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Hazelnut breeding in the National Dendrological Park “Sofiyivka” of the NAS of Ukraine
Косенко, І. С | Опалко, А. І | Балабак, О. А | Опалко, О. А | Балабак, А. В
Purpose. To evaluate hazelnut cultivars, species and hybrids from the genetic collection of Corylus spp. in the National Dendrological Park “Sofiyivka” of the NAS of Ukraine for the complex of economic characters. An attempt has been made to analyze the information on Corylus spp. identity, taxonomy and description, dissemination and ecological requirements of the species, possibilities to use the genetic potential for developing new cultivars. Methods. The value of the Corylus spp. collection representatives was investigated using conventional testing procedures. For summarizing information concerning phylogenetic reconstruction of the Corylus L. genus and hazelnut, a number of scientific publications to be proposed for discussion was analyzed. The oil content in hazelnut kernels and the fatty acid composition was determined using official methods. Results. The best samples of hazelnut genetic collection were included into the broad hybridization programme, and C. chinensis Franch. representatives as well. A number of hybrid seedlings was obtained including new hazelnut cultivars ‘Sofiyivsky 1’, ‘Sofiyivsky 2’ and ‘Sofiyivsky 15’ which were characterized by spherical or almost spherical fruits, high winter hardiness and drought resistance, as well as the absence of rhythmicity in fruiting. Conclusions. The collection of varieties, forms, cultivars and species of the Corylus L. genus created during the last years can be the base for hazelnut breeding in Ukraine.
Show more [+] Less [-]Results of old roses introduction at M. M. Hryshko National Botanical Garden, NAS of Ukraine
О. Л. Рубцова | В. І. Чижанькова
Purpose. To evaluate results of old garden roses varieties introduction based on the analysis of their decorative properties and economic characters. Methods. Field study, comparative analysis, generalization. Results. The collection of roses at M. M. Hryshko National Botanical Garden (the city of Kyiv) was analyzed. A comparison was drawn between their gene pool and the world collection of roses. After collection screening, 22 old varieties were found at M. M. Hryshko National Botanical Garden and described. Their decorative properties, economic characters and winter hardiness were evaluated, the final result ranged from 81 to 100 points. Evaluation of winter hardiness that was based on the records of shoot damage degree in the field during the winter showed that in Kyiv conditions 13 cultivars were exceptionally resistant to frost, the other 9 appeared to be frost-sensitive. Conclusions. As follows from the analysis of decorative values, economic characters and winter hardiness, 12 varieties of old roses such as ‘Cardinal de Richelieu’, ‘Commandant Beaurepaire’, ‘La Reine’, ‘Louise de Odier’, ‘Madame Plantier’, ‘Maiden’s Blush’, ‘Marie Baumann’, ‘Mousseuse Rouge’, ‘Persian Yellow’, ‘Poppius’, ‘Reine des Violettes’, ‘Versicolor’ were found to be perfectly suitable for landscaping.
Show more [+] Less [-]Genetic resources as initial material for developing new soft winter wheat varieties
В. М. Кір’ян | М. В. Кір’ян | Р. С. Вискуб
Purpose. To estimate genetic resources collection of soft winter wheat plants (new collection accessions) of Ustymivka Experimental Station for Plant Production and select initial material for breeding of adaptive, productive and qualitative soft winter wheat varieties. Methods. Field experiment, laboratory testing. Results. The authors pre- sented results of study of over 1000 samples of gene pool of soft winter wheat from 25 countries during 2001–2005 in Ustymivka Experimental Station for Plant Production of Plant Production Institute nd. a. V. Ya. Yuriev, NAAS of Ukraine for a complex of economic traits. More than 400 new sources with high adaptive properties were selected that combine traits of high productivity and high quality of grain, early ripening, resistance to biotic and abiotic fac- tors (the assessment of samples for 16 valuable traits is given). The selected material comes from various agro-cli- matic zones, including zones of unsustainable agriculture. Conclusions. Recommended sources of traits that have breeding value will allow to enrich high-quality assortment of wheat and considerably accelerate breeding process du- ring development of new soft winter wheat varieties.
Show more [+] Less [-]Assessment of climate conditions of 2012–2014 and their effect on the formation of frost resistance, Myronivka`s (the Myronivka institute of wheat named after V. Remeslo), and winter hardiness of soft winter wheat
Хоменко, Л. О
Assessment of agroclimatic conditions in 2012–2014 and their effect on formation of frost resistance and winter hardiness of soft winter wheat is made. Elevated temperature conditions in autumn and disturbance of cold hardening conditions caused the formation of the highest frost tolerance and winter hardiness of winter wheat only up to -15°C. Under the new climatic conditions the modern varieties of myronivska breeding are able to realize 80–85% of the genetic potential by the property.
Show more [+] Less [-]Agrobiological particularities of the new variety of soft winter wheat Nyva Kyivschyny
В. С. Хахула | Л. І. Уліч | М. І. Загинайло | З. С. Шпак | Н. В. Курочка
Results of studying morphoagrobiological characteristics and properties of a new variety ofsoftwinterwheat Nyva Kyivschyny are presented. It is determined that it has high genetic productivity potential, belongs to intensive variety type of universal use, is characterized by high winter and drought hardiness. This variety realizes its natural potential in a greater degree in case of growing after the best forecrop, at high soil fertility, with intensive agrotechnologies implementation and sowing at the end of the optimal time for appropriate agroclimatic zones.
