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Combined effects of degradable film fragments and micro/nanoplastics on growth of wheat seedling and rhizosphere microbes
Ren, Xinwei | Wang, Lan | Tang, Jingchun | Sun, Hongwen | Giesy, John P.
Multiple sources of microplastics (MPs) in farmland could result in the changing of microbial community and the plant growth. Most studies of MPs in agricultural system have focused on the effects of single types of MPs on growth of plants, while neglect interactions between multiple types of MPs. In this study a pot-experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of multiple types of MPs, including polystyrene beads: M1, 5 μm, M2, 70 nm and degradable mulching film (DMF) fragments on growth of wheat seedlings and associated rhizosphere microbial community. CKD (adding DMF) significantly reduced plant height and base diameter of wheat seedlings. DMF in combination with M2, significantly increased plant height and aboveground biomass, but decreased the base diameter. Actinobacteria was the dominant taxa in the rhizosphere bacterial community in various treatments. PCoA analysis showed that the bacterial composition in M2HD (100 mg kg⁻¹ M² with DMF) was significantly different from that of CKD and M2LD (10 mg kg⁻¹ M² with DMF). At the level of genera, the dominant fungi in CKD and M2LD were in the genus Fusarium, which is the cause of wheat fusarium blight and Alternaria, which results in decreased base diameter. In CK (control group) and M2HD, Blastobotrys exhibited the greatest abundance, which assisted wheat seedlings in resisting Verticillium disease. Cluster and PCoA analysis showed the fungal composition in CKD was significantly different from CK, M2LD and M2HD. These findings suggest MPs potentially have selective effects on pathogens that affect growth of plants and potentially safety of the food.
Show more [+] Less [-]Short term seasonal effects of airborne fungal spores on lung function in a panel study of schoolchildren residing in informal settlements of the Western Cape of South Africa
Olaniyan, Toyib | Dalvie, Mohamed Aqiel | Röösli, Martin | Naidoo, Rajen N. | Künzli, Nino | de Hoogh, Kees | Berman, Dilys | Parker, Bhawoodien | Leaner, Joy | Jeebhay, Mohamed F.
The individual effects of biological constituents of particulate matter (PM) such as fungal spores, on lung function in children are not well known. This study investigated the seasonal short-term effect of daily variation in Alternaria and Cladosporium fungal spores on lung function in schoolchildren.This panel study evaluated 313 schoolchildren in informal settlements of the Western Cape of South Africa, exposed to spores of two commonly encountered fungi, Alternaria and Cladosporium species. The children provided forced-expiratory volume in 1-s (FEV₁) and peak-expiratory flow (PEF) measurements thrice daily for two consecutive school-weeks in summer and winter. Daily PM₁₀ levels, from a stationary ambient air quality monitor and fungal spore levels using spore traps were measured in each study area throughout the year. The effects of Alternaria and Cladosporium spores, on lung function were analysed for lag periods up to five-days, adjusting-for PM₁₀, other pollen exposures, study area, and other host and meteorological factors. Same-day exposure-response curves were computed for both fungal species.There was more variability in Alternaria spores level with noticeable peaks in summer. There were consistent lag-effects for Alternaria on PEF compared to Cladosporium, with the largest PEF deficit observed in winter (mean deficit: 13.78 L/min, 95%CI: 24.34 to −3.23 L/min) per 10spores/m³ increase in Alternaria spores on lag day-2. Although there were no observable lag-effects for Alternaria and Cladosporium on FEV₁, same-day effects of Cladosporium spores on FEV₁ was present across both seasons. Threshold effects of Alternaria on both PEF and FEV₁ deficits were apparent at levels of 100 spores/m³, but could not be explored for Cladosporium beyond the levels observed during the study.The study provides evidence for the independent effects of daily exposure to ambient fungal spores of Alternaria and Cladosporium on lung function deficits, more especially in winter for PEF.
