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Participatory comparison of three pig fattening methods in the provinces of Sanguié and Boulkiemdé, Burkina Faso = Comparaison participatoire de trois méthodes d'engraissement des porcs dans les provinces du Sanguié et du Boulkiemdé au Burkina Faso
Bosma, R.H. | Zongo, L.C. | Sané, A. | Zoungrana, C. | Soudré, A.
Development programs recommend fattening of pigs aged between 1 and 2 years by supplementing their local diet with industrial cereal bran, to improve womens' income. At the best moment to start this activity, just after the rainy season, high demand for these pigs induced higher prices and low margins. The start after the rainy season does not fit in the existing production system as farmers sell their surplus pigs before and during the rainy season. Traditional pig fattening lasts 3 years. About 60 women in 8 villages tested early fattening of young piglets. Piglets of the treatment were supplemented with a special concentrate and showed higher daily weight gains compared to the traditionally fed group. The gross margin of the early fattening was equal to the recommended pig fattening, but the first solved problems related to availability of piglets and thus fits better in the existing production system. Almost half of the early fattened pigs were sold within a year. Most of the women appreciated the experiment positively and suggested positive margins can be attained by selecting suitable piglets and rigorously respecting feeding and management schemes. Criteria were developed for selecting the most suitable piglets with a simple tailor tape. A projection on 3 years shows that the gross margin of early fattening is higher compared to traditional fattening and that it facilitates the production of more meat against lower cost.
Show more [+] Less [-]Productivity and reproductive performance of the free range local domestic fowl ecotypes in Tanzania
Msoffe, P.L.M. | Mtambo, M.M.A. | Minga, U.M. | Olsen, J.E. | Juul-Madsen, H.R. | Gwakisa, P.S. | Mutayoba, S.K. | Katule, A.M.
A study was conducted to assess the productivity and reproductive performance of seven free-range local domestic fowl ecotypes in Tanzania named Ching'wekwe, Mbeya, Morogoro-medium, N'zenzegere, Pemba, Tanga and Unguja. Average weekly weight measurements and growth rates were evaluated for each ecotype and sex as was egg weight, fertility and hatchability. Significant differences existed between ecotypes in all the five parameters studied. Ching'wekwe showed consistently low mean weekly weights, daily growth rate and mean egg weight contrary to Morogoro-medium and Tanga ecotypes. Egg fertility was low with only N'zenzegere and Unguja ecotypes exceeding 75%. Hatchability was also low ranging from 55% (Ching'wekwe and Morogoro-medium) to 74% (Pemba). It was concluded that genetic and phenotypic diversity exists in the local domestic fowl ecotypes of Tanzania. The diversity constitutes a valuable resource for use in breeding programmes for improvement of the health and productivity of the local domestic fowls and in designing proper conservation strategies. Further studies are required to identify genetic markers associated with productivity and disease resistance within the local domestic fowl ecotypes. In depth studies on the performance of the Tanzanian medium ecotypes (Morogoro-medium and Tanga) is required to ascertain their suitability for promotion throughout the country.
Show more [+] Less [-]Milk market of small scale artisan cheese factories in selected livestock watersheds of Honduras and Nicaragua
Holmann, Federico J.
Surveys were made of rural artisan cheese factories located in the region of Olancho, Catacamas, and Juticalpa in Honduras (n=10) and in Esquipulas and Muy-Muy in Nicaragua (n=13). The objective was to analyze the milk market of small rural artisan cheese factories in livestock watersheds of Honduras and Nicaragua to determine if: there is a market for higher milk production how much additional milk can the market absorb in each season of the year there is a market for milk of higher hygienic quality. The main buyer of the milk from small and medium scale farmers in Honduras and Nicaragua is the rural artisan cheese industry, which absorbs almost 80% of the milk produced in both countries. Total milk production during the rainy season is about twice that during the dry season, causing an over-supply and scarcity of milk, respectively. The shortage of fluid milk during the dry season leads to an unsatisfied market. The artisan cheese factories in Honduras and Nicaragua would be willing to buy 76% and 55% more milk during the dry season, but this supply is not available due low milk productivity. This fact suggests that an aggressive program for the promotion of shrub legumes with sugarcane to supplement the herd during the dry season would have more impact that the promotion of grasses or legumes for the rainy season when there is little market for additional milk produced. In addition, rural artisan cheese factories in Honduras and Nicaragua, that consider the milk they collect is of bad quality, would be willing to pay a higher price if the option to collect milk of better hygienic quality exists. In Honduras this price would be about 9% higher during the dry season and 11% higher during the rainy season. In Nicaragua the cheese factories would be willing to pay a milk price which is 17% higher, but only during the rainy season. As a result, large incentives exist in both countries to increase milk production during the dry season and to improve the hygienic quality of milk in the studied areas.
