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Heavy Metal Determination in Atmospheric Deposition and Other Fluxes in Northern France Agrosystems
Azimi, Sam | Cambier, Philippe | Lecuyer, Isabelle | Thevenot, Daniel, R. | Centre d'Enseignement et de Recherche Eau Ville Environnement (CEREVE) ; AgroParisTech-École nationale des ponts et chaussées (ENPC)-Université Paris-Est Créteil Val-de-Marne - Paris 12 (UPEC UP12) | Unité de Sciences du Sol ; Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)
International audience | The aim of this study is to assess the annual balance of the fluxes of Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn within different cropping systems, in an experimental site located near Versailles, France. Four fluxes through the cultivated horizon were considered to assess the annual heavy metal balance in these systems: 1) atmospheric depositions, 2) fertilisers as inputs, 3) crops and 4) leaching water as outputs. The water mass flow was estimated with a model (CERES) while the other parameters were actually measured through field sampling. Some large uncertainties are related to analytical detection limits, specially for Pb which presents very low concentrations in nitrogen fertilisers, in crops and in soil solution. Cd was also close to the detection limits in atmospheric deposition and in soil water, and Zn could not be analysed in soil solution. Nevertheless, the following trends clearly appeared: firstly, atmospheric deposition is the major input way of Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn in the soil, whatever the cropping system, whereas Cd is introduced mainly by fertilisers. Secondly, the uptake of heavy metal by wheat is generally larger than by a pea culture, except for Ni. Finally, the global pattern shows an accumulation of Cd, Ni and Pb in the cultivated horizon while Cu decreased. The annual balances, during the cropping year 2001–2002, represented about 0.33, −0.024, 0.014 and 0.014% of the actual stocks in the cultivated horizon, of Cd, Cu, Ni, and Pb, respectively.
Show more [+] Less [-]Impacts physiologiques de l'ozone sur les arbres
Le Thiec, Didier, | Dizengremel, Pierre,
Toxic effect of air pollution on plants : characterization of ozone fluxes and analysis and modelling of ozone impact on photosynthesis
Le Thiec, Didier, | Dizengremel, Pierre, | Bethenod, Olivier, | Castell, Jean-François, | Biolley, J.P. | Leitão, Luís | Cellier, Pierre
Toxic effect of air pollution on plants : characterization of ozone fluxes and analysis and modelling of ozone impact on photosynthesis
Le Thiec, Didier | Dizengremel, Pierre, P. | Bethenod, Olivier, O. | Castell, Jean-François, J.-F. | Biolley, J.P. | Leitão, Luís | Cellier, Pierre | Ecologie et Ecophysiologie Forestières [devient SILVA en 2018] (EEF) ; Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)-Université de Lorraine (UL) | Environnement et Grandes Cultures (EGC) ; Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)-AgroParisTech | Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour (UPPA)
International audience
Show more [+] Less [-]Concentration Profiles of Acidic and Basic Air Pollutants Around an Industrial Park of Taiwan
Tsai, Chuen-Jinn | Aggarwal, Shankar G. | Chang, Chung-Tso | Hung, I-Fu
The results of spatial and temporal distribution of acidic and basic air pollutants in ambient air around Hsinchu Science-Based Industrial Park (SBIP), Taiwan during August 2000 to October 2001 are presented. The sampling was performed on 13 different sites around the SBIP for 12 hrs each every month, and a total of 195 samples were collected. The effect of geographical and meteorologicalconditions, and production volume of the SBIP on the variation of pollutant's concentration was investigated. The spatial distribution shows that comparatively higher concentration of pollutants was found on the sites, which are either low in altitude such as the WS (west-southern) part of SBIP, in the downwind location or close to the factories. In case the wind velocity was low, i.e. below 2 m s⁻¹, the concentration of pollutant tended to increase and became uniformly distributed around the science park. The temporal distribution shows a decrease in ambient concentration of pollutants from February to June 2001, mainly due to the decline in the production volume of the SBIP in this period. During the whole period of investigation, the concentration of most of the species (except HF) was found to be lower than the factory-surrounding air quality standard of Taiwan, but in some cases it was higher than the AALG.