Show more [+] Less [-]Concomitant occurrence of anthropogenic air pollutants, mineral dust and fungal spores during long-distance transport of ragweed pollen
Grewling, Łukasz | Bogawski, Paweł | Kryza, Maciej | Magyar, Donat | Šikoparija, Branko | Skjøth, Carsten Ambelas | Udvardy, Orsolya | Werner, Małgorzata | Smith, Matt
Large-scale synoptic conditions are able to transport considerable amounts of airborne particles over entire continents by creating substantial air mass movement. This phenomenon is observed in Europe in relation to highly allergenic ragweed (Ambrosia L.) pollen grains that are transported from populations in Central Europe (mainly the Pannonian Plain and Balkans) to the North. The path taken by atmospheric ragweed pollen often passes through the highly industrialised mining region of Silesia in Southern Poland, considered to be one of the most polluted areas in the EU. It is hypothesized that chemical air pollutants released over Silesia could become mixed with biological material and be transported to less polluted regions further North. We analysed levels of air pollution during episodes of long-distance transport (LDT) of ragweed pollen to Poland. Results show that, concomitantly with pollen, the concentration of air pollutants with potential health-risk, i.e. SO₂, and PM₁₀, have also significantly increased (by 104% and 37%, respectively) in the receptor area (Western Poland). Chemical transport modelling (EMEP) and air mass back-trajectory analysis (HYSPLIT) showed that potential sources of PM₁₀ include Silesia, as well as mineral dust from the Ukrainian steppe and the Sahara Desert. In addition, atmospheric concentrations of other allergenic biological particles, i.e. Alternaria Nees ex Fr. spores, also increased markedly (by 115%) during LDT episodes. We suggest that the LDT episodes of ragweed pollen over Europe are not a “one-component” phenomenon, but are often related to elevated levels of chemical air pollutants and other biotic and abiotic components (fungal spores and desert dust).
Show more [+] Less [-]Unique functional responses of fungal communities to various environments in the mangroves of the Maowei Sea in Guangxi, China
Yang, Zonglin | Shi, Yaqi | Wang, Jun | Wang, Le | Li, Xianguo | Zhang, Dahai
Fungi are important compartments of microbial communities of mangroves. Their diversity might be influenced by their habitat environment. This study analyzed the distribution and function of fungal communities in the sediments and plant samples from mangrove ecosystem of the Maowei Sea area in Guangxi, China. The results showed that phytopathogenic fungi Cladosporium (17.00%) was mainly observed in the sediments from the protected zone, while endophytic fungi Alternaria (9.22%) and Acremonium (6.09%) were only observed in the sediments from wharf. The fungi in the sediments from village and park were mainly consisted of high-activity endophytes and fungi related to lignin-degrading, respectively. Acaulospora and Aspergillus with higher relative abundance discovered in plant tissues could help plant growth. Cirrenalia (37.66%) and Lignincola (26.73%) with high-activity for lignin-degrading were discovered in decayed leaves. The distribution and function of fungi were highly dependent on the environment settings, thus the fungi can be used as indicators for monitoring the environmental change of mangrove ecosystems.
Show more [+] Less [-]Fungi in PAH-contaminated marine sediments: Cultivable diversity and tolerance capacity towards PAH
Álvarez-Barragán, Joyce | Cravo-Laureau, Cristiana | Wick, Lukas Y. | Duran, Robert
The cultivable fungal diversity from PAH-contaminated sediments was examined for the tolerance to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH). The 85 fungal strains, isolated in non-selective media, revealed a large diversity by ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequencing, even including possible new species. Most strains (64%) exhibited PAH-tolerance, indicating that sediments retain diverse cultivable PAH-tolerant fungi. The PAH-tolerance was linked neither to a specific taxon nor to the peroxidase genes (LiP, MnP and Lac). Examining the PAH-removal (degradation and/or sorption), Alternaria destruens F10.81 showed the best capacity with above 80% removal for phenanthrene, pyrene and fluoranthene, and around 65% for benzo[a]pyrene. A. destruens F10.81 internalized pyrene homogenously into the hyphae that contrasted with Fusarium pseudoygamai F5.76 in which PAH-vacuoles were observed but PAH removal was below 20%. Thus, our study paves the way for the exploitation of fungi in remediation strategies to mitigate the effect of PAH in coastal marine sediments.
