AGRIS - Sistema Internacional para la Ciencia y Tecnología Agrícola

On the interpretation of the stable carbon isotope ratio, δ13C, during the last 2,000,000 years: From millennial-scale variability in atmospheric δ13CO2 to the Mid Pleistocene Transition in deep Pacific δ13C


Köhler, P. | Bintanja, R. | Fischer, H. | Schmitt, J.

Información bibliográfica
Otras materias
Glaciology; Paces 3: lessons from the past; Paces 3.1: past polar climate and inter-hemispheric coupling; Paces 4.2: the earth system on long time scales; Paces 4: synthesis: the earth system from a polar perspective; Geosciences
Event, Poster
Khl2009eKöhler, P., Bintanja, R., Fischer, H., Schmitt, J. (2009). On the interpretation of the stable carbon isotope ratio, δ13C, during the last 2,000,000 years: From millennial-scale variability in atmospheric δ13CO2 to the Mid Pleistocene Transition in deep Pacific δ13C, 8th International Carbon Dioxide Conference, September 13-19, 2009, Jena, Germany..

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