. (Belarus)
The influence of iron deficiency state on metabolic processes and intensity of lipids peroxidation processes at dawn-calving cows was analysed in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. In course of study there was determined the intensity of lipids peroxidation processes in blood plasm depending on the level of hemoglobin and red blood corpuscle quantity. It was studied that in animals with low hemoglobin the oxidizing stress proceeded more actively than in animals with the normal hemoglobin level. Data analysis of lipids peroxidation processes showed that pregnancy condition was accompanied by strengthening of mentioned above processes. That fact was proved by the indicators of lipids peroxide oxidations presented both in absolute and in relative units. The content of diene conjugates, containing in 1 mg of lipids, was in 1,3-1,8 times higher at pregnant cows in comparison with non-pregnant ones, trieneketones content - in 1,2-1,6 times. Similar differences were observed in the process of analysis of diene conjugates and trieneketones values rated per 1 ml of plasma. More considerable differences were stated for trieneketones; the analysed indicator was in 1,6-2,1 times higher at pregnant cows
Show more [+] Less [-]Восстановление воспроизводительной способности у коров под влиянием эриметрина и рихометрина
Rubanets, L.N. | Garbuzov, A.A. | Yushkovskij, E.A., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
The nonspecific resistance of cows at the interlactation period was studied for the forecasting of the postnatal period progress in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. Influence of the complex preparations Erimetrinis and Richometrinum on restoration of cow reproductive function was investigated. It was established, that the developed new complex preparation Erimetrinis possessed the uterotonic, antiphlogistic, pathogenetic and stimulating action. Evaluation of the presented preparation was tested have under production conditions and confirmed its high efficiency. After application of Erimetrinis there was noted a fast restoration of both endometrias histostructure, indices of cellular protection, and cow clinical characteristic. Microflora which was discharge from cow uterus content, which were sick with postnatal purulo-catarrhal endometritis, was sensitive and high-sensitivity Erimetrinis and had a zone of growth inhibition from 19,6 up to 36,1 mm, while after Richometrinum application it was sensitive except for staphylococcus and diplococcus in which the growth inhibition zone was from 15,1 up to 15,4 mm. Study of indicators of bactericidal activity of cow blood serum in course of treatment with the Erimetrinis it was established, that starting from the fourth day of the treatment the analysed indicator increased up to 56%, and by the moment of the clinical recovery it was 82,4+/-2,16%. Indicators of lysozymic activity of blood serum at the moment of cow recovery were 13,4+/-1,35 mmol/l. Essential changes were marked in the phagocytic activity of leukocytes, phagocytic numbers and phagocytic index. Cows which were subjected to treatment with Richometrinum all mentioned above indicators were increasing starting from the tenth day of treatment beginning, and clinical recovery was stated on 7,4 days later than after Erimetrinis application
Show more [+] Less [-]Способ сравнительной оценки хряков-производителей по жизнеспособности и продуктивным качествам потомства в условиях промышленной технологии производства
Khodosovskij, D.N., National Academy of Sciences. Scientific and Practical Center of Animal Breeding (Belarus)
Development of a new method of boar evaluation taking into account their beef-making and fattening qualities as well as their posterity viability for the further selection of the best ones and for the culling and ranking of the worst ones was realized in the conditions of a large pig-breeding complex of the Republic of Belarus. Scientific and economic experiment was realized at the JSC Sozh, Gomel region (Belarus) at the pig-breeding complex with 108 thousand livestock heads of annual fattening. At a finishing stage of sow hybridization the combinations of Large White х Landrace and Large White х the Belarusian Meaty breeds were inseminates by boars of 990 synthetic lines (N11151 and N11146), the Belarusian Meaty breed (N3495), Landraces of the Polish (N40, N37, N78) and German selection (N11262, N11263, N11266), and also by a hybrid boar of 990 lines х Petren (N11145). Sow insemination was realized in three technological groups. Sows were selected taking into account their breed, age and last productive ability in order to avoid inbreeding. At the same time, each boar was checked up on the breeding stock for identical quality. The final estimation of boars was stated at the stage of achievement by their posterity of selling weight (before sending to a meat processing plant). The offered method made it possible to get an objective comparative estimation of breeding characteristics of tested boars in the conditions of a complex
Show more [+] Less [-]Течение обменных процессов у цыплят-бройлеров в зависимости от прерывистого освещения
Sharejko, N.A. | Sintserova, A.M. | Gukov, F.D., Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine (Belarus)
The influence of various light regimes on productive indices of broiler chickens cultivation of СОВВ cross taking into consideration the course of some exchange processes was studied in the conditions of the Republic of Belarus. There were formed 4 groups of one-day-old chickens with the approximately identical body weight. For the chickens of a control group there was used the standard for Belarusian poultry farms light regime, i.e. 23 hours of light and 1 hour of darkness (23L:1D), in three experimental groups there were used the following light regimes: first - (3L:1D) х 6, second - (2L:1D) х 8, third - (1L:1D) х 12. The predetermined conditions were set by means of filament lamps with 15 W capacity. Throughout the whole experiment there was realized the identical feeding level for all groups: during the first growing period (1-30 days) chickens were fed with mixed fodder PK 5B containing 22% of crude protein and 296,6 kcal of exchange energy, during second period (31-42 days) - PC 6B containing 20% of crude protein and 332,2 kcal. In the applied mixed fodders there was used enzyme Rovabio. Research results showed that metabolic processes occurring in chicken body in the majority opf cases depended on application of various light regimes. Interchange of light and darkness periods (3 hours of light and 1 hour of darkness) х 6 at light exposure in 15 lk rendered the positive effect on the activity of endocrine systems of chickens of СОВВ crosses. In mentioned above group of chickens the hormones directed their metabolic processes towards increasing the productive indices, namely: daily average gain of chickens of the first group was authentically higher than the same index in the second and the third groups on 13,6% and 17,9%, respectively
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