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Selectivity and sublethal effect of botanical extracts on adults of Trichogramma pretiosum Riley (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae)
Joanina Gladenucci | José Carlos de Almeida Pernambuco Filho | Regiane Cristina de Oliveira Freitas Bueno | Filipe Pereira Giardini Bonfim
The objective was to assess the selectivity and sublethal effect of botanical extracts on adults of Trichogramma pretiosum Riley (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae). Plant species used: Rosmarinus officinalis L., Mikania glomerata Spreng., Varronia curassavica Jacq., Chenopodium ambrosioides L., Vermonia polyanthes Spreng., Plectranthus amboinicus Spreng., Tetradenia riparia Codd., Artemisia absinthium L., Cymbopogon citratus Stapf. Plant material were reared in laboratory and leaves collected during the morning were used to prepare the extracts as following: 100 g of leaves from each plant were macerated and immersed in 300 mL of triple-extracted methyl alcohol and evaporated on rotavapor. Then, 250 mg of crude extract was diluted in 1000 mL of water. The experimental design for selectivity was done in randomized blocks with five repetitions, following a standardized protocol of the International Organization for Biological Control (IOBC) and accordingly classified. In sublethal effect, the design was completely randomized with twenty repetitions, where the eggs exposed to parasitism were sprayed with the treatments. In both experiments the control was twofold (water and chlorpyrifos). Regarding selectivity, the botanical extracts of M. glomerata, C. ambrosioides, V. polyanthes, P. amboinicus, A. absinthium and C. citratus were classified as slightly harmful (class 2), chlorpyrifos as moderately harmful (class 3). In the evaluation of sublethal effects, the botanical extracts of C. ambrosioides and C. citratus initially presented reduced number of parasitized eggs, reduction in total parasitized eggs and female longevity. It can be concluded that C. citratus botanical extract has small selectivity and causes sublethal effects on T. pretiosum adults.
Show more [+] Less [-]Comparative Study Between Chicken Gizzards and Beef as Diets and its Influences on the Post-Embryonic Development and Longevity of Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius) (Diptera: Calliphoridae)
Daniele Lourinho Dallavecchia | Adriana Pedroso Ferraz | Gustavo Silva de Miranda | Alexandre Sousa da Silva | Valéria Magalhães-de-Aguiar
Chicken gizzard was tested as an alternative to beef diet for creating Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius) to reduce costs and optimize the time of diet preparation and maintenance of the colony diet. Forty newly hatched larvae were placed in 100 grams of diet: gizzard and meat (control). The experiment was performed in triplicate. The mass of mature larvae was recorded in semi-analytical balance and separate batch of five. After emergence, three replicates of 10 pairs of adults were formed. The post-embryonic development was evaluated by Tukey’s test at a 5% level of significance and longevity was adjusted Weibull regression. The mass of mature larvae showed no significant difference. The larval stage of flies reared in meat was longer. Pupae and newly emerged adults showed no significant differences as a function of diet. The increased mortality rate after after 22 days in both experimental diets. Greater longevity was achieved with diet gizzard, which was more efficient than the meat on the biological parameters studied. Estudo Comparativo entre a Moela de Frango e Carne Bovina como Dietas e suas Influências sobre o Desenvolvimento Pós-Embrionário e Longevidade de Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) Resumo. Moela de Frango foi testada como dieta alternativa à carne para criação de Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius) visando reduzir custos e otimizar o tempo de preparação da dieta e manutenção da colônia. Quarenta larvas recém eclodidas foram colocadas em 100 gramas de dieta: moela e carne (controle). O experimento foi realizado em triplicata. A massa das lavas maduras foi registrada em balança semi-analítica e separada em lotes de cinco. Após a emergência, foram formadas três repetições de 10 pares de insetos adultos. O Desenvolvimento pós-embrionário foi avaliado pelo teste Tukey com nível a 5% de significância e a longevidade foi ajustada por regressão Weibull. A massa das lavas maduras não apresentou diferença significativa. A fase larval de moscas criadas em carne foi mais longa. Pupa e adultos recém-emergidos não apresentaram diferenças significativas em função da dieta. A mortalidade aumentou após 22 dias de experimento em ambas as dietas. Uma maior longevidade foi conseguida com a dieta moela, que se mostrou mais eficiente do que a carne sobre os parâmetros biológicos estudados.
Show more [+] Less [-]Victor Py-Daniel (1951-2021)
Jansen Fernandes de Medeiros | Herbet Tadeu de Almeida Andrade | Felipe Arley Costa Pessoa
Low-cost circular LED dome lighting system for Insecta (Hexapoda) image capture in self-assembly stereomicroscope
André da Silva Ferreira | Freddy Bravo | Ivan Castro
The use of high-resolution images in studies of morphology, taxonomy and systematics has been increasingly frequent, especially in Insecta. However, suitable lighting systems are still very expensive and/or difficult to use. On the other hand, currently the use of 3D printers has helped to make lighting equipment more accessible for researchers to equip their laboratories. Here we present a low-cost circular LED dome lighting system for capturing scientific micro and macro photography on a self-assembly stereomicroscope. We also present the necessary components for making the dome, as well as the elements used to capture the photographs.
