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Impact of the factors of the social capital of Zemgale region on the development [Latvia]
Jankova, L., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia) | Grizane, T., Turiba Univ., Riga (Latvia) | Jurgelane, I., Riga Technical Univ. (Latvia)
In the regions of Latvia there still exists a large unused resource – social capital (SC). Ineffectively implemented development policies, population’s alienation from the state democratic institutions, a low level of non-governmental engagement and SC, lack of resources in the local government sector, increased emigration, civic cynicism, low conditions of the prestige of the political profession have facilitated the development differences among territories. The research goal: comparison of the social capital of Zemgale region, towns and districts. Monographic analysis and method of synthesis, data statistical research methods – grouping, comparison, the processing and interpretation of statistical data – the method for analysing aggregate indicators, was used in the article. The research discovers the SC at the micro-level – the collaboration and attitudes between citizens and the state as well as in-between the individuals themselves, along with the macro-level – interaction of social groups as a part of a network which helps create trust to local government bodies as well as the state. The study indicates that the development of the Zemgale region is impacted not only by such social capital factors as the population density in the districts (0.37), the number of population until the working age (0.55), but also by the factor education level of the deputies (2009-2013) between the districts (0.12), towns (0.41), and the whole region (0.14). This verified the assumption that higher education level implies higher social potential and more active social inclusion. The authors suggest the local-governments to devote increased funding to the NGOs as it is the most active form of social capital, thus ensuring a long-term development of such initiative groups.
Show more [+] Less [-]The importance of the LEADER programme 2007 – 2013 in the rural areas development in Poland
Wojewodzka-Wiewiorska, A., Warsaw Univ. of Life Sciences (Poland)
The article deals with the implementation of the LEADER programme in Poland. The aim of the paper was to present the influence of the LEADER programme 2007 – 2013 on rural areas development taking into account its objectives. This topic is current in the context of the Rural Development Programme 2007 – 2013 evaluation and search for effective tools for supporting rural areas. The results of research conducted in 2016 among residents and local action groups are presented. Firstly, the LEADER programme had little impact on the possibility of finding work outside the agriculture. Secondly, the realized projects have contributed to the improvement of the quality of life of the residents in rural areas, especially when it comes to meeting the needs of tourism and leisure. The programme was of great importance in underpinning social capital in the countryside, especially its behavioural and bonding dimension. It is very significant taking into account the low level of social capital in rural areas in Poland. An overall level of activity of rural residents and other entities increased, so as the propensity to engage in joint initiatives and the level of trust. The observed effects of the LEADER programme may in the future contribute significantly to the endogenous development of rural areas.
Show more [+] Less [-]Social capital in Pieriga region, [Latvia]
Igaune, E., Latvia Univ. of Agriculture, Jelgava (Latvia)
At rural enterprises, besides the traditional resources - natural, financial, and human capital - there is some other kind of capital - it is social capital. Foreign scientists have done a lot of researches on it. The nature of social capital and its role in economics is not much studied in Latvia. The present scientific article reflects consumptions on social capital by different foreign scientists. The World Bank as an institution has also approached to the research of social capital. It studies social capital at institutions. The World Bank describes the social capital of two kinds. The scientific article characterizes Pieriga region. Rural enterprises and businessmen of agricultural, industrial and service branches in Pieriga region have been enquired. By the results of the enquiry, the presence of social capital in rural enterprises and its impact on their development have been analysed.
Show more [+] Less [-]Social capital in rural areas and the demand for land consolidation measures
Dudzinska, M., University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (Poland) | Kocur-Bera, K., University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (Poland) | Kowalczyk, C., University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (Poland)
Spatial modifications should be introduced in areas where members of the local community actively participate in consolidation projects. Social acceptance is the key prerequisite for successful land consolidation. How should the sequence of land consolidation measures be planned in a rural area whose inhabitants have not expressed their opinions about the project? Are the existing criteria, which are applied to evaluate land consolidation measures mostly in agricultural regions, sufficient? Scientists and practitioners have been developing criteria that should be taken into account in the process of planning land consolidation measures. This article analyzes the criteria for planning land consolidation measures in Poland. Most of them are based on economic parameters, such as farm fragmentation, average land plot area, average farm area, shape of farm fields, proportion of plot sides. A criterion that is disregarded in the planning process is the local community’s attitude to the undertaking. This article attempts to define additional criteria for planning land consolidation measures based on the local community’s attitude to the project. The study was carried out in the Lublin Region, which is characterized by the highest number of land consolidation schemes in Poland. Attempts were made to describe social activity levels in the region’s rural municipalities. The selection of variables characterizing the local community was a key stage of the study. Variables that were indirectly indicative of social activity were included in the analysis: voter turnout in elections, municipal councilors’ level of education, number of non-governmental organizations, and number of local action groups.
Show more [+] Less [-]Information literacy in community development
Holma, B., University of Latvia, Riga (Latvia) | Pakalna, D., University of Latvia, Riga (Latvia)
The purpose of this paper is to describe the information literacy of people as essential competencies required for the generation of social capital and use of social capital in sharing and obtaining information, which in its turn, is considered to be an important resource in the community’s development. The paper analyses the terms: social capital, information literacy and their mutual influence, as well as describes the research where informational literacy of the population of Latvia, its levels and the determined groups of knowledge and skills, which need to be improved in order to contribute to the generation and use of the social capital, through various methods (population surveys, focus group discussions, information literacy knowledge assessment questionnaires and performing practical tasks) were assessed. The research is based on the UNESCO Media and Information Literacy (MIL) Competency Matrix and UNESCO MIL Assessment Framework. The main conclusions of research are the following: information literacy is an important competence for developing social capital; but based on the completed research there are skills of information literacy – processing of information, critical assessment of information resources, legally correct use of information sources, as well as effective use of information technologies – which should be improved. The research was conducted within the framework of the European Social Fund project ‘Development of Innovative Diagnostic Instruments for Regional Growth’ (No.2013/0057/1DP/
Show more [+] Less [-]Unpacking scaling in agricultural research for development: The role of social capital
Martinez-Baron, Deissy | Gravsholt Busck, Anne | Prager, Steven D.
