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Compendio de alternativas de desarrollo y retos de núcleos agrarios
En esta publicación desarrolla contenidos de ; planeación del desarrollo y ordenamiento territorial, extensionismo en núcleos agrarios, focalización de apoyos y temas estratégicos en servicios ambientales y propiedad social.
Show more [+] Less [-]Determinación del nitrógeno potencialmente mineralizable y la tasa de mineralización de nitrógeno en materiales orgánicos
Figueroa-Barrera, Aydee | Álvarez-Herrera, Javier G. | Forero, Andrés F. | Salamanca, César | Pinzón, Lida P.
The application of organic materials as fertilizers is a common practice in clean production and organic systems, however, there is not enough technical criteria to measure the right dose. In this sense, overdoses or underdosing may occurs affecting the profitability of the production system. For this reason, it was used seven organic materials, commonly used in the Sabana de Bogotá, three derived from crop residues (Sagaro Compost, Compost CIAA (ICCA), soil-aid®) and four derived from animal waste (chicken, pork, rabbit and ground lombris derived humus). It was determined its potentially mineralizable nitrogen and the rate of nitrogen mineralization using the incubation method. The experimental design was completely randomized with eight treatments (seven organic materials and a control), and three repetitions for a total of 24 experimental units. The measurement was performed at weekly intervals from week one to week nine, after incubation. Waste materials derived from animals were generally better than those from plant residues in the N mineralization process, as is the case of rabbit-derived humus that release 5.197 mg·kg-1 of mineral nitrogen, a value that represents 20% of initial total Nitrogen. The degree of adjustment of logarithmic model was more than 80% (R2> 0.80) in 86% of the evaluated materials.
Show more [+] Less [-]Identificación de adulterantes soya, fríjol y cebada en café tostado y molido utilizando efa-irtf
Gordillo-Delgado, Fernando | García-Salcedo, Ángela J. | Mejía-Morales, Claudia
Detection and quantification of adulterants in processed coffee is very important, because some sensorial characteristics and grain size are readily reproducible with products as cereals, legumes, seeds, roots and bad quality coffee after roast and ground. In this work, spectral characteristics of medium-roasted coffee powder that was blended to different concentrations with barley, bean and soy, are defined. This was done using infrared photoacoustic (PA) spectroscopy with Fourier transform. The samples were placed into a PA cell, which was adapted to a spectrophotometer as accessory for measuring. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was applied on the spectra derivatives in order to estimate the effect of each adulterant. It was noted from the spectra behavior and PCA, that some characteristics of coffee, related to lipids and carbohydrates content, are modified in a different way when it is blended with the adulterants in different proportions. This analysis strengthens the definition of criteria that can be used for discriminating roasted and ground coffee, according to the degree of purity.
Show more [+] Less [-]Biomasa radical de pastos bajo labranza y fertilización en un inceptisol del valle del Sinú
Santana Rodríguez, Martha O. | García, Joaquín | Bustamante, Iván | Benavides, Julio
La biomasa radical de los pastos predominantes en el Valle del río Sinú está limitada por la compactación del suelo, caracterizada por la alta densidad y resistencia a la penetración. Con el propósito de determinar el efecto de la labranza vertical y fertilización sobre la biomasa radical, densidad del suelo y resistencia a la penetración, se establecieron los pastos Mulato II, Toledo, Ángleton y Estrella en un inceptisol del Centro de Investigación Turipaná, ubicado en Cereté, Córdoba, Colombia; bajo un diseño de parcelas subdivididas con tres repeticiones. Los tratamientos fueron cuatro sistemas de labranza vertical (dos con cincel rígido a 30 y 60 cm y dos con renovador de praderas a 30 y 60 cm de distancia horizontal, ambas a 30 cm de profundidad) y dos niveles de fertilización (F1= 300 kg ha-1 de DAP (18% N - 46% P2O5), 200 kg ha-1 de KCl (60% K2O) y 150 kg ha-1 de úrea (46% N) y F2 = 50% de las dosis anteriores. Los resultados a los 18 meses después de aplicado los tratamientos no mostraron efecto de la labranza ni de la fertilización en los pastos; mas sí hubo interacciones significativas entre labranza y pastos, fertilización y pastos, labranza - fertilización y pastos. Se concluye que las diferencias en las variables densidad del suelo, resistencia a la penetración y biomasa radical se encontraron por efecto de los pastos y por la interacción labranza - fertilización - pasto.
