AGRIS - International System for Agricultural Science and Technology

[ Published in: Plant Varieties Studying and Protection ]
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Hazelnut breeding in the National Dendrological Park “Sofiyivka” of the NAS of Ukraine


Косенко, І. С | Опалко, А. І | Балабак, О. А | Опалко, О. А | Балабак, А. В

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Results of old roses introduction at M. M. Hryshko National Botanical Garden, NAS of Ukraine


О. Л. Рубцова | В. І. Чижанькова

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Genetic resources as initial material for developing new soft winter wheat varieties


В. М. Кір’ян | М. В. Кір’ян | Р. С. Вискуб

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Assessment of climate conditions of 2012–2014 and their effect on the formation of frost resistance, Myronivka`s (the Myronivka institute of wheat named after V. Remeslo), and winter hardiness of soft winter wheat


Хоменко, Л. О

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Agrobiological particularities of the new variety of soft winter wheat Nyva Kyivschyny


В. С. Хахула | Л. І. Уліч | М. І. Загинайло | З. С. Шпак | Н. В. Курочка

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

Myronivs’ka 808 to celebrate triumphal y jubilee in production and selection


Коломієць, Л. А | Власенко, В. А | Кочмарський, В. С | Кириленко, В. В

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

The content of some of the essential elements in the fruit of the (Diospyros L.) persimmon of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden collection


Хохлов, С. Ю | Дунаєвська, О. В

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Myronivs’ka 808 to celebrate triumphal y jubilee in production and selection


Л. А. Коломієць | В. А. Власенко | В. С. Кочмарський | В. В. Кириленко

Directory of Open Access Journals - Sweden

The results of hexaploid triticale breeding for winter hardiness


Щипак, Г. В | Матвієць, В. Г | Рябчун, Н. І | Щипак, В. Г

National Agricultural Library - United States of America

Results of old roses introduction at M. M. Hryshko National Botanical Garden, NAS of Ukraine


Rubt︠s︡ova, O. L. | Чижанькова, В. І

National Agricultural Library - United States of America