Show more [+] Less [-]Myronivs’ka 808 to celebrate triumphal y jubilee in production and selection
Коломієць, Л. А | Власенко, В. А | Кочмарський, В. С | Кириленко, В. В
Unique features of Myronivs’ka 808 variety have provided its triumph in agricultural production in the former Soviet Union and other countries. Myronivs’ka 808 has become one of the most popular varieties in terms of sown areas (in 1971 over 9.5 million hectares) in the world production. Up to now the variety has been cultivated in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan. Myronivs’ka 808 variety gained leadership in the global selection process as a source of high grain quality, high productivity, general adaptability and plasticity. Using germplasm of this variety enabled to develop over 400 wheat varieties including 350 winter varieties and 60 spring varieties.
Show more [+] Less [-]The content of some of the essential elements in the fruit of the (Diospyros L.) persimmon of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden collection
Хохлов, С. Ю | Дунаєвська, О. В
The article mentions that the special attention is deserved by such persimmon varieties being included into the collection of Garden: Nikita Burgundy – the most famous of the hardiest varieties, widely used in industrial horticulture grade foreign breeding Hana Fuyu and a new, high-yielding variety of domestic breeding Souvenir of Autumn. Plant varieties included into the studying, grow in the same conditions at the collection site, which is located 200 meters from the coast at a height of 20-40 m above its level. Trees are 15 years old, planting scheme is 6x6 meters. The selected varieties belong to the group of constant tart on their quality whose fruits are edible only when fully ripe Varieties are characterized by high winter hardiness and disease resistance, which allows minimizing the chemicals using for plants treating and creates the conditions for organic food. The chemical composition fruits studying of three oriental persimmons varieties have performed high content of potassium, so it affords their using as a general tonic. The obtained results have revealed that according to the content of essential elements the leading fruit of variety Souvenir Autumn is considered to be, the less valuable are fruits of Nikita Burgundy, and Hana Fuyu fruits on this indicator are intermediate.
Show more [+] Less [-]Myronivs’ka 808 to celebrate triumphal y jubilee in production and selection
Л. А. Коломієць | В. А. Власенко | В. С. Кочмарський | В. В. Кириленко
Unique features of Myronivs’ka 808 variety have provided its triumph in agricultural production in the former Soviet Union and other countries. Myronivs’ka 808 has become one of the most popular varieties in terms of sown areas (in 1971 over 9.5 million hectares) in the world production. Up to now the variety has been cultivated in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan. Myronivs’ka 808 variety gained leadership in the global selection process as a source of high grain quality, high productivity, general adaptability and plasticity. Using germplasm of this variety enabled to develop over 400 wheat varieties including 350 winter varieties and 60 spring varieties.
Show more [+] Less [-]The results of hexaploid triticale breeding for winter hardiness
Щипак, Г. В | Матвієць, В. Г | Рябчун, Н. І | Щипак, В. Г
Purpose. Analysis of the process of hexaploid triticale breeding for winter hardiness by intraspecific hybridization method using systemic ecological tests under contrasting conditions. Methods. Dialectical investigation, field experiments, laboratory testing and statistical evaluation. Results. The results of breeding winter and alternate triticale varieties possessing a complex of valuable traits by the method of intraspecific hybridization of forms of different types of development using systemic ecological tests under contrasting conditions (Forest-Steppe – extremely arid Steppe) and at low temperatures were presented. During the years of research (1980–2005), 18 varieties were developed and transferred to the state testing, 17 of them were registered. Conclusions. Thus, the effective selection of highly productive genotypes with increased and high winter hardiness is possible from populations obtained by crossing hexaploid triticale of different types of development (winter triticale with spring and alternate ones) and contrasting level of frost and winter hardiness. During the period of 1980–2015, medium-tall and dwarf varieties of winter (‘Amfidyploid 256’, ‘Garne’, ‘Kharroza’, ‘Rarytet’, ‘Timofey’, etc.) and alternate (‘Nikanor’, ‘Yaroslava’, ‘Plastun Volynskyi’) triticales were developed. They are superior to the standard varieties of soft winter wheat for the critical temperature of freezing by -0.5...- 2.0 °C, characterized by increased (up to 9–12 t/ha) grain yield of various quality depending on the purpose of use.
Show more [+] Less [-]Results of old roses introduction at M. M. Hryshko National Botanical Garden, NAS of Ukraine
Rubt︠s︡ova, O. L. | Чижанькова, В. І
Purpose. To evaluate results of old garden roses varieties introduction based on the analysis of their decorative properties and economic characters. Methods. Field study, comparative analysis, generalization. Results. The collection of roses at M. M. Hryshko National Botanical Garden (the city of Kyiv) was analyzed. A comparison was drawn between their gene pool and the world collection of roses. After collection screening, 22 old varieties were found at M. M. Hryshko National Botanical Garden and described. Their decorative properties, economic characters and winter hardiness were evaluated, the final result ranged from 81 to 100 points. Evaluation of winter hardiness that was based on the records of shoot damage degree in the field during the winter showed that in Kyiv conditions 13 cultivars were exceptionally resistant to frost, the other 9 appeared to be frost-sensitive. Conclusions. As follows from the analysis of decorative values, economic characters and winter hardiness, 12 varieties of old roses such as ‘Cardinal de Richelieu’, ‘Commandant Beaurepaire’, ‘La Reine’, ‘Louise de Odier’, ‘Madame Plantier’, ‘Maiden’s Blush’, ‘Marie Baumann’, ‘Mousseuse Rouge’, ‘Persian Yellow’, ‘Poppius’, ‘Reine des Violettes’, ‘Versicolor’ were found to be perfectly suitable for landscaping.
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