Show more [+] Less [-]Biomasa radical de pastos bajo labranza y fertilización en un inceptisol del valle del sinu
Rodríguez, Martha O Santana | Joaquín, García P | Iván, Bustamante B | Julio, Benavides B | Hilda, A David H
Angleton grass (Dicanthium aristatum) is the dominant Gramineae specie in the Sinu River Valley. Its root growth is limited by soil compaction, a mixed effect of high density and penetration resistance. With the aim to determine the effect of vertical tillage and fertilization over root biomass, soil density and penetration resistance, four different kinds of grasses (Mulato II, Toledo, Angleton and Estrella) were established on an inceptisol soil located at Turipaná Research Center, in Cereté, Córdoba, Colombia. Four vertical tillage treatments with three repeats were evaluated: two with rigid chisel, 30 cm - 60 cm and two with grassland renovator, horizontal distance 30 and 60 cm, and 30 cm depth. Two levels of fertilization were evaluated: F1: 300 kg ha-1 of DAP (18% N - 46% P2O5), 200 kg ha-1 of KCl (60% K2O) and 150 kg ha-1 of urea (46% N) and F2: 50% of the previous described treatment. In a split plot design experiment, the effect of vertical tillage and fertilization during 18 months over soil density, penetration resistance and root biomass growth were tested by ANOVA and average Duncan comparison. No independent effect of tillage or fertilization on grasses was observed, but there are significant interaction between tillage and grasses, fertilization and grasses and tillagefertilization and grasses. It is concluded that differences in the variables soil density, penetration resistance and root biomass were due to grazing effect and tillage-fertilization-grass interaction.
Show more [+] Less [-]OVIPOSICIÓN Y ASPECTOS BIOLÓGICOS DEL HUEVO DE Oncometopia clarior (HEMIPTERA: CICADELLIDAE) EN Dioscorea rotundata
Alvarez, Deivys M. | Arroyo, Wendy Y. | Perez, Antonio M. | Beltrán, Javier D.
Cicadellidae are insects of agricultural importance because they are plant pathogens vectors. Oncometopia clarior is responsible for transmission of Yam mild mosaic virus that causes yield losses in yam crops. This study describes the egg biology of leafhopper Oncometopia clarior. Adult females were collected in yam crops and confined in oviposition cages with Dioscorea rotundata plants, the leaf with postures were removed and the eggs were incubated. Oviposition occurs on the underside of the leaf in endophytic form. The eggs were laid in rows of 4 to 25 and these were covered with brochosome. Their size was 2.39 mm ± 0.1197 in length and 0.53 mm ± 0.062 width; they showed an elongated shape with rounded ends. The duration of embryonic period was 6.58 ± 0.98 days.
Fernando, V. Barraza A.
Horticultural cultivations growth physiology under the greenhouse intensive protected agriculture modality study is important in the generation of information on some aspects that allow to improve the agronomic handling, for example mineral nutrition regarding. For the importance of the cucumber crop in this context, it was cultivated in greenhouse at the Universidad Autónoma Chapingo (México) the hybrid cucumber “Saber” with four concentrations of the Steiner’s universal nutritious solution (25, 75, 125 and 175%), under the random blocks experimental design, with three repetitions, between April and August 2006. During 135 days after the transplant, every 15 days, it was quantified the dry matter of stems, leaves, trendrils, flowers fruits, whole dry matter and yield. With the nutritious solution to 175% it was obtained highest expression of crop growth through bigger accumulation of dry matter and yield of 8.20 kg by plant, that overcame in 59, 22 and 15% to the yield obtained with the concentrations of the 25, 75 and 125%, respectively, this shows the cucumber cultivation response to the differential nutrients supply handling, because with the nutrient solution to 25% lower values of yield, whole dry matter and organs accumulation were obtained.