Show more [+] Less [-]Enhancing farmers’ market power and income in the pig value chain; a case study in Bac Giang province, Vietnam
Le Thi Minh, Chau | Lebailly, Philippe | Tran Quang, Trung
peer reviewed | The pig sector annually contributes about 78 % of the total meat production in Vietnam. The government of Vietnam has implemented numerous policies to promote the development of the pig industry. It strongly emphasizes the production with little attention paid to marketing. Bac Giang is one of the provinces with the highest pig population in Vietnam. Pig production contributes up to 52% of the gross output of the livestock sector of the province. One of emerging problems is the majority of pig farmers are limited in market power and there is low income from pig production. This study aimed to analyse the pig value chain in Bac Giang province, identify main factors affecting farmers‟ market power and income in the chain, and propose relevant policy implications to enhance farmers‟ market power and income. It was found that pig collectors and pork retailers are the dominant players in the chain in terms of their strong influence on prices due to their coordination role in directing supply of pigs and carcass to market. Numerous factors affecting farmer‟s market power and income are weak collective action of farmers in production, lack of collective marketing, volatility of pig price, lack of formal contract farming, consumers‟ food safety concern, high price of feed and animal disease. Enhancing farmers‟ market power depends on farmers and public authority‟s involvement in the various strategies of implementation. Some policy implications focus on the improvement of farmer collective action and government actions related to supporting farmer collective action.
Show more [+] Less [-]Diagnostic précoce de la gestation chez la chèvre naine de Guinée
Nana, F.C.N. | Tume, C. | Daouda, D.M.B.S. | Zoli, A. | Beckers, Jean-François
peer reviewed | Un dosage sérologique des glycoprotéines associées à la gestation chez les caprins (caPAG), par la technique ELISA "sandwich" a été mis au point pour le diagnostic précoce de la gestation chez la chèvre naine de Guinée. Des anticorps anti-caPAG produits chez les lapins ont été biotinylés et titrés pour permettre ce dosage dans le sérum de chèvres. Des échantillons de sang ont été collectés tous les 7 jours chez 6 chèvres après induction et synchronisation des chaleurs puis saillie pour doser la caPAG sérique. Les densités optiques ont été lues à 492 nm sur un lecteur automatique ELISA pour établie le profil de la caPAG. Le taux de caPAG augmente rapidement pendant le premier tiers de gestation pour atteindre un pic (117 ng/ml) vers le 91e jour puis baisse pour atteindre environ 50 ng/ml le 121ème jour et reste plus ou moins stable jusqu’à la parturition où il chute progressivement pour atteindre environ 12,5 ng/ml trois semaines après. Cependant ce taux reste encore élevé dans la circulation maternelle 3 semaines après la parturition. La PAG caprine est détectable dans le sérum par cette technique à partir du 28ème jour de gestation avec une sensibilité de 100 %. Le 21ème jour, la sensibilité est faible (66,7 %). Ce test offre donc une alternative pratique au laboratoire, précoce et fiable pour le diagnostic de la gestation à partir du jour 28 après insémination chez la chèvre naine de Guinée.
Show more [+] Less [-]Diagnostic précoce de la gestation chez la chèvre naine de Guinée
Nana, F.C.N. | Tume, C. | Daouda, D.M.B.S. | Zoli, A. | Beckers, Jean-François
peer reviewed | Un dosage sérologique des glycoprotéines associées à la gestation chez les caprins (caPAG), par la technique ELISA "sandwich" a été mis au point pour lediagnostic précoce de la gestation chez la chèvre naine de Guinée. Des anticorps anti-caPAG produits chez les lapins ont été biotinylés et titrés pour permettre cedosage dans le sérum de chèvres. Des échantillons de sang ont été collectés tous les 7 jours chez 6 chèvres après induction et synchronisation des chaleurs puissaillie pour doser la caPAG sérique. Les densités optiques ont été lues à 492 nm sur un lecteur automatique ELISA pour établie le profil de la caPAG.Le taux de caPAG augmente rapidement pendant le premier tiers de gestation pour atteindre un pic (117 ng/ml) vers le 91e jour puis baisse pour atteindre environ50 ng/ml le 121ème jour et reste plus ou moins stable jusqu’à la parturition où il chute progressivement pour atteindre environ 12,5 ng/ml trois semaines après.Cependant ce taux reste encore élevé dans la circulation maternelle 3 semaines après la parturition. La PAG caprine est détectable dans le sérum par cettetechnique à partir du 28ème jour de gestation avec une sensibilité de 100 %. Le 21ème jour, la sensibilité est faible (66,7 %). Ce test offre donc une alternativepratique au laboratoire, précoce et fiable pour le diagnostic de la gestation à partir du jour 28 après insémination chez la chèvre naine de Guinée.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effect of complementation of Setaria palidefusca and Imperata cylindrica with Adenodolichos rhomboideus, Stylosanthes guianensis or Leucaena leucocephala on growth of local goat at Lubumbashi
Tshibangu Muamba, Innocent | Kiatoko Mangueye, Honoré | Hornick, Jean-Luc
peer reviewed | Hays of graminaceous species (I. cylindrica and S. palidefusca) of low quality (30g/kg dry matter (DM) Crude Protein (CP) was offered to 16 goats (8 males, 8 females), alone or with one of three tropical leguminous plants (153g/kg, 104g/kg and 305,6g/kg DM respectively). The supplementation increased total DM, energy and CP intakes and consequently allowed the weight of the goats to increase. The fodder of L. leucocephala gave the best results, while that of S. guianensis gave the lowest. Fodder of A. rhomboideus is a potential nitrogen-source supplement for poor fodder in the dry season for ruminants.
