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Yacon powder and concentrate in bread production process | Порошок и концентрат из якона в технологии производства хлеба
Khmelevskaya, A.V. | Gazaev, V.B., The K.L. Khetagurov North Ossetia State Univ.
There were considered producing, some types of pharmacological activity and a possibility of using yacon tubers processed products in the bread production process. Studied was a possibility of making from yacon a powdery semi-product (YP) by means of IR- and vacuum-UHF drying, as well as a concentrate (YC) by ecologically friendly technologies by using a citric acid solution as an extractant. On the basis of experimental data process schemes have been developed to produce YP and YC. The content of inulin in YC is 60%, pectin is 10.5%. Studied was the influence of YC on the glucose level in blood of white rats with experimental toxic diabetes created by administering a 5% aqueous alloxan solution in a dose of 25 mg/kg of body weight. YC in a dose of 100 mg/kg was given to rats orally 1 h before alloxan is administered, in the following days – once a day. As a comparison preparation tolbutamide was used in a dose of 15 mg/kg. As is found, in the control animals at day 3 after alloxan was administered the glucose level increased up to 10.2+-1.0 mmol/l, in the experimental group of animals received YC the glucose level was 6.0+-0.2 mmol/l, in the group of animals received tolbutamide – 8.3+-0.3 mmol/l. In the experiments with model animals YC exhibited a hypoglycemic activity reducing the degree of glycosemia, exceeding the effect of tolbutamide in therapeutic doses. In order to produce therapeutic preventive purpose bread from grade 1 wheat flour the optimal dosage of YP and YC – 3.0 and 3.5% to the flour weight, respectively, was found. In this case, the gain of specific volume was 5.8 and 6.2%, porosity – 1.9 and 2.4%, respectively, compared to the control. Bread with additives had a stronger crust color, uniform pattern of crumble porosity, a good flavor and aroma. The protein polysaccharide complexes as formed enhance the water-retaining property of products increasing thereby the yield by 6-8% and allowing preserving the freshness of a product for a longer time. Consumption of 100 g yacon bread covers a daily requirement of the organism for dietary fibers 0 by 3.4%, iron – by 23 and 41%, selenium – by 44.5% and 34.5% (women and men, respectively). | Рассмотрены получение, некоторые виды фармакологической активности и возможность применения в технологии хлеба продуктов переработки клубней якона. Исследовали возможность получения из якона порошкообразного полуфабриката (ПЯ) с помощью ИК- и вакуум-СВЧ-сушки, а также концентрата (КЯ) по экологически чистым технологиям с использованием в качестве экстрагента р-ра лимонной кислоты. На основании экспериментальных данных разработаны технологические схемы получения ПЯ и КЯ. Содержание инулина в КЯ – 60%, пектина – 10,5%. Изучали влияние КЯ на уровень глюкозы в крови белых крыс с экспериментальным токсическим диабетом, создаваемым введением внутрь 5%-ного водного раствора аллоксана в дозе 25 мг/кг массы тела. КЯ в дозе 100 мг/кг давали крысам внутрь за 1 ч до введения аллоксана, в последующие дни – 1 раз в день. В качестве препарата сравнения использовали толбутамид в дозе 15 мг/кг. Установили, что у контрольных животных на 3-й день после введения аллоксана уровень глюкозы повысился до 10,2+-1,0 ммоль/л, в опытной группе животных, получавшей КЯ, уровень глюкозы составил 6,0+-0,2 ммоль/л, в группе животных, получавшей толбутамид – 8,3+-0,3 ммоль/л. В опытах на модельных животных КЯ проявил гипогликемическую активность, снижая степень глюкоземии, превышая действие толбутамида в терапевтических дозах. В целях получения хлеба лечебно-профилактического назначения из пшеничной муки 1-го сорта установили оптимальную дозировку ПЯ и КЯ – 3,0 и 3,5% к массе муки соответственно. При этом прирост удельного объема составил 5,8 и 6,2%, пористости – 1,9 и 2,4% соответственно, в сравнении с контролем. Хлеб с добавками имел более интенсивную окраску корки, равномерную структуру пористости мякиша, приятные вкус и аромат. Образующиеся белково-полисахаридные комплексы усиливают водоудерживающую способность изделий, что повышает выход готовой продукции на 6-8% и позволяет сохранить свежесть изделия более длительное время. Употребление 100 г хлеба с яконом покрывает суточную потребность организма в пищевых волокнах – на 34%, железе – на 23 и 41%, селене – на 44,5 и 34,5% (женщины и мужчины соответственно).