Show more [+] Less [-]Elio Corseuil: Obituary (1930-2020)
Flávio Roberto Mello Garcia | Alexandre Specht | José Augusto Teston
Elio Corseuil (20/07/1930-26/07/2020)
Show more [+] Less [-]First report of the Aphis craccivora Koch on Catasetum sp. in Brazil
Douglas Machado Leite | Juliana Garlet | Isane Vera Karsburg
Abstract. The genus Catasetum (Orchidaceae) currently has 194 orchid species distributed throughout Central America, northern Argentina, and southern Brazil, with Brazil as the largest producer with 103 species that may be epiphytic, terrestrial, or rupicolous. Aphids are insect pests that can damage ornamental plants such as orchids, either directly by sucking their sap or indirectly via secretions. Their secretions are attractive to pathogens and other insects, which then feed on the plant and cause a loss of flowers and leaves, spots to appear, reduced flower production, and flowering deformation. These defects can then reduce the value of the plant. When an aphid attack occurs, their ability to rapidly multiply and spread can cause major disruptions to disruptions to parts of the plant’s life cycle. In this report, we examine how the aphid Aphis craccivora Koch infests Catasetum sp. and causes tissue death, decay of the buttons and base of the stem, and stains in the flowers. Thus, owing to the damage that insects of the family Aphididae can cause ornamental plants, this study aims to report the first recorded A. craccivora attack on Catasetum sp. in Brazil. Primeiro relato de Aphis craccivora Koch in Catasetum sp. no Brasil Resumo. O gênero Catasetum (Orchidaceae) tem atualmente 194 espécies de orquídeas distribuídas por toda a América Central, norte da Argentina e sul do Brasil, sendo o Brasil o maior produtor com 103 espécies que podem ser epífitas, terrestres ou rupícolas. Afídeos são insetos-praga que podem danificar plantas ornamentais, como orquídeas, diretamente sugando sua seiva ou indiretamente via secreções. Suas secreções são atrativas para patógenos e outros insetos, que então se alimentam da planta e causam danos em flores e folhas, com surgimento de manchas e deformações nas flores. Estes danos podem então reduzir o valor comercial da planta. Quando ocorre um ataque de pulgão, sua capacidade de se multiplicar e disseminar rapidamente pode causar grandes danos no ciclo de vida da planta. Neste trabalho, relata-se o ataque do pulgão Aphis craccivora Koch em Catasetum sp. O dano observado foi morte de tecidos, e deterioração dos botões e da base da haste, e manchas nas flores. Assim, devido ao dano que os insetos da família Aphididae podem causar plantas ornamentais, este estudo tem como objetivo relatar o primeiro ataque de A. craccivora em Catasetum sp. no Brasil.
Show more [+] Less [-]Horário Ideal para Coleta de Gafanhotos na Depressão Central no Rio Grande do Sul
Nathália Leal Carvalho | Ervandil Correa Costa | Juliana Garlet | Danilo Boanerges Souza | Jardel Boscardin
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a influência dos principais fatores ambientais no comportamento de acridóideos, bem como o horário ideal para coleta de espécimes deste grupo. As coletas foram realizadas em uma área de campo nativo, e para a captura dos insetos utilizou-se uma rede de coleta adaptada, com a qual se percorreu a distância de 20m, nos horários: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30, 13:30, 15:30 e 17:30, sendo que em cada um dos horários coletaram-se 10 amostras. Durante a coleta, foram medidas também, as variáveis meteorológicas: pressão atmosférica, velocidade do vento, temperatura média do ar, umidade relativa do ar e luminosidade, em cada horário de coleta. Os exemplares coletados foram acondicionados em sacos plásticos e levados ao Laboratório de Entomologia da UFSM. Após a separação e montagem os espécimes, foram encaminhados ao Laboratório de Entomologia da Faculdade de Biociências da PUCRS, onde foram identificados em nível de espécie. Foram coletados 568 exemplares adultos, distribuídos em vinte e duas espécies, pertencentes a dezoito gêneros e três famílias Acrididae, Proscopiidae e Romaleidae. Neste estudo observou-se que o melhor horário de coleta para áreas de campo foi as 13:30, onde observou-se maior temperatura, fator principal que possibilitou a coleta de número superior de exemplares e maior diversidade das espécies. Ideal Time to Collect Grasshoppers in the Central Depression in Rio Grande do Sul Abstract. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of the environmental factors on the behavior of acridóideos as well as ideal time for collecting specimens of this group. The collections were made in an area of native grassland, and to capture the insects used an adapted collection network, with which it covered the distance of 20m, in times: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 , 13:30, 15:30 and 17:30, and in each of the schedules were collected 10 samples. In the collects, measures were also meteorological variables: air pressure, wind speed, mean air temperature, relative humidity and luminosity in each hour of collection. The collected samples were placed in plastic bags and taken to the Laboratory of Entomology UFSM. After separation and assembly were sent to the Laboratory of Entomology, Faculty of Biosciences, PUCRS, where Acridoidea were identified by Prof. Maria Katia Matiotti Coast to the taxonomic category of species. We collected 568 adult specimens, distributed in twenty two species, belonging to eighteen genera and three families Acrididae, Proscopiidae and Romaleidae. During the study it was observed that the best time for collecting field areas was 13:30, where we observed a higher temperature, the main factor that enabled the collection of higher number of copies and greater diversity of species.
