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Spreadable Pumpkin Seed Cream Production and Determination of Its Nuritional, Textural and Sensory Properties
Ezgi Demir Özer | Rümeysa Hacer Güneş | Muhammed Furkan Yılmaz
This work aimed to develop a formulation of pumpkin seed paste and to evaluate its nutritional, sensory and textural properties. In the study, a delicious product was tried to be obtained with raw materials with high functional properties. Pumpkin Seed Cream was produced in four groups as roasted, roasted and cinnamon added, unroasted, unroasted and cinnamon added. The roasting process was carried out for 12 min. at 160°C. The effect of roasting pumpkin seeds and adding cinnamon to the formulation on cream samples produced within the scope of the study were investigated. Firmness, consistency, cohesiveness and spread ability properties were investigated of samples. It was determined that the roasting of pumpkin seeds used in the formulation created a statistically significant difference in the spreadability properties of the samples. As a result of the color analysis of the samples, the brightest and greener color intensity was detected in the unroasted group. The appearance, odor, texture and flavor profiles of samples were examined in sensory analysis. In terms of general taste, the unroasted and cinnamon-free group was most appreciated.
Show more [+] Less [-]Salep Kullanımının Fermente Türk Sucuğu Kalite Parametreleri Üzerine Etkisi
İsmail Gök | Birol Kılıç | Cem Okan Özer
Bu çalışmanın amacı farklı oranlardaki (%2,5, 5, 7,5 ve 10) salep ilavesinin, sucuğun fermantasyon ve depolama dönemlerinde (5., 10., 20. ve 30. gün) fizikokimyasal, tekstürel ve duyusal özellikleri üzerine etkisini belirlemektir. Araştırma sonuçları tüm sucuk gruplarında fermantasyon ve depolama süresince TBARS değerlerinin kademeli olarak arttığını göstermiştir. Ancak %10 oranında salep ilavesi ile üretilen sucuklarda fermantasyon sonrasında ve depolama süresince kontrol grubuna kıyasla daha düşük TBARS değerleri tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca sucuk formulasyonunda salep kullanımının pH değerlerinde düşüşe neden olduğu belirlenmiştir. Fermantasyon ve depolama süresince, en yüksek L* değerleri %10 oranında salep ilavesi yapılan sucuk örneklerinde tespit edilmiştir. Sucuk formulasyonunda kullanılan salep oranının arttırılmasının sucuk örneklerinde tespit edilen sertlik değerlerini ve kül miktarını arttırdığı, nem miktarını ise azalttığı saptanmıştır. Bu çalışmanın sonuçları sucuk üretiminde salep kullanımının et endüstrisi tarafından ürün raf ömrü ve kalite parametrelerine katkı sağlamak amacıyla kullanılabileceğini göstermiştir.
Show more [+] Less [-]Investigation of Uses of Purple and Orange Sweet Potato Dietary Fiber Concentrates in Sucuks
Meryem Göksel Saraç | Emre Hastaoğlu | Burak Dinçel | Özlem Pelin Can
Dietary fibers have positive effects on the product structure thanks to their technological features. The aim of this study is to determine the effect of dietary fibers obtained from purple and orange sweet potato varieties on heat-treated sucuks. For this purpose, dietary fibers were produced from sweet potato varieties and their characterizations were determined. Then, sweet potato fibers were added to the sucuks in the amount included in their formulation and the effects of dietary fiber change were examined in terms of physicochemical, bioactive, textural and sensory. In this context, it was determined that the color change in sweet potatoes affected the color properties of the dietary fibers obtained. In addition, it was observed that the hardness value was the highest (1715.35 g) in sucuks to which orange sweet potato starch, which has high oil and water binding values, and the sweet potato fibers changed the product properties compared to the control group. Total phenolic content of sucuks was determined in the range of 60.57-130.45 mg/ml gallic acid and it was determined that sweet potato fibers increased the phenolic content. As a result of the study, it was determined that sweet potato dietary fibers are an alternative additive for sucuks.
Show more [+] Less [-]Investigation of The Effect of Whole Pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) Powder on Quality Criteria of Biscuits
Cem Baltacıoğlu | Nisanur Ülker
In this study, pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.), which is usually produced for its seeds, was used for production of whole pumpkin powder directly incorporated into biscuit formation. Fiber, protein and ash content of pumpkin powder are determined 13.4%, 8.5% and 4.7% (dry basis), respectively. Pumpkin powder was added into the dough by means of displacement with the wheat flour at rates of 15%, 30% and 45% during biscuit production. Firmness, work of shear, stickiness and work of adhesion were examined after adding pumpkin flour to biscuit dough at different rates and an increase of firmness, work of shear, stickiness and work of adhesion were recorded as 58.9%, 72.4%, 52.1%, and 29.4%, respectively. A decrease of 24.8% in thickness and 22.7% in volume were observed as the amount of pumpkin flour increases. When the color values were examined, darker biscuits were obtained compared to the control biscuit. Approximately an increase of 232.6% in ash content in biscuits was observed. Biscuits adding pumpkin powder had 58.4% more moisture content than the control biscuit. While decrease of hardness and toughness were observed as 82.3% and 85.4%, respectively, a significantly change of brittleness value was not observed. Biscuits were evaluated in the sensory analysis in terms of crust color, inner color, homogeneity and size of pore, taste, odor, softness, and dissolve in the mouth and greasy feeling in the mouth. According to the results of sensory analysis, biscuits that 45% pumpkin powder was added was the highest rated. According to the study, positive effects were obtained in terms of nutritional properties and favorable results were also found in texture and color of biscuits that pumpkin powder was added. These findings were also supported by the results of sensory analysis.
Show more [+] Less [-]Determination of Textural and Sensory Properties of Yogurt Produced with The Vegetable Puree
Tülay Özcan | Eda Yıldız
In this study, five different set type yogurt with vegetable purees, namely as control (K), yogurt with pumpkin (YBK), yogurt with carrot (YHA), yogurt with green peas (YBE) and yogurt with zucchini (YYK) were produced. The viable cell counts of S. thermophilus and L. delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus were increased as a result of the ability of dietary fiber to stimulate their growth which is present in yogurt as puree. Vegetable puree addition had a noticeable effect on pH, titratable acidity, whey separation, sensory properties as well as textural attributes such as firmness, cohesiveness, consistency and viscosity index in yogurt. The highest viscosity index, consistency and firmness were observed in yogurt with the carrot puree, while the samples with zucchini presented the less compact structure and textural properties. As a result the present work showed that all the vegetable puree used had a beneficial role to improve textural properties of set type non-fat yogurt and could be used for the development of dairy products with functional ingredients.
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