Show more [+] Less [-]The Baltic environment, food and health: from habits to awareness : feasibility study : Central Baltic INTERREG IV A Programme 2007-2013
2012 | 2011
Vorne, Virpi (Eds.) | Patrikainen, Lila (Eds.) | Virtanen, Yrjö | Jäälinoja, Minna | Aho, Hanna | Kovero, Mari | Hyvärinen, Helena | Vieraankivi, Marja-Liisa | Kurppa, Sirpa | Mattila, Tuomas | Porvari, Petri | Munne, Päivi | Verta, Matti | Lang, Liisa | Pai, Karin | Aan, Anne | Laumets, Liina | Runnel, Veljo | Puura, Taime | Lice, Elina | Brizga, Janis | Ernsteins, Raimonds | Kursinska, Sintija | Maa- ja elintarviketalouden tutkimuskeskus (MTT) / BEL Biotekniikka- ja elintarviketutkimus / Elintarviketutkimus (BEE) | Maa- ja elintarviketalouden tutkimuskeskus (MTT) / BEL Biotekniikka- ja elintarviketutkimus / Elintarviketutkimus (BEE) | Maa- ja elintarviketalouden tutkimuskeskus (MTT) / BEL Biotekniikka- ja elintarviketutkimus / Elintarviketutkimus (BEE) | Maa- ja elintarviketalouden tutkimuskeskus (MTT) / BEL Biotekniikka- ja elintarviketutkimus / Elintarviketutkimus (BEE) | Maa- ja elintarviketalouden tutkimuskeskus (MTT) / BEL Biotekniikka- ja elintarviketutkimus / Elintarviketutkimus (BEE) | Maa- ja elintarviketalouden tutkimuskeskus (MTT) / BEL Biotekniikka- ja elintarviketutkimus / Elintarviketutkimus (BEE) | Maa- ja elintarviketalouden tutkimuskeskus (MTT) / BEL Biotekniikka- ja elintarviketutkimus / Elintarviketutkimus (BEE) | Maa- ja elintarviketalouden tutkimuskeskus (MTT) / BEL Biotekniikka- ja elintarviketutkimus / Elintarviketutkimus (BEE) | Maa- ja elintarviketalouden tutkimuskeskus (MTT) / BEL Biotekniikka- ja elintarviketutkimus / Elintarviketutkimus (BEE) | SYKE Finnish Environment Institute | SYKE Finnish Environment Institute | SYKE Finnish Environment Institute | SYKE Finnish Environment Institute | University of Tartu, Viro | University of Tartu, Viro | University of Tartu, Viro | University of Tartu, Viro | University of Tartu, Viro | AHHAA Foundation | University of Latvia | University of Latvia | University of Latvia | University of Latvia
Background of the programme and Foodweb-project <P>"The Baltic environment, food and health: from habits to awareness - FOODWEB" is a part of the Central Baltic IVA Programme 2007- 2013, which funds cross-border cooperation projects with a total of 96 million Euros from the European Regional Development Fund. The Programme includes three components relating to the origin of partners: Estonia, Finland, Latvia and Sweden. These Programme components are the Central Baltic Programme, the Southern Finland-Estonia Sub-programme and the Archipelago Islands Sub-programme. The Foodweb-project is a part of the Central Baltic Programme and its budget is about 1.5 million Euros. The project focuses on creating attractive and dynamic societies and on improving living conditions and social inclusion. The partners in the Foodweb-project are MTT Agrifood Research Finland, as the lead partner, the University of Tartu, the science exhibition centre AHHAA, the Finnish Environment Institute and the University of Latvia. The Central Baltic programme extends to over 180 000 square kilometres of the Baltic Sea catchment area, which is home to over 9.9 million people. This covers approximately 11.7 % of the population of the Baltic Sea drainage basin. 50.6 % of the population of Finland and 85 % of the total population of Latvia live in the central Baltic IV A project area. The project area includes all the inhabitants of Estonia and 42 % of the population of Sweden. Finland, Estonia and Latvia take part in the Foodweb-project in order to collect up-to-date information for a common database that will encourage sharing of information about food consumption and food related risks, as well as centralising information about the environmental effects of food production on these areas. The information about the food situation in Sweden is also collected and results of hazardous compound analysis and information about the characteristics of these compounds collected in Sweden will also be used in this project.