Show more [+] Less [-]Horário Ideal para Coleta de Gafanhotos na Depressão Central no Rio Grande do Sul
Nathália Carvalho | Ervandil Costa | Juliana Garlet | Danilo Souza | Jardel Boscardin
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a influência dos principais fatores ambientais no comportamento de acridóideos, bem como o horário ideal para coleta de espécimes deste grupo. As coletas foram realizadas em uma área de campo nativo, e para a captura dos insetos utilizou-se uma rede de coleta adaptada, com a qual se percorreu a distância de 20m, nos horários: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30, 13:30, 15:30 e 17:30, sendo que em cada um dos horários coletaram-se 10 amostras. Durante a coleta, foram medidas também, as variáveis meteorológicas: pressão atmosférica, velocidade do vento, temperatura média do ar, umidade relativa do ar e luminosidade, em cada horário de coleta. Os exemplares coletados foram acondicionados em sacos plásticos e levados ao Laboratório de Entomologia da UFSM. Após a separação e montagem os espécimes, foram encaminhados ao Laboratório de Entomologia da Faculdade de Biociências da PUCRS, onde foram identificados em nível de espécie. Foram coletados 568 exemplares adultos, distribuídos em vinte e duas espécies, pertencentes a dezoito gêneros e três famílias Acrididae, Proscopiidae e Romaleidae. Neste estudo observou-se que o melhor horário de coleta para áreas de campo foi as 13:30, onde observou-se maior temperatura, fator principal que possibilitou a coleta de número superior de exemplares e maior diversidade das espécies. Ideal Time to Collect Grasshoppers in the Central Depression in Rio Grande do Sul Abstract. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of the environmental factors on the behavior of acridóideos as well as ideal time for collecting specimens of this group. The collections were made in an area of native grassland, and to capture the insects used an adapted collection network, with which it covered the distance of 20m, in times: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 , 13:30, 15:30 and 17:30, and in each of the schedules were collected 10 samples. In the collects, measures were also meteorological variables: air pressure, wind speed, mean air temperature, relative humidity and luminosity in each hour of collection. The collected samples were placed in plastic bags and taken to the Laboratory of Entomology UFSM. After separation and assembly were sent to the Laboratory of Entomology, Faculty of Biosciences, PUCRS, where Acridoidea were identified by Prof. Maria Katia Matiotti Coast to the taxonomic category of species. We collected 568 adult specimens, distributed in twenty two species, belonging to eighteen genera and three families Acrididae, Proscopiidae and Romaleidae. During the study it was observed that the best time for collecting field areas was 13:30, where we observed a higher temperature, the main factor that enabled the collection of higher number of copies and greater diversity of species.
Show more [+] Less [-]Intranest mutualisms between the forest fire ant Solenopsis virulens (Fr. Smith) (Hymenoptera; Formicidae) and two families of Hemiptera (Membracidae, Monophlebidae) in Brazilian Atlantic Forest
Thalles Platiny Lavinscky Pereira | Freddy Bravo | Jacques Hubert Charles Delabie
Hemipterans and ants are frequently recorded in trophobiotic associations, generally mutualism. Nests of the fire-ant Solenopsis virulens (Smith) found at the base of trees in the Atlantic Forest biome, Brazil, were investigated for their commensal fauna. The present study provides new information about the mutualism between the fire-ant with hemipterans Membracidae and Monophlebidae found in their nests, this report is the first mention of this kind of relationships in South America. Such associations are very common between ants and treehoppers but have seldom been reported with the family Monophlebidae.
Show more [+] Less [-]The Mantodea (Dictyoptera: Insecta) of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil: First List of Species and Geographical Records
Raphael Aquino Heleodoro | Antonio Agudelo | Ricardo Andreazze
This study presents a list of the mantis species from the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Norte and their distribution within the state. The records are derived from specimens deposited in the “Adalberto Antonio Varela Freire” Entomological Collection at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. This collection holds a total of 1,816 specimens, representing 30 species distributed in 16 genera distributed in 44 localities. There are two new records to Brazil, 10 to the Northeastern region of Brazil (and Caatinga biome) and 25 to the Rio Grande do Norte. Os Mantodea (Dictyoptera: Insecta) do Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil: Primeira Lista de Espécies e Ocorrências Geográficas Resumo. Este trabalho apresenta a primeira lista de espécies de louva-a-deus do Rio Grande do Norte, bem como sua distribuição dentro do Estado. Os registros das espécies são oriundos de espécimes depositados na Coleção Entomológica “Adalberto Antonio Varela Freire”, localizada na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Essa coleção possui um total de 1.816 espécimes de Mantodea depositados, representando 30 espécies distribuídas em 16 gêneros.
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