Agrifood systems are facing significant challenges, science and innovation are key to shift the trajectory towards ensuring sustainability and resilience. Thus, scaling assumes a critical role in agricultural research for development (AR4D). Scaling consists of a continuous process in which innovations are tailored, used, and embedded into societal dynamics adapted to various contexts, aiming to create widespread positive impacts. This systematic literature review explores scaling within the context of AR4D, with a particular focus on the role of social capital. Using bibliometric and factor analysis methods, we identified the intellectual structure in the field of scaling, revealing the knowledge domains and disciplines that have determined their emergence and growth as a scientific discipline. Then, we analyzed the role of social capital in the scaling literature. Our results showed that the field of scaling is composed by four distinct literature clusters: the innovation and adoption of agricultural technology, the economics of technology adoption, sustainability in agricultural innovations, and the emergence of scaling as a research field. Disciplines such as sustainable agriculture, systemic thinking, technological transitions, and technology adoption have contributed to the development of the field. The results indicate that the explicit consideration of social capital in the scaling literature within AR4D is limited despite the importance of relationships, trust, and reciprocity values in the process of scaling. This study highlights the continuous growth and multidisciplinary nature of scaling as a research field in AR4D, reflecting its complexity. International agricultural research centers and universities from developed countries have significantly advanced this field, also underlying the importance of locally rooted, and participatory research. Future research on the creation, development, and strengthening of social capital in scaling processes can contribute foster intentional and responsible scaling of AR4D innovations.
Show more [+] Less [-]Navigating vulnerabilities: Socioeconomic dynamics and resilience strategies in South Asian agriculture
Khan, Ahmad Raza | Popluga, Dina
This study explores the impact of climate change, social capital, and gender differences on the resilience of smallholder farmers in South Asia. Analysing data from Bangladesh, India, Nepal, and Pakistan from 2000 to 2020, the researchers have found that climate change significantly reduces agricultural productivity, while social capital acts as a crucial support mechanism. The paper summarizes gender-sensitive interventions in the improvement of adaptive ability and equality in the agriculture sector. It describes innovative farm-level practices and policy measures at various levels to strengthen resilience from environmental challenges. This approach gives room for researchers to find how the elements of climate change, put together with social capital and gender disparities, influence agricultural resilience. The present analysis recaps gender-sensitive interferences aimed at improving adaptive ability and equality in the agriculture sector, describing ground-breaking farm-level performs and policy measures to strengthen resilience against environmental tasks. Data shows that the climate change has a negative impact on agricultural output; therefore, any rise in temperature, change of precipitation, and extreme weather events worsen susceptibility. Social capital is also an essential part in resilience, being a source of resources, information, and support networks that can be drawn on. It calls for the interaction with the opposite gender and gender-sensitive interventions that increase adaptive ability and equality between men and women in agriculture. This study reveals that agri-diversification is pivotal for conservation agriculture enhancing climate resilience in South Asia.
Show more [+] Less [-]Impacts on trust and social capital of a youth employment program in Yemen: Evaluation of the rural and urban advocates working for development intervention for the Social Fund for Development
Bertelli, Olivia | Kurdi, Sikandra | Mahmoud, Mai | Al-Maweri, Mohamad | Al Bass, Tareq
This paper evaluates the impacts on the participants of the Yemen Social Fund for Development’s youth employment and training program called Rural and Urban Advocates Working for Development (RUAWFD). The evaluation used both traditional surveys and an innovative experimental game methodology to show that the employment program, in addition to aiding youth individually, has important benefits for the country as a whole by contributing to stronger social capital. The survey analysis finds for the program participants significant increases between the baseline and follow-up surveys in self-reported trust in local government institutions and officials, political parties, and tribes. In reflecting on the level of cooperativeness in their own communities, participants reported increased awareness of the presence of marginalized groups and increased perception of cooperativeness in surrounding communities. There was also a significant increase in self-reported trust in people generally, especially for trust in other young people and in people from other areas of Yemen. The experimental game methodology uses a common pool game from the experimental economics literature incentivized by cash payments to measure trust levels between pairs of RUAWFD participants from different geographic regions. This approach confirms the findings from the survey analysis while avoiding possible self-reporting bias. The game results show that trust was lowest at baseline for partners in which one of the partners was from one of the Northern governorates and the other was from one of the Southern governorates. After the intervention, however, not only were average trust levels higher, but Northern-Southern pairs of RUAWFD participants had trust levels closer to those for pairs from the same regions. These findings are consistent with the literature on inter-group contact theory suggesting that community interventions can increase trust in individuals and institutions. This research contributes to a growing literature on trust and social capital as important development indicators, particularly in relation to conflict. The main results suggest that reinforcing social ties across regions in Yemen is an important benefit of the Social Fund for Development’s role as a national development agency and an achievable objective to consider in planning development interventions to contribute to future post-conflict reconstruction.
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