Show more [+] Less [-]Distribution, characterization and health risk assessment of size fractionated bioaerosols at an open landfill site in Dehradun, India
Madhwal, Sandeep | Prabhu, Vignesh | Sundriyal, Sangeeta | Shridhar, Vijay
Open landfilling is a common practice of waste dumping in developing countries, generating a range of environmental and public health hazards. In this study, we determined the distribution, composition and exposure risk of the size-segregated fungal and bacterial bioaerosols in an open landfill site in Dehradun, India. Bioaerosol and particulate matter (PM) measurements were carried out using a six-stage viable Andersen Cascade Impactor and a Wide Range Aerosol Spectrometer, respectively. Pearson correlation analysis was used to determine the relation of bioaerosol concentration with meteorological parameters and PM. The mean concentration of fungal and bacterial aerosols was observed to be 4582.75 ± 1358.25 CFU/m3 and 3609.53 ± 1000.28 CFU/m3, respectively. The bioaerosol composition showed the predominance of potential pathogens including Aspergillus (25.42%), Penicillium (20.34%), Cladosporium (15.25%), Alternaria (13.56%); and gram-negative Bacillus (21.15%), Streptobacillus (17.31%), Coccus (13.46%). Also, an inhalation risk assessment was conducted for the age-specific predictions of bioaerosol and PM deposition in human airways using a multiple path particle dosimetry model. For bioaerosols, maximum submicron depositions in the pulmonary region were observed in adults, while for PM, in children and infants. Finally, to identify the bioaerosol exposure caused respiratory disorders, a questionnaire-based health survey was conducted among the exposed population around the landfill site. The chi-square test showed significantly higher respiratory complaints in females for cold, cough, chest pain and chest tightness than in males. This work highlights the role of bioaerosols and PM in human health disorders in occupational environments associated with waste management.
Show more [+] Less [-]Assessing the relationship between airborne fungi and potential dust sources using a combined approach
Tajiki, Forough | Asgari, Hossein Mohammad | Zamani, Isaac | Ghanbari, Farshid
Dust events impose negative socio-economic, health, and environmental impacts on vulnerable areas and reflect their sources’ physiochemical and biological characteristics. This study aimed to assess the impact of two dust sources on the concentration and diversity of airborne fungi in one of the dustiest areas in the world. This study is the first attempt to investigate the relationship between dust sources fungal community and those in airborne dust. Also, the contribution of dust sources to airborne fungi was estimated. Air masses arriving at the study area were assessed using local wind rose and the HYSPLIT model. Sampling was carried out from airborne dust at the Arvand Free Zone as target areas and soil in the dried parts of the Hor al-Azim and Shadegan wetlands as source areas to explore the relationship between fungi in the dust sources and the downwind area. The samples were analyzed in the lab to extract DNA. The internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of the rDNA gene were amplified using the primers ITS1F and ITS4, and then PCR products were sent to the lab for sequencing. The raw DNA data were processed using the QIIME virtual box to pick operational taxonomic units and taxonomy assignments. The most common fungi at the genus level were in the order of Penicillium > Aspergillus > Alternaria > Fusarium > Paradendryphiella > Talaromyces. The similarity between air and soil fungal genera was investigated using richness and diversity indices, the phylogenetic tree, and principal component analysis. The results showed that the community structures of ambient fungi in the Hor al-Azim and Shadegan dust sources were more similar to those on dusty days than non-dusty days. The source tracker model was used to quantify the contributions of known dust sources to airborne fungi. The results showed that the main source of airborne fungi was Hor al-Azim on dusty and non-dusty days. This study’s results can help managers identify and prioritize dust sources regarding fungal species.
