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Compendio de alternativas de desarrollo y retos de núcleos agrarios
En esta publicación desarrolla contenidos de ; planeación del desarrollo y ordenamiento territorial, extensionismo en núcleos agrarios, focalización de apoyos y temas estratégicos en servicios ambientales y propiedad social.
Show more [+] Less [-]Determinación del nitrógeno potencialmente mineralizable y la tasa de mineralización de nitrógeno en materiales orgánicos
Figueroa-Barrera, Aydee | Álvarez-Herrera, Javier G. | Forero, Andrés F. | Salamanca, César | Pinzón, Lida P.
The application of organic materials as fertilizers is a common practice in clean production and organic systems, however, there is not enough technical criteria to measure the right dose. In this sense, overdoses or underdosing may occurs affecting the profitability of the production system. For this reason, it was used seven organic materials, commonly used in the Sabana de Bogotá, three derived from crop residues (Sagaro Compost, Compost CIAA (ICCA), soil-aid®) and four derived from animal waste (chicken, pork, rabbit and ground lombris derived humus). It was determined its potentially mineralizable nitrogen and the rate of nitrogen mineralization using the incubation method. The experimental design was completely randomized with eight treatments (seven organic materials and a control), and three repetitions for a total of 24 experimental units. The measurement was performed at weekly intervals from week one to week nine, after incubation. Waste materials derived from animals were generally better than those from plant residues in the N mineralization process, as is the case of rabbit-derived humus that release 5.197 mg·kg-1 of mineral nitrogen, a value that represents 20% of initial total Nitrogen. The degree of adjustment of logarithmic model was more than 80% (R2> 0.80) in 86% of the evaluated materials.
Show more [+] Less [-]Condiciones laborales de los trabajadores agrícolas del municipio de montería, colombia
Puello, Elsy C | Ramos, José L. | Madariaga, Camilo
In the department of Córdoba, 8,000 agricultural jobs are taken by people who work in the informal economy, most of them without any social security, deriving their livelihood on farms. The objective of the research was to analyze the working conditions of farmworkers, of the rural area of Monteria, Cordoba (Colombia). It’s a quantitative non-experimental, cross-sectional research, whose sample consisted of 100 agricultural workers selected by a simple random sampling per housing. The data were obtained by applying a survey which was divided into three sections relating to: socio demographic conditions, labor conditions and the capabilities and opportunities of the population; the interpretation technique referred to the multiple triangulation. The survey results shows that 92% of the workers have precarious working conditions, such as: low pay, job insecurity, lack of pension and professional risks membership, failing to provide personal protective equipment and in their workplaces they don’t have drinking water for consumption despite the ethical, social and legal responsibilities that employers have to protect workers in their workplaces. The research shows that the working conditions of these workers do not provide minimal opportunities to protect their integrity and to develop their skills, making it necessary to reorient public policy in a way that provides the necessary options to improve their working conditions and human development.
Show more [+] Less [-]Identificación de adulterantes soya, fríjol y cebada en café tostado y molido utilizando efa-irtf
Gordillo-Delgado, Fernando | García-Salcedo, Ángela J. | Mejía-Morales, Claudia
Detection and quantification of adulterants in processed coffee is very important, because some sensorial characteristics and grain size are readily reproducible with products as cereals, legumes, seeds, roots and bad quality coffee after roast and ground. In this work, spectral characteristics of medium-roasted coffee powder that was blended to different concentrations with barley, bean and soy, are defined. This was done using infrared photoacoustic (PA) spectroscopy with Fourier transform. The samples were placed into a PA cell, which was adapted to a spectrophotometer as accessory for measuring. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was applied on the spectra derivatives in order to estimate the effect of each adulterant. It was noted from the spectra behavior and PCA, that some characteristics of coffee, related to lipids and carbohydrates content, are modified in a different way when it is blended with the adulterants in different proportions. This analysis strengthens the definition of criteria that can be used for discriminating roasted and ground coffee, according to the degree of purity.
