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Influence of the hydraulic load on the wastewater treatment efficiency in the filters with different filter media
Kazakeviciene, J., Lithuanian Univ. of Agriculture, Akademija, Kauno reg. (Lithuania) | Askinis, S., Lithuanian Univ. of Agriculture, Vilainiai, Kedainiai (Lithuania). Faculty of Water and Land Management. Water Research Inst.
In order to avoid the problem of stoppage in the filters of vertical filtration, we tried to search for the filter media which was coarse and could clean the wastewater to the allowable contamination level. For this purpose the dolomite chippings were chosen and the modelling investigation was performed. Two modelled filters taking 0.2 square m area each were equipped: one was filled with the sand and the other was filled with the dolomite chippings. The results revealed that the initial contamination of the wastewater had a much bigger influence on the wastewater cleaning process than the hydraulic load. The wastewater was cleaned with the efficiency of 95.9% and never exceeded the allowable level of 30 mg O2 LE-1 in the dolomite chippings filter during the trial with the hydraulic load 0.03 m**3 mE-2 dE-1. When the hydraulic load was doubled the efficiency of the wastewater cleaning process decreased to 80.5% and the dependence of the cleaning process on the initial contamination of the wastewater increased. In order to ensure the successful removal of the easily decomposing organic pollutants from the wastewater up to their allowable contamination level, the quantity of the pollutants in the untreated wastewater must not exceed 220 mg O2 LE-1.
Show more [+] Less [-]The effect of timber properties on the behaviour of bending elements under loading
Brokans, A., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
Timber structure is a very complex system with its own specific character that causes a lot of difficulties for designers to predict its precise behaviour under loading. Timber construction behaviour under load is affected by many factors that in most cases influence timber constructions in a negative manner. Part of these influencing factors are properties of material, the other are components of the environment where the timber construction is located. This paper presents the results of experimental research where seventeen softwood (Pinus sylvestris L.) timber beams of rectangular cross section were tested in four point bending under long-term load in uncontrolled microclimate conditions (unheated building, all year round weather in the region of Latvia). Values of mechanical properties (modulus of elasticity), physical properties (density, amount of latewood, number of annual rings in 1 cm of wood) were measured at the start of the test; while monitoring of moisture content of wood, relative humidity and air temperature were performed simultaneously for the whole period of test. It has been observed that the main factors that significantly influence timber beam behaviour during period under load in natural climatic conditions are modulus of elasticity (MoE), density of wood and number of annual rings per 1 cm of wood. Amount of latewood showed an insignificant impact on timber beam behaviour under load.
Show more [+] Less [-]Research of 'duration of load' effects in timber elements in bending
Brokans, A., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
The Duration of Load (DOL) effect is the combined influence of the mechanical loading history and climatic history on the strength of materials. DOL effect is one of the most important characteristics of wood and wood-based materials. The material degradation or damage induces strength reductions. Creep is one of the most important effects of DOL. Creep is a phenomenon that negatively affects functional compliance, behaviour and strength of timber structures in extended years of exploitation. The creep phenomenon is affected by surrounding temperature, relative humidity, timber moisture content and other factors. The study aimed to establish a correct factor system for accurate prediction of long-term deformations of timber structures that is corresponding to environmental conditions and timber properties in the region of Latvia. The experimental research was made in Jelgava, Latvia, and represents timber beam four-point long-term loading in bending with variable cross section height-span length ratio under uncontrolled climatic conditions. There were 12 timber beams with two different span lengths – 1.32 m and 1.50 m used. The timber beam cross section dimensions: height – 60 mm, width – 30 mm. The timber beams were not dried and the moisture content at the start of the experiment varied from 19% to 33%. The applied load values – 0.40 kN and 0.31 kN. Moisture content fluctuations and negative air temperature accelerated creep development and intensity. Prediction of final long-term deformations should rate not only the type of timber material and service class but the strength class, too.
Show more [+] Less [-]Duration of load effects on development of deformations in bolted moment connection
Fabriciuss, J., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia) | Ozola, L., Latvia Univ. of Life Sciences and Technologies, Jelgava (Latvia)
Experience saved in the construction industry shows that the timber portal frames with semi-rigid connections at knee joint exhibit permanently increase displacements at the knee and apex point. Normally, timber portal frame with semi-rigid knee joint connection is made with mechanical fasteners located in double circles and cannot be designed without relevant rotation at connection during structures’ exploitation time. The only way to increase connection rigidity is to rise distance from fasteners location at connection, but at the same time, the tension and shear stress become significant at the external section of members. The previous experience is obtained by a model testing showing that deformations at semi-rigid connections are non-linear. These were tests under short-term load and did not disclose creep effects, which can be significant. This study is aimed at the examination of increasing deformations with time under constant static load (creep effects) in semi-rigid dowelled connection. Experimental test models were made and set under long-term load in controlled environmental conditions (heated laboratory room). Results show a significant creep influence to decrease connection stiffness. Corresponding numerical test of orthotropic 3d model by Dlubal RFEM software tools was performed analysing the value of expected deformations. Results of the numerical test showed that friction between timber elements and extra nuts on bolts can increase connection stiffness. Research results in this stage show that the creep can affect connection stiffness more than expected. Also, experimental test results showed lower deformation values comparing with the ones obtained by the numerical test.
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