Show more [+] Less [-]Fermenting rice straw with the fungus Pleurotus eryngii increased the content of crude protein and the digestibility of the straw
Huyen, Nguyen Thi | Le, Nguyen Thi Tuyet | Tuan, Bui Quang
The objective of this experiment was to determine the digestibility of rice straw fermented for 28 days with the fungus Pleurotus eryngii. Four Phan Rang sheep with body weight of 20.5 kg (±0.42 kg) were allocated to a changeover design with three treatments (consecutive periods each of 20 days). In period 1 the diet was 100% of guinea grass (1:GG); in the second period it was 30% FTR + 70% GG (2:FTR); in the third period it was 30% RS and 70% GG (3:RS:GG). In each period, the first 14 days were for adaptation to the diet followed by 6 days of measurements of feed intake and digestibility. The growth of the fungus reduced the content of NDF, ADF and ADL, enhanced the content of crude protein (from 4.2 to 7.1% in DM), and the digestibility of DM (from 43 to 53%) and of the crude protein (from 45.8 to 54.4%). Over the 28-day treatment period, 14.8% of the straw biomass was catabolized.
Show more [+] Less [-]Effects of dietary supplementation with urea molasses multi-nutrient block on performance of mid lactating local Ethiopian and crossbred dairy cows
Tekeba, Eshetie Nega | Wurzinger, Maria | Baldinger, Lisa | Zollitsch, Werner
An experiment was conducted on station, using a nested design in order to evaluate the effects of a Urea Molasses Multi-Nutrient Block (UMMB) supplementation of typical dry season, roughage based diets on the performance of mid lactating local Fogera and their F1 Holstein Friesian crosses in Ethiopia. Eight cows each from both breeds were assigned to a forage-based control diet and an experimental diet with UMMB supplementation. Highly significant differences were observed between treatments for most production traits. However, Fogera and crossbred dairy cows showed a different response pattern for some traits. Crossbred dairy cows were superior over Fogera for milk production, reproductive performance and benefit-cost ratio regardless of UMMB supplementation. Conversely, Fogera cows had higher milk solid contents and supplementing them with UMMB had a greater effect on milk fat than in crossbred cows. It is concluded that supplementing dairy cows with UMMB during the dry season is basically a helpful measure to maintain production. Depending on the availability of UMMB, priority in supplementation however, should be given to cows with a high genetic potential for milk production.
Show more [+] Less [-]Livestock intensification and use of natural resources in smallholder mixed farming systems
Samdup, T. | Udo, H.M.J. | Viets, T.C. | Zijpp, van der, A.J.
Bhutan aims to intensify livestock production not only to improve livelihoods of farming households and to meet the increasing demands of livestock products, but also to sustainably use natural resources. This paper assesses the impact and trends of livestock intensification on the use of Common Property Resources (CPR), and how this affects the cattle numbers that can be maintained and the nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) flows at the farm. Data on household, cropping and livestock activities were collected through interviewing 183 households in extensive, semi-intensive, intensive, and intensive peri-urban areas in the years 2000 and 2004. In the extensive and semi-intensive areas, CPR was the most important source of Total Digestible Nutrients (TDN) for cattle. In the intensive areas with a majority of crossbred cattle, the farmers relied less on CPR than in the other two areas, but still about one quarter of the TDN requirements were met by grazing CPR. Grazing in the CPR provided the highest proportion of NP inputs at farm level; without grazing on CPR all four areas would have had highly negative soil nutrient balances. Intensification of livestock production through crossbreeding has not resulted in major reductions in cattle numbers per farm, but it is contributing to reduced use of CPR by farmers. Intensification partly replaces farm nutrient flows from CPR with nutrient inputs through increased use of concentrates, conserved fodder, and fertilizers. More awareness of nutrient management is required among farmers coupled with more research on nutrient assessments.
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