</P> About the Baltic Sea <P>The Baltic Sea is a small and relatively shallow brackish body of water located in northern Europe. It is the second largest brackish water basin in the world and is also considered to be the most polluted. The catchment area of the Sea is large, over 1 600 000 km2, and because the volume of water is small (20 000 km3) due to the shallowness (average depth 55 m), the Sea is very sensitive to pollution. The salinity of the water changes at different depths, being greatest in the Danish Straits close to the Atlantic, from where the irregular saltwater pulses enter the Baltic Sea. The salinity decreases farther away from the influence of the Atlantic Ocean, being lowest near the Bothnian Bay. Due to the freshwater runoff near the coast, surface salinity increases towards the bottom and decreases when measured near the coastline. Because of the low salinity, both fresh water and marine species can adapt to life in the Baltic Sea. Low salinity also makes the Baltic?s unique ecosystems sensitive to changes resulting from human activity. One of the biggest problems is accelerating eutrophication caused by nutrient runoff. The Sea is also vulnerable to pollution caused by harmful compounds resulting from human activity. Eutrophication also increases hypoxia, oxygen depletion, which already occurs on a regular basis in the Baltic Sea bottom waters. The food production chain is one the most resource demanding and polluting sectors, and a large user of energy that causes not only eutrophication, but also global warming and marine pollution. The whole food production chain from agriculture to preservation, distribution, preparation and waste management consumes a considerable amount of not only energy, which contributes to total CO2 emissions, but also nutrients and chemicals harmful to the marine environment and its associated species. Such compounds accumulate in the food chain and in particular species. For example, the Baltic Sea herring and large predatory fish species in the freshwaters exceed the safety limits for harmful chemicals and should not be consumed more often than few times a month. In order to improve the state of the Baltic Sea and maintain the food originating from the Sea as pure as possible, various actions need to be taken.</P> Project objectives <P>The main objective of the Foodweb-project is to raise public awareness about the links between food quality and food origin, focusing on the Baltic Sea and its surroundings. Emphasis is placed on the life cycle of food and the biological cycles: the food web and related biogeochemical pathways. The relationship of people, food and environment will be made obvious and interpreted in terms of the impact of the state of the environment on our food and safety and, vice versa, human impact on the environment related to production of food and in treating residues from the food chain. The final aim is mutual understanding and self-efficacy in risk management. The relationships between extensive industrial land use, decreasing potential of ecosystem services in the project area, growing pressure for safer food production areas, food safety in terms of pollutants and related risks, and the challenges of responsibility in risk management set by the public for the food chain, will be the driving forces communicated via various target groups. Consumers can influence the quality of the Baltic watershed through changes in land use and environmental deposition, and they can have an impact on the environmental status of the Sea. Consumers need to be aware of the risks associated with food choices and learn how to minimise them. In addition to the substantive objectives, the methodical objectives are a) close R&D collaboration throughout the region and regional food supply-demand chains, b) opening of sources of data for the whole food chain partnership and regionally for extensive public use, c) building new tools to combine and interpret environmental impacts and environment-based risks for food consumers, d) making a joint effort to build up food choice models for mutual use and e) identifying a mutual focus on knowledge based facilitation for an exhibition centre. The final methodological aim is a renewed cross-border culture for an environmentally-aware and risk-alert food strategy for the Baltic Sea food shed. The long-lasting impact strived for will be realised by focusing the informational efforts on young families and schools. The project will be strengthened by building partnerships among food chain stakeholders and mutual cooperation throughout the region with help of NGOs. This is a conceptualisation study for answering the questions 1) What are the volumes of food produced and consumed in the area? 2) Which food material flows are important for food system sustainability and environment-based risks? 3) Which key groups of consumers are at risk? The surveys will be performed through collaborative networks and analysed by MTT, SYKE and the Universities of Tartu and Latvia. For hazardous compounds, the baseline for exposure and pathways will be studied by SYKE based on existing reviews and monitoring data (e.g. HELCOM 2010). The baseline will include total exposure to humans from dietary and non-dietary sources. The possibility to use existing methods for combining risks from contaminants in the decision context will be reviewed. Working hypotheses for databases will be formulated on the basis of the previous feasibility study and a pre-study will be initiated on a) current state recommendations for food, b) key contaminants and their health.