Show more [+] Less [-]Formation and Deposition of Ozone in a Red Pine Forest
Utiyama, Masahiro | Fukuyama, Tsutomu | Yamada Maruo, Yasuko | Ichino, Toshihiro | Izumi, Katsuyuki | Hara, Hiroshi | Takano, Kenichi | Suzuki, Haruko | Aoki, Masatoshi
Concentrations of ozone and nitrogen oxides, together with air temperature and solar radiation intensity, were measured at several heights on a tower standing through the canopy of a red pine forest in summer and in autumn. In the summer observation, the diurnal variation patterns of ozone concentration both above and below the canopy were all similar and parallel to the solar radiation intensity. Using the data collected immediately above the canopy, deviation from the Leighton relationship and variations of concentration sums [O₃] + [NO] and [NO₂] + [NO] were examined, and as a result, it was supposedthat ozone was photochemically formed there in the daytime, probably because hydrocarbons emitted from pine trees broke the photostationary state among ozone and nitrogen oxides. The vertical temperature profile exhibited an inversion at the leaf-layer, which must have hindered vertical mixing of the air and made the trunk space more or less isolated from the upper atmosphere. These observations led to an idea that the similarity of the ozone variation pattern at every height was caused by the photochemical formation that proceeded simultaneously above and below the canopy rather than by vertical transport. Such situations of ozone formation were supported by observation of two maximums in the ozone vertical profile, one immediately above the canopy and another in the trunk space. Another feature of the ozone profile was a deep minimum in the leaf layer, which indicated ozone deposition onto leaf surfaces. This study thus revealed concurrence of ozone formation and deposition, and left two potentially important implications worthy of further investigation: (1) a forest is not always a sink but can be a source of ozone in sunlit conditions, and (2) deposition of ozone to trees can take place not only from outside but also from inside of a forest. In the autumn observation, however, the ozone formation was barely recognizable above the canopy and no longer found in the trunk space; in addition, the ozone concentration minimum in the leaf layer disappeared, suggesting that the deposition or removal was dependent on temperature.
Show more [+] Less [-]Predicting water, sediment and NO₃-N loads under scenarios of land-use and management practices in a flat watershed
Chaplot, V. | Saleh, A. | Jaynes, D.B. | Arnold. J.
Changes in land-use or management practices may affect water outflow, sediment, nutrients and pesticides loads. Thus, there is an increasing demand for quantitative information at the watershed scale that would help decision makers or planners to take appropriate decisions. This paper evaluates by a modeling approach the impact of farming practices and land-use changes on water discharge, sediment and NO3-N loads at the outlet of a 51.29 km2 watershed of central Iowa (Walnut Creek watershed). This intensively farmed (corn-soybean rotation) watershed is characterized by a flat topography with tiles and potholes. Nine scenarios of management practices (nitrogen application rates: increase of current rate by 20, 40%, decrease of current rate by 20, 40 and 60%; no tillage) and land-use changes (from corn-soybean rotation to winter wheat and pasture) were tested over a 30 yr simulated period. The selected model (Soil and Water Assessment Tool, SWAT) was first validated using observed flow, sediment and nutrient loads from 1991 to 1998. Scenarios of N application rates did not affect water and sediment annual budgets but did so for NO3-N loads. Lessening the N rate by 20, 40 and 60% in corn-soybean fields decreased mean NO3-N annual loads by 22, 50 and 95%, respectively, with greatest differences during late spring. On the other hand, increasing input N by 20 and 40% enhanced NO3-N loads by 25 and 49%, respectively. When replacing corn-soybean rotation by winter wheat, NO3-N loads increased in early fall, immediately after harvest. Pasture installation with or without fertilization lessened flow discharge, NO3-N and sediment delivery by 58, 97 and 50%, respectively. No-tillage practices did not significantly affect the water resource and sediment loads. Finally, such realistic predictions of the impact of farming systems scenarios over a long period are discussed regarding environmental processes involved.