Show more [+] Less [-]Pioneer plant species and fungal root endophytes in metal-polluted tailings deposited near human populations and agricultural areas in Northern Mexico
Flores-Torres, Gustavo | Solis-Hernández, Anaid Penelope | Vela-Correa, Gilberto | Rodríguez-Tovar, Aída Verónica | Cano-Flores, Oscar | Castellanos-Moguel, Judith | Pérez, Néstor Octavio | Chimal Hernandez, Aurora | Moreno-Espíndola, Iván Pável | Salas-Luévano, Miguel Ángel | Chávez-Vergara, Bruno Manuel | Rivera-Becerril, Facundo
As a consequence of industrial mining activity, high volumes of tailings are scattered around Mexico. Frequently, tailings contain heavy metals (HM) which entail threats against all organisms. The aim of this research was to identify plants and root fungal endophytes in polymetallic polluted tailings with the potential to be used in strategies of bioremediation. Four deposits of mine wastes, situated in a semi-arid region near urban and semi-urban populations, and agricultural areas, were studied. The physical and chemical characteristics of substrates, accumulation of HM in plant tissues, root colonization between arbuscular mycorrizal (AMF) and dark septate endophyte (DSE) fungi, and the identification of DSE fungi isolated from the roots of two plant species were studied. Substrates from all four sites exhibited extreme conditions: high levels in sand; low water retention; poor levels in available phosphorus and nitrogen content; and potentially toxic levels of lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), and zinc (Zn). The native plants Lupinus campestris, Tagetes lunulata, and Cerdia congestiflora, as well as the exotic Cortaderia selloana and Asphodelus fistulosus, demonstrated a relevant potential role in the phytostabilization and/or phytoextraction of Pb, Cd, and Zn, according to the accumulation of metal in roots and translocation to shoots. Roots of eleven analyzed plant species were differentially co-colonized between AMF and DSE fungi; the presence of arbuscules and microsclerotia suggested an active physiological interaction. Fourteen DSE fungi were isolated from the inner area of roots of T. lunulata and Pennisetum villosum; molecular identification revealed the predominance of Alternaria and other Pleosporales. The use of native DSE fungi could reinforce the establishment of plants for biological reclamation of mine waste in semi-arid climate. Efforts are needed in order to accelerate a vegetation practice of mine wastes under study, which can reduce, in turn, their potential ecotoxicological impact on organisms, human populations, and agricultural areas.
Show more [+] Less [-]Are mosque carpets’ reservoirs for fungi causing superficial foot mycosis? A cross-sectional study in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Alsaif, Fahad | Somily, Ali | Balbeesi, Amal | Alhammad, Ghadah | Almutawa, Afnan | Altawil, Lama
The possibility of superficial foot mycoses to spread through contaminated mosque carpets between worshipers imposes a great health burden and is never addressed in Riyadh, SA. We aimed to assess the prevalence of fungal infections, especially human dermatophytosis acquired from mosque carpets, in five different regions of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and establish a means of contamination control. A cross-sectional study of 100 mosques in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, was conducted, using a multistage random cluster sampling technique. The study included mosques that had an ablution area and regularly hosted five prayers a day. Sterile swabs were used for sampling, and the samples were transported to the laboratory for culture and analysis using a micro-scan system. A total of 199 (65%) samples contained several fungal species. Rhodotorula (74%), Cladosporium (47%), Bipolaris (46.6%), other yeasts (43.7%), Alternaria (40%), dematiaceous molds (34%), Curvularia (32.4%), and Candida (31%) were the most frequently isolated species. Species belonging to several other genera were also detected. This study revealed a relatively high prevalence of fungal organisms in mosque carpets in Riyadh, suggesting the need for implementing new strategies and laws to increase the level of hygiene awareness among worshipers and mosque caretakers to limit the spread of foot fungal infections.
Show more [+] Less [-]Trichloroacetic acid promotes fungual infection of spruce needles
Schell, R. (Hamburg Univ. (Germany). Inst. fuer Allgemeine Botanik) | Kristen, U.