The effects of municipal solid waste compost applications on soil properties, yield and quality of Ranunculus asiaticus Orange | Kentsel kat� at�k kompost uygulamalar�n�n toprak �zellikleri ve d���n �i�e�i (Ranunculus asiaticus Orange)nin verim ve kalitesi �zerine etkileri
Ayd�n�akir, K., West Mediterranean Agricultural Research Institute, Antalya (Turkey) | �nl�, A., West Mediterranean Agricultural Research Institute, Antalya (Turkey) | Y�lmaz, S., West Mediterranean Agricultural Research Institute, Antalya (Turkey) | Ar�, N., West Mediterranean Agricultural Research Institute, Antalya (Turkey)
Inglés. The study was conducted to investigate the effects of different municipal solid waste compost applications on soil and the yield and quality characteristics of cut flower Ranunculus asiaticus L.Orange) grown in plastic greenhouse under Mediterranean conditions.
Mostrar más [+] Menos [-]Turco. Bu ara�t�rma, kentsel kat� at�klardan elde edilen kompostun, Akdeniz ko�ullar�nda plastik seralarda yeti�tirilen d���n �i�e�i (Ranunculus asiaticus L. Orange)nde verim ve baz� kalite �zellikleri ile toprak �zellikleri �zerine etkisini belirlemek i�in ger�ekle�tirilmi�tir.
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Este registro bibliográfico ha sido proporcionado por Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Department of Training and Publication, National AGRIS Center (Turkey)