Show more [+] Less [-]Nitrogen Isotope Ratios of Synthetic and Organic Sources of Nitrate Water Contamination in Spain
Curt, M. D. | Aguado, P. | Sánchez, G. | Bigeriego, M. | Fernandez, J.
This work aims to identify the sources of nitrogencontamination in nitrate vulnerable zones (NVZs) of Spain by means of the nitrogen isotope method. Three categories of nitrogen sources (synthetic fertilisers, animal wastes, and sludges and effluents from waste-water treatment plants) from three NVZs were analysed for their nitrogen isotopic composition (δ¹⁵N) in order to assess the applicability of the method to the identification of these N sources. The mean δ¹⁵N values were: +1.48‰ for synthetic fertilisers, +15.98‰ for animal wastes and +11.52‰ for sludges and effluents. The synthetic fertiliser sources were significantly different from the organic sources and so, the method can be used for their identification. The highest variability was found within the animal waste category. The range of values found for the different kinds of animal wastes (+5.86 to +36.74) was very wide and overlappedthe range found for sludges and effluents from waste-water treatmentplants (+4.57 to +20.18). Accordingly, these two nitrogen sources areisotopically indistinguishable.
Show more [+] Less [-]Comparison of the Chemical Composition of Precipitation on the Western and Eastern Coasts of Korea
Kang, Gongunn | Collett, Jeffrey L., Jr | Shin, Dae-Ywen | Fujita Shin'ichi, | Kim, Hui-Kang
Precipitation samples were collected at two coastal sites on the Korean Peninsula, Kangwha on the western coast and Yangyang on the eastern coast, from September 1991 to February 1997. The samples were analyzed for concentrations of major ions, in addition to pH and electrical conductivity. The annual volume-weighted mean pH values were 4.89 and 5.05 at Kangwha and Yangyang, respectively. The pH was generally lower at Kangwha than that at Yangyang, especially during the winter, because of reduced neutralizing inputs and greater acid inputs in winter. Dominant ions were different with NH₄ ⁺ and SO₄ ²⁻ most important at Kangwha and Na⁺ and Cl⁻ at Yangyang. Neglecting sea salt components, nss-SO₄ ²⁻ and NO₃ ⁻ were important anions and nss-Ca²⁺ and NH₄ ⁺ were important cations at both sites. Concentrations of these ions were 1.2–1.6 times higher at Kangwha than at Yangyang. Annual mean concentrations of these ions varied little during the study, while larger seasonal variations were observed. Annual mean nss-SO₄ ²⁻/NO₃ ⁻ ratios at Kangwha and Yangyang were 2.8 and 2.6. The 5 yr annual mean values of nss-SO₄ ²⁻/NO₃ ⁻ showed no trend at Kangwha but a decreasing tendency at Yangyang. The decreasing trend is similar to the decreasing trend in emissions of SO₂/NOₓ in South Korea. Regional differences in chemical composition between Kangwha and Yangyang appear to be associated with long-range transport of acidic gases and alkaline dust originated from other regions.
Show more [+] Less [-]Design, Evaluation and Application of a Continuously Stirred Tank Reactor System for Use in Nitric Acid Air Pollutant Studies
Padgett, Pamela E. | Bytnerowicz, Andrzej | Dawson, Philip J. | Riechers, George H. | Fitz, Dennis R.
Nitric acid (HNO₃) vapor is a significant component of air pollution. Dry deposition of HNO₃ is thought to be a major contributor to terrestrial loading of anthropogenically-derived nitrogen (N), but many questions remain regarding the physico-chemical process of deposition and the biological responses to accumulation of dry-deposited HNO₃ on surfaces. To examine these processes experimentally, a continuously stirred tank reactor (CSTR) fumigation system has been constructed. This system enables simultaneous fumigation at several concentrations in working volumes 1.3 m dia by 1.3 m ht, allowing for simultaneous fumigation of many experimental units. Evaluation of the system indicates that it is appropriate for long-term exposures of several months duration and capable of mimicking patterns of diurnal atmospheric HNO₃ concentrations representative of areas with different levels of pollution.
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