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Economical and Morpho-Biological Features of Whiner Wheat New Generation Varieties (Triticum durum)
Улич, Л. І | Гринів, С. М | Лисікова, В. М | Матус, В. М
The article describes summary of the researches, characteristics of morphological and agro-biological characteristics and features, a note is made of a significant progress in the selection of productivity and adaptability of registered Durum Winter Wheat Varieties of new crops rotation. Significant developments of plants architectonic are marked, especially in height, characteristics of economical value, and in terms of considerable achievements in breeding of this kind of wheat. A stress in made on the need to enhance Durum Winter Wheat breeding to develop more frostresistant and drought-overheat resistant varieties.
Show more [+] Less [-]Plant Production Institute named after V. Iuryev as a Fonuder of Guidenes for Winter Wheat Varieties Breeding on arti Ficial Backgkounds in Ukraine (20s-80s of XX century)
Шелепов, В. В
The article highlights Kharkiv Breeding Facility, later referred to as Plant Production Institute named after V. Iuryev in 20s-80s concerning breeding the Winter Wheat in Ukraine and impact of the varieties obtained on th productivity increase. It is established that thanks to the efforts of V. Iuryev, V. Didus, M. Ielnikov, A. Shulyndina and others for the period of 1920s-1980s a number of economically valuable varieties have been created – Multrum 120, Iuryivka, Lutetsnes 266, Zenitka, Salut, Kharkivska 1, Kharkivska 32, Khar-kivska 81 and others. Thanks to efforts in breeding the yield index was growing gradually and reached the average level of 4,3 tons per hectare. In particular, in 1921–1930 – 2,33 ton/hectare, 1931–1940 – 2,42, 1941– 1950 – 3,01, 1951–1960 – 26,5, 1961 – 1970 – 4,3, 1971–1980 – 5,05, 1981–1990 – 4,47 t/hectare. In recompense for significant achievements in agricultural crops varieties breeding a breeding center was founded at the facilities of Plant Production Institute named after V Iuryev was founded in 1976.
Show more [+] Less [-]Pomological and biochemical peculiarities of cherry-plum varieties fruits (Prunus cerasifera Ehrh.), belonged to different subspecies of family Prunus L
Горіна, В. М | Гребеннікова, О. А | Виноградов, Б. О | Ріхтер, О. О
The pomological characteristic of three cherry-plum varieties belonged to different subspecies has been given. The prevailing aromatic components and general chemical content of their fruits have been analyzed. The peculiarities of accumulation of essential compounds in tissue with high anthocyanin content (‘Krasnomyasaya’) in comparison with varieties with yellow flesh (‘Nikitskaya Yellow’ and ‘Lyusha Yellow’) have been shown.
Show more [+] Less [-]Post- Registration Study of Fruit Crops Varieties
Шпак, З. С | Задорожний, К. І
The article represents summary of post-registration examination of fruit crops, namely Apple and Pear in 2008s-2009s. Best varieties of Apple and Pear in different soil and climatic areas are highlighted.
Show more [+] Less [-]New varieties of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) for complex utilization in grain production
Орлюк, А. П | Гончарова, К. В | Базалій, Г. Г | Біляєва, І. М | Усик, Л. О
Such varieties of winter wheat as Ovidium, Kokhana, Blago, Maria, Andromeda possess high adaptive potential, there are possible to use on irrigated and unirrigated lands. New genotypes are able to guarantee yield on level accordingly 9,0-9,5 and 5,5-6,0 t/ha. They are form the grain of strong and valuable wh eats.
Show more [+] Less [-]Agro-Ecological and Adaptive Approaches to Formation and Use of Ukraine’s Varietal Resources
А. А. Корчинський | М. С. Шевчук | А. В. Андрющенко
National breeding achievements are described, in particular, of Winter Wheat. Scientific foundation of agricultural crops varietal sources is provided based on functional evaluation of the varieties, criteria for their breeding for specific agro-ecological growing conditions.
Show more [+] Less [-]Replenishment of Plant Varieties Market: Sown Rise (Oryza sativa L.)
О. І. Безручко | Ю. М. Довгий
There discussed directions of use for the valuable groats crop, namely Rice, growth rates of its production in Ukraine, options and necessity of creation new verities by breeders, that favors not just the improved nutrition of people, but improves their health, too. And also a full description is provided for new varieties of soybean listed in the Sate Register of Plant Varieties Suitable for Dissemination in Ukraine.
Show more [+] Less [-]Pomological and biochemical peculiarities of cherry-plum varieties fruits (Prunus cerasifera Ehrh.), belonged to different subspecies of family Prunus L.
В. М. Горіна | О. А. Гребеннікова | Б. О. Виноградов | О. О. Ріхтер
The pomological characteristic of three cherry-plum varieties belonged to different subspecies has been given. The prevailing aromatic components and general chemical content of their fruits have been analyzed. The peculiarities of accumulation of essential compounds in tissue with high anthocyanin content (‘Krasnomyasaya’) in comparison with varieties with yellow flesh (‘Nikitskaya Yellow’ and ‘Lyusha Yellow’) have been shown.
Show more [+] Less [-]Bread winter wheat breeding (Triticum aestivum L.) using spring varieties genepool in forest-steppe Environments of Ukraine
В. С. Кочмарський | Л. А. Коломієць | В. В. Кириленко | В. П. Кавунець | С. М. Маринка
It is concluded by investigations that wheat crossing of various development types between themselves cause increase of formbuilding process in hybrid progeny, promoting the selection of practically valuable recombinats. The genotypes which present the practical valuable by complex of adaptive traits and properties have been selected by phenotype stability in the breeding process. The new bread winter wheat variety Pamyati Remesla developed with participation of spring wheat variety Hja 22139 (Finland) has been proposed for including it into the Register of Plant varieties of Ukraine adapted for use in Steppe, Forest- Steppe and Woodland of Ukraine since 2010.
Show more [+] Less [-]Genetic value pollenizer lines of the sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L. ssp. vulgaris var. altissima Doell).
А. О. Яценко | А. І. Опалко | Д. М. Адаменко | В. В. Поліщук | В. Д. Адаменко
The features of sugar beet polygerm seed populations were studied. The ways of creation of combinationaluable pollenizers line –– component hybrid on sterile base were improve. The environment conditions had influenced on reaction of different types of genic interactions in specific sets of hybrids. The positive effects of interaction is a part of heterosis effects. It is proved that plasticity and stability effect depend on environment condition where genotype realization occurs.
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