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Economic efficiency and bioenergetic evaluation of marketable lettuce production
Лещук, Н. В
Purpose. Scientific substantiation of agrotechnological methods used for marketable production of lettuce varieties Lactuca sativa L. according to economic and bioenergy evaluation. Methods. Field, laboratory, analytical and statistical ones. Results. Economic assessment of elements of cultivation technology for all lettuce varieties was undertaken considering different sowing time (early spring, late spring, spring-and-summer period and before the winter season), growing techniques (direct sowing, seedling method – planting pots, seedling method – planting containers) and the use of organic fertilizer Dominanta. Calculation of economic efficiency indicators of marketable lettuce production was scientifically grounded, and bioenergetic evaluation of its growing was made. Economic feasibility of seedling method of growing as well as sowing time and delivery of marketable products to the consumer was confirmed. Conclusions. Technological elements of lettuce growing including loose-leaf, butterhead, romaine and stem subvarieties provided increase of marketable products by 13,38; 3,92; 2,07; 3,20 t/ha respectively. The level of profitability of lettuce production was within 83–141% (butterhead) 86–130% (loose-leaf), 185–214% (romaine), 131–137% (stem).
Show more [+] Less [-]Biomorphological traits of Callistephus chinensis (L.) Nees cultivars under conditions of the Central Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine
Левандовська, С. М
Purpose. Determining prospects of introducing Callistephus chinensis cultivars of foreign breeding for further cultivation under conditions of the Central Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine. Methods. Field, laboratory, analytical and statistical ones. Results. Ten C. сhinensis cultivars of theGerman breeding were tested under conditions of the Central Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine. Biomorphological traits of the varieties of five sort types were identified, and their comparative analysis was conducted. Seasonal dynamics of growth and development of cultivars in the growing area was studied. Conclusions. Cultivars with short and mean duration phases of development can be grown under conditions of the Central Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine by direct sowing that does not affect their seed productivity and sowing quality of seeds. Seeds of late cultivars can reach complete maturity only in case of seedling use. C. chinensis cultivars of the German breeding have successfully passed the initial test for suitability to introduction into the studied area.
Show more [+] Less [-]The influence of environmental factors on growing season length for garden pea (Pisum sativum L.)
Стригун, В. М
The results obtained during observations of the growing season of pea collection varieties in different years in terms of interphase periods are presented. The dependence of the growing season length for varieties of various maturity groups on the duration of certain phases of plant growth (seedling, flowering, ripening), ambient environment (temperature, humidity, daylight hours), processing (seed preparation, line production maintenance) and genetic factors (sequential node of the first inflorescence formation) are shown. According to the study results the varieties-sources of «growing season length» characteristic were specified that have been used as components for breeding in the selection process when creating new domestic varieties.
Show more [+] Less [-]The role of primary root system, coleoptile length and cold resistance in the yield formation of semi-dwarf varieties of spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
Кірдогло, Є. К | Поліщук, С. С | Нагуляк, О. І
For the resistance to a soil drought in the early stages of seed germination the key role plays the primary root system: an activity of seed germination, the number of seminal roots and their length, dry weight of roots and coleoptile length and also the degree of cold resistance at the seedling stage. The stages and methods of the creation of six-row medium-grown barley varieties Vakula and Helios and semi-dwarf varieties Ros and Halychanyn are described.
Show more [+] Less [-]Peculiarities of forming quality parameters of commercial products of cutting lettuce (<i>Lactuca sativa var. capitata L.</i>) depending on the method of cultivation
Лещук, Н. В | Барбан, О. Б | Башкатова, О. П
Purpose. To investigate features of commercial head quality formation in varieties of cutting lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. capitata L.) for different growing methods. To study the influence of growing methods for cutting lettuce plants on the weight of commercial heads, indices of yield and quality of freshly harvested products. Methods. Field study, laboratory testing and statistical evaluation. Results. The results of studying peculiarities of head formation in such cutting lettuce varieties as ‘Godar’ (control), ‘Smuhlianka’, ‘Olzhych’ and ‘Dyvohrai’ were shown. Based on the results of phenological observations, the duration of interstage periods of growth and development of cutting lettuce plants was determined for the different growing methods. The model of cutting lettuce of capitata variety for different growing methods was presented in terms of biochemical parameters (content of dry matter, vitamin C, nitrates, amount of sugars). The influence of growing methods for cutting lettuce plants on the commercial head weight, indices of yield and quality of freshly harvested products was studied. Obtained results confirmed that in early ripening varieties the heads were smaller (150 g) and not dense, in late ripening varieties they were large and dense, weight was 150–500 g. Freshly harvested commercial products of head lettuce in case of seedling cultivation was characterized by a slight increase in dry matter content by 0.15–0.29%. The corresponding pattern was observed for the total sugar content. Its amount was slightly higher: 1.3–1.9% in case of direct sowing and 1.6–1.9% – for seedlings cultivation. The content of ascorbic acid (vitamin C, mg/100 g) was the highest in the ‘Dyvohrai’ variety despite of the method of growing. The largest quantity of nitrates in lettuce heads was in the inner stem (480 mg/kg), while in the middle of the head it was reduced to 110 mg/kg. Conclusions. Freshly harvested heads of cutting lettuce were analyzed for the content of such basic biochemical indices as dry matter, vitamin C, protein, nitrates, amount of sugars. Biochemical characteristics of freshly harvested products of heading lettuce in case of direct sowing and non-seedling methods of growing were within the error being almost identical with minor deviations. According to the study results, a typical model of capitate lettuce variety was designed which will have practical application in qualification examination of plant varieties.
Show more [+] Less [-]The selection of cabage lettuce varieties (Lactuca sativa var. capitata L) for seedling and non seedling planting
Лещук, Н. В
The best cabbage lettuce varieties for seedling and non seedling planting under the conditions of the open soil were defined. The potential productivity of the varieties under research in the conditions of the open soil were grounded from the scientific point of view. The influence of planting methods on plants productivity, produvtivity and quality of fresh lettuce heads was analyzed.
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