</P> Population structure in the area <P>The project area covers the southern parts of Finland, the whole of Estonia and in Latvia the capital Riga, as well as Pieriga and Kurzeme regions located on the western coast of the country. The distribution of population in all three countries is concentrated in the main towns, and in Finland and Latvia also along the coastal areas for cultural and agricultural reasons. The total population of Finland is 5.4 million people and of Latvia 2.2 million. The population of Estonia is the lowest of the partner countries, at approximately 1.3 million people. In Finland and Estonia women represent slightly more than half of the population, but in Latvia women outnumber men by almost 8 %. There is also some variation in household sizes among the countries, ranging between 2.48 and 2.08 people and being smallest in Finland and largest in Latvia. The number of single households exceeds the average account for Europe only in Finland and Estonia, but in Latvia more than 18 % of households are of single women. The average life expectancy among all European Union countries is 82.4 years for women and 76.4 years for men. There is some variation in life expectancy among project countries, ranging from 83 to 78 years for women and from 68.1 to 76.4 for men. Life expectancy is highest in Finland whereas in Latvia it is one of the lowest in the European Union. The population is expected to become older in the project area. In Finland and in Estonia the number of people over 80 years has been increasing during the last 40 years, and at the end of 2009 there were over 195 000 persons aged 75 in Finland?s project area and almost 105 000 people in Estonia. In the project area of Latvia 7.5 % of the population are over 75. Women represent the clear majority of those over 75 years in all countries. The population of Latvia is decreasing year by year due to emigration and negative natural growth. The number of residents of working age is shrinking, and if this trend continues, in twenty years more than 23 % of the population will be retired. The population of Estonia is also shrinking and the population of Finland increasing. In Finland immigration is a greater cause of population growth than natural increase.</P> Food production <P>In Finland the food industry is the fourth largest branch of industry, in Latvia the second largest and in Estonia it accounts for about one fifth of the total production of processing industry. Meat production, as well as milk and dairy production, are the most important branches of industry in all three countries. In Finland the baking and in Estonia the beverage industries account for a large part of production and in Latvia milk production is the largest production sector ranked by value. Finland and Latvia are entirely self-sufficient in milk and milk products, as well as in meat and eggs. In Estonia self-sufficiency in milk is about 161 % and the degree in self-sufficiency in meat around 83 %. The degree of self-sufficiency in grain in all project countries varies from year to year depending on the harvest. Due to the northern location of these countries, most fruits and some vegetables are imported. The main sector of Estonian agriculture is milk production, which is also the most important product from domestic animals in Finland. The selection of dairy products is wide in both countries: the selection varies from non-fat and semi-skimmed products to low-lactose and non-lactose milk products. Some of the products have been differentiated to conform to health trends: in Finland and Estonia customers can choose products that lower blood pressure and blood cholesterol, for example so-termed "heart cheese?. Over 30 % of Finland?s 64 000 farms are situated in the project area, where most of them produce cereals, special crops or milk. In Latvia almost 73 900 farms are situated in the project area, which accounts for 65 % of all farms in the country. The majority of farms in Finland produce cultivated cereals whereas most of the farms in Latvia are engaged in crop cultivation, dairy farming and cattle breeding. Every fifth farm in Finland produces milk. The structure of agriculture has been changing in recent years in the project area. In Finland, Estonia and Latvia the number of farms is decreasing and the size of the farms is increasing, in Estonia and Latvia the total area of agricultural lands have also increased.