Show more [+] Less [-]RESPUESTA DE TEJIDOS EMBRIOGENICOS DE ÑAME (Dioscorea alata var. “Pico de botella”) A Colletotrichum gloeosporioides
Salgado, José A. | ,
Yam tuber production has been affected for anthracnose, decreasing farmers´ incomes. Genetic resistance has been attempted; however, the species narrow genetic base favors fungal re-infection. Selection of new cultivars is hampered by low flowering and seed setting. The ability of embryogenic cultures to generate in vitro resistance to Colletotrichum gloeosporioides by co-culturing proembryogenic masses (PEMs) with several concentrations of the fungal filtrate was evaluated. PEMs were induced from “Pico de botella” var. foliar explants on MS supplied with 2,4-D. Proliferated PEMs were challengedwith several concentrations of the culture filtrate and dually cultured with fungal mycelia. PEMs showed susceptibility to fungal filtrate and mycelia. No embryos were recovered from challenged or filtrate-free PEMs.
Show more [+] Less [-]OVIPOSICIÓN Y ASPECTOS BIOLÓGICOS DEL HUEVO DE Oncometopia clarior (HEMIPTERA: CICADELLIDAE) EN Dioscorea rotundata
Deivys M. Alvarez | Wendy Y. Arroyo | Antonio M. Pérez | Javier D. Beltrán
Los Cicadellidae son insectos de importancia agrícola por ser vectores de fitopatógenos. Oncometopia clarior es responsable de la transmisión del Virus del mosaico suave del ñame que causa pérdidas en la producción en los cultivos de ñame. Este estudio describe la biología del huevo del cicadélido Oncometopia clarior. Se recolectaron hembras adultas en cultivos de ñame y se confinaron en jaulas de oviposición con plantas de Dioscorea rotundata, se retiraron las hojas con posturas y se incubaron los huevos. Se encontró que la oviposición ocurre en el envés de las hojas y de forma endofítica. Los huevos fueron puestos en filas de 4 a 25 y cubiertos con brochosoma. Su tamaño fue de 2,39 mm ± 0,1197 de longitud y 0,53 mm ± 0,062 de ancho, son de forma alargada con extremos redondeados. La duración del periodo embrionario fue de 6,58 ± 0,98 días.
Elvira Durán | Ronaldo Perez | Wilton Cardoso | Omar A. Pérez
O Brasil destaca-se pela sua produção de cana-de-açúcar. O açúcar mascavo é um nutritivo e saudável subproduto, obtido artesanalmente por agricultores familiares. Entretanto, como resultado de sua produção artesanal, o açúcar mascavo apresenta diversidade na cor. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a cor do açúcar mascavo e sua aceitação no mercado de Viçosa, Minas Gerais. Foram realizadas análises colorimétricas (CIELAB) e os resultados avaliados mediante análise multivariada, medidas de dissimilaridade e similaridade, e técnicas de agrupamento (programa GENES). Para a análise colorimétrica foram avaliadas duas amostras de açúcar mascavo comercializadas pela Associação Riobranquense de Produtores de Rapadura, Açúcar Mascavo, Aguardente e Melado (ARPRAM), onze obtidas de seus associados e seis amostras de marcas comerciais. Para teste de aceitação da cor pelos consumidores foram escolhidas três amostras representativas das cores: escura, semi-escura e clara. Para esta avaliação foi usada uma escala hedônica de nove pontos. Das 19 amostras analisadas, 13 apresentaram diferenças de cor visível. As amostras com maior dissimilaridade foram as de um produtor e da ARPRAM, apresentando distância euclidiana média de 16,47. As amostras com maior similaridade foram obtidas de um associado da ARPRAM e de uma marca comercial com distância de 0,44. Não houve diferença significativa no teste de aceitação de cor das amostras de açúcar mascavo. Com a análise colorimétrica foi comprovado que não há uniformidade da cor entre as amostras produzidas e comercializadas pela ARPRAM, bem como as obtidas comercialmente. Entretanto, para o consumidor as diferenças na cor não influenciam na aceitação do açúcar mascavo.
