AGRIS - Sistema Internacional para la Ciencia y Tecnología Agrícola

Natural Resources : Neither Curse nor Destiny


Lederman, Daniel | Maloney, William F.

Información bibliográfica
Washington, DC: World Bank, Palo Alto, CA: Stanford University Press
Otras materias
Wealth; South american; Structural break; Resource endowments; Financial depth; Conventional wisdom; Random walk; Economics research; Historical data; Neoclassical model; Technological advances; Long run; Policy makers; Protectionism; Comparative advantages; Increasing returns; Empirical evidence; Econometric analyses; Negative growth; Monopoly rents; Empirical support; Natural endowments; Empirical relationship; Social infrastructure; Income elasticity; Diminishing returns; Growth path; Natural resource abundance; Country risk; Policy research; Macroeconomic policies; Development efforts; Scale effects; Competitiveness; Factor prices; Econometric analysis; Negative relationship; Growth rates; Comparative advantage; Positive effect; Productivity growth; Increasing returns to scale; Developing country; Country characteristics; Tfp; Total factor productivity; Capital employed; Technological progress; Positive impact; Determinants of trade; Significant negative; Gdp; Descriptive statistics; Negative impact; Economic research; Economic activity; Autoregressive moving average; Rich countries; Marginal effect; Imperfect credit; Economic rents; Central bank; Net exports; National economy; Macroeconomic policy; Export diversification; Economic history; Face value; Negative effect; Random effects; Fixed effects; Credit constraints; Relative prices; Developing world; Economic potential; Empirical findings; Growth regressions; Incomes; Average annual; Real wages; Empirical studies; Factor endowments; Historical perspective; Growth results; Income growth; Policy front; Econometric evidence; Knowledge economy; Deposits; Capital accumulation; Latin american; Estimation results; Subsidiary; Relative demand; Relative supply; Global economy; Foreign direct investment
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