</P> Export and import <P>In 2010 Finland imported over 2 015 000 tonnes and exported almost 623 000 tonnes of agricultural foodstuffs. The main export products were alcoholic beverages, frozen and fresh fish, pork, milk products, eggs, poultry and malts, whereas most imported foodstuffs included alcoholic beverages, coffee, fish conserves, fresh fish, beef and bakery products. The import volume of agricultural products in Estonia is slightly larger than the export value, and it has increased in recent years. In 2010 agricultural and food product exports made up 10 % of the total export volume and 11 % of the total import volume. The principal import partners are Latvia, Lithuania, Finland and Sweden, which are also the main export partners, including Russia. The main export production includes milk, fish, meat and beverages. Nowadays more than one third of food consumed in Latvia is imported, mainly from the Netherlands, Denmark and Lithuania. In Latvia the most imported vegetables and fruits are tomatoes, lettuces, pears, and plums. The most imported animal products are milk powder and canned milk, poultry and cheese. At the same time, the most important food export products are of animal origin, such as meat and meat products, and cheese, but also including cereals. In Latvia food production accounts for 26 % of total export value, and the main export countries are USA, Russia and the Netherlands. For Latvia fish is one of the most important food sector export products after cereals and beverages, and it is also an important Finnish export item. The trade among Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Sweden is economically significant. Pork is exported from Finland to Estonia and meat products from Estonia to Finland, whereas beef is traded between Finland and Sweden. Cereal products, milk, dairy products and poultry meat are exported from Estonia to Latvia and Finland, and milk and dairy products to Estonia from Latvia and Finland. Fish products are exported from Finland to Estonia and Sweden.</P> Organic farming <P>Organic and natural products are gaining more and more in popularity and the demand for organic food is increasing. The consumption of organic food varies among income and age groups and differs between young families and those households with older people. Currently 5.9 % of farms in Finland are included in the organic farming inspection system, which translates into over 4 000 organic farms. The market share of organic food in Finland is about 1 % of total food sales and one fifth of Finns regularly eat organically produced food. Since 2000, the number of organic farms in Finland has decreased by one fifth. The organic land area in Estonia is about 122 000 ha, which accounts for 13 % of all agricultural land in use and there are over 1 400 organic producers. There are approximately 4 000 organic operators in Latvia, which includes 4 % of all farms in the country. The production of organic meat is very low in Finland, and Finns prefer organic milk, bread and vegetables, especially tomatoes. In Finland dairies received 29.4 million litres of organic milk in 2009, whereas in Estonia only a single milk enterprise produces organic milk. In Estonia the number of organic dairy farmers has decreased during recent years and some of the enterprises have switched over to beef farming. In Finland most of the organic land area produces grass, oats, and green fallow. Also rye, wheat and turnip rape are cultivated organically in Finland. In Estonia almost half of all sheep are organic, as well as 7 % of cattle and 2 % of cows. In Latvia most organic land is devoted to grasslands and pastures, crops and other cultivation.</P> Fish and fisheries <P>In the Baltic Sea, fish is caught both from the open sea as from coastal waters. The most significant fish species caught from the open sea are Baltic herring and sprat. In the coastal areas pikeperch, perch and whitefish represent a major part of the total fish catch. The most fished species differ between countries and fishing areas, but sprat and Baltic herring are commonly fished in Latvia, Estonia and Finland. The most caught species in Latvia and Estonia is the European sprat, which represents over half of the total fish catch. The second most fished species is Baltic herring, followed by Northern prawn in Estonia and by Atlantic cod in Latvia. In Finland the catch of European sprat is slightly smaller than the catch of Baltic herring, which constitutes half of the total fish catch. The total fish catch in Finland is almost entirely comprised of these two species, when the third most fished species is freshwater bream, which represents 1 % of the total fish catch. In Estonia other fished