Fernando Gordillo Delgado | Angela J. García Salcedo | Claudia Mejía Morales
La detección y cuantificación de sustancias adulterantes en el café son de considerable importancia teniendo en cuenta que algunas características sensoriales y de tamaño de partícula son fácilmente reproducibles con productos como cereales, leguminosas, semillas, raíces y café de mala calidad (pasilla), después del proceso de tostado y molido. En este trabajo se definen las características espectrales del café adulterado con cebada, fríjol y soya utilizando diferentes porcentajes de estos adulterantes, que fueron mezclados con café en polvo de tostión media. Esto se hizo mediante espectroscopia fotoacústica (FA) infrarroja con transformada de Fourier. Las muestras fueron puestas en una celda FA adaptada como accesorio a un espectrofotómetro para hacer las mediciones. A las derivadas de los espectros obtenidos se les aplicó el análisis de componentes principales (ACP) con el fin de estimar el efecto de cada adulterante. Del comportamiento de los espectros y del ACP se determinó que algunas características del café, relacionadas con el contenido de lípidos y carbohidratos, se afectan de manera diferente cuando éste es mezclado con los adulterantes en polvo de acuerdo con la proporción utilizada. Este análisis fortalece la definición de criterios que pueden ser utilizados para discriminar café tostado y molido, de acuerdo con el grado de pureza.
Edwin J Flórez
Cattle produced in the Colombian Caribbean during the dry season have lost weight because of the scarcity of food rich in protein and carbohydrates. To help in the solution, the pulp silage of totumo was evaluated as an alternatively in animal feeding. Drying techniques to reduce the concentration of hydrocyanic acid of the pulp were used. The study was conducted at the Center for Research and Development of Engineering Popular University of Cesar, Valledupar, Colombia. The pulp was evaluated in two stages of maturity (green and ripe), silaged during four and eight days, crushed, sun-dried and baked. A completely randomized design with six treatments and three replications was used. Manual methods were used for pulping. For physicochemical analysis of the pulp, titulation, refractometry, potentiometry, flame photometry, drying flask and enzymatic hydrolysis techniques were used. Pulp yields in mature and green totumo were 57.87% and 59.63% respectively. Totumo pulp ripe silage during four days, crushed and dried in the sun, threw a higher percentage of carbohydrates with 42.71, and the green calabash, crushed, without silage and without drying, was lower with 5.44. From a nutritional standpoint and HCN hydrocyanic acid content, the pulp of ripe calabash, with eight days of silage, crushed and dried in the oven is considered to be the most suitable for cattle feed.
Show more [+] Less [-]RESPUESTA DE TEJIDOS EMBRIOGENICOS DE ÑAME (Dioscorea alata var. “Pico de botella”) A Colletotrichum gloeosporioides
Isidro E. Suarez | Jose A. Salgado
La producción y exportación de ñame se han visto afectadas negativamente en las últimas décadas como consecuencia de la incidencia de antracnosis, la cual se ha manejado con genotipos con algún grado de resistencia, sin alcanzar un manejo eficiente de está. Con el fin de contribuir en el mejoramiento genético del Dioscorea alata se evaluó la respuesta de cultivos embriogénicos de ñame al hongo Colletotrichum gloeosporioides y a su filtrado. Cultivos embriogénicos fueron inducidos a partir de explantes foliares de la variedad “Pico de botella” en presencia de 2,4-D. Las masas proembriogénicas (MPEs) obtenidas fueron multiplicadas y posteriormente expuestas a diferentes concentraciones del filtrado, al igual que establecidas en forma de un cultivo dual entre éstas y una muestra de micelio del hongo. Ambos experimentos evidenciaron un alto grado de susceptibilidad de los tejidos inducidos a la presencia del hongo.
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