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Organic contaminants in sediments from San Quintin Bay, Baja California, Mexico.
Galindo E.A.G. | Celaya J.A.V. | Munoz G.F. | Sericano J.L.
Atmospheric nitrogen deposition to the North Sea.
Asman W.A.H. | Berkowicz R.
[Ocean protection and management: underlying principles and elements for protection and management of marine and coastal environments]
The global nitrogen cycle: changes and consequences
Galloway, J.N. (Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22903 (USA))
The impact of land use on N2O emissions from watersheds draining into the Northeastern Atlantic Ocean and European Seas
Kroeze, C. | Seitzinger, S.P. (WIMEK, Wageningen Agricultural University, Wageningen (Netherlands))
Chiral pesticides as tracers of air-surface exchange
Bidleman, T.F. | Jantunen, L.M. | Harner, T. | Wiberg, K. | Wideman, J.L. | Brice, K. | Su, K. | Falconer, R.L. | Aigner, E.J. | Leone, A.D. | Ridal, J.J. | Kerman, B. | Finizio, A. | Alegria, H. | Parkhurst, W.J. | Szeto, S.Y. (Atmospheric Environment Service, 4905 Dufferin St, Downsview, Ontario, M3H 5T4 (Canada))
Global air emission inventories for anthropogenic sources of NOX, NH3 and N2O in 1990
Olivier, J.G.J. | Bouwman, A.F. | Hoek, K.W. van der | Berdowski, J.J.M. (National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), P.O. Box 1, NL-3720 BA Bilthoven (Netherlands))
Occurrence of persistent organic contaminants and related substances in Hong Kong marine areas: an overview
Connell, D.W. | Wu, R.S.S. | Richardson, B.J. | Leung, K. | Lam, P.S.K. | Connell, P.A. (Centre for Environmental Science and Technology, City University of Hong Kong, 83 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong (China))
Enantiomeric ratios of alpha-hexachlorocyclohexane in blubber of small cetaceans
Tanabe, S. | Kumaran, P. | Iwata, H. | Tatsukawa, R. | Miyazaki, N. (Department of Environment Conservation, Ehime University, Tarumi 3-5-7, Matsuyama 790 (Japan))
Trace organic contamination in the Americas: an overview of the US National Status and Trends and the International 'Mussel Watch' programmes
Sericano, J.L. | Wade, T.L. | Jackson, T.J. | Brooks, J.M. | Tripp, B.W. | Farrington, J.W. | Mee, L.D. | Readmann, J.W. | Villeneuve, J.P. | Goldberg, E.D. (Geochemical and Environmental Research Group, College of Geosciences and Maritime Studies, Texas AandM University, College Station, TX 77845 (USA))