species are European perch and Atlantic cod and in Latvia Atlantic redfish and European smelt. In 2010, 165 million kg of fish were caught in Latvia, of which 79 million kg was from the Baltic Sea. In the same year the catch of Finnish commercial fishermen in the area totalled 122 million kg. Rainbow trout is farmed for consumption in Finland and in Estonia, and the major part of the fish farming in Finland is within seawaters. In Finland 12 million kg of farmed fish, which was mostly rainbow trout, went for domestic consumption in 2008. Fish stocks have been declining in the Baltic Sea, and this change can be seen in all project countries. Some fish stocks, especially of cod, are overfished and the catches of migratory species and some coastal species are low. In addition, some fish stocks have slightly increased. During the last ten years there has been an increase in the scad and sardine catch, and a decrease in sprat, cod and Baltic herring. Fishing is one of the main economic sectors in Latvia, and in the project area there are over 120 companies related to fishing and fish processing. Fish is also one of the Latvia?s most important food sector export products: in 2010 it was the most important export product after cereals and beverages. In recent years the consumption of fish in Estonia has been increasing, even if the importance of local fish products has decreased and consumers grade the quality of local fish and fish products only as acceptable rather than good. In Finland only 9 % of the commercial fishing catch is used for human consumption, the rest is exported or used for fodder. Recreation fishing produced more food for human consumption, 74 % of the total catch.</P> Food consumption <P>Food and water are basic human needs, and at the same time food is one of the most important sectors that make a significant impact on the environment. Environmental impacts of food production are related to farming, food processing, food packaging, transportation, retail and distribution, as well as food consumption. Consumption of animal-origin food has a larger impact on climate change than consumption of plant-origin food. Dietary habits and food choices vary according to gender, age, area and income. Women eat more vegetables, fruits and berries in Finland and in Estonia than men, but in Finland men consume more bread and potatoes. In Estonia potatoes are consumed more among people with lower monthly income. The consumption of food also varies between different areas: for example, people living in eastern Finland eat bread more than those living in other parts of the country. In Latvia rural residents consume more animal-origin food than urban residents, who consume more vegetables, fruit and sweets, whereas fish products are mostly consumed by people with a higher education level and income and who are aged between 25 and 54. Low-fat milk is the most favoured milk among boys and men in Finland, whereas girls and women prefer skimmed milk. The total consumption of liquid milk products in Finland has decreased, while cheese consumption is increasing. Milk products are widely consumed by Estonians, regardless of age and sex, but 19 % of males and over 25 % of females do not normally drink milk. Latvians consume cereal products (mostly bread) at a level of over 37 kg, potatoes 88 kg and meat over 80 kg per annum on average. Fish consumption is considerably lower, about 12 kg per annum on average. The most consumed vegetables among Latvians are tomatoes, cabbage and cucumbers, and the most favourite fruits are apples. In Finland the total meat consumption was 76.2 kg/capita in 2010. Pork was most popular, and it was consumed at 34.9 kg/capita. Nearly equal amounts of beef and poultry meat were consumed, 18.6 kg and 18.2 kg/capita respectively. When looking at the results from the EFSA food consumption database in Finland, liquids (tap water, milk, coffee and fruit juices) are the most consumed items. In Estonia potatoes and potato products are most consumed and after that liquids (coffee, milk, tea, water and beer). In Latvia tea was most popular, after that ready-to-eat soups, potatoes, potato products and bread. In Estonia there were available data only for adults, in Finland data were missing for adolescents and in Latvia consumption data for elderly people. The data from Estonia were from 1997, so it is possible that consumption has changed over the ten years since then.