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Petroleum Product Pricing and Complementary Policies : Experience of 65 Developing Countries Since 2009


Kojima, Masami

Información bibliográfica
World Bank, Washington, DC
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Rail; Transport system efficiency; Sugarcane cultivation; Compact fluorescent light bulbs; Backup power; Oil pricing policy; Barrels per day; Vehicle drivers; Pricing mechanism; Expenditures; Supply chain; Diesel fuel; Liquefied petroleum gas; Transportation fuels; Price competition; Utilities; Regular gasoline; Vehicle fuel; Vehicle; Kerosene consumption; Feedstock costs; Urban transport; Gasoline price; Transit; Fuel costs; Domestic refining; National oil companies; Public passenger transport; Black market; Market entry; Crude oil price; Approach; Kerosene subsidies; Price adjustments; Utility company; Economies of scale; Energy prices; Price of gasoline; Price change; World oil prices; Fuel tax; Diesel; Barrel; Anhydrous ethanol; Commodity price; Feedstock prices; Border prices; Aviation fuel; Costs of electricity; Tax revenues; International crude oil; Profit margin; Fossil fuel; Power consumption; Price index; Stable prices; Freight; Spot prices; Oil imports; Residential consumers; Fuel tanks; Road; Sustainable energy; Average price; Oil; Price ceilings; Streets; Electricity generation; Driving; Oil pricing; Fuel market; Oil industry; Oil exporting countries; Street lighting; Fuel quality; Fuel subsidies; Retail price; Fuel economy; Fuel oil; Efficiency improvement; Price increases; Oil price changes; Fuel storage; Oil company; True; Petroleum product prices; Substitute; Price control; Fuel storage capacity; Price of diesel; Fuel efficiency; Fuel pricing; Cars; Natural gas prices; Feedstock; Fuel prices; Power shortages; Oil pipeline; Price subsidies; Price increase; Domestic crude oil; Consumption of power; Pricing mechanisms; Transport system; Petroleum sector; Market price; Oil exporters; Oil price; Household fuel; Motorists; Net oil; Fuel shortages; Fuel supply; Fuel efficiency improvement; Fuel price; Consumption of petroleum; Wholesale price; Cost of ethanol; Petroleum price; Fuel conservation; Oil prices; Reducing energy consumption; Petroleum products; Natural gas market; Alternative fuels; Oil companies; Gas companies; Price of oil; Travel modes; National oil; Refinery closures; Petroleum product pricing; Vehicle population; Black markets; Ethanol production; Electricity consumption; Vehicle fuel economy; Fuel; Ethanol program; Reduction in fuel consumption; Tax; Congestion; Power sector; Fuel specifications; Price changes; World market; Financial incentives; Price risk; Product pricing; Financial performance; Petroleum gas; Fuel price increases; Refineries; Buses; Pricing reform; Transportation costs; Efficient travel; Sale; Petroleum diesel; Fuel adulteration; Peak power; Public transport; Oil use; Car trips; Price levels; Car; Marginal cost; Price freeze; Oil consumption; Fuel efficiency standards; Demand for petroleum products; Spread; Fuel switching; Efficient lighting; Supply costs; Solar water heaters; Ethanol demand; Fuel use; Suppliers; Ethanol in gasoline; Price adjustment; Fuel consumption; Emerging markets; Automotive fuel; Domestic market; Passenger transport; Price controls; Drivers; Commercial reserves
Policy Research Working Paper;No. 6396 BankCC BY 3.0 Unported
Policy Research Working Paper;No. 6396

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