Show more [+] Less [-]ESTANDARIZACIÓN DE LA EXTRACCIÓN DE ADN GENÓMICO EN Tabebuia rosea (Bertol.) DC. Y Cordia alliodora (Ruiz & Pav.) Okén
Paola A. López-Mora | Ana M. López-Gutiérrez | Marta L. Marulanda-Ángel
Because of their great commercial potential and its role on environmental protection, Cordia alliodora and Tabebuia rosea are among species prioritized by Colombia’s National Reforestation Plan, which is executed by the National Corporation for Forestry Research and Development (CONIF) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADR). Thanks to the advancement of molecular biology techniques, new tools, that are quite useful in plant breeding, are now available, promoting the fixation of genes involved in the expression of desirable phenotypic traits of commercial and productive interest. This study was aimed to standardize a specific genomic DNA extraction method from fresh and dry leaf tissue as well as from seedlings. Significant differences were observed between both species. In C. alliodora, tissue, type and condition was not a limiting factor for extraction and it only depended on the method used. On the other hand, T. rosea has limitations in DNA extraction and amplification from dry tissue, which was attributed to the high concentration of polysaccharides, polyphenols and other secondary metabolites, also reported in other studies for this species. The extracted DNA was quantified and its quality evaluated by DNA amplification using microsatellites. Data were analyzed by both Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Multiple Factor Analysis (MFA). Based on the results obtained, a DNA extraction protocol was standardized for each of these species and the optimum leaf tissue for that process was defined.
Aydee Figueroa-Barrera | Javier G. Álvarez-Herrera | Andrés F. Forero | César Salamanca | Lida P. Pinzón
The application of organic materials as fertilizers is a common practice in clean production and organic systems, however, there is not enough technical criteria to measure the right dose. In this sense, overdoses or underdosing may occurs affecting the profitability of the production system. For this reason, it was used seven organic materials, commonly used in the Sabana de Bogotá, three derived from crop residues (Sagaro Compost, Compost CIAA (ICCA), soil-aid®) and four derived from animal waste (chicken, pork, rabbit and ground lombris derived humus). It was determined its potentially mineralizable nitrogen and the rate of nitrogen mineralization using the incubation method. The experimental design was completely randomized with eight treatments (seven organic materials and a control), and three repetitions for a total of 24 experimental units. The measurement was performed at weekly intervals from week one to week nine, after incubation. Waste materials derived from animals were generally better than those from plant residues in the N mineralization process, as is the case of rabbit-derived humus that release 5.197 mg·kg-1 of mineral nitrogen, a value that represents 20% of initial total Nitrogen. The degree of adjustment of logarithmic model was more than 80% (R2> 0.80) in 86% of the evaluated materials.
Elsy C. Puello | Jose L. Ramos | Camilo Madariaga
En el Departamento de Córdoba 8.000 empleos agrícolas son asumidos por personas que trabajan en la economía informal, la mayoría de ellas sin ningún tipo de seguridad social, derivando su sustento en explotaciones agrícolas. El objetivo de la investigación fue analizar las condiciones laborales de los trabajadores agrícolas de la zona rural de Montería, Córdoba (Colombia). Es una investigación de naturaleza cuantitativa no experimental de corte transversal, cuya muestra estuvo conformada por 100 trabajadores agrícolas seleccionados por un muestreo aleatorio simple por vivienda. Los datos se obtuvieron mediante la aplicación de una encuesta que se estructuró en tres secciones referidas a las condiciones socio demográficas, laborales y a las capacidades y oportunidades de la población; la técnica de interpretación hizo alusión a la triangulación múltiple. Los resultados del estudio demuestran que el 92% de los trabajadores tienen condiciones laborales precarias, tales como: mala remuneración, inestabilidad laboral, carecen de afiliación a pensión y riesgos profesionales, no les proporcionan elementos de protección personal y en sus lugares de trabajo no cuentan con agua potable para el consumo a pesar de la responsabilidad ética, legal y social que tienen los empleadores de proteger a los trabajadores en sus lugares de trabajo. La investigación evidencia que las condiciones laborales de estos trabajadores no brindan las oportunidades mínimas para la protección de su integridad ni para el desarrollo de sus capacidades, haciéndose necesario reorientar la política pública de tal forma que ofrezca las opciones necesarias para mejorar sus condiciones de trabajo y su desarrollo humano.
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