</P> Current state recommendations on food <P>The National Institute for Health and Welfare has been following the dietary habits and nutrient intake of the adult Finnish population for almost 30 years. Currently the major food-related health risks in the Finnish population are obesity, adult-onset diabetes and dental caries. Some nutrition recommendations have been provided to improve the eating habits of the population, and to guide different groups of people towards healthier dietary habits. One of the aims in Estonia is to increase the consumption of vegetables and fruits and similarly to the Nordic Nutrition Recommendations and state recommendations on food in Finland, take into account the importance of physical activity. According to Estonian food recommendations, bread should be the basic food and at least 4-7 portions should be eaten every day. Bread and black bread together with milk and milk products are the most common food products consumed by school-aged children every day, and rye bread should be preferred over white bread. The recommendations also include nutrition and physical activity advice for the elderly, recommendations on food for children and recommendations on nutrition and food consumption for pregnant and lactating women. The same has also been done in Finland and Latvia, where pregnant women are advised to avoid certain foodstuffs, for example pike, and to limit the consumption of large Baltic Sea herring and salmon due to the concentrations of potentially toxic chemical compounds in these fish species. In Finland and Estonia it is recommended to increase the consumption of fish because of the healthy acids, fats and vitamins fish contains. In Estonia fish is recommended to be eaten at least 3 times a week, in Finland at least twice a week and in Latvia cultivated fish or fish caught from internal waters can be eaten as an everyday food. In Finland it is recommended to vary fish species in the diet, and in Latvia there are special recommendations about the consumption of fish for pregnant and lactating women and children; they should not consume more than one portion (140 g) of fish and fish products twice a week. Smoked, salted, dried and pickled fish should not be consumed more than once a month, fish liver and other sub-products or canned cod liver should be eaten more rarely. Pregnant women are also recommended not to consume raw fish and non-cooked fish products. In Latvia it is recommended not to use fish or fish products in food for infants and small children until they reach 2 years of age. Breastfeeding should continue for as long as possible so that the child receives mother?s milk at least until the age of one. According to the Food Health Pyramid in Latvia, half of the daily energy intake should come from cereal products and potatoes, 30 % from fruit and vegetables, and 15 % from different animal-origin products, such as milk, eggs, fish, and meat. The permitted amount of sweets and fats should be 5 %. In Estonia it is recommended that meat be avoided during 3-4 days a week. Low fat lean meat, bird meat and fish should be eaten more often instead of fatty meat products, which should be consumed less frequently also in Finland. In both countries the consumption of vegetables, fruits, berries, potatoes and whole-wheat products should be increased and the use of salt, sugar and hard fats decreased.</P> Hazardous compounds <P>In the HELCOM 2010 assessment the status of hazardous compounds was assessed and classified for 144 sites in the Baltic Sea. An integrated assessment and classification of "hazardous compounds status" was produced and used to evaluate whether the overall goal of "a Baltic Sea with life undisturbed by hazardous compounds" had been achieved. The quantification of the "hazardous compounds status" was based on a Contamination Ratio (CR), which is the ratio of the current status and a threshold level or quality criterion, which is used as an approximation for an environmental target for that particular substance or biological effect. The CRs of all compounds or indicators within an ecological objective are integrated, yielding a status classification ("high", "good", "moderate", "poor" and "bad") of that particular ecological objective. All open sea areas of the Baltic Sea were classified as "disturbed by hazardous compounds", receiving a classification status of "moderate", "poor" or "bad". The only exception was the northwestern Kattegat, which received a status classification of "good". Open waters in the Northern Baltic Proper, Western and Eastern Gotland Basins, Gulfs of Finland and Gdansk received the worst status classifications (bad or poor), while the open sea areas in the Gulfs of Bothnia and Riga, Arkona and Bornholm Basins and Danish open waters were mainly classified as being of "moderate" status. Only six out of the 104 coastal assessment units were classified as being "areas not disturbed by hazardous compounds", receiving a status classification of good or high. The coastal areas that received the highest status classifications were located around the Åland islands, in the Kaliningrad coastal area, on the Lithuanian coast, in the Kattegat and on the Finnish side of the Bothnian Bay. There was some tendency for the units with the poorest status to be located either near big cities or ports (Tallinn, Klaipeda) or to be estuarine areas (Kymijoki estuary in the Gulf of Finland), Kvädöfjörden in the Western Gotland Basin) or coastal sites (the Kiel bay area). The waters near big coastal cities were mostly classified as being of "moderate" hazardous compounds status (e.g. St. Petersburg, Helsinki, Stockholm, Riga, Gdansk and Copenhagen).</P> Nutrient load and emissions <P>Agriculture and the food chain are largely responsible for eutrophication and pollution of waterways. Food consumption represents a significant part of the environmental load of households and, in addition, food can contain hazardous compounds resulting, for example, from farming and livestock production and traces of harmful chemicals, like fertilisers. The share of agriculture in certain chemical emissions to the Baltic Sea in Finland, as well as of nitrogen and phosphorus leaching, has been estimated to be over 90 %. In Latvia it is estimated that more than 70 % of the total nitrogen and more than 40 % of the total phosphorus inland load is caused by various human activities, such as waste water discharge or runoff from agricultural land and forests. In 2008 a total of 580 600 tonnes of nitrogen and 25 300 tonnes of phosphorus entered the Baltic Sea through waterways and more than half of both nutrients originated from diffuse sources. In 2008, 100 000 tonnes of nitrogen and 5200 tonnes of phosphorus leached into the Baltic Sea from Finland, making Finland responsible for 17 % of the total nitrogen load and 21 % of the total phosphorus load. Estonia?s nitrogen load was 46 230 tonnes, accounting for 8 % of the total load, with the phosphorus load being 1 370 tonnes. This was 5 % of the total load entering the Sea. Latvia?s share of the total nitrogen load was 90 000 tonnes, 15 % of the total load, and the phosphorus load was 3 000 tonnes (12 %). Both N and P fluxes vary significantly from year to year depending mainly on hydrological conditions. Increase in nutrient and chemical concentrations causes several problems to the Sea. For example, eutrophication results in algal blooms, which can be harmful to numerous species. Water turbidity decreases the recreational value of the Sea and increased vegetation makes commercial fishing difficult by soiling the equipment, particularly the nets. Eutrophication also increases hypoxia, which is already a problem of sea bottoms. Also several harmful leached compounds accumulate in the marine food chain and exceed the maximum allowable limits in some fish species from the southern coast of Finland, making the frequent consumption of certain fish species unhealthy. One of the actions aimed at improving the state of the Baltic Sea is the HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan. Its aim is to achieve good ecological status in the Baltic marine environment by 2021 by decreasing the amount of phosphorus and nitrogen entering the waters. The annual phosphorus load should be decreased by 150 tonnes in Finland, 220 tonnes in Estonia and 300 tonnes in Latvia, and the nitrogen load by a corresponding 1 200 tonnes, 900 tonnes and 2 560 tonnes. The eutrophication intensity varies among different foodstuffs: beef has the highest eutrophication intensity of all meats, about three times higher than that of pork, and seven times that of poultry. The eutrophication intensity of milk is relatively low. Nevertheless, the values associated with beef and milk are partly bound together, since a significant share of beef comes from milking cows. The eutrophication impacts of plants also vary among species: grain has the highest intensity of the plant-based raw materials. The modelling shows that eutrophication can be reduced by about 7 % by changing the food consumption habits towards a recommended direction, and currently private food consumption is not far from being in accord with recommendations. The major shift, about 7 % units from protein to carbohydrates, was reached in the scenario by applying a reduction to all protein foods, and an increment to all carbohydrate foods. This is because the foods containing animal proteins have greater eutrophication potential than carbohydrate foods, and shifting from the use of protein foods to carbohydrate foods should influence the state